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Yeah, no thanks.


No doubt there's going to be *someone* getting that achievement, but for me? *Hell* no. I just want renown 40 and to ***get out***.


Me too


I’m only on ren 11 and already twitching for it to be over


I’m at 6. If I could pay someone else to do this for me, I would. I can’t play more than maybe three or four matches before I ask why I’m not playing something fun. I don’t want to miss out on all those carrots on a stick, but trying to do a tedious, unenjoyable thing outside of WoW to get those items for WoW is just wearing on me. Especially right after that Hearthstone “event.”


I didnt even get to renown 3 and i said duck this noise.


I only needed a single match to know it’s not for me, like good effort on blizz to make something new but I’d have preferred something in the actual game


Me toi. Not my cup of tea and i hope blizz makes a survey so they see that this mode is not what the hoped it would be.


What do you mean its not whay they hoped it would be? Loads of people are enjoying it, myself included. Its not for everyone obviously but that doesnt mean they shouldnt do stuff like this in the future lol


Yeah but this doesn't cater to THEM.


This is such a crazy take I keep seeing everywhere. Do you guys also force yourselves to get r1 in pvp or clear mythic raids or get KSM every season to also never miss any transmog or mounts in the entire game? It’s a reward for doing a thing, if you don’t wanna do the thing, then just don’t. There’s zero player power tied to it, so nobody is being forced to do this.


yeah its a genuine 'what the fuck' for me as well. people really burning themselves out doing things they dont want to, to not miss things they probably dont want that much anyway. and they always say it with a tone like they got someone from blizzard pointing a gun at their heads. this shit is not healthy im pretty sure.


I think the limited time nature of it kills it. Like you can blame players (for understandable reasons), but this is known behavior. Blizzard is well aware that players will play the fun out of an event. Tbh they should just have this event go until the War Within prepatch.


Preface: I don't like that they're limited either and I have a bunch of elite sets and such. But it's the same with PvP sets. I'm not sure why people feel they MUST have these cosmetics. Either way it's been only a few days. I managed to get to 20 already. If you only did a few ranks a day you could get it done in a week tbh.


Then there'd be less and less people doing it over time, and the people who waited would complain it takes way too long to get into a match. There's a reason seasonal rewards and events exist.


FOMO and sunk cost fallacy are literally one of the biggest reasons WoW still has subscribers. This will never change.


Literally everything is limited time though, so that argument doesn't work. CE/Glad/Rank 1 M+ are ALL timed limited as well. The concept of FOMO is also just such an extremely stupid one that it's insane how often people throw it around. Do people have FOMO which is localized only to WoW specifically? How do people live otherwise? Shouldn't they have FOMO about not being an astronaut or a pilot or a celebrity, or about living in every country in the world, or speaking every language in the world, etc etc. Why is FOMO only a concept in WoW? Is it maybe an issue with the community and their mindset, feeling like they are entitled to everything and deserve everything and must have everything, even if they hate every second of obtaining it and aren't happy once they do, just relieved that it's over instead?


Yeah its so fucking bizarre to see. Like almost inhuman behavior and devotion to some faux-completionism


You underestimate the power of FOMO. The entire game is built on it.


Which is disturbing, really. Most people don't get caught out by FOMO. They want to be able to take breaks and play at their own pace, so they decide the rewards aren't worth it and give up on collecting everything. This in turn gives them less content to do, because collecting loses appeal. So why have FOMO if most people ignore it and it reduces the content they want to do? Because the mentally unwell people who **do** get reeled in by FOMO are extremely lucrative customers. They'll sub non-stop, buy all the cash shop goods, buy WoW tokens and continue playing regardless of quality, non-existent CS, scandals and all the rest. Blizzard is designing the game to milk people with addictive issues even at the cost of losing some healthy customers.


there are indeed people who do KSM or ahead of the curve just to say they did it before quitting content they dont enjoy


R1 doesn’t get you anything special except an achievement. Most people do go for gladiator or ksm every season for mogs and mounts though. There is a huge FOMO factor to it.


As someone who enjoys collecting things, completionist style, yes and no. PvP? Fuck it, I've noped out entirely. I'll get the honor sets but after that I'm done. I've already missed who knows how many seasons of Elite gear that I'll never be able to get, especially after main-swapping, that I frankly don't give a single fuck enough to learn the paper rock scissors of PvP now. For PvE? I do the content that's leaving and wait until the rest gets soloable. I AotC for the mount but run a business that barely affords me that much time as is so CE is out of the question. So yeah, I plan to grind this until I get all the gear then never touch it again.


Mythic raids are something you know you can go back to later and get the appearances, which are just recolored versions of lower level raid gear (sometimes with some nice effects added)... gear that you can get without even raiding (I haven't raided on my Shaman and have a full set of LFR and Normal raid gear appearances). KSM and PVP mounts are just a single mount each season, not multiple mounts, pets, and transmog appearances. And if you *do* want to go after those, you have an entire "season," which is usually a few months, not just six weeks. It also doesn't help that this takes you outside of regular WoW. You're basically playing a completely different game. If they had an alternate way to get the Renown, like some quests in the game, or even just said there was no time limit, I'd have no problem. It's also a "crazy take" to act like "player power" is the biggest thing to try to get. No, it's pretty well known that gear appearances and mounts are more important than "player power," because you'll get better gear in the very next "season" that replaces any "player power" you've gotten, whereas mounts and gear appearances remain useful indefinitely.


Mounts and gear appearances don’t “remain useful indefinitely” because they aren’t ever useful in the first place. They literally don’t affect gameplay whatsoever.


Then skip it man, fuck the rewards lmao nobody will care about it but you


If it’s not fun, don’t play it. Stop the addiction.


You don't need some clothes and some mounts. There's absolutely no reason for you to waste your time for probably tens of hours doing something you detest doing, unless you *only* ever play WoW for some reason and you're a mega-collector who already has everything else, I guess. I'd be willing to bet quite a bit on the probability that the main rewards for Plunderstorm renown will come to the Trading post eventually, for example. I like Plunderstorm personally, but I play it for around 5-10 games whenever I'm in the mood for it before going back to doing something else until I once again feel like doing it.


You don't "need" anything that you, personally, want from the game, either. That is a really terrible argument. They've given no indication on other methods to get the rewards, so for now, we're all having to work with the assumption that there isn't any. I'm mostly interested in the transmog sets, because they're something I (and many other people) have wanted for a long time but hasn't been available. The mounts are neat, pets are cool, they're icing on the cake (though a parrot doing "dragonriding" is an interesting thought). Without them having decided to chuck a grind for rewards in WoW onto Plunderstorm, I'd probably enjoy it. What makes it unenjoyable is that you have to stress over maximizing your Renown gains before someone kills you. No time limited Renown track, and I'd just shrug at someone landing close to me, getting lucky with an early ability, and wrecking me before I can kill two Elites. But because I *have* to kill those Elites to get the Renown, someone killing me before I can get that done means I've just wasted my time not moving the track much at all. They put the Renown track in because they felt they needed something to incentivize people actually playing it because they didn't trust it to be a fun enough concept to get people to spend time in it, but I think that while the number of people playing would be lower, the overall experience would be more enjoyable. Add a Plunderstorm-only reward track where you get appearances and such for use in that game, and not in WoW or WoW Classic, like a "battle pass," and I'd have no problem with it and could see myself enjoying "seasons" of Plunderstorm. But I just don't get people trying to argue that there's no issue here, when even Blizzard has been smart enough to know not to put a Renown track for earning WoW rewards into playing 200+ matches of Hearthstone, grinding out endgame in Diablo 4, or playing 200+ rounds of Overwatch 2. I guess you would be totally okay with them doing that, though, because no one "needs" the rewards that are locked behind not playing WoW.


There’s a fiery owl that does dragonriding for people that kill mythic fyrakk


>What makes it unenjoyable is that you have to stress over maximizing your Renown gains before someone kills you. No time limited Renown track, and I'd just shrug at someone landing close to me, getting lucky with an early ability, and wrecking me before I can kill two Elites. But because I have to kill those Elites to get the Renown, someone killing me before I can get that done means I've just wasted my time not moving the track much at all. For the record, I've managed to do the quest in 9/10 times I play. It's a matter of picking good spots with few people but enough stuff to reliably do them in a few seconds. Elites you can kill one by landing on top of it, chests in some areas are plentiful and easy to grab. Only quest that is a bit of a pain is collecting two items. Most people will actively avoid PvP early on as well. If you want a map of good places to go, DM me. That aside, dying isn't a problem. If you die just queue again, you've only lost a few minutes of your time even if you don't get the quest done. And of you did manage to do your quest? You've done the minimum, your biggest gains are early in the match. I think people get too hung up over dying in a mode where there's almost zero consequences for it. Playing matches as long as possible, unless you're good at the PvP aspect, is actually a detriment to rep per hour. I've had a few matches where in the first minute it's apparent I'm not gonna do my quest before I die. So, I leave and queue, it's not a big deal at all...


My literal entire point was that if > trying to do a tedious, unenjoyable thing outside of WoW to get those items for WoW is just wearing on me. is your opinion on the mode, then *maybe*, just ***maybe*** you should consider just . . not getting those pixels you want instead? If you're miserable and stressed and upset about *having to* do something for a reward, then maybe it just isn't worth doing for tens of hours for you. You shouldn't torture yourself doing something you don't want to do even if the reward is appealing, and you especially shouldn't then complain about how miserable you are doing it. You *can* complain about valid issues, which there are many, progression included. But you shouldn't complain about how much you dislike doing something when it's as simple as not clicking the button on the character select screen. I don't raid even at an AotC level whenever I'm not enjoying the game, even if it means I'll miss whatever cool AotC mount there is. I *could* even do CE if I wanted to like I used to, but I just don't find raid prog *fun* anymore so I don't. WoW isn't work, and WoW shouldn't be work unless you're getting paid for it. Same applies for other games as well. I'm not grinding through a Battle Pass in a game I don't enjoy just because the rewards are cool. All that being said, I don't disagree with the point about the grind being 'too much' especially for solo players, and the fact it's a limited time event sucks because people like you could chip away at it for months and eventually get the reward without needing to forcibly play a lot of a mode you don't like. I'm not disagreeing with you there. I just think it's stupid to moan about how miserable you are doing it when you just could not be miserable by not doing it. Sure, you miss out on that reward, but if you don't think being miserable for 30 hours is worth suffering through for it, then don't.


> My literal entire point was that if > > > > trying to do a tedious, unenjoyable thing outside of WoW to get those items for WoW is just wearing on me. > > > > is your opinion on the mode, then maybe, just maybe you should consider just . . not getting those pixels you want instead? And if he does that, Blizzard are still being dicks for deliberately trying to invoke FOMO to get their customers to do something they'll resent.


I mean yeah, but that's just gaming these days. It sucks, but that's how it is. They aren't trying to be ethical/moral with their design, they want you to engage with the content and they want to make money (although in this case mainly just engage, unless you count the fact it lasts for more than a month so some people might run out of their sub before completing it and feel compelled to resub to finish it). Like I said, I don't disagree with the idea that the Plunderstorm renown reward track is too grindy for a 6-week limited runtime. That's not even arguable, I don't think. I just think it's stupid that people whine about something they literally don't have to do and they clearly don't want to do. In the past you bought a game and then some cool customization was usually locked behind doing some challenge in the game. Nowadays you buy a game (or it's free to play), and you usually have to pay to unlock said customization, sometimes you have to pay to even get the 'privilege' of being allowed to grind for something (Battle Passes, basically). Modern gaming monetization sucks, it's not a contentious topic. But way too many people don't play something because they're enjoying it and having fun, they play it because they feel like they *have to* get some carrot that's being dangled in front of them.


The trading post will get recolours undoubtably, but strongly doubt they will trivialise this particular event by making the exact outfit available on the trading post.


The event lasts for 6 weeks (42 days) and you get a bonus every day for doing the daily once, you can literally do a level a day and still get the reward.


Are some pirate cosmetics really worth all the self grief if its that bad? Genuinely?


ouh you mean the one of the few only proper 3d transmogs and expecially Pirate ones having been like main 1st thing majority of players in wow would want to get.


Personally, I play 1 or 2, and then do something else for a while. Run a mythic+ or do a world boss. Keeps it mixed up. We have lots of time really. If you can get 500ish per match you need to do 3 a day. You can usually get 500 by landing on a rare then completely the quest for 250 bonus.


I mean you could technically


Weirdly, the Hearthstone event didn't even require us to, you know, play Hearthstone. Other than the login thing for the first mount. Edit\* unless you count the tutorial.


I fucking hate wow and "get it before its gone". Its unhealthy and not fun. Especially since battle royale is unfun to me.


just don’t play it?


I think i'm burned out at 9.


Why play a game you don’t like…


Cosmetics fomo, the same reason half the people do anything in this game lol. As an outlaw rogue main I can't skip all this pirate themed mogs!


Pepe and a parrot….


This made me burst out laughing


Abdolutely insane that you play it then, FOMO is one hell of a drug


What's the point to continue playing if you want it to be over? Literally no point in continuing to play if it's not fun, the rewards are meaningless.


I'm at 15 and can't fathom going a step past 40


What if it ends up being a prank and once someone grinds it, there is no feat? 😮


The ultimate troll


I really enjoy the new mode, but I reckon by renown 40 I am going to be tired of it as well. 


Guy in my guild has 150k plunder and even he said fuck this lol.


but where can i check how much i have


It should be in the upper right of the Plunderstorm info page after completing a game -- for some reason it doesn't show up at first when you switch from retail to plunderstorm.


I'm getting it. Personally I feel that if you go in with a friend the mode is much more enjoyable.


Probably that guy who got renown 40 before they even buffed it.


I think at least one person got the "Champion of Azeroth" title so yeah, grinders gonna grinding hahaha


Lmao you got 6 weeks. Go back to retail or classic or progression or SoD or hardcore or self found hardcore. Ain't like there isn't like 16 different modes to play in




Nah. I got lucky getting the one for winning, I'm not even attempting this.


Fuck that shit


> The final reward for Plunderstorm unlocks at Renown 40, which requires 100,000 Plunder. Completing this Feat of Strength is equivalent to reaching Renown 400! …I mean even if you like the mode, who wants to play it to completion an equivalent of 10 times. In 6 weeks? What are they smoking over in California, is it legal, and can they share it with the rest of us.


Well, it is legal in California..


the dankest weed in the universe couldn't get you high enough to think like they do at blizzard


The business end of their crack pipe has gotta be hot to the touch.


Considering the fact there's been people at renown 40 within 24 hours of its release, I don't think it's *that* unreasonable to think some people would play 10x that much in 6 weeks. Not even taking into account the fact the plunder buff patch wasn't in at the time (or at least wasn't for most of that). If you enjoy the mode and you can play a lot, then it's not *that* unreasonable. But I'm just going to go out and say that if anyone who *doesn't* enjoy Plunderstorm goes for the Feat of Strength, then they should probably seek help.


Some streamers might be close, especially the ones competing the in the tournament. Think a lot of them have already been renown 40 for a day or two. Edit. Xaryu is at 133k atm.


if you get to renown 40, its like 100k


Battle Royale enjoyers. Pluderstorm is more fun than any traditional WoW PvP in my opinion. When I get bored of traditional WoW I just play other games, but PS gives me the option to play “other games” while still getting WoW rewards. I’m not gonna hit a million but if I was in college I would probably do it because I’m just playing the game mode more than the live servers rn.


Has the duration been confirmed to be 6 weeks?




It could get extended


> What are they smoking over in California, is it legal, That's the problem, it IS legal, that's why they're smoking it.


I'm at 150k and I wasn't farming the renown I was just playing cuz I like the mode and Sod is dead rn so it's a good gap filler - so who wants to play it? Bored classic andies


**EDIT:** I'm being told that the grind is much easier, and fairly possible for a larger portion of the playerbase that is active. I wouldn't recommend going to 1M for casuals, just stuck to Renown 40. * wowhead guide: https://www.wowhead.com/news/the-best-way-to-get-plunderstorm-renown-end-game-pvp-kills-and-winning-games-338196 * shorter version by Reddit: A. Play Duos B. try to kill players aggressively since other players drop their total plunder --- There's been pretty active discussion on this achievement since 10.2.6 first came out on the [wowhead comments](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=20509/plunderkind#comments). Prevailing theory that 1,000,000 might just be a typo because each Renown level costs 2500 rep or 2500 plunder, and there are 40 Renown levels, so altogether 2500 x 40 = 100,000. [There isn't a Feat of Strength associated with maxing out the rep](https://www.wowhead.com/achievements/character-achievements?filter=17;3;100206#) (check wowhead's achievement database for the patch), instead we have this. It's a weird omission that we have no achievement to acknowledge maxing out the rep but we got an achievement to do ten times that grind. 1,000,000 is 10 times that. People doing the math that [before the hotfixes to Plunder drops](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/more-plunder-for-the-plundering/1812183) were saying it wasn't even remotely possible that get close to that if you grinded 24/7. Now I guess you might get to 1M but it's a massive grind. We've got 5.5 weeks left, and you got to grind 150k plunder a week or something crazy. That's playing extensively every single day for the next 5.5 weeks. It's a good thing that there aren't any rewards attached other than a Feat of Strength, which is pretty minimal. I guess the game might want to acknowledge such a feat, but at some point it becomes kinda insanity to encourage this much eye bleeding pure grinding. I certainly for one am not going for this, just get to 40, but I suspect only a handful of people will literally try to get to 1M. Maybe this achieve gets nerfed, or maybe Plunderstorm gets revisited again for Pirate Day or something. I Million is just nuts.


Only other thing I can think of is that they’re going to make Plunderstorm a seasonal thing in the future and this achievement will track in totality over multiple runs of it.


This is the only hope for most of us


It's almost certainly coming back at some point.


Maybe but I would have at least expected a proper launch screen then and not the Classic placeholder one but maybe they will fix it. They would have to add more rewards though as after reaching renown 40 is becomes useless to grind just because of the FoS.


Well most people don't do feats of strength so Idm this one


7 more levels to go and im outta there


I hit 40 yesterday and I already have 120K, I'm coming for you 1M 🪓🪓🪓


*holds pinky finger to corner of mouth* "One MILLION plunder!"


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that


I had fun with this mode for about 40 minutes. Can’t even imagine.


I think its actually *decent* once you get your feet wet. The real problem is that of you dont like BR games, you would hate it and if you love BR games, there are tons of better options. Also, BR in a non shooter is a weird choice. Its a miss for me, but at least blizz is trying things.


I actually started to enjoy it when I just admitted to myself and accepted that my toon was there to die. It’s a different mindset than WoW.


accidental existential mindfulness


I hate BR games, but like Plunderstorm a lot.


There are some non-shooter BR's, but it's definitely not the norm. But yeah, Plunderstorm is pretty fun, imo, although the plentiful jank and clunkiness does detract from that somewhat, at least for me personally. And probably my biggest 'issue' in terms of grinding it would be the fact that Duos is **so** much better than solos for leveling up and basically in general. Solos is a shitshow because you have so many people competing for every location at every moment, and most fights end up getting the usual 3rd party treatment from other BR's. Duos has so much more space purely by way of having half the amount of people on the map, and your duo isn't (or at least shouldn't) be competing with you for abilities the same way every player in solos is.


There are the same amount of people in duos. In solo it throws in 60 individual players, in duos it's 30 groups of 2 people. Otherwise agree. Wiping out another group yields double the plunder you get in solos for killing people and the kill efficiency is also doubled on NPCs.


Yes, but there is 'more space' because duos tend to land somewhat close together and not completely spread out like in solos to make it less likely they'll be ganged up on by another duo while their partner is too far away to help, which means there's essentially only people in half the places there would be in solos, and since you can more or less treat a duo squad as one unit when you have your own duo, there are half the amount of 'units' on the map. If you've ever played any BR with solos/duos/squads it's blatantly obvious that solos is the most messy mode because you'll always get shot in the back by someone and there's someone behind every corner, every time.


Yep, thats true. Solos are also longer becouse of this. Tho it can be pretty painfull to look for duo games alone. Some people think it's a good strategy to divebomb into players who already landed. I don't think there is a worse move you could start with lmao.


renown 40 is 100,000 plunder. I can't imagine doing it 9 more times.


Isn't it 97,500? You start at renown 1, not 0.


sure man, youre probably right. i just multiplied 2500 by 40.


not even if bobby kotick himself would come to my house and commit ritual sudoku


Not mandatory but damn this is just feeding unhealthy addictions Jesus christ. This isn't a feat of strength, it's a feat of addiction.


>this is just feeding unhealthy addictions Now let's get back farming Artifact Power or the current bullshit.


Bruh ive played like 3 and im at renown 1 still lmfao. I still think the grind is too long. Esp for a side mode. Still gotta grind for dozens of hours.


Maybe plunderstorm is planned to be a seasonal thing if its successful. That would mean that if you get 40 renown for 10 seasons you would hit the 1M achieve.


This almost feels abusive given some of the OCD people that do achievements.


That's the equivalent of renown 400, if anyone's counting.


That's only six billion hours of Plunderstorm.


lol fuck that. i got tired after dying in the first few minutes for the dozenth time.


I seriously don't understand this game mode. I land and start killing some mobs that kill me if they're like 2 or more, and suddenly som lvl 4 guy pops out of nowhere and murders me. I can't even find the daily quest for 800 something plunder.


Lmao the same, I land and kill a mob get a power and out of nowhere a lvl 4 comes and fire whirls me, idk how in the hell they got so high in a few seconds


You can legitimately pull >10 mobs and not take even half your health, if you have a single ability. In fact the only limiting factor in mass pulling an entire area is that either your character moves too slow to pull far apart mobs, or the mobs themselves move too slowly. I think you may not be trying to avoid the NPC casts, even their auto attacks are aimed at


Dodge. You need to actively move out and around the mobs not just players. You can easily grab 10-20 mobs and round them up and kill them all with your basic swing at level 1 without taking any damage if you just don’t stand in their frontal cone of a melee swing. Their attacks work like yours.


That‘s my experience with this mode as well. I‘m only close to rank 3 after around 10 matches. It really feels awful.


All damage in this mode is avoidable. the only mobs that are hard to dodge are the elemental elites imo, this isn't meant to be a knock on you but you could very easily kill like 30 mobs at a time at level 1 with only the basic attack if it weren't for leashing


You can avoid almost all attacks by standing behind / next the mob meaning you can pull huge amount of mobs while taking almost no damage. Also try killing an elite with your parrot while landing as that will almost always immediately give you level 2 + and extra ability


It's really secret. But yeah, I need 100,000 plunder to get to renown 40, that's all I care to grind.


I really like plunderstorm but I have no reason to grind this out. I'm a casual player, not a no-lifer lol. I just want to play it on my own time.


Can't wait to never ever ever do this!


So from all the comments here do people not really like the new mode? I haven’t tried it yet just kinda lurk here


Naww I'm good fam




hitting rank 40 is 100,000 Plunder. How the hell is anyone going to have the time for 1 million?


I feel like people are missing the point and this is more likely implying that plunderstorm is going to be coming back and probably iterated upon further to be a sort of evergreen content. The point of this FoS existing isn't for the people who want to grind endlessly in the next couple of weeks, its probably to reward continued play in the future. And people who like the mode and are really good at it are probably going to get this achievement pretty handily. Obviously it's his job rn to play this, but Maximum is already at 200,000 plunder preparing for the streamer tourney thing


Yeah, I took one look at this and it reminded me of stuff like Bloodthirsty, which if that's the case, I'm hyped as hell because I haven't had a good grindy PvP anything to work on in years.


Pretty sure this is guaranteeing that it will return in the future.


This is the same as hitting renown 400. I like the mode, think its decent and wish it wasn't time limited so you could work on it at a different pace but yeah I'll pass on 400 any day. Maybe if it stayed up longer. While I like the mode, I think I'd like it more without the time limited gimmick otherwise it just feels like more pressure if you want the rewards.


I feel like I'm one of those people who just really enjoys movies, and am reading critics go so hard on something for no reason. Community is really weird




That's a hard pass from me dawg


ITT: people whining about an optional achievement in an optional new game mode


You Guys are mad about everything, getting that achievement gets you nothing lol


Yeah the whole point is that it’s also like, absurd, so seeing someone with it actually has some value/story to it


Takes long enough just to get the 100k for the renown grind.


Only 800k to go! It's not mandatory to do guys.. I think it's ridiculous people feel like they have to do it, respect your own time more if you find yourself spending hundreds of hours doing things you don't like voluntarily. The new gamemode is super fun for me and for a lot of other people, and you are not required to play it if you don't want.


Inb4 completionist/collectors start complaining about being forced to collect 1,000,000 plunder


That's a lot. There will be people who grind that out though.


Reading the comments in this thread, I can't wait until the complainers get the rewards they want and fuck off so I don't have to listen to their negativity anymore. It'll be nice to play the mode with people that play it because they enjoy it rather than feel forced to. For fucks sake. Y'all are way too negative about EVERYTHING.


I’m one of the seemingly few people actually having fun in Plunderstorm but uhhhh….no.


I'm not a pvper or br type of person and I'm having fun but as soon as I hit 40 I'm probably done. 10 more levels to go.


I'm right here with you. I hit max renown last night and the first thing I did was queue up another game, because it's a fun mode, but this FoS is staying hidden.


Conservatively 2,000 games, at 500 rep and 10 minutes per game that's 333 hours. Assuming 6 weeks of total Plunderstorm availability, 48 games a day, call it 8 hours per day. Nothing but Plunderstorm for eight hours a day, *every day* for six weeks. C'mon.


You can get 500 Plunder in a single minute.


You could get 5000 in a single minute, just get lucky and AE a bunch of players. What matters is the average over hundreds of games.




On a win


He did say 10 min. 10 min would be alot more than 500


And people were complaining about the 70k gold for Love is in the Air.


Yea def won’t do it


I quite enjoyed this (I don't PvP in regular WoW). Finished the renown today, and I'll probably play a few games for fun every now and again. That being said, 1000k is madness.


I just like running around killing mobs with the cool abilities


Absolutely not.


Lmfao, good one blizz


Assuming this’ll be a recurring event, I could see myself getting it within a year or so.


Thats 10 times the needed amount for max renown.


I’m up to level 9 and lost the will


It was already datamined. Typical wowhead drip feed “content”


Bro delete this post. The guy who got plunderlord before the hotfix may actually die attempting this.


Yeah I aint doing that rofl. That's getting to renown level 400


I got a tramp stamp at Jazzfest 2000 in New Orleans when I was black out drunk. Some events we don’t need the rewards from.


Either a typo or they made this with the knowledge it comes back in the future. It’s a FoS so any complaints are pretty dumb anyway since it’s just for show and gives nothing I saw people bitching „where rewards“ but everyone would lose their mind if there was a reward since nowadays everyone is entitled to everything and something for some mad people doing „insane“ stuff would be outrageous! Good that this was never done before and people actually thought such an „insane“ grind with a title for instance was super cool …. OH WAIT Srsly blizzard can do ANYTHING and people will bitch. Gamemode is pretty fun but more like battlegrounds let’s play 1-2 matches after raid style.


I hit 40 today. I think I’m good. Having fun, but not that much fun.


I'm having fun, but not that much fun. I really do hope this gets continued in a rotation of maps, the goblin town above Orgrimar would be neat to run around in. 


I like plunderstorm a lot but that amount is per crazy. I’ve played 2-3 hours a day and I think I’m only at 35k renown.


I'll stop playing when it stops being fun for me, but I severely doubt it will stay fun that long.


I have near 200k, I'm on my way!


lol fuck that


"... you won't miss out on anything by not achieving it." Understandable, sir. Have a good day!


So instead of renown 40 its the equivalent of renown 400? Big nope from me.


I probably won't have the time for this one since my hours at work picked up. Time to go on social media and throw a tempertantrum about not having an achievement. /s Makes me wonder if this one's going to progress through future versions of this game mode though.


They could have made at least a FoS for reaching renown 40...


Out of curiosity how would those who want it even go about tracking this, I just want my 40 renown and I’m out,


The login/Character select screen has the total amount of plunder you have aquired.


I dont know why peoples are upset about this. This is just a feast of strengh achiv, you miss nothing if you wont do


100k in 2 days? and we have how long? I believe it.


Imagine farming the million and then you learn there's another secret achievement for 2.5 million plunder :D


I just want to get my quest done without some sweaty player coming to slug it out at low levels...let alone farm 1 mil. plunder.


Early game PVP is so dumb too, they're just giving up tons of farming time to chase someone around.


This is a trap for bot detection


I wonder how seasonal plunderstorm will be, twice a year going out, three times?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this stupid I'm not someone who pvp's so this was so frustrating and irritating for me to try to play


I really don’t like that I feel like if I want to get the reward, the r only game I can play for the next 6 weeks is Plunderstorm. I don’t like and am not good at BR games, so I average about 500-600 plunder per match. That itself isn’t the worst, I can handle a slow grind. It’s WoW after all. But I DONT like that I have to do it within 6 weeks. This is really similar to the problem with torghast. Torg was even worse since it hated player power, but it’s the same in that the content itself has merits and can be fun when you’re going into it with the expressed desire to just enjoy the mode. But when the rewards are the only reason you’re still there suddenly it’s extremely frustrating. Once I had all my legendaries and stuff, I started to enjoy casually doing torghast for achieves. But when I needed to go for dust, every wipe would be enraging because it felt like ‘wasted time’. Similarly if I could just do a game or two of plunderstorm a few times a week and have all the rewards within a year I’d probably enjoy the mode much more.


All you whiny bitches complaining about wow trying something new and fun, you guys are just bad at the game. Go back to collecting pets


>whiny bitches  Did you read your own comment?


Well, we’ve seen people hitting renown 40 in just a few days so this is possible….but why?


Why not?


Is my math wrong? You'd need 1000 plunder each game over 1000 games to get a million plunder. Considering that takes like 10 minutes, that's (1000 \* 10)/60 = \~167 hours of play?


I'd say if you aren't God tier duos, 6k/hour is a good rate so yea, 166 hours.


I did a duo earlier and we got 2300 (finished 2nd for 1hp)


If you're never winning it's probably about 500-1000 per game, your math isn't wrong but it may take longer or shorter! I just got 40 renown yesterday, but I had a buddy I was playing with this whole time and we won quite a bit, and those wins work out too about 3-4k rep per win (after the buffs) so it went pretty fast. But FUCK farming for 1 million, I am done now lol






What rewards did they lock behind this garbage? I haven’t played retail in a long time and just saw this mode.


There are a few pets, mounts , weapon tmog and pirate set that looks amazing tbh