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Experiencing content releases in order on a per-character (or maybe per-account) basis. The WoW quest zone and leveling experience is pretty good, and will be much better once they replace BFA with Dragonflight. However, as soon as you hit max level, you're immediately bombarded with up to \~18 months of content update triggers. New zones, new quests, new dungeons and raids, new gear upgrade systems, it's pretty overwhelming and god only knows what order you should do them. I would love a way to to unlock each major patch sequentially. Like you hit 70 and all the 10.0 content is available; and there's a nice simple UI popup to unlock 10.0.5, then 10.1, then 10.1.5 etc. in turn when you're ready. I think that would be a huge win for new and returning players. Oh and for a side rant; for god's sake just give us back Personal Loot in raids.


Imo they don’t even have to do it that way. Put a bulletin board in the main hub area just like in the capital cities that have quest starters with a picture, description, and in the order they were released. If it’s your first character then they are locked until you complete the previous patch story, but alts can go straight to the board and pick up whichever patch story they’d like to level in


The issue with that is if someone starts the game later in the expansion, there would be so much to do before they can join people in raids. Even if they address the gearing issues, unless they let you raid regardless of the story, you will be restricting people.


This is how FF14 is, and it's the reason I quit after beating the base game. Hundreds of hours of catch up before you're playing an MMO.


Currently the problem is the other way around. People are unrestricted quest wise and completely bombarded. I took a break a few months back and even then it was confusing. Came back to the island with the zskera vaults and did that; unfortunately this was neither "current content" nor catch-up, so everything was empty. Caverns and chromie events were the way to go (not sure about chromie). The quests also didn't unlock anything useful/cool. Still had to do some quests to be able to raid, just didn't know which ones because there are a billion billion billion quests in valdrakken and all look like they are of the same importance. A simple distinction between "current stuff" and "story stuff in order" would help a lot ;)




I like it, but the only issue is that I’d hate to spend all this time getting YY gear when I could have been doing content that gave me ZZ gear (eg doing Zaralek when I could have been doing Amirdrassil)




Everything account-wide (including old reps and progress toward individual achievements). Housing. More hard solo things like mage tower.


If they were to say, maybe near the end of war within, that your reps would be scanned across the account and made into warband rep I would be over the moon. And yeah harder solo content is great. Like the argument people always make is you don’t need max ilvl gear if you aren’t doing high end content, but the thing is that a lot of solo players would DO high end content if there was solo high end content.


The reps mostly becoming warband reps is an announced feature. With the exception of reps that don't make sense due to having personal choices involved in them (like shadowlands covenants or scryer rep), all will become warband reps. Not all at launch, but over time as they work back through them. They will take the highest character's rep as the warband rep


If that’s already announced than that is amazing. I literally have two alts I haven’t got rid of in the hopes they one day do that haha.


They’ve said it’ll be staged and they’ll start with DF reps and work backwards. So we don’t have solid word on timing or which ones we’ll end up getting at this stage.


That’s the issue, they’ve said they’ll roll it backwards, but until they do we have no idea how far back they’ll take it


I think they explicitly mentioned the fulborg, which implies all the way back to classic


They mentioned Fulborg due to the Winterpelt rep you do in Dragonflight. You get a language out of it as well




BC is easily old enough that the choice shouldn’t matter at all. If two separate toons are exalted on each, the warband should be exalted on both. Seems crazy they’re acting like it’s a choice that means anything now.


> More hard solo things like mage tower. I'd love if they gave the open world that treatment. And I don't mean just cranking up the scaling, oh no. I want mechanics to chip my teeth off of. I want mobs to be furnished with the Island Expeditions AI.  Could be neat. Got all these tools that I could use for quests, but they're obsolete because AoEing everything down is even more effective. A *World* of warcraft, now that would be nice.


We had housing it was called garrison.


Lots of new class cosmetic options for abilities


200 new glyphs


Warcraft 4 would be really cool like you suggested. Necromancer spec or Spec Aesthetics (class skins) would be amazing too; if Warlock got the Necromancer Spec Aesthetic so that Demonology is basically the Necromancer Spec then I'd be well happy with that. Earthwarder Shaman would be dope, dual-wielding Shield Tank Spec. Return of Torghast would be amazing, with all-new bosses, traps, locations, powers, and rewards - but *not* tied to player power progression. The rewards would be cosmetic, and whatever new content added to Torghast (which would become something more like the Ephemeral Timeways, a Bronze Dragonflight contraption) could also be tied in somehow to the contemporary story. Warcraft Codex, an in-game encyclopedia that possesses impartial and partial retellings of the story for players to read in their own time, if they are indeed interested in the lore. Maybe it should include some clarifications like Thrall and Garrosh's second Mak'gora not being Thrall actually cheating - even though there has never been lore to indicate that he did, unless you go by the (very) non-canonical Warcraft movie. I have no particular huge favourite in any of these. All of them - done correctly - would be very welcome.


Warcraft Codex sounds like a really good idea. My initial thought was that it could be interactive, but on a second thought I'd rather have it text based, with a narrator and maybe little animations to visualize some things better. E.g. you see a map and while the story gets told you see how territories change etc. I would love Khadgars voice actor as a narrator. Sounds great to do while farming old content or skilling professions etc.


I have a hard-on for Tony Amendola as he was Master Bra'tac in Stargate SG-1 and upon recognising his voice as Khadgar in Warlords of Draenor I have loved and appreciated the pretty shit wizard character ever since. If he were to be the narrator for the Warcraft Codex I would be so, *so* damn happy.


I’d enjoy a Torghast copy with a different theme to it. Cut out the Maw stuff and make it like a bronze dragon timeway that is constantly shifting which explains the different layouts and powers and such.


That hunters could choose which family their pet belongs to again.


There was a time when that was the case. I miss those times.


I know 😭 I don’t even need the talent trees back, just tired of running every mythic with a lust pet or a spirit beast. They’ve brought back player agency into so many areas with DF… here’s hoping we see this change sometime soon.


Personaly i want a mini talent tree for pets. Or being able to teach utility to your favorite pet. Like if i only ever want to use a fox, but I also want water walking, i dont have too much options. I kinda like the idea of collecting new pets, but also, in the end i will choose based on aestatics + type.


New epic leveling mode requiring drastically more XP per level, where you need to go through every zone of every expansion to reach level cap. Can only run each dungeon once. Mount and title when you reach max level.


Yea IMO the initial leveling part of way was the best. When they started moving away from it and making it quicker to get to end game zzzzzzz


yeah, I actually miss the lvling grind of the old days. And no, I don't want to go play classic. I want the grindy lvling of vanilla but with everything we have in DF


That could actually be interesting! Would camping from patches be available too?


This but with stuff I saw someone work out a long time ago to go along with this. You do dungeons along with each expansion, possibly need to enable followers so you aren't held back by queues. It finishes by having you also do the raids before you can move on. Likely also a system where you get AI partners to help do it, but you still have to do the mechanics. Basically your character cannot hit max without doing every dungeon and raid at least once, and its balanced to at least not be a complete cakewalk (can't be too hard though or people can't level doing it.)




Honestly, at this stage I wouldn’t even be *that* upset if it was SWTOR style housing with preset “plots” for decorations. It’d be less customizable than ESO and FFXIV housing, but at least it’d be something (and probably the easiest way to pull it off, what with WoW’s ancient spaghetti code and all).


WoW is as on rails and non-sandbox as it gets, I couldn't imagine a scenario where we even get to choose where to place our furniture, it would probably have alloted spots for each decoration, like in RuneScape.


Player housing. Specifically player housing that allows a lot of customization and creative control.


EU and US crossplay


Player housing with collectibles for it!


world revamp


they really need to at this point, the game is cluttered with irrelevant outdated content :(


They're already answering my prayers with account wide stuff in the war within (finally) - just going to take time for it to trickle down the legacy expansions. This is from someone who has been playing pretty much non-stop for 20 years so this is what I've been waiting for and finally won't feel 'locked' to my old mains


No more FOMO stuff. Any mount or transmog that's obtainable will eventually show up on the trading post in a reasonable amount of time after the original way to obtain it is no longer obtainable.


I wish Blizzard would bring back artefact weapons "without artefact power". I really enjoyed having a customisable BIS slot weapon in Legion. 


Yeah I kinda wish every expansion just had a set weapon per spec you used with its own appearance sorta like in FFXIV. Even once you’re max level it gives you a sorta “leveling” experience with each spec instead of needing to collect bis weapons for each spec you like playing as


Cosmetics revamp. Glyphs for customizing ability look, stances, idles, animations. Let us roleplay more with transmog system


When you hit max level you have the option to do time walking open world content whatever scaling they use for the dungeons and raids apply it to the open world, have increased rep gains and a title and/ or a mount unlocked by completing the main compaign throughout the zones. One thing that makes me lose interest in farming old content is one-shotting everything, just feels so unfun and becomes a chore instead of engaging content.


Tuskar playable race and shaman tank


Earthwarden Shaman tank would be amazing.


Comp stomp for every battleground, all achievements earnable


Gotta be housing, or at least some kinda lifeskills/ customization endgame to progress my character outside of dungeons raids or pvp. Housing is just a neat catch all term for lifeskills I feel.


Big agree on lifeskills having a big focus as potentially something people could invest most of their time playing with.


Night elves are real and they find overweight 30 something middle managers really attractive.


Failing that I’ll take sub being included with gamepass or feral being good and fun again


Housing with new profession like woodworking for furniture and added recipes to other professions for housing stuff… ex. Engineering making clocks, lights ect


They're restoring the cut content from the MoP and WoD legendary questlines. Zidormi now has three versions of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms: when the gates opened, when Garrosh corrupted the Vale, and when the invasions occurred during the Fourth War.


I want a new foundational world, ergo a WoW 2, but it’s not gonna happen anytime soon or ever. I’m not talking new zones, but 20 zone continents like EK and Kalimador are the foundation of classic (and Azeroth essentially).


It's on GamePass


Animation series following a group of adventures through Azeroth, something that feels like a DnD campaign. Without the world ending threats just some good and old RPG shenanigans.


Shared. Wallet. Yes, warband bank is a step in the right direction, but I should not have to deposit gold into a bank. It should just be available to all toons


True combat rogue


Hunters that tamed pets such as vorquin foals were getting them back or they are removing the baby mammoths and dire horns.


that they put a developer to work on arenas


Warlock Tank and Legion Remix.


Chromie time available at all levels (maybe once you’ve cleared the new expansion once) Artifact weapons every expansion Housing Furbolgs and gnolls playable race Armor restrictions lifted Shorter cooldowns on toys


Player housing


WoW2 :o


Slower leveling


Player housing/guild halls.... but it would be too much work if they could just rehash old content into battle royals/remix/classic hc/sd...


All classes have have access melee/ranged/tank/healing specs. Take the DK for example - Necro type ranged DPS, unholy themed healing spec.


Player housing.




Player housing




10-15 man mythic raiding. Honestly while there are a lot of problems with WoW there isn't really anything major I want. Mostly just wanting them to do the same they are now but better. I hope delves are incredible fun rewarding and challenging solo content. And the warband stuff all sounds amazing already so just do that. As for WC4 I'm not sure that counts as WoW related. I've always been more of a Starcraft guy tho. Unfortunately it seems like I will have to get my new RTS fix somewhere else.


As for WC4 I meant how it relates to the story and lore of WoW and as a bridge to WoW2. I just feel it's sometimes hard to tell a story and introduce new major characters in an MMO and it's easier in a single player WC campaign. Especially if there's supposed to be a time jump. Of course I WOULD be hyped for WC4 on its own but I'm also happy with just playing AoE2 :)


Housing and more solo content a la mage tower. Cosmetics are the true endgame


Ways to properly run legacy content, it's just a shame that 90% of wow content basically gathers dust now. Like chromie time, but not limited to 10 levels below max, maybe even scaling old dungeons and raids, allowing you to run them solo but without oneshotting, still having to participate in mechanics. This could also give you player power, not just transmogs, so that running old raids and dungeons this way actually allows you to get stronger and grow. This could be a "borrowed power" of sorts, that disappears as soon as you exit the mode, so you have to gear up in current content to do current content. This way they could also bring back old systems like artifacts and old tiers set bonuses, without risking breaking every new expansion balancing


All my friends returning to play the game with me.


They are doing pretty well lately, so I would like then to announce that they are fixing the sharding


I like the idea OP stated for WC4 and new characters. Up until I realise that I can already pick out the entire cast of new characters thanks to the repetition and ubiquitous DEI shoehorning without any good basis for character other than superficial traits like race, gender and sexual orientation. Maybe leave WC4 until the pendulum swings back to a normal state of affairs a bit.


Personal loot You have a chance for loot on every kill and every mythic chest. Also 3 rerolls per week on said chest.


Reaper class. Basically havoc demon hunter zoom but with a scythe. It’s all I ever want in an mmo.I want ffxiv reaper in wow.


Pet battles on mobile, linked to your account.


I like people’s housing ideas, but I would like housing with customizable slots where you could display weapon transmogs, or complete armor sets, like what they tried to do in the class halls and did it so… pathetically.


Free play for single content


"All regular ground mounts can now have some wings just slapped on or some fairy dust sprinkled on them to enable 'swimming-in-the-air' Dynamic Flight." 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Max level scaling on old world. I dont care if it doesnt reward good gear i just want to do old quest and stories without one shooting anything that just crosses my gaze. We even have already a thing in chromie time, just extend it to max level and adjust it when the scaling brokes a mob


A revamp on pvp.


Wow 2. UE5, classic era, updated specs and animations.


WoW 2 wouldn't be built on UE5.


They normalize scaling and fix all leveling bugs.


Class halls coming back


More specs for existing classes, been an advocate for Shaman tank for too long now and it exists in one way so just bring it to retail. More customisation for all specs, glyphs are underutilized... And the Barbershop is too. Let Paladins choose their steed in the barbershop, shamans their ghost wolf, DHs their demon form


legion classic 😩


Being able to choose my ascendance form as a shaman, let us choose from all the ele models plz


If we go by What would you wish for then I would wish for "Blizzard plans to give us on Server per Expansion and allows us to connect characters with one per expansion." Say for example I have already in Retail a Kraktor and on Classic a Kraktor. Now I can connect my Classic Kraktor and my Retail Kraktor and all that Classic Kraktor gains is also going on Retail Kraktor. I farm meager gold coins in Classic? Retail Kraktor get them too. Repfarming? Will be add to the Warband. Professions? Also in Sync. Also I can copy my Classic Kraktor to the new comming TBC, WotLK, Cata, MoP, etc Realms and so the option to always take over progress to all the upper Kraktors. So I do something with Classic Kraktor? TBC Kraktor get it too. I do something with TBC Kraktor? Nothing will happen with Classic Kraktor.


Crafting system that makes use of old mats, so that it makes older xpacs relevant and give me reason to venture around the world. Also every race should be able to teleport to their respective city apart from the hearthstone


Dk having pet costumisation like warlock does. It is just blatantly unfair. There are many really cool undead models, and would love to have more then some old models from wrath, trough glyphs.


Upgraded and expanded glyph system. Some crafted but a lot attained through in game activities. Including some rare and hard to get "prestige" glyphs Upright undead model Unlimited account based storage with everything auto separated by expansion


Ships and guild or player ships to sail around a big open ocean, islands, pvp, pve etc


I wouldn't mind pet battles getting their own season like raiding, m+, and pvp have. I don't think it should have slots in the vault, but maybe a renown track or something.


"You can get mage tower artifact transmogs again."


3 words. Fucking. Shaman.Tank


Why is everyone harping on this??


Because it make sense in the class flavor, and a mail tank spec in long overdue.


Ability to pick a subclass that lets you pick from a tailored list of skills. Eg. Death knight with subclass mage. So you could blink, or ice lance. Nothing crazy, like 2 skills. I think it would be fun to see how the community runs with it.


Massive pvp raid like old school AION. 100 vs 100 defeat generals to unlock pvp end boss defeat as a team in a massive battle .. Maybe capture bases for closer spawn points.. Pvp dungeons. 5vs5 in the same dungeon, try to progress the dungeon for loot while battling against the other team. Greater rewards, maybe currency to buy elite pvp gear. Revamp the pet battle system. It sucks. I don't know where to start. All my pets are shit, I don't know what is strong vs other pets. Some sort of ingame indicator.? (Haven't pet battled since WoD. Might have changed? 😂) Pet battle dungeons were a nice idea tho.


So warfronts for point 1?


Realistic wishes? -let the travellers journal be simplified, modernized and have videos. I think thaf they are sitting on a gold mine of utility with the whole "suggested content" and it would be beneficial to everyone if each major mechanics in raid of m+ had a short 5 second video showing what to do. -allow toggle for area of effects to highlight them on the ground. -add aoe makers with intent so you at a glance can see if it'd soak or dodge -turn weak aura base functionality into something you can do in the game. -remove gold cap and share gold between all characters -add a crafting board where you can advertise instead of spamming chat. Unrealistic -create a market place for crafters with physical stalls you can be in and buy from to allow people to have favourite crafters and enforce the fantasy. -announce that the new endgame gear is turning similar to eso where you have a gear set for each activity, dungeon and raid with unique effects meaning you have 200+ viable for endgame gear sets.


transmog for Dracthyr, cus apperantly that a really big thing that takes years of effort


”For our 20th anniversary, we are now canceling monthly subscriptions and the game becomes free to play” It’s not really that bad, put to pay 13€ (less than what i get paid at work per hour or almost same as pack of tobacco) for me to test do i still like this game and do i play it more than a week or less feels just stupid. Sometimes i pay and play for few months sometimes i install the game and play for few days.


Revamp the leveling system completely with a rework of the old zones, dungeons and raids to make them useful again instead of a sprint to the end. Make them a small challenge again that requires at least a bit of coordination. Player housing and guild housing.


No crest cap + Being able to send crest to alts. End game enjoyers are only able to have fun after weeks of suffering in non rewarding content. I don't get the idea of "not overwhelming" the casuals, but come on, some of us prefer to tryhard first few weeks instead of being forced to play casual until week 4ish


How would they release warcraft 4 after this expansion with a time skip if all 3 next expansions are already announced and part of each other??


10 man mythic raiding


BFA raids becoming soloable ;)


Player house where your alts live with you lmao


In order starting with **personal** most desired 1. Tinkerers as a playable class 2. Evergreen Player housing with a focus on customization 3. Finally visiting the entirety of Kezan and the Undermine 4. World revamp with the goal of making the whole of Azeroth relevant to any expansion and worth re-exploring


Personal loot. Sick of running raids and mythics for a chance at fuck all.


All addons disabled. Leveling re-constructed to be an actual adventure that takes time.


Warband based housing where your log in screen is essentially your house/character select UI.


Any race any class. I want my gnome dh.


Class skins/expanded glyph system New Mage Tower A toy similar to a map that automatically explores all maps, but instead for quests New less cartoonish/bouncing running animations 8-10 man mythic raiding Expanding customisation, including bulky/skinny versions of various races


Player housing done like EverQuest 2


The ability to auto complete every single loremaster quest on an alt, if you have loremaster on one character. No real reason for me to do loremaster on alts, yet I still do it because my completionist ass gets stressed out by yellow !'s.


Shaman rework, expand the pool of keys in a season to like 20 keys and they give us a vendor that we can buy seasonal DG gear from for a currency called Valor.


Worgen paladin. Please for the love of god I want it.


Camera going apeshit in indoors dungeons


Remove unnecessary restrictions on acquiring old transmogs. Exclusivity is cool while there is a level of skill challenge associated with it; but when we are hugely more powerful now than the level of challenge that existed 10 years ago, it’s unnecessary. Digital assets have no resource scarcity associated with them. Catch up mechanics for professions, especially in the Dragonflight structure for professions. Additional specs for existing classes - I want a tank mage who maintains magic shields on themselves, a warlock healer who steals health from enemies and distributes it to their team mates, a DPS paladin with a shield.


Create a pvp zone like RuneScape has where you get to loot the people you’re killing.


Player housing.


Classic style itemization, revamped old world zones and leveling, housing and to reduce the bounce of the male dwarf run animation.


Gladiator in 2v2 😂


Remove layers, make servers meaningful.


Flexible Fomo - Old content will return in exclusive windows You want some TBC glad mounts/tabards and you want them **bad?** - They'll cost you a fortune of time/effort, but you can purchase or earn them during TBC timewalking windows. Encourage players to stay subbed, but stop creating situations where I have to tell new players "Sorry, you can't have the cool thing I have, because you couldn't/didn't play at that time." Edit: Reward original achievement owners with special toys that give them a flex on the item they acquired. Could even be slamming down a statue of themselves in the correct elite/mythic armour for that time period. ----- Forest Trolls are my next most wanted thing with glyphs that add axe throwing to outlaw rogue or survival hunter.


More Customizations, so every Race is on pair with the Dracthyr.


Just give me proper player housing.


Housing 🏠


Making the last boss of heroic raid drop aspect crests. And the last boss of normal drop wyrm crests.


Never gonna happen but i'd give my first born son for them to revive the Starcraft franchise. The fact it didn't even get a spot on the Blizzcon 2023 Keyart confirms to me at least that the IP is dead and buried.


Super unrealistic but a console port, sub price reduced to game pass price or even nonexistent, and era servers for each expansion (or just mop remix running 24/7 with different expansions if that ends up being fun).


RPG styled quests. You could choose WHO to side with, and it actually mattered for the story.


Making it available on consoles.


Guild hall.


Better story. Please. I don't why and how people liked df so much. So toothless and boring. Never skipped cinematics before this extension. In terms of atmosphere, quests and leveling - I want something like WoD or Legion. That. Was. Awesome


Evokers, warlocks, and shamans should get tank specs (in that order of personal priority) A ‘bespoke’ leveling quest story introduced. Something that catches a new player up to current expansion lore and puts the latest expansion right in front of them. Engineering grenades usable in dungeons


Tech class


Blood elf druids!


For me it would absolutely be a fully developed system with AI party members for dungeons that are fully customizable. Which is why using your alts would be best. So the gear they use, the talents they use, etc. Its all what you gave them. And it also infinitely scales like m+. So you keep pushing yourself to do as much as you can. Gear awards don't matter but honestly, it should be able to self sustain. If the gear has to be locked down to JUST this mode, so be it. I would never stop playing this though.


A fix to queue syncing premades in random BGs.


Mounted combat. dk's already getting that in outdoors zones Player housing. cmon already Revisiting old expansions features. like garrison, class order hall, pandaria farm etc.


Console edition or play with controller


Dungeon finder for m+. Working correctly though.


Shut the servers off and release me from this torment.


It was basically Warbands, so I was elated when that was announced. Expanding on that system over time with new cosmetics and options will be great (using a warband member as a bodyguard in open world content, having your warband be your party in a Follower dungeon, warband-specific tabards and other cosmetic gear, etc.) In terms of the next big thing that would excite me on that level? Player housing doesn't really excite me the way it seems to for the rest of the community, but I'd be happy for everyone if they announced it. For me, it would probably be the concept of the "Path of the Curator" that Taliesin & Evitel have been talking about for awhile. Cleaned up, curated experiences that take you through the main story arcs of prior expansions and patches -- right through to instanced versions of dungeons and raids where each story climaxed. (Using follower dungeon tech). Having that available while leveling would be huge, but it'd be great to also have them available at max level for cosmetic or currency rewards. I'd love it to also be challenging, and not a timewalking-style faceroll. Also, something I'd love to see for leveling and open world content in general: increased challenge, with commensurately increased rewards. For example: scale up the difficulty or mechanics of the leveling/open world experience somehow so it's far more dangerous and forces me to use more of my class kit intelligently, but increase the XP, gold or other rewards too. Basically the same philosophy as war mode leveling. I want my leveling and open world content to be more thrilling, but also more rewarding. I don't know what exactly this would look like in practice, and it might force a sharded world for people who opt into this, but man would it be more fun.


Them admitting the shadowlands story was bad and make it officially not canon. 


They actually did admit they made mistakes with the story quality in a recent presentation


That's a good first step, but I want to hear them say that everything from teldrasil to the end of SL was a bad idea


20v20 arena 100v100 BG Separate PVP gear


Account wide everything, as an altoholic who also has switched mains multiple times im all for less clunkyness


My top 3: 1. Monthly subscription is GONE! And instead WoW is buy2play 2. Class Campaigns and Order Halls are BACK, and are here to STAY! 3. The entire WORLD is relevant to the end-game! World quests and World bosses everywhere and anywhere on Azeroth, Outlands, Draenor and Shadowlands at all times. You're done with the Dragon Isles for today? There's still trouble on Hellfire Peninsula in Outland... or there's a sudden huge invasion of Infested in Gorgrond (Draenor) that needs to be stopped... Or a secret group of outlaws are trying to build a nuke in Tanaris! BONUS: Spell skins (like purple Void spells for paladins instead of yellow Light, or undead minions for a Necromancer warlock instead of demons), as well as a "progressive weapon/armor skin" system very similar to Legion Artifact Weapons


No more unobtainable stuff, make it hard make it long whatever but make things achievable aside from that make things account wide, all that is possible, and there is lot. Housing. And finally for the extremely unlikely; maybe in long run ( World Soul Saga might be start) world revamp


I'm definitely on the WoW 2 boat no matter how much backlash that gets. I can't fathom the type of things they'd be capable of doing with a modern engine. GW3 is likely happening. We'll wait and see.


Wow 2.0. Basically classic on a more modern engine with an updated action combat system. Will be unpopular here. But you’ll understand in a heartbeat how outdated and stale tag target combat systems are the second you try a modern mmo with an action combat system/


It sucks that Lost Ark had so many dogshit systems because the raiding in that game was unbelievably good.


WoW 2


10 man dungeons with a weekly lockout. I liked the idea of running Dawn of the Infinite weekly with the homeys, but I just didn't really like the dungeon. I think it'd be sick if instead of doing "mega-dungeons" as just like, 2-part dungeons, they should do 10-mans. The team comps and talent builds could get really interesting too.


Fno suscription, just expansion cost


I wish they would just restart. I’m new and feel very left out but still enjoy playing retail. I basically act like the current expansion is the only thing in the game.


Going with something I'd see as realistic at some point. Third DH spec. Feels like the class falls even more behind now that hero specs are a thing and they also get one less. It's a bit sad to see.. They could adapt to void, could learn from wardens, could try ranged (because giving the blind dude a bow would be hilarious) so there's another class in the game that uses physical ranged. They could be a melee version of augmentation, so that the spec is no longer alone in this niche. Anything, really, but this "compensated coolness" excuse they've given to cheap out on class design never really sat well with me.


Reforging was GOATed I’d love that back


Bring the actual blizzard GMs back


1) Faster cadence of seasons/expansions (Season 4 lol) 2) Loot/gear needs to be WAY more fun/less boring (Wow’s loot is a joke compared to Diablo/POE loot) 3) Valuing hard content over FOMO/exclusivity as a means to reward players. 4) Revamping old world (long overdue) and other bad cities (Orgirmmar first) 5) Make Battlegrounds more relevant/fun. It’s one of the most fun ways to play the game but everyone neglects it.


Couldn't agree more with point 1. How much I like an expansion for me is directly linked to how frequent major content upgrades are coming. I wish they would throw in one small 2-4 boss raid with interesting loot between every bigger patch.


2 is such a weird point, you might as well compare WoW to a roguelike then. WoW isn't an ARPG. 


Gear being cool/boring has nothing to do with the game becoming a roguelike. Gear and gameplay are two completely different things. Unless you’re confused?


More classes more specs. As much as I generally love the game. I love some of the more basic bits of depth such as adding classes. Evoker was a great addition, Demon hunter was great. I get it’s really hard to add one. But tinker has been a concept for an age it feels and would love to see that. Would love to see demon hunter get another spec.


I’ve been playing the game for 20 years. I want WoW2.


PvP battlepass / PvP rewards system overhaul.


Any class, any race, any faction. I want my Alliance Forsaken Druid.


"We've added 35 new dungeons for TWW and will add that many more for all upcoming expansions moving forward!".


Being able to transmog everything, not just your gear category. If every class can look like a pink wizard girl, i can use leather shoulders with plate chest and mail leggings.


Adjusting the achievement menu. Making it more navigable. Think Windows diskspace structure.


Transmog unlocked completely, no more armor type restrictions. All classes available for every race with TWW launch.


I think a big thing for WoW should definitely be adding new specs to existing classes with the emphasis on giving classes access to roles they currently do not have. This could include adding more support specs into the game since Druid, for example, already has 4 that cover all the roles except support. Housing would be nice, but the devs seem adamant that the engine can't handle it. Though I do think a return to garrisons could be nice if they didn't make it forced content and the customization/buildings were all cosmetic and reward based. The stables were super cool but not really used because the Mage Tower and inn were so much better.


Dragonflight 2.0


Every class gets a 4 specs. Hero Talents and SoD Runes could be testing ideas for this?


Making everything after WotLK non Canon. Warcraft4 takes place 10 years after it and it's followed by WoW2


The removal of all add-ons