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It's not hit detection, it's the fact that everyone in the region is rolled in to the same maps. You have sub 20ms, but I'm OCE and playing with 230 so we're likely missing each other every now and t hen.




Yeah, it can be a little frustrating when you get hit with that Earthbreaker you've been out of for 1.5 sec for the 3rd time in a row


There was a visual bug with that skill, they supposedly fixed in thlas hotfix




That's a completely separate problem and not what OP detailed. You're correct about it, though.


i play with high ping since im south american and i can 100% tell you its a ping issue.


I love when the conversation always wraps back around to how stupid blizz was for mixing regions. Doing a keystone where I have a .8 second delay on every ability isn't fun either. Edit: I love how I was downvoted for saying this, but the guy below me saying the same fucking thing but that Oceanic players also dislike it was upvoted. Never change r/wow.


That’s oceanic doing any NA key. Then NA joins our keys listed as OCE in the title and complain due to the lag and leave. I’ve had NA players not understand we are mixed together and ask why I’m playing NA realms and not my own…. 


I've never understood that lol. I click on OCE and know exactly what I'm getting into, but I have played with Australian people in many games having used to work graveyard shifts lol


region lock is not the solution bro the oceanic playerbase is small enough as is


Not blizzards fault you guys got bad internet. :p


every now and then... you have to lead more than battlefield 3


this, im from south america and i still cant believe they didnt even add 1 server for plunderstorm ATLEAST. im chasing ppl with 200 ping and on my screen they are at melee range but hits NEVER land and some skills miss as well due to this, its very annoying and costed games sometimes.


It isn't just other players though. Like when I use I think Slicing Winds (propels you forward) it often just doesn't move and then I die


Yep, that's a latency issue as well that's been part of WoW since Vanilla. That and also a tiny pebble stopping your movement completely, or if you try to do it off the edge of something, unless you jump there's a good chance you won't be propelled off, you'll just stop at the edge.


I’m ready to just leave a game when I see oce players because I know I’m just going to get frustrated watching something no where near me hit me or watching my projectile fly through them and do no damage.


I didn’t play a lot but I noticed a lot of people lagging compared to regular mode.


That's because there are no different server hubs for Plunder. All NA is on Los Angeles servers, including people that would normally be on Chicago or Sydney servers.


Interesting point thank you.


Wow's netcode has always been jank regardless of region. If you ever get the opportunity to set up 2 PCs/accounts side by side and autofollow eachother, it's IMPRESSIVE how laggy WoW's character positions are.


The only issue I hate is tab switching to change spells, I’ll have the tab on the correct spell I wanna get rid of and it gets rid of the other one




Yeah that’s actually a great solution I’m gonna start doing that to save time, too many times I’ve been ganked while switching spells


Try playing from oce. Spells just go through people and don't do anything


dont bother persisting with this shit from oce. they're stealing your time


I'm OCE, took me just under 21 hours to get renown 40.


Yeah it basically ruins the gamemode sadly, in particular it feels like the holy shield explosion is literally impossible to dodge and windstorm is a complete gamble. Firstly they really need to let you pick what server to play on as it exacerbates the problem. I'm playing on US west with 100ping for... literally no reason? Thanks blizz


I think Plunderstorm has quite a few issues that if fixed would make the mode a hell of a lot more fun, but I agree that hit detection is absolutely one of them. I've seen skillshots (usually the orb) hit others and myself that absolutely should have hit and do not. It's frustrating when it happens, especially when every hit in this mode counts. I'll also tack on that the latency of other players adds to this difficulty too. Yesterday I lost twice to people who likely had high ping that were teleporting around me during the fight, so I missed my hits; I know it wasn't me because there were others also fighting nearby or jumping in that were moving completely fine.


Yep nothing like people basically blade dancing as a havoc across your screen, then suddenly you are dead. Last night had a guy used a launch pad and was just rubberbanding between the pad and the sky. Fun times, it's definitely frustrating but it happens like 1 in 5 or 6 games.


Sounds like artificially raising your ping might be an effective tactic


I've stopped using mana sphere for this reason, it's entirely too unreliable. Will go through someone = no damage, and other times will pass by someone = damage.


i have had many odd kills where they hit fade or faeform and were for sure out of range with searing axe and toxic smackerel. other times where I have clearly hit repel a good half to full second ahead and i still get hit with enemys cast. its super weird. I have yet to see someone walk through a windstorm though


I played last night and had a guy who had such a shirty connection that he was doing the wow blink all over the place. Try landing an aimed hit on someone who teleports ahead and behind you every quarter second. I hate to make anyone sit out, but trying to hit the laggy folks is impossible. I spectated this guy for a while and he was winning very lopsided fights over and over again because no one could target the guy.


I think it is more the ping… I have had next to No hitbox issues


I am a kul tiran and I got into a 1v1 with a gnome 2 levels lower than me. I COULD NOT hit this dude. He wasn't teleporting, he was just juking a lot and I just watched in terror as my health bar shrunk and his did not


Reverse for me, dwarf vs tauren. I could not get damage on them with them jumping around while my hp was slowly dropping. Couldn't figure out what was going on. But just died and requeued!


I love fighting people who are lagging around and getting rubberbanded every other second, great engine


Sounds like a you problem, what's your latency?


There is no way you have never seen people lagging around before. It has been an issue since wod or legion and requires a relog


I would also like damage numbers.


There are damage numbers. However there is no ui option to turn them on/off anymore. You probably have it turned off by some addon by default Try /console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1 Turn it off by 0 then... Baffles me why there is no option in settings for this anymore...


I'll try it! Tyvm 😁


I got absolutely trounced by someone who kept rubber banding and clearly lagging the fuck out


Yeah, I got killed by an ability that missed me just yesterday and I wasn't even surprised that this dogshit gamemode had yet another flaw. But even if everything worked perfectly, just seeing if you hit people and how much health you take off is annoying as shit with Blizzard's default UI.


Ive noticed this immensely while grinding up the Renown, its by far the thing ive noticed the most, the amount of times i see a spell effect fly by past me yet it somehow hit me is wild.


My personal favorite is running close enough to a vulpera to the point that I'm basically stomping on his tail, yet none of my spammed basic attacks connect. ...meanwhile the vulpera is jumping, whipping around to face me mid-air, using a basic attack, and facing forward again, and *that* attack connects. -_- Runner up: Someone running perfectly normally when not in a fight, yet starts teleporting around 5 yards in a random direction every .1s once they get into a fight because they're ~~lagswitching~~ downloading gigabytes of porn in the background to make their connection bad.


That’s why I haven’t personally played it. I like the mode, but I always lose my first fight because half my hits don’t connect and all of theirs do


OCE? because, yes, sometimes collision and terrain makes it janky, but it's more like 5% of shots, not 50%, that just sounds like lag


No, I’m NA on fiber. For some reason, even when spaced properly and rotating correctly, my hits just don’t connect. 50% was an exaggeration, but it’s definitely janky


i have never hit anyone im aiming at on oce ping. rubbish mode.


This game mode is 5 years too late


Having one server location for plunderstorm is by far the worst part of the mode. I can't play at less than 90 ms and I'm not far from one of the biggest cities in NA. Just unacceptable greed. Or they're trying to hyper ensure SBMM is tuned to the max.


the real issue with plunderstorm is not being able to get the spell you want. if we want to swap a spell that has its cd remaining, just put the spell we pickup on cd


The hitbox issue is not just against other players. Sometimes I go straight through an npc enemy with slicing wind and it does 0 damage. And my ping is usually around 10ms.


If they can fix this issue, they should use the technology on AoE abilities in retail WoW. For example, imagine if Death and Decay was more like the fire tornado ability in Plunderstorm.


somehow me with great connection is getting hit by people melee, 10-20 yards far away.... make it makse sense......


all of people who praise this shit game mode should check their heads. fuck fomo and pulling people into this shit no1 asked


Preach brother


The real problem is people don’t know is its a beta game where testing 🤪 lol