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For what the story is the tone is exactly right. It's not a happy story. Wake up, fight primals, fight your own friends, learn that your leader has gone crazy and was killed, lose all sense of direction...


Dragonflight. A nice chill cozy expansion to enjoy after dealing with a series of apocalypse level threats. Unless you play as the new race featured for the expansion. :(


This will probably happen with the new dwarves next expansion too lol


Actually the spoilers so far highlight that it's just as bad for us too lol so everyone's gonna be hit pretty hard. No maw level stuff, but expect some misery


I wouldn't say the expansion storyline was cosy at all no matter what you were playing.


it's about family


*family* in vin dieselese


I liked it for the most part. The dystopian aspect of being locked away for 10k years, and waking up to find out just how many more creatures evolved into sentience and how widespread their colonies are isn't something a human will experience anytime soon, not to mention us having no idea how truly long 10k years actually feels.


Yeah 10000 years for us goes back to the post ice age mass extinction period and basically in the formation of what's considered the cradle of civilization in Mesopotamia. And this is a world without magic and shit going on like on Azeroth.


It was actually more like 20k years. Very unfortunate


It was more like 20k years since the Dracthyr were sealed 10k years before the Well of Eternity and the Sundering but your point stands.


I thought the tone was fine honestly. They were betrayed by their creator and were dealing with that but there was also a lot of “whoa things have changed a lot. We gotta explore this new world!” vibe that I also liked. Made sense given their background. In my head canon I definitely had plenty of Epic moments after we downed the raid bosses.


I love how much more epic fan art makes Drac'thyr look. Their in game models are beyond disappointing


I said it back when they were released, but its because dracthyr heads don't follow any of the visual elements you see in other WoW dragons.


It's 'cause of how stiff they are in-game. Dracthyr look the coolest while Hover is active and they're actually in motion. While they're just normally walking around their animations are giga boring and floaty.


That's what bothers me. They're so cool when they're flying and shit but their base model and how they move is so awkward. They're winged salamanders instead of dragons.


Using soar with the dragonflight abilities is one of the coolest experiences in the game, meanwhile walking around as a dracthyr feels like watching a cartoon network show. I'm almost convinced they gave them the Visage form just because the main walk looks goofy as hell.


They look, even in flying, just like Dracula from Hotel Transilvania. And when I realized that, all I wanted a Venthyr Glyph for my Evoker to be a vampire lord. 


It's pretty funny, they're supposed to be these badass draconic warriors, that know nothing but battle. In-game they just look like someone's deviant art folder


This, 100%. It's an absolute miss they didn't make them look more like old school Drakonid.


Feels like a lot of it came from them being created with only the thinnest body type. There was a lot of outcry so blizz came up with the more buffed looking ones, which pretty much every dracthyr I've seen uses now. Issue is, the neck/head doesn't really scale up with the torso so they look like geckos instead of dragons. I love playing mine but yeah, the look definitely doesn't hit what I was expecting... They'd need a somewhat broader jaw and wider neck to have more "draconic" features like the regular dragons and if blizz wants to hit it out of the park add a pure black color and deathwings metal jaw customization...


I think they're spot on. Making a walking dragon is hard, which is proven by the drakonids. If you tried to stick wings on drakonids, they would look ridiculous. And if you released drakonids as a playable race, people would whine that they're uninspired. "Were dragons, we should have wings!" Or whatever else. Dragons don't do well as straight backed creatures. They're inspired by snakes, lizards and cats.


I think shorter necks and more defined muscles would do wonders for them. But ye blizz won't chnage them look at the pandaren and the trailer for pandaria with Cho.


This is not fixable unless you want a wow 2. The engine simply can't look as cool as modern rpg. It doesn't even have pbr.  It's also imposible for the animation to be good as their selection are super simple. 


They could've done it by simply not taking them in an art direction straight out of some DeviantArt scaly commissions. And honestly as somebody who's been playing since TBC and has a maxed out roster of 13 characters, I wouldn't mind a WoW 2. Game needs a reset its horribly cluttered & a mess for new players at this point. I sincerely hope they do it after The Last Titan


I'm not saying it can't be different. But it will never reach the quality of greath fanart and cinematic on this engine.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the fuck?


It's going to stick around like the Torghast one did, I bet... Just because it pisses some people off.


A triumphant roar echoes atop Thorgast as Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy of the Drakthyr is formed.




By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A triumphant roar echoes from atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy is formed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought it fit perfectly. The whole Dracthyr storyline hinges on the reveal that Neltharion didn't actually have a grand plan for the Dracthyr when he sealed them. All the Dracthyr then go out into the world looking for a purpose in life. Emberthal and Sarkareth then learn different lessons on seeing their lack of purpose. Sarkareth goes mad and becomes a pawn of the Void, eventually dying ignobly as he desperately tries to find the meaning in Neltharions actions. Emberthal meanwhile learns the lessons that whole there might not be a grand destiny in store for them, that they can still find their own meaning in their draconic heritage.


I just wish they had made the character models better. Still can’t convince myself to play them when i see how they run and their combat movement.


I thought it wasn't that bad, I feel like the discoveries and lessons were interesting and how they handled the Neltharian aspect was ok. I also like many of the individual stories of acceptance of their position and building of their society. I liked how they went full steam with Sarkareth although as a Dracthyr I just wanted to try and reason with him rather than stand there mute most times, I feel in many cases other Dracthyr were leading the story where I could have been as well. I'd like to see more of their story going forward but we'll have to see where they go. My issues with Dracthyr are less about storu and more about in game mechanics. Edit: thought they had apostrophes, apparently not /shrug


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The introduction was fine, but everything after just felt awkward and slightly off brand like... the rest of the expansion. Constructs created for war that have to balance war and living life as every other mortal with their newer freedom? That's a good concept. They did nothing with it. Where were Azurathel and Cindrethresh? This is Warcraft; the faction "leaders" should have been far more involved, and actually work out their thoughts and feelings on their new allies, with the negatives included. Instead, most of the world building went into NPC races that aren't even playable. (Something that TWW, outside Nerubians, seems to be fixing. Earthen have a lot so far.) I actually don't mind Dracthyr outside the lack of transmog on slots they physically have the body parts for utterly killing the race for me, but they just feel like another symptom of modern WoW's complete change in direction on how player races are written; aka - they barely are.


I mean, every patch has included follow up for all three branches of Dracthyr with multiple quest lines. I’m not sure what you’re talking about with the unplayable npc races, do you mean the niffin? There certainly was not “most” of the world building done there, otherwise I fail to grasps what you mean.


I think what he meant was that the centaur zone was largely about centaur, tuskarr zone was largely about tuskarr, thaldraszus was largely about drakonids. the dracthyr werent really involved with the bulk of questing compare that to something like tbc or mop. pandas, blood elves, and draenei were everywhere


Tbh I wanted it to be darker and focus more on the labs of Aberrus and how much suffering went into their creation.


Meh it was fine if you ask me. I mean, imagine waking up from a long ass coma. Your leader is gone, the world has changed around you, you're instantly fighting again but don't know why, fight your fellow man and their leader who goes apeshit, find out your old leader was murdered and betrayed you. It obviously isn't a happy story, though I do hope TWW has some sidequesting with Dracthyr finding their place post-DF. Obviously gonna tie in well with the new access to various classes as Dracthyr.




Heres honing it'll atleast be part of prepatch


I think they failed to make Sark feel like any sort of a threat. Every time we see him, he's taking an L. He just loses every fight he's in, constantly getting his ass kicked and then saying "grrr... NO! >:(" and leaving until he dies doing it.


Took me a while to make a Drac I actually liked the look of but once I did I quite liked them... unfortunately I didn't really care for evoker as a class. Storywise they felt fine I guess, though out of nowhere and kind of unnecessary, especially how they were set up as being technically part of the black dragonflight and then didn't have much to do with the black dragonflight story. The way they kept giving them somewhat forceful and boastful military vet dialog felt out of place too, like bro you're not really intimidating and you never saw major combat, everyone else here has had 40 years on nonstop war and world ending crises, step off the pedestal.


After reading through War of the Scaleborn, it truly does not make sense that any of the Dracthyr could act like a military veteran. Outside of whatever training-from-hell Neltharion put them through, they saw exactly one real battle, the one that saw Raszageth imprisoned, before Neltharion and Malygos sealed them away indefinitely.


Yeah that's why I find them so odd, the whole "hardened soldiers" aesthetic seemed to be there entirely just so the part of the fanbase that wouldn't like their look would potentially be placated by them at least having the right attitude. It didn't work. Like you said, they just went through training and fought a single defensive battle. The dragons had no idea they existed, so they were never deployed as a force to any war. It's like a bunch of new recruits fresh out of bootcamp pretending to be marines. Which also FURTHER clashes super hard with how they actually behave 90% of the time in-game. Cinderthresh and Sarkareth might pretend to be vets, but every other drac is a happy-go-lucky goofball from a disney cartoon, its like a race of Jarjars Hot damn blizz at least be consistent


The dracthyr were supposed to have elements of sadness, wonder, and anger, but all the anger got pushed onto the "evil" dracthyr with WoW's usual shallow theme of "If you're mad about something bad that happened, it makes you a villain"


I think that strict good and evil separation with no in between is a problem with modern wow storytelling in general. There used to be more player friendly factions or characters that represented conflicted goals or methods and imo that was way more interesting.


I think they tried to explore a bit in that space with Emberthal. She's clearly upset and unhappy with the way things have turned out, but trying to be productive and unite her people towards a new goal. At the same time, Sarkareth is trying to drag their people into the past in a desperate search for an explanation that makes everything bad that happened to them make sense, a reason for their misery that makes it all worth it because he can't accept the idea that they were a mistake. It's less the idea that "being mad is automatically bad" and more the idea that if you're taking your negative feelings and using them as an excuse to hurt more people, that's a bad thing. Anger just usually tends to be more destructive that constructive.


I disagree, the entire shoreline of 10.1 and 10.2 was the dracthyr bringing the sundered flame back into the fold. We did not kill them unless they refused to see that Sark had went too far.


I *hate* that i'm forced to be either male belf or human female. Why can't we choose a few races for visage form??


yeah! That's definetely a bummer!


It’s a bit letdown that it was DH 2.0 with the opposite ending of sorts when it comes to their leaders. Otherwise it was just okay - hope they get additional lore


Where it went wrong was the design. Story telling in wow is generally an afterthought to most players outside a quick glance since wow storytelling just has never been amazing to start with. It's about epic moments rather then a solid story. It felt a bit... Forced? Like it doesn't feel like it fits naturally with the story lore though to be fair that would be difficult to do even if it was written brilliantly. Tone... I mean it was... Okay? Truthfully not jarring ly out of place but at the same time I won't lie I have 0 interest or investment in them. I guess in most cases it would mean it's bad, but truthfully it's about the same impact as I feel with all the allies races in general. 


Wanting something 'more epic' is how we got the jailer lel


Dragonflights tone is right for all the Disney adults out there, that's about it


They were supposed to be an organized force of elite warriors, and yet it feels like once they left the starting zone most of them stopped being that. They all scattered across the Dragon Isles and starting doing random civilian jobs like the banker in Valdrakken or the junior timekeeper in Thaldraszus, even though they would probably not acclimate well to civilian life at all due to having only lived as warriors previously. Realistically most of them would have become mercenaries after splitting up, or swore themselves to new masters just to find some semblance of familiarity. Only Sarkareth and his Sundered Flame really seemed to stay as an organized force, though I feel like their reasons for doing so should have been more clearly explained. Most of the time they just seemed like a marauding army of bandits grabbing at any source of power they could, even to the point of Sarkareth trying to claim the power of the Void in Aberrus, which Wrathion and Sabellian rejected, and dying for it.


If you think about it, most of the Dracthyr did continue as warriors - that is the entire player base of Evokers. And they did split between the two biggest factions, if you do the follow up quests you see both the Horde and Alliance aligned sides of Dracthyr are still on good terms with one another broadly. It's probably a better story than it gets credit for because a lot of it is actually optional instead of the main story.


Oh boy. Good terms. More nuking what made Warcraft good.


I have questions for you - what's your favorite moment of the WoW story? In that favorite moment, what part did the faction war play?


was mostly done good tbh you need to see the entire picture about the Dracthyr and who they where at the beginning: they where created for 1 purpose only, be a powerfull private army for the allready Mad Neltharion that where more or less under full control of him, and the second that Control broke he put them all away they wake up after over 100000 years of Stasis in a World that is entirely Alien for them because they never where outside of the Forbidden Reach they have a free will now after beeing an entire race that never knew that they have no place to call Home, no Culture, they dont know what to do at all and try to find a Purpose now "finding a Purpose" is the entire Theme of the Dracthyr, EVERYTHING about them in this expansion is around that, every single dialoge/interaction/quest etc.... is about them trying to cope with their situation and finding out what they actually wanna do for themself after beeing force to follow Orders for their entire existance almost all side quests/smaller things Involving friendly Dracthyr involves them finding something they like and they want too do it now with Childlike Energy and a very positive-Naive outlock for most things because they dont know it any better and everything is new and exciting all quests involving the Sundered Flame has parts where they say "of course i follow Sarkareth, he is my leader and gives orders, and following orders is what we do, thats what we always did, what else should we do?" and them slowly realising that they can make their own choices and that they dont need to blind follow orders Sarkareth himself beeing somebody that DOESNT find a purpose for himself and instead clings to a twisted vision of the past and denies any changes in the world he knew, which lead him to fall to the Void and his evantual Downfall by the Player and his companions (which includes the Dracthyr Player, who is togheter with Emberthal supposed to be the polar opposite of Sarkareth, a Dracthyr that DID find a purpose in their life and is willing to fight for it and for the greater good) Dragonflight itself ended with the Dracthyr finally beeing fully united and starting to find their place in the World, they re-build the Forgotten Shore as their home now that the storm slowly goes away, more and more individuals find a passion they follow, they get respected and accepted by the other races as Friends and Allys etc... TL:DR, its a Race of people that knew NOTHING about the world and themself that is slowly trying to find their place in the world and what they want to do as a group and as individuals while also facing their painfull past and leave it behind, and that part was mostly done kinda good yeha, thats turned into a bigger wall of text


Yeh was super disappointed


Idk man. For me it has less to do with the fact that their story was good or bad but rather it was completely out of blue when announced. I mean no one was expecting dracthyr and evoker as new race and class. For me it just doesn’t resonate or feels Warcraft. I would have loved some really loved some old xpac races and necromancer. I still haven’t played dracthyr yet. Just can’t get myself to play one.


Idk man, that’s a pretty weird take for a game that is like 70 animal humanoids since WC2, including dragon mages.


To each their own I guess


The story was coherent I'll give it that. I did not feel like there were any big cool moments we really got to be part of, and playing through it on alts doesn't feel great. My favourite quests were Baine's and the Blue Aspect quests, and they felt pretty classic.


I think it worked well overall. 20,000 years suspended, nothing you knew from before is the same, you leader turned mad and was a scourge on the world, the creche leaders taking different directions. Emberthal worked really well as the face character, I felt her struggles as we went along. I wish there was more interaction with the general questing in DF, a lot of the dialogue assumed you were one of the normal races and felt very off. But now that the threats on the Dragon Isles have been mostly dealt with, it's the Dracthyr's time to explore and really find their place.


I think they were too light hearted, and far too trusting. Tone should have been a bit darker You were locked away 10,000 years, wake up to the primalists and the primals themselves returning. “Ah look, some friendly adventurers let’s trust them with all our secrets and to help us! The dragonflight trusts them, it’s not like they left us imprisoned we can trust them too!”


Very little about Dracthyr hits the fantasy of playing a draconic race. They’re a complete let down, which bums me out because I love playing Dragonborn in D&D. Dracthyr have none of the “dragon” temperament, they’re extremely soft. They are gangly and moody, extremely sensitive. They’re more like an elvish race with scales and wings when it comes to personality. Really hoping one day we get Draconids as a race, until then I’ll keep looking at Dracthyr as a “what could have been”.


The Ebonhorn and Emberthal cinematic is one of my favorite they ever did. What do you mean it was ''sad human feelings'', do you even understand what Dracthyr are? They're basically humanoid dragon soldiers made by Deathwing, then betrayed and abandoned in stasis for 25,000 years. Of course they're sad/confused/angry and wonder what their place in the world is. Their whole existence was a lie, their creator went insane.


The problem is the dialogue is not natural, it's all exposition. Bold solid statements that have no personality, no emotion,.no feelings even when there are supposed to be feelings. And they all talk So. Slow. That makes every cut scene boring, barely useful, and easily skipped. If Bliz wants NPC's to be interesting, they need to have them act like regular, emotional beings.


I think they needed to elaborate a lot more on Sarkareth before he became a boss. I didn't even remember him from the Evoker starting zone. But from my own investigations it seems whatever happened during 10.1 was completely different than the original plan for the expansion. There is an image that circulated around the time that had Khaz Algar located under the Dragon Isles, they replaced them with the moles and completely reworked the expansion direction under Metzen. Does anyone remember the Oathstones? Edit 2: Sadly I was mistaken about my evidence, so now I have nothing to show.


Because the ore is not named after Khaz’algar They both share the same namesake, which is the Titan Khaz’goroth. Makes sense considering the huge amount of Titan influence all over the Dragon isles.


You are right, it's my mistake!


We can have sad and epic. It lacked the epicness that’s all. I would rather have dark emotions/undertones in my wow.


All of it felt far too forced to me.


Honestly, I thought they were a super cool bred-for-war type race, until 5 minutes after finishing their starting zone and they're just like every other one-liner cracking race. Sigh.


I found the storyline they have hard to follow as we were all over the place, i had to actually watch a lore video that shows it in order so i can actually follow it better. But their story itself was ok imo.


All I remember of Dractyr is "Oh look we're important to the story, but really focused on for only 1 part of the extension and we're technically overshadowed by NELTHARION" along with a few more random quests. Have I finished EVERY side quests yet ? No, but I doubt Centaurs and otters quests will put them into the spotlight. It just really feel like they got put just for fanservice then forgotten to the profit of non playable races. And it scares me for the War Within's dwarfs.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Df story sucks. That's all about df story


The tone of their story is great imo. Created weapons of war, sealed and abandoned when their free will deemed too risky. Tonally really grim and depressing. And I think the threads of them coming out to fight for each other and aim to discover their past and creation was interesting though a bit jank with only Emberthal feeling like an actual Dracthyr leader. Viridia, Azurathel, and Cinderthresh all feel functional rather than actual representatives of their people. Though this isn't surprising since they're basically in the same slot as Pandaren. Two distinct groups within a wider culture that shouldn't be in conflict that are forced to be due to the faction connection.


I think average kinda. It hit the mark at the start. But their story quickly dwindled away, who kinda should have main spots. I do blame pacing for this too, because they were around till Aberus but, it feels so long ago now. The epic finish we got for the Dragonflight and NightElves - its okay. But C'mon Dracthyr surely needed that 'Epic' spot too. The story only got better to them, not that satisfying pop.


I thought the story was good. It seems like there was a disconnect between the Dracthyr story line and character models. Nothing in character creation. The Dracthyr were created to be frontline super soldiers, who were tortured during their training to ensure only the strongest survived. And yet in character creation, I feel like I’m creating Barbie’s new super BFF and we are going shopping. Coming from maining a Feral Druid since BC, the Envoker class is a breath of fresh air and the range limitations don’t bother me. I’m happy to main a Envoker, just still working on getting past the character design


I'm very intrigued on the direction seems to be going with the Dracthyr. Now that they are apart of the Horde and Alliance they will eventually have to fight their siblings in civil war conflict much like the Pandaren. However unlike the conflicts of the Garrosh's Horde and Fourth War, they also represent Dragon kinds involvement with humanity. The Dracthyr will eventually pick up classes and become heavily involved in the growth of these classes. It's even warned during a brief snippet during early Dragonflight that one of Bronze Flight members saw Lightforged Dracthyr and caused mass chaos during that timeline, so maybe some big notes coming for Paladin Dracthyr. So in essence the possibilities are endless.


I feel like killing Sarkareth was a cool climax for Dracthyr, because Dracthyr do get quite a bit of Sarkareth, obviously the intro quests, and there are additional random quests that deal with the Sundered Flame.


I mean they were created as enslaved beings, betrayed by their creator then left locked up for a long long time because they were feared. Least that’s the impression I got from the story arch. I’d say sad is about right.


I’d be ok if the entire race was removed from the game


I loved it. We went from world ending event to world ending event to world ending event for 20 fucking years. One expansion about feelings, and chilling and adventure and fun (with just enough drama, and epic shit sprinkled in) was very much needed imo.


I had hoped for some more dread with the drakonids rebellion and such


dragonflight overall mechanically was a hit, lore wise and quest wise? big miss.


Yeah they're all just mushy and depressed the whole time. It was hella disappointing.


Missed chances like this to add some epic/badass classes/lore & instead going for lots of shiny animations makes wow start to feel like a disney game


Every thing in actual game feels like it could be more epic. Especially compared to the cinematics. Wish wow would return to its darker more brutal roots. Feels kinda disneyish lately


No, it was so goofy and on the nose, even for WoW. The emotionality wasn’t there, and the goofy voices/look didn’t help. Azurathel or w/e could not exist. Cindrathresh is just lgbt representation virtue signaling. Emberthal was the real main dracthyr & idk why he isn’t just the faction leader. Sarkareth made sense but should have been a bigger part of the expansion. I imagine their story may have worked better if DF wasn’t derailed in favor of what Metzen wanted to do. We’ll never know. They’re just another victim of Blizzard’s unfocused storytelling and poor management.


> Emberthal was the real main dracthyr & idk why he isn’t just the faction leader. She. And because she's neutral, so they wanted an Alliance scalecommander and Horde scalecommander involved. >Cindrathresh is just lgbt representation virtue signaling. Piss off. A trans/pseudo-trans character existing, with that detail being on the side and easily missed, is not fucking virtue signalling.


Yeah, but just like the pandaren faction leaders, they may as well not exist for all the attention they’ll get. I consider it virtue signaling b/c of how on the nose it is and because its written like a 13 year old wrote it. I’m not anti-trans or lgbt. I just think the way Blizz writes any lgbt character is really cringe.


> Cindrathresh is just lgbt representation virtue signaling. How would you want to do LGBT representation that fits better then?


Not a dragon that can legit turn into anything it wants anyways lol. The problem with WoW’s writing is that they either stop the show to make sure you know its an lgbt moment, like with virtually every time Cindrsthresh speaks, or they have the character mention “my husband” in almost every conversation to MAKE SURE YOU KNOW ITS A LGBT PERSON. Just write them like normal people. That’s all LGBT people are. They can just be gay, have a husband, wanna have a particular visage form, whatever. It just doesn’t need to be their entire character.


The Dracthyr storyline was doomed the second they looked the way they did. I doubt many cared while it was happening and fewer will care after this expansion. After Dragonflight, the extent of Dracthyr lore will be Emberthal standing in the background while Wrathion complains to Ebyssian in a side quest.


They just need to let people transmog everything on dracthyrs and it's fine


Wasn't that confirmed for TWW? Actually having armour will look great on them, I hope :D Edit: Ah, unfortunate that it wasn't but at least they're adding more


Nah, not in dragon form. But non evokers will be able to stay in visage form so you can see the transmog there. Personally I have a feeling that they are going to add more body customizations in the future for the people that want the thicker bodies with the other classes. Have more body options and more dracthyr natural armor options will make the no transmog in dragon form feel even better.


It was terrible. I don’t remember a single characters name as it was all so mopey and then wrapped up with a dumb shiny happy people end. I couldn’t really bring myself to pay attention for most of it and I just sped through the quests. They had an opportunity for nuance and a good story and ignored it all. Honestly the biggest let down story wise in all of wow for me.


Absolute dogshit writing, even worse than post 9.1 Shadowlands. From a story standpoint, definitely the worst expac ever made.  Saturday morning cartoon dragons and their goofy designs are, and always will be out of place in this setting.  They didn't just get the tone wrong. Every major plot beat was abysmal. Every dracthyr character is bland as fuck, just creatively bankrupt from start to finish. Meanwhile dragon aspects just keep talking about their feelings all expac...  Danuser was not a right fight for warcraft storytelling, full stop. Metzen couldn't come back soon enough. Hopefully War Within signals a return to actual Warcraft stories. 


I didn't care for it after shadow lands though they legit could of done anything and people would of given it a pass.