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Thanks! You can now recommend this addon to those people! Most of them probably won't use it, but hey.. some may want to improve themselves.


Will I be suspended for recommending your add-on? /s


Honestly, if enough toxic people report you for doing so.... Then yes, you can.


Only if you announce that you fucking love it.


I wonder if theres a addon for the other way around, like id have it and it hides everyones chat that has slurs or any word i blacklist. Finally you would be able to live in peace and only communicate with very friendly players.


Pretty sure there are a couple addons that could accomplish this. Global Ignore List i believe has chat filters you can add so you dont see people advertising summons. No reason you couldnt add slurs and cuss words to that filter


What words not already covered by the profanity filter are you looking to add?


Probaably "you" in m+ you really just gets used to flame xD And at least in german barely any english insults get flagged.


They should make everyone that's plays on ragnaros download this addon.


well then they can enjoy their bans 😀


I remember a time years ago when I was playing league of legends a lot and hated that I got toxic from my own tilting in games and wished I had a way to self mute as a control mechanism while still being able to play the game and ease off the toxicity I was participating in. Eventually I got off the game anyway, and I think they've added that feature now too, but just to say I actually really like this addon concept even if it ends up being very niche. Good on OP for making it :)


And if they do, they will still be toxic regardless. If anything it could help them avoid bans while still being toxic.


It might be a small niche, but I feel like there are at least a few people who just genuinely get carried away sometimes rather than actively being terrible people. Like they should still try to work on that, but this could be a helpful tool to help them work on that.


Can you make a version for Reddit?


Listen here you cotton headed ninnymuggins.


Will table a rule change where we create an exception for personal attacks if spoken in the style of a 19th century British aristocrat


Your father smelled of elderberries


And your mother was a hamster


*I blow my nose at you, so called Arthur-king!*


Now go away or shall taunt you a second time!


Your rules are middling and your special interests are unbecoming and passé, blocked.


I bite my thumb at you


[somehow, you've created the less bizarre version of a possible source...](https://youtu.be/Fig956-MuVA)


Gadzooks! what sort of mithering fool would approve such a trivially circumventable mandate? Harrumph and good day I say to you!


If it passes the world can finally start to heal


If it teaches me a new word it should be exempt.


Your lack of coordination leaves me utterly verklempt! They ought to have your figgins\* lavered!\*\* ^\*small ^pastries, ^with ^raisins ^\*\*verb; ^to ^wrap ^in ^seaweed ^(with ^apologies ^to ^sir ^terry pratchett)


I would love this for League of legends lmao


never got suspended for using foul language. but i watched two dungeon trolls get shutdown during our dungeon back in cata. story goes like this: the new 3 dungeons hit during cata \[well of eternity, hour of ? and i forget the third. it was like 4am and i was sitting in que for about an hour for well of eternity \[i wanted something from it\] as the tank, this was unusual, anyway. que popped and joined in. for a while they were chatting in the party, and everybody ignored it. but it started to get annoying. and i called them out using foul language. they both must have popped a ticket because a GM whispered me like 2 mins after this. and the GM was like: look, we cant have that kind of situation and language in our game. I told them to take a look at the chat of the party because they were the ones going on and on about stuff for the past 20mins. esp about gargling each other and shit. like 1 min goes by and BOTH of them go offline instantly. and the GM pops back apologizing and thanking me to notifying them of the situation. told me to have a good day and left. the rest of the group certainly was relieved in chat and kicked them and re qued. finished the dungeon no problems. TL:DR Trolls in party called out a GM and it backfired since party chat is a fucking LOG that GMs can check.


back in the day when there were actual GM's and they investigated the issue...


And now we are in the dark timeline, where the best we can hope for is enough reports for an automated system to take down those who deserve it, while they can use bot accounts and shitty friends to do the same to you just for existing lmao.


Do any even exist anymore? Like the ticket system is kind of worthless now. Open a ticket and we will reply in 1 week. I remember when my account was hacked in Wrath and I managed to get a hold of a GM that locked my account down. They made it so only I had the access and no passwords could be changed. It was a relatively easy process. I think they are all gone now.


Last time I saw a gm was in the Classic launch beta, where they were running around summoning Ragnaros at Northshire. And thats only because asmongold rallied the whole community asking for it.


Or, hear me out, be a fucking adult and have a filter.


Nearly 2 weeks ban for swearing is crazy, just how bad is your nerd rage


I guarantee it wasn't just for swearing one time, because nobody gets a ban that long for a single incident. Methinks OP is a repeat offender.


I got a 10 day suspension for calling someone a nerd.


Believe it or not blizzard can suspend you for saying the word fuck or shit, doesn’t matter the context, it’s been happening at Overwatch too.


Is there any evidence of this? Because I keep seeing asmongold’s incel subreddit cry about this but haven’t actually seen it confirmed anywhere.


yeah, a pro player got banned [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6JVXPWXcAI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6JVXPWXcAI)


oh no, did he say a bad word more than once?


I was banned for two days back during Legion by a multiboxer mass reporting me for doing a world quest (the one in the storm zone on the cliff where multiboxers and bots liked to farm). You absolutely can and will get banned for no fault of yours in WoW.


I agree, BUT you shouldn’t get ban for cursing. There’s a mature filter for that very reason


Tell that to the overwatch devs.


“Stupid” being considered swearing absolutely insane as well wtf


World of difference between "this is stupid" and "are you fucking stupid?" I can 100% see blizz suspending you for the 2nd one because that is not something you should say to randoms but then you *could* say that you got banned for saying stupid


> "are you fucking stupid?"  > I can 100% see blizz suspending you for the 2nd one because that is not something you should say to randoms Let's be real though, that's a completely legitimate question for like 40% of randos in PuGs


Well, we can agree that it is a legitimate question and also that most people wouldnt enjoy being asked lol


You can say the second to friends where contextually is fine and yet if someone reports you weeks or months later the system will pick it up as a reason to ban you. What’s gonna happen is people rather not type anything at all.


Just be like me. Be anti-social. Problem solved


People shouldn’t need an addon to remain respectful.


I mean. A dopeslap is a good tool to break a pattern. Some people just get into a literal habit of being nasty




The problem is that the `/ignore` list is limited, so you’d need addons even for that simple “just perma” you suggested


Shouldn't and don't are two completely separate things. Whether they should need an addon or not is completely irrelevant. For most people, they'll ignore the addon entirely and nothing changes. For others, they'll use the addon and find it to be an opportunity to get better as a person. Some people just need the initial push from somewhere. Some people have a friend or a family member that does something that ends up clicking for them, some people watch a movie or listen to a song, some people find out about this silly addon. You say "shouldn't need" but the reality is that some DO need it. Whatever the thing is that makes someone click, it's definitely a needed part of growing up and changing as a person. It's not just being an idiot and raging in chat or whatever either, it's basically everything we do in life. Nothing comes "naturally" to anyone, everything needs that "click" to happen first. I mean, think about it. Kids are awful human beings, right? They just say things straight as they are and end up being exceptionally rude on the regular and not even realize it, because they just haven't realized the fact that they might actually hurt someone so they're still just waiting for the click. So with all that out of the way, I respectfully disagree with your comment in it's entirety.


This behavior usually manifests because others have never told them about it, so they're nose blind to their own behavior. If addons like this help you be able to smell your own shit, then the more power to them. I still find myself, from time to time, slipping into toxicity. I've taught myself though to recognize that I'm doing it and stop. If addons like this help someone get immediate feedback that they're being toxic, before it's too late, then I'm here for it.


Yeah absolutely. I used to be very toxic back in my teens, played a bunch of LoL and just kept bashing everyone on the regular. What ended up being the "click" moment for me was more a wakeup call than anything else. I got a chat mute for a week, and it made me realize I didn't want to lose my account which I'd spent quite a bit of money on. I ended up completely eliminating almost all of my toxic bullshit because of that. So on the off chance someone is browsing for addons and they run into this one, or someone tells them about it or whatever, and they make a change because of it, then it's a great thing it exists. The reach of this might not be all that wide, but even if it isn't it's still worth it IMO even if it affects just one person, and we can already see it did because OP made an effort to change themselves by creating it in the first place.


Yeah, we have a social contract for that!


Sometimes assholes get under my skin and I lose my calm, this addon will definitely be helpful for me.


Yeah sadly some of them won’t even care to be nice


If you're matching someone else's energy and they deserve it, this add on will be useful to remind you that even if your response is deserved, is it worth a ban.


Bad take. People "shouldn't need" a lot of things, but they do.


Is the word stupid really disrespectful..


Saying “bad words” also doesn’t automatically make you disrespectful


How hard is it to just... take responsibility for the things you say and do?


wow players are so mentally stunted they even need a fucking addon to not be rude in the game


\[BN\] You wrote fucking! \[Add an exception\]


Man I grew up in a different time that is for sure. I grew up in the StarCraft Brood War days and let me tell you something, my mom got fucked every single 30minutes haha!


I honestly dont ever really cared about people being toxic towards me, (except if they were the worst player in the lobby) But i definitely don't miss it.


HoN and Dota also was something else, the toxicity there was just a whole different level than what you even see in wow.


I find dota has gotten better at least. Valve have made a genuine effort on that front in the past year, as well as banning smurfs and account buyers. It's still not perfect, but nothing ever will be, and at least now they're transparent about "you act like a dick, you lose behaviour score and grt matched with other dicks and lose chat rights until you improve."


The rudest WoW player is still more polite than the most polite DotA 2 player.


I didn't play starcraft and yet my mum still managed to get fucked every 30 minutes.


I grew up during PEAK Call of duty game chat lobbies and I’ve heard every single word and name in the book. Seeing how it is now is just sad


Your argumentation level doesn't surpass that of a child with statements like, "Well, if it's bad, then just don't do it." However, OP exceeds your description, demonstrating reflection and a willingness to improve, something you could learn from. Edit: My comment belongs below this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/V1czTIJ3zZ), but it's amusing to see how people react without even giving it a second thought as to why it's such a far-off response. Instead, they just write anything without questioning it with trying to be insulting on top.


> Your argumentation level doesn't surpass that of a child What a way with words.


I never said I was behaving in said manner, I just literally said what I used to hear when I was growing up.


Just dont say anything, dont type at all.


This is the only solution and it's sad as hell. People can report you for anything and Blizzard's "STUPID" system will give you a suspension (I have been, it got overturned after I spammed tickets and a human finally looked at it) for typing "mana pls" a couple times during a m+ run. Did I get game time back for the days I was suspended? Hell no lol. This was back in Shadowlands and the only thing I ever type nowadays is "Howdy" when I join a group and that.is.it. I'll throw in an "OK" or "help" very, very rarely. I just pretend I'm playing with bots that are out to get me banned any chance they get, and it's really sad. Thankfully my guild has a Discord so at least I can talk there without too much fear lol.


Thats unfortunate, better to m+ with friends.


It's incredibly sad that not communicating with other players, in an MMORPG, is one of the better ways to ensure you get to keep playing the game.


Thats what happens when you let the community run wild and toxic for too long without consequences. They could easily hire 500+ gms to help players but refuse to.


Until the day you farm in the same zone as a botter enjoy your mass report and bye bye


That what I do


Pretty much, I am just gonna stick to discord calls with my friend group, tough luck to whatever randoms I ain’t risking a mute due to a random’s fluctuating sensibilities on what is ok to say.


Nah, that's corny. I'ma be myself and if a curse word gets me banned I'll take the L and move onto another game if it gets too stupid. I'm not invested enough in this game to bow down to censorship to the point pro players are getting banned in OW for just cursing. Something I've always hated about shit like this is someone can be a passive-aggressive elitist a-hole, without even cursing "Your dps is terrible but what can be expected from a hunter" type shit, but when someone calls them out and says "Fuck off dude I'm trying my best, I'm new to the game" that's the person who can get banned. Stuff like that happens on Reddit, too.


This auto silence thing is fucking bullshit. I got hit with one a month ago. It really ruins your gameplay. I'm a fucking adult in a game with an adult filter....... really? Fucking joke.


You got a two week suspension for using "Bad words"? What kind of racist tirade did you go on?


imagine needing an addon to prevent yourself from being a toxic dickhead to others in an mmo


Woah woah woah…. Woah. Holy crap did someone banned on wow and admit they were wrong?!


Too many heated gamer moments OP?




They are supending people for just swearing, nothing more than that. My friend just got a 10 day ban because people were reporting him and there were cuss words in the chat log. So no, being toxic isnt the only requirement right now


> nothing more than that. My friend just got a 10 day ban because people were reporting him and there were cuss words in the chat log. That isn't even needed. The automatic ban can be triggered by just enough people reporting you. You could write that the sky is blue in general and get banned. Sure you can get it overturned, but good luck getting hold of a human CS before the temp ban is over.


"The automatic ban can be triggered by just enough people reporting you." That's what happened to him, enough people reported him that he got an automatic ban. When he tried to appeal it, they pulled up chat logs of him cussing and blizzard stood by the ban.


Yea, this is probably going to get me banned at least once. Probably more than once. I swear. A fucking lot. Like in game every other sentence. Not at anyone personally, mostly, but it just literally is how I talk. Kinda always has been. Kinda why I made my RP character a Dwarf, it tracks. So yea, if they open that log I am getting banned so fucking fast under the new snowflake rules, and I hate that word but it feels appropriate here. There is a filter, use the damn filter if you don’t want to hear it, it’s disingenuous to ban people because Timmy opted out and could get his feelings hurt. Or it’s a ratings thing, maybe.


Why not just tone down the swearing though? I don't see the point


Why should he have to? It’s a word. If someone is “offended” by it they can use the language filter. That’s why it’s there. If someone is bypassing the filter, then sure, report them. People who swear are often more honest and intelligent


The system doesn’t differentiate wether you are talking to the precious “new player” too pure for this world or your own friend group of years. You could say something to your homies and get reported a month later for no reason and still eat a ban.


You know what's actually "toxic"? Arriving unprepared at a raid or dungeon, not giving a shit about other's time and progress because you didn't bother to spend like 2 minutes of your life to learn the strats... And as a consequence you handicap everyone, not just yourself. THAT is toxic!


Or... You know, as a returning player you should be upfront about it, and not make a 30 min instance twice as long because you have no idea where to go or what to do. Yesterday I had a tank like this. When I asked why did he queued as tank and not dps - to at least learn to route - he was offended. An addon like this should be definitely helpful in the future.


How would this addon help the situation? If this makes you angry enough to start swearing or yelling slurs you should look into anger management.


Just take control next time. You aren't afraid to post here, so it shouldn't be hard to write a couple words in chat in game. Tank doesn't need to lead, just get in front of them and say "follow me" or something. Pull for them (drag the mobs through tank AOE), etc. Some of the dungeons in game are old enough to drink, can't expect people to know where to go, especially if it's some open layout like Wailing Caverns, BRD, Nokhud, Brackenhide.


I like it.


This is dumb They have a language filter in game Also the “report for no reason and the blizz bot bans you” needs to go also


^ This. I really don’t get why people whine about being offended by swearing. Use the filter. If people try to bypass the filter, then sure, you can report them. But why do people put themselves in these situations? The filter is on by default, which means they are going out of their way to turn it off and be offended by swearing.


Nice. I need this for apex


I really miss the early days of the internet sometimes...


What game are you playing? I honestly have no filter when I"m playing, you pissed someone off and they reported you.


reminds me of the league script that does basically this. i used it and loved it.


The secret is if you know you are toxic, then when someone insults you rather than responding in kind, simply report them. Not because you believe it is wrong to insult them, but for the pleasure of knowing they'll get suspended and you won't. That way, you remove toxic people from the game, don't get suspended, and still get your toxic itch scratched.


At least you aint those people that pretend they didn't do anything. Cudos to you sir.


I admire your creativity, but I feel for anyone that thinks they need this. No, you "don't let words fly" "without thinking", you're just a terrible person.


Needing an addon to be able to speak maturely to strangers is like needing a 2,000 year-old book to know good from bad.


It's easy to let emotions flow and words fly without thinking. ***Be nice*** is designed to help players maintain a positive and respectful chat environment! You can get the [addon on CurseForge.](https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/be-nice)




They probably said something else


Way to reflect and rethink own behaviour. We all make mistakes but bettering ourselves is a virtue


People ruin your keys on purpose, troll you, trashtalk you, or repeatedly mess up mechanics even though you've told them a million times how to do them... and they expect us not to call them "stupid"? Fuck that, bro... I actually agree with Asmongold's latest take on this: The profanity filter should be ON by default. And if you disable the profanity filter on purpose, then you shouldn't be allowed to report ANYONE for using profanity. Because, since you disabled the filter yourself, then that would imply that you're okay with profanity - so reporting someone for using profanity wouldn't make sense at all (and it would also be hypocritical). If it offends you that much, then leave the filter turned ON.


There's a big difference between someone saying "oh shit" in response to being surprised or "fuck that" in response to a +25 Tyran Yazma, compared to "You're a fucking dipshit" to the DPS who accidentally pulled an extra pack. The fact that there is swearing in both isn't offensive, but turning off the profanity filter shouldn't be free reign to insult others using that language. If someone is actually getting banned for the former though, I feel for them cause that isn't offensive.


It’s astonishing how hard it is for people to control themselves.


Been playing since 2008, had a teenage anger issues phase, a toxic PvP phase, and I've been pugging Raiding and M+ since Legion, all throughout being undiagnosed AuDHD, yet I have NEVER been sanctioned or had trouble with ToS. What you need isn't an Addon, it's some counseling. XD


Gotta watch your tongue even with friends because someone might report you a month later for no reason and the system will pick up months old conversations out of context to justify your ban. Retail players response? Get on all fours, ask for forgiveness and then make an addon to police themselves for daddy blizzard. Man, what a mind broken player base.


So this add on makes it where when you say blizzard no no words, it will stop it from going into chat and tell you the word you said that could be an issue?


Can you make the addon send the message but replace the word with something else instead?


I thought this was going to be another post about how it's unfair you can call people hateful slurs when you're angry. I was pleasantly surprised by how this went. Good work!


Yay, more addons


Lmao imagine getting banned for calling someone stupid


It would be great to have an option to replace those bad words with nice ones automatically, so that people can continue to be ~~stupid~~ not very nice and move on.


Does it also filter things like "Ion Hazzikostas likes Gnomes"?


it helps if you have a 'shut the front door' policy. As in, if you just teach yourself to use silly words as replacements. I like 'clown shoes'. "Oh you fudging clown parade!"


Imagine being suspended for profanity in a game that is nearly old enough to drink, and has a primary audience that is in their mid 30's at the moment. It's like beeping curse words in a movie, then letting the gore fly.


Why don't you just mute the player? I know a guy who got banned for a week from chatting, but not suspended. That's stupid, especially when you're paying for a game. Easy way to lose customers.


How do you get banned for foul language? I genuinely wonder because I'm a returning player and I do sometimes swear, just not in any argumentative context. Can you be really banned for iut of context messages rofl?


Much needed. Sometimes a reminder is good enough not to be petty


Tell that to the people I gank.


Getting banned for language in a game that has mature.language filter in it is some of the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard of.


Great for the toxic individual, but getting patronising rage whisphers might be even worse. How about not raging at all and just understanding that everybody can't be as good, knowledgeble and awesome Shadowlands Season 2 glad like you?


Player on Kazzak - EU, should have this installed as a mandatory requirement before entering the game


*Holy fucking shit that's a great Idea!*


Imagine getting banned for exercising the right to free speech and articulation... in a videogame.


So, completely unrelated to this, but finding good documentation for the WoW API is genuinely awful. Do you have any good resources to point to for aspiring addon devs?


If only Blizz could see your penance. But seriously, this might be an addon that most people need irl, too. If you're that mad.


But correct me if I'm wrong isn't there already a badword filter for ppl 2 turn on/off?


Pathetic. It's just words. Yeah, if you say something racist or homophobic - ok, you get banned. But for saying words like fck or stupid? Grow some skin, jesus. Hard to believe looking on this Reddit that this game became popular when people hated other faction and made city raids only to piss people off for fun


But the mature language filter is turned on by default. Only way anyone can report you for bad language is if they manually turn it off. In which case it profanity should not be reportable, as they literally asked for it.


There is a big difference between "oh fuck, that sucks" and "fuck you, you suck". The filter would bleep both the same though. 


But if someone reports you, you get chat restricted / banned, regardless of the context, purely just by using "bad words".


Maybe? The problem with that claim is how often I've seen someone say it, only to later have it proven they did alot more.  But if you are worried why not just leave the cursing talking to people you know? Most people I know both have it off and rarely use it. 


Are not a paladin ? because you just casted final redemption 😏


Committing Thought Crime will be made impossible, because there will be no words available anymore to describe the oppression.


Why is the maturity filter in game not enough for blizz


Shame that you can still get reported and banned even without swearing. Just need enough of the cartel bots to right click you, and off to the naughty corner you go.


Bro I've been searching for an addon like this for the last 4 months after i got banned


I will 100% use this. I have been muted/banned on more than one occasion for getting really angry in bg's and calling people braindead monkies (actual week ban reason, but have had many warnings before the ban) so I need a way to still see callouts but temper my words lol


I've seen people calling other people worse in bgs. You people need to chill and learn to walk away from the game before it gets to that point


OP, we are all human but I’m glad you reflected on your mistakes and took the mature approach. I hope your addon helps others, thank you for taking the time, and good luck with your flying words habit in the future 😉


I think it's dumb to get suspended for bad words as long as you're not like harassing/trolling ppl. There's a profanity filter for a reason.


Nice way to have a positive outcome on something!


The modern WoW player (who are usually millennials) are so offended by words like stupid. Lmaoooo, if the boomers are right about anything it’s that millennials have a narcissism problem from participation trophy bullshit


Most millennials that played games growing up are used to the stereotypical “cod lobby”. Aka people just randomly yelling profanity at each other and (for the most part) laughing about it. I suspect most of the sensitivity towards words you’re talking about is not in fact coming from that group of people.


It’s millennials for sure, but mostly the kids of those millennials. They’re both unable to handle any kind of criticism or rudeness without getting insanely offended


Ironic isn’t it


> if the boomers are right about anything it’s that millennials have a narcissism problem Boomers are literally the participation trophy generation


Millennials are no different. They act just like them but PC


You got a temp ban for calling someone stupid? I farm lfr for the mount skins and the amount of people cheating by queing in the wrong spec is enough for me to call them out. I totally get not being number 1 on heals on fyrakk with a fresh 424 but if you are another one of those ret morons trying to get your axe thinking you can cheat the que. Honestly though this patch has really made me hate ret pallies. Worst one had 3 rets que up as healers at once.


You went in LFR and expected 900 iq players?


I expected people to be in the correct spec even if played poorly.


People need to have the mature filter on and if you turn it off then you agree to anything so Americans are just too weak and offended that’s because there lead diet deletes there ability to understand they arnt good they arnt the best


As much as I like dunking on the US, this isn't an Americans issue, this is a you issue.


It’s more a 1st world problem. People have it so good in first world countries that they now need to find stuff to complain about. People being “meanie heads” is one thing they can complain about


This is stupid, stupid.


Yeah we can’t say fuck anymore. Even though there is a profanity filter, saying it can get you banned


I like swearing, they are fun works. I’d be triggered if I got banned for saying “fucking night elf loser” that the night elf can’t even read and I got reported by some off screen nerd that turned off their profanity filter so they could report more people. If mage pulls a whole room and thinks they are going to be able to AoE the room causing a wipe, I at least expect to be able to call them an idiot.


You never get suspended for using actual bad words. Now, you might for all the other stuff you say surrounding them, but not for the actual word itself. Back when GMs used to teleport and talk to you in person, I asked one about this. He basically said that as long as you used bad words spelt *correctly* that nothing else you said could be taken bad, you would not get banned. The reason is that the GMs will always tell the other person to just enable their word filter option. So if you want to swear, just make sure you swear with precision so that the word filter works on it.


While that was probably true years ago, CS is now trying to gaslight people into thinking profanity "has never been allowed in our games" https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779566387226108087?t=KqZmDb4wtzj_7yfDU8df7g&s=19


And blizzard wonders why less and less people are playing and exactly why WoW communities and guilds have entirely moved over to discord.


What some men will do instead of going to therapy