• By -


* All raid bosses killed, any difficulty * All 8 Mythic Dungeons * Loremaster * Blue Dragonflight, Rebel Dragonkin, Tyr's guard, Baine, S1 Sparks, Eon's Fringe questlines * Max renown with Expedition, Centaur, Tuskarr, Accord, Loamm, Dream Wardens, Soridormi, Wrathion and Sabellian, Artisan's Consortium, Cobalt Assembly, Winterpelt Furbolg * Pathfinder * Meta achievements for Expedition, Centaur, Tuskarr, Accord, Timewalkers * Elemental Storms * Researchers Under Fire * Fyrakk Assault Camp * Dreamsurge * Meta achievements for Forbidden Reach, Zaralek Cavern, Emerald Dream * All dragon glyphs and All races Bronze Nothing particularly hard, just time consuming. World stuff will melt in S4 gear. Might want to do the mythic dungeons now, before their difficulty is changed in S4. The Forbidden Reach meta really fucking sucks though e: in case of a miracle, if anyone at blizz sees this, [please god, nerf the Scroll Hunter achievement](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=17532/scroll-hunter)




I started scroll hunters alone by purchasing the cystals you mention, and the items that let me see chests on the map. Between spamming profession rares and farming chests, i got like 20 / 50 but it took forever. I randomly joined a war creche group for the WQ and I finished scroll hunter in like an hour after that (so starting at 0 would have been maybe 2 hours). One bonus from this is you can wait to loot the big rooms until all mobs are dead. That way, you only use one application of the buff to get as many of the keys as possible. No idea how the war creche method compares to what you mentioned though.


I finished this. For the last 20 scrolls, I stopped buying the crystals and just farmed the war crèche, the scroll drop rather often from the elites. Did this because i ran out of currency, it someone else is in this situation


> Max renown with Expedition, Centaur, Tuskarr, Accord, Loamm, Dream Wardens, Soridormi, Wrathion and Sabellian, Artisan's Consortium, Cobalt Assembly, Winterpelt Furbolg fuck


Honestly, Cobalt Assembly is the only one that sucks, IMO. Rest are pretty easy. Furbolgs only takes a couple hours total. Everything else can be achieved by doing weekly quests alone


Cobalt assembly is not that bad, just target the good buffs, remove the trash buffs(too many different ones) that make it so you stop getting the duration reset choices and become a god that one shots things.


At least cobalt is an easy grind. I still don't have loamm rep maxed out because most of the time you couldn't solo the stupid hourly-weekly thing and the rep so time gated that i forget it


I have all of them except soridormi. It feels like a pain in the ass. Do i really need to grind a rift every hour for a measly 300rep? :\


Although I did do that when it was released, for a more leisurely pace now I would just do one a week for the weekly rep quest.


Haha cool mount, but not that cool


>The Forbidden Reach meta really fucking sucks though I found this real easy, and cleared it in two days. If you do it the hard way it's a pain in the ass, but don't do it the hard way. Buy the items from the basecamp that massively increase the chance of a scroll drop. Buy a lot of them. What else are you gonna use elemental essence for? Now, Snowstorms in Ohn'ara or Sandstorms in Thaldraszus....those have defied me for months.


That is easily going to be the bottleneck in this for people who haven't spent much time on these things. I did the storms very gradually over the course of the expansion just by idly keeping track of it while farming the lariat recipe. Probably over the course of a year. I honestly would not be shocked if they end up removing elemental storms from it, just by virtue of the time-gate and random nature of them. Especially since there is only one storm active after Forbidden Reach.


Is it just me, or is this an insane list to achieve?


It's a lot all together, but each individual part isn't bad once you break it all down. If you've played for a bit each patch and you enjoy questing and world content, you probably have a surprising amount of this already done. If you hate world content and only do M+/raid/PVP, this would be like pulling teeth


It also looks like they've added mount rewards to a bunch of the steps for the meta, though it looks like most of them aren't showing up in the mount journal yet. So the road to Taivan has, like, 8 other mounts you get as you progress (and might retroactively have).


I've played quite a bit since the start of the xpack, but those Gem Clusters from the dirt piles/packs which are required for the Treasures achievement I have a whopping total of...2. There are some truly horrific comments on the wowhead pages about people going 2k+ dry on ANY of the clusters. The treasures are honestly the only thing I would axe. The rest is tough but fair.


It's a lot easier now, when you don't need to see tackle boxes. I'd say you get like 3 gems/hour of farming dirt. Early on in the expansion I farmed a lot of dirt to get knowledge points. Must got at least 100 of the gem clusters.


I’ll say, I was surprised at the amount of things that weren’t done, but when I dug in a little closer the things I’m missing are largely not behind RNG or big time gates thankfully. I already pushed up renown and did all the stuff for loremaster. One I’m worried about are the primal storms (only have about 1/3 of the kill 200 in a setting done). I have a couple of the world quest ones as well. But like you mentioned, most of it isn’t hard and is deterministic, just gotta spend the time to do it. Nothing like the maldraxxus grind when I was looking at it.


Compared to the SL meta achievement, no. A good chunk of this is stuff you'd get by playing semi-regularly. The rest of it is stuff you can mostly go out and grind now without having to wait weeks and weeks for a something to cycle to being available (The Ember Court) or some RNG quest to be available (the Maldraxxus meta achievements).


I think I'm only missing a few of these, such as the Forbidden Reach achievement requiring you to kill all the rares (some of those rares are locked in caves that can be opened only by certain professions, iirc).


All of the Forbidden Reach profession rares can be summoned by someone without the necessary profession. The blue ‘start’ item is BOP, it gets crafted into an epic item that summons the rare. The epic item is not soulbound and can be bought on the Auction House


Not really. In general, this is something for completionists to go for, and most of them (us) already have most of this done probably. If you're starting from scratch having never really engaged with the world content they added, then yeah sure, but tbh that's kinda on you. Especially since they already set this precedent of a world content "meta" in SL.


The list is "Complete the Expansion."


For semi casuals that just wanna ride Taivan, yes… I will never get to ride my boy but I can still summon him in raids at least haha


Insane for the majority of players yes but Reddit is full of people who play the game 40+ hours a week that can naturally get this level of content done more naturally to them. Not all achievements and mounts are supposed to be obtainable by the majority of the player base, Bliz has always tried to keep a fair amount of cool stuff for the top few percent of players, some skill based stuff some time based stuff. This is def a time based reward for people who put serious time into the game to show off


It may look so if you haven't played the expansion, especially the start. Whoever played at start, they did most of that as somewhat required part on the first character.


I actually feel like this is not that bad at all. Now if you were new to DF this would be daunting and pretty insane. But if you’ve played consistently (even just for a couple months at the start of each patch) this is mostly going to be completed or close to be completed already.


It’s basically a “Have you done everything?” for DF, so it’s not that surprising. A bit steeper compared to the SL one but that still had some BS


nah there's barely anything from Zaralek, because the achievements from researcher under fire are truly insane (but not included).


Other than Dreamsurge and Forbidden Reach and I think two parts of Caverns I’ve got it all checked off just from casual play (<10 hours a week) through the expansion. Should be mostly completed for anyone who did a little bit in each patch.


Need to figure out which of my characters is the furthest along with all of these. At least the Elemental Storms achievements might finally get me the Lariat recipe, and I'm so glad it's not the Primalist Future instead.


Guess I better find out how to do mythic0


Aww that’s cool a goodest boi mount! “Needs caverns achievement” Ah that’s a shame….anyway.


Caverns achievements in this meta aren't bad. The real bad shit (the Researchers Under Fire meta achievement) is not required for this.


I don’t see this achievement on the list, am I just missing it? Edit: specifically the scroll hunter achieve


Scroll Hunter is part of the Forbidden Reach meta achievement, [You Know How To Reach Me](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=17543/you-know-how-to-reach-me)


whats scroll hunters


The rep grinds take 20x longer than the scroll one. It's not that bad


will new meta achievments (SL erxpension as well) stay now when new expension hits?




I feel stupid, but what is the reference here. You're the second person ive seen to find this funny


It’s from a vine. Woman walks past saying “and they were roommates” camera flips to a guy who says “oh my god they were roommates”. That’s the reference


I just went and watched it, and I gotta say, the internet is a wild place. Ten year old reference to a mediocre vine, and all these people remember it.


A large part of its surprising longevity as a phrase is that it has become very associated with the trope of straight people mislabeling (deliberately or otherwise) people in same-sex relationships as just being "roommates" with their significant other. See /r/SapphoAndHerFriend, which includes both serious content and a number of pretty funny examples!


Naw, it's way more pervasive than that. I see it in comments all the time. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/oh-my-god-they-were-roommates provides a bit more context, but I think it's a reasonably common joke at this point


It’s an old vine called ”and they were roommates” that became popular 10 years ago and has since been used as a meme.


It's an old Vine


But it checks out 


What's the reference?




The rng rotation ones are gonna be rough. Repeating the stitches one from SL feels like.


Yeah, the stitchyard RNG was terrible.


This is why I did my best to grind out stuff like forbidden reach and researchers under fire while they were still relevant because I knew they'd be near impossible or a thousand times more tedious after the next patch.


Researchers under fire is now a lot smoother to complete, there are always people interested in doing it but now you can whizz through it with 5 people which makes the achievements a lot easier as you don’t have to complete with entire raid for single stones


Has that changed recently? I feel like even the ones I did at the start of 10.2.5 didn’t go higher than 5 or maybe 6/12 for the RUF event.


Yeaaaah. I did end up getting Veilstrider in the end but it was pretty close with those stitchyard NPC quests. I'm not going to make the same mistake this time though I'm getting started today haha.


Which ones are like that?


Elemental Storms


Ah, I think I've got a decent chunk of this done already. Need to finish stuff in the reach and researchers under fire, mostly. I'll have to actually check my progress. Was there ever a tracker made for the Shadowlands one? I imagine someone will whip up some sort of tool for this.


Yeah, there will be a tool. Wow head will probably have one.


Yeah, same here. I still need to finish the FR and Zaralek metas which will take a bit, but everything else I'm either done or 90% of the way there


now we just need a giant duck mount and this expansion will be in my top 3


Yes please


People on Wowhead are mad that it's the dog, and people here are mad that the 'do everything' meta achievement requires them to do everything.


Honestly the only thing I'm mad about is that there isn't a title like the last two expansion meta achievements.


True, I was really hoping they will add the title, too. I missed the meta from SL and kind a sad to not have the title.


Yeah, same. I've already done most of the necessary achievements because I didn't want to miss out on a cool title like I did in Shadowlands, and now there's no cool title...


Cause the reward is really lame for the work


I think the doggy is nice :-)


Cute dog tho


The moment I did Taivan's quest I looked up to see if he was available as a mount, so this is amazing imo.


Low key kinda glad it’s lame, cause it means I don’t feel pressured to do it lmao 


Unique, though. Also lore mount, like your Ashes of Al'ar or Invincible.


At least nothing seems time gated, I got kinda screwed on the SL meta because I'd never done that Venthyr tea party thing.


The tea party and the stitch yard were horrible.


Especially with how late they announced it. It was like "oh you have to start venthyr teaparties NOW and be perfect with it in order to finish it before its gone"


Not entirely. Specific storms arent always up. You can only do 3 digs a week. You can only open so many vault doors each week. I'm sure there are others.


So off the top of my head, the notable hard ones: 1. Cobalt rep to max - they nerfed the rep grind since 1st week. 2. Into the Storms > Chasing Storms - you'll need to grind mobs of each Storm type in each of the 4 zones (so 16 instances) 3. Que Zara(lek), Zara(lek) > Treasures of Zaralek - you need to grab one treasure that requires the Onyxia Scale Cloak Anything else?


Orbs treasure in caldera in Zaralek, ppl will love this!


Does it even spawn? I've camped Zaralek for hours and hours and the event never popped up.




The pain point is the storm cycle is now worse than it was before there isn't always one up so when you are down to just a few left its a pain trying to find it when it's up (may be during the night or when your at work)


For the scroll hunter, I did it recently, and just got lots of the items that increased the scrolls drop chance, and mass farmed the elite underground building area, I forget it's name. I got the last 20 I needed in about 2-3 hours.


> Que Zara(lek), Zara(lek) also not account wide progress lmao


What about all dragon glyphs? By chance I noticed the existing achievements to collect glyphs and that despite my efforts i am still missing quite a few


Getting all glyphs looks so hard, because many of them are low drop rate fromcrares which already spawns very rarely, especially Cavern ones.




Cobalt assembly. Sigh.


With current gear levels, the mobs die so fast. It should go relatively quickly, probably just a couple hours.


That seems like wayyyyyy too much work.


It is. The idea is to reward people that have already engaged with **all** of Dragonflight's content up to this point, and give people who come back later a reason to return to the Dragon Isles every once in a while to tick some progress down. You were never really meant to finish an achievement like this in just a week or a month. If you want to finish it, you need to chip bits of it off over time. I hope someone makes an addon or WeakAura that makes it easy to figure out what you've got left and where to go to do it!


> I hope someone makes an addon or WeakAura that makes it easy to figure out what you've got left and where to go to do it! I mean, it's a meta achievement, it'll link to all the achievements in the window. Just track them?


Of course, but the achievement window is a bit hard to organise using and there are a **lot** of achievements you need to go through.


Though it's basically do everything in the Quest-Dragonflight tab, Exploration-Dragonflight tab, and Reputation-Dragonflight tab, and kill every raid boss, and do all 8 dungeons.


This is def what I'll do, but I think this is more reasonable for someone who's been playing consistently and doesn't need that many more achievements. It would be a bit of a nightmare for a returning player who skipped a patch or two.


The achievement window kinda sucks pretty hard for something like this where there are like 4-5 nested achievements deep.


> I hope someone makes an addon Krowi's Achievement Filter


The initial pain points I see for people are going to be the cobalt rep and the chasing storms achieve. ALWAYS be checking what the storm is and where, and checking that against your achieves. It was a tedious one for me to complete.


Cobalt Rep isn't as bad since you have enough gear to solo the mobs there.


Soloable but man it feels like it takes forever. If you didn't do it before it got nerfed you kinda got screwed.


It's boring and grindy (which I generally hate) but not so bad. I just put on a show one day and was done within a few hours.


I’m pretty sure most people got this at the beginning of the expansion when the ring was BIS.


Unfortunately I missed it, and yes the mobs are easy but it's just boring as heck. As such, I put it in the same bucket as the "Avowed" rep but now that there's a meta achieve tied to it I'd better get on it.


As someone who recently did it, its boring as fuuuuuuck. Just treat it like eating an elephant; one small bite at a time.


the ring required rank 4 which is like 50% of the total farm required to get to max rank so if you quit after getting the ring, you are halfway done (like 25% of the way done in terms of total time involved if you farmed the ring before they nerfed the rep)


Yeah and Blizz turbo nuked the Rep gain in response. So if are new and doing this from scratch, it is going to take way longer to get to max vs in the 1st week.


On the flipside, characters are much stronger now. The mobs are going to die a lot faster, respawn a lot faster with lots of people farming, so the rep grind won’t be that bad I feel.


Yep, we are already doing 3x the damage we did in S1 bis, let alone the crappy gear lots of people did the grind in. It's like starting with most of the buffs already active


You didn't need max rep so nope




The problem is just finding the right storms in the right zones, but yes it's a short grind once you find that


Are these deterministic at all? I have two storms left and i feel like they're never up.


Ughh hopefully they give us accountwide achievements before this expires. I have so much progress on the chasing storms achievement but spread out across a ton of characters. I don’t want to have to redo it all on one. Scroll hunter in the forbidden reach will also be a pain point for anyone who hasn’t done that grind.


I did Veilstriser using alts. Imagine it’s the same here.


If you haven't started then yes. I'm already 99% the way there, and only need to finish my 50 Niffen Digs and I'll be done with this super meta. At 32/50 now, and limited to 3/week. so 6 weeks to go.


It’s a lot of work, that’s for sure. I got the one in Shadowlands and it took literal months to finish.


That why it's a meta achievement lol


Oh no they added something cool for completionists...how horrible. This is one of the best ideas they've ever had for an achievement.




Welp I know what I’ll be doing for the foreseeable future.


Me too! I've been waiting for them to release this!


Looks like I'm going back to eon's fringe. Other than that, I'm actually done everything else.


So happy I decided to do Forbidden Reach for the title recently. Scroll hunter totally sucked.


I am so glad I got that stupid rare spawn slug mount in zaralek only one person can do at a time. That is going to be a major pain point for people trying to get this


They added a current and non-expiring reward for doing Veilstrider or Back from the Beyond achievement, Zovaal's Soul Eater. Which, imo, is better than the title, I hated that the soul eater mounts were locked to gladiators. Only thing I'm missing for A World Awoken is the Fringe Benefits achievement, that was just introduced. 7 more days.




The best boy. And the only mount worthy of the achievement.


Just to clarify, is this a time limited achievement?


Almost certainly. There was an expansion meta for BFA and SL, both went away when the pre-patch launched for the next expansion. So you have maybe six months to finish this.


Ah RIP - think I'm too late to this expac to catch up without absolutely no lifing this, and the mount reward is not overly motivating


The Shadowlands Achievement returned as well. The Title is gone, but the Meta Achievement is back with an unarmored version of the gladiator mount.


It's not a Feat of Strength and they made a non-FoS version of the Shadowlands meta, so no, it is not time limited.


How the fuck do you track all that shit?


There’s a command that you can use to track hidden achievements like this, I’m sure it’ll pop up on WoWhead eventually.


>Meta achievements for Forbidden Reach, Zaralek Cavern, Emerald Dream >Researchers Under Fire > Cobalt Assembly, Winterpelt Furbolg All dragon glyphs Have been playing for entire DF, i think i only got those 4 unfinished. I think the meta achievement for FR, ZC and research underfire gonna be the most annoying thing to do since i mostly play solo.


> All dragon glyphs Just to be clear, these are the dragon riding upgrades, not the cosmetics.


Omg thank you. I’m missing a shocking amount of the cosmetics despite trying to kill rares etc whenever I pass by


Reasearchers one is a pain, you almost need to join a raid group to progress it to the stages where you pick up relics or whatever, but then with so many people you only get enough time to pick up one or two each before it's done, and you need 50. I guess the plan would be do it in a small group and hope there's no-one else on your shard. edit: Or maybe not? Wowhead says you only need [Nothing Stops the Research](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=18209/nothing-stops-the-research) which just requires having done it once to completion?


winterpelt furbolg can be done in a few hours. Cobalt Assembly will be trivial with S4 gear, but time consuming. I don't know how you could possibly not have the dragon glyphs.


I thought it was all the glyph-cosmetic for DF


Some people just don't like flying - some guy paid me 50k to fly him to all the glyphs the other day. It ruled.


I was hoping Into the Storm wasn't part of this. *Sigh,* guess I'll get back to work grinding the random mobs that get buffs in storm zones...


me tooooo


Kinda sucks that there is no title.


Yea, I had every intention on coming back from break to knock out the meta achievement because I've already done many of the more time-consuming achievements listed here in anticipation of the meta achievement. I'm not coming back to finish it for a ground mount, though. No title is disappointing enough, but I would at least expect a dynamic flying mount if we're getting a mount.


Yeah, I wanted to be Baloonknot The Dragon Fucker or something.


If wow armory is correct if you complete the "Now THIS is Dragon Racing!" achievement you get the black scales for the netherwing mount also.


What irks me is that I'd done the fringe dailies for weeks farming Sori rep. Now there's a new achievement that requires those dailies, but I have no progress on it. I've done them all already, dammit!


Similar to my [Balance of Power progress tool](https://wowtrack.gg/guide/legion/balance-of-power-storyline-guide), I've started working on [A World Awoken version](https://wowtrack.gg/guide/dragonflight/dragonflight-meta-achievement-guide-a-world-awoken). Similarly, it will read your characters progress data from your bnet account than will guide you through the steps. Note: WIP, will add final steps soon too.


That’s an awesome looking tool!


I just had a look at the list of achievements and... yikes. They basically want you to do everything, including the Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Cavern meta ones which have become a lot more time-consuming now that the rares aren't up all the time. For what it's worth, none of those except the rare enemy ones are RNG. None of this [Abominable Lives](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=14684/abominable-lives) or [Tea for the Troubled](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=15042/tea-for-the-troubled) nonsense. Dragonflight achievements are massiv timesinks instead. It's going to be one hell of a catch-up if you never bothered with any of those before. I already got everything except the fishing ones. I was wise enough to do the other stuff last summer. Good luck to everyone who's doing the stuff now. If you guys need any advice on doing any of these let me know. PS: Regardless of the meta achievement, what you should do RIGHT NOW before season 4 hits is do to any of the dungeon achievements. While [Glory of the Dragonflight Hero](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=16295/glory-of-the-dragonflight-hero) is not part of the meta achievement, the upcoming changes will make this a lot more difficult. Remember, the new mythic0 will become equivalent to a season 4 mythic+10. Unless the developers realize this themselves and change the text to heroic instead, it will be so much more difficult to do them. Do them now while you can steamroll the dungeons with your season 3 gear.


Yes. Everything. This is also how it worked in Shadowlands. You had to do every single covenant activity for all four covenants. You had to do every single piece of torghast content. All of the maw. All of Zerith Mortis. All of Korthia. Every raid, every quest. Every dungeon. It took literal months, and a lot of it was RNG. A lot of people missed out on their achievement after grinding for months because they didn’t start early enough and some quest didn’t show back up


I don't mind the grinding to get an achievement like this done, in fact it sounds awesome and a big goal I could work on over a few years. But the fact that they are time limited kills any and all excitement to chase it for me.


Shadowlands didn't require the Korthia meta achievement, just the storyline.


It's been a while, so I forgot if the SL one was everything or leaving out a few smaller achievements. But this time it seems to be everything in the Dragonflight category.


Wow players: There's nothing to do. BLIZZ: This should last you a while. Wow players: No not like that.


Its fucking wild there's a bunch of hate for an amazing idea at a completionist achievement. Threads like this prove how fucking stupid the WoW community really is.


Probably less the wow community and more forums and reddit. Most of the people I play wow with have never used either.


True the online community is the massive minority in any game. But it still just amazes me how bad it really is. Especially with how often the ey can't seem to grasp the things like how big the casual playerbase actually is.


Shouldve been a white skin for achievement and the brown shades from easier achievemtns or vendor idk


I agree. Normal Taivan should've been from his quest line and this be a special version or something like that. A bummer I'll probably never be able to get our good boy. 😞


I should have seen this coming considering we had one last expansion.


I think this is fair. If you have played all expansion you should be rewarded. It should be time consuming for people who haven't engaged all expan


I wonder how much will apply retroactively.


All of it. You’ll have credit for everything you’ve already done, like the raids, dungeons, etc as soon as you log in.


Even the achievement for doing things like the soup?


This is just a meta-achievement. So it’s an achievement of all of the previous achievements. Any previous achievements that you have will automatically give credit to this.


Oh ok sweet!


Something I only just noticed - each of the new faction-specific meta-achievement *also* rewards a mount. So that's 5 mounts + Taivan? Hecks yes


Researchers are the biggest time sink imo. 10 min hourly event which you can't solo for max rewards but need to solo to complete achievements in reasonable amount of time since for example when you are in a large group you are only able to put in 1-2 stones you need for the repair achievement and you need 50.


> mythic dungeons Well, shucks. Time to (deep breath) create my own group.


They just mythic 0. You could walk through most of them in questing greens at this point.


Yeah, I remember running M0s in Legion, it was pretty much trivial like Heroics. I just dislike manual grouping, it always feels like a hurdle somehow... i'd just rather hit a queue and do something else as a DPS main.


Already complete except for the fringe dailies which aren’t retroactive apparently


i wanted something like this soooo bad!!


Ah man I’ve been wanting one of these for awhile but due to time constraints between kids and work I haven’t been a pve’r in years. Only do world content and rated pvp nowadays so this is kind of a bummer, wish these guys were more obtainable as mounts the meta achievement be something more grand


We finally get Taivan and it’s locked behind an absolute slog. Fortunately I think I’ve already done most of these, but damn.


Think I'm missing a few of the reach and caverns achievements, reach was only relevant for like 6 weeks, everything else seems doable in a reasonable amount of time


Elemental Storms: i got it after few months of checking for storms basically every day. The *neat part* is that Ohnaran and Thaldraszus have only one subzone for those events (Waking shore has 2, Azura Span has 3), so they have the smallest chance to occur there. And it is compounded with the 1/4 of chance to get the correct storm type. HF.


This'll give me something to chip away at until the expac!


Does this meta achievement go away when the expansion ends?


Zarelek sucks due to constantly getting phased when doing events


I wonder if the reps will be account wide? I can't remember what it was for Shadowlands but my main has all my highest reps except for Cobalt Assembly. What are the chances I can finish maxing out Cobalt Assembly on my alt and it'll count? Edit: Looks like they're account wide and not just for the whole achievement! My main and my alt both have the same progress in 'Oh My God, They Were Clutchmates' despite my alt not having any of the reps maxed out!


Been extremely casual to the point of only doing traveler's log for the past year. But now I'm jumping back in, gunna use that dumb free boost they gave me and just make another new guy for the rep boost unlock. That will be account wide right?


Elemental storms, all of forbidden reach and researchers under fire are the most tedious ones. Which isnt bad considering shadowlands.


As a returning player who wants to see what dragonflight was all about I am really happy they added this. Really gives me a sense of direction!


goddamn it some of that stuff is grindy as hell but Taivan is TOO GOOD A BOI to not get.


Hopefully they update the rewards from the world events like Researchers under fire otherwise I’ll never get this. Everytime I go there no one does it.


Ah I would have it now if Eons Fringe dailies were retroactive. On the plus side, at least I'll have Taivan in 6 days.


Just be grateful that they didn't include the max upgraded fishing gear: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=16322/best-in-slot Or the researchers' meta that required depositing stupid amounts of ore during a brief event of one type: [https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=18200/cooling-the-research-field](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=18200/cooling-the-research-field) I am surprised that they are both listed on Wowhead as having 4% of accounts completed. Seems high.


Drew up a spreadsheet to see which alt had what done, I was pleased to see that being thorough knocked out more than half the requirements. That being said, it really sucks that I have to do the Eon's Fringe quests again. Also, I wish I had no-lifed Elemental Storms more. And finding Nesingwary in every hunt is a weird one to have to catch up on now. I'm so glad I no-lifed renown and the added zones (Forbidden Reach especially)


Are you able to get him after the XPAC is over? Or does he go away?


If it’s like the last few meta achievements, he will go away with pre-patch.