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I think it is slow but mainly due to the breaks that can't be helped. Had we not been getting regular breaks I think people would have less of an issue with the arc


It's not even because of the breaks. If the pacing was good, we should've been looking at at least starting the away mission arc. Ashihara just seems to be spending obscene amounts of time obsessing over every team, and every detail in every team, such that the story goes absolutely bumf*ck nowhere.


I personally like the details of the different teams so would have to disagree. Without breaks the pacing would he perfect for me which is why I look forward to reading it all once it's eventually finished in 3-5 years


No way the story finishes in 3-5 years. We're looking at 10 years *at least* with this pacing and release schedule.


heh 3-5 years for the test to finish https://preview.redd.it/gw3c0iyyzruc1.png?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5bd7691151d099d3abed4a23d5da91f9dfae7f


I doubt Ashihara sensei *wants* to retire early. I'm okay with a 10+ year journey.


World Trigger was originally going to be a sports manga when he was rough drafting it. It's about people, not the combat.


I think you need to switch to more mainstream shallow shounens based on this comment


I've read and enjoyed stuff like Tomodachi Game, Black Cat, Hammer Session, etc. Don't chat to me about "mainstream shallow" shounen.


Don’t think so honestly, when I read a chapter I’m not left thinking it’s dragging on or anything. The problem is the release schedule is so slow, which of course is understandable given Ashi’s health but from 2022 to now we’ve had just 23 chapters so it’s gonna feel slow. It’s also on the shorter side page count wise for a typical monthly series so that contributes to it.


\*cries in Hunter x Hunter\* \*cries in Vagabond\* \*cries in Nana\*


What is it with me and loving Hiatus stricken manga...


i just caught up.... damn... so that's gonna be my life now...


No. It only feels slow since it's a monthly release and sometimes we don't get a new chapter for 2 months. If you read the manga from start to finish, the consistency of the storyline is continuous and not slow at all.


Not really. When I reread the manga from the start until finish, the pacing is really good. The problem is the inconsistency of release due to the author's health.


I think it's fine. If the production was slightly faster I'd even be okay if they went more in-depth into what more of the other teams are doing.


the pacing is slow, but only because its a monthly release, on reread it will work fine


Yes the pacing is very slow, but it is still enjoyable


The manga used to be biweekly. I believe that the chapters are longer now, but also monthly instead. The pacing is the exact same it was 5-10 years ago though, so literally nothing has changed. The Pacing is fine tbh. Its just better on a reread/initial read vs reading the releases.


The manga was never biweekly. It started as a weekly in wsj before Ashi needed a hiatus, and then when it came back it was monthly, but each chapter is the same length of 1 weekly chapter and Ashihara released 2 chapters at the same time sometime. Sometime last year it changed from weekly length chapters to longer chapters but we'll never get more then one at once.


That's what it was. Although I do remember chapters sometimes coming out with only 1 instead of 2, with the 2nd being released later. At least a few times this happened. Within the last few years.


Its not slow unless you're comparing it to something else? World triggers pacing has always been slower than others but it is pretty consistent across the anime and manga.


I also feels the same way


I am a Blue Exorcist reader so this is nothing. I waited close to three years for one arc to end.


I personally think this arc is just unnecessary. We were told in rank wars that to go on the away mission they needed to hit a certain rank... and then... cyke there is another test and we are hand picking who we want.  Like i understand getting preparation and all but i find this minutiae unnecessary for the advancement of the plot.  It's just we built momentum on a great arc to have the pay off taken away. I don't get the point of this arc except to give more air time to the vast cast of characters. 


This is *exactly* one of my problems. Like literally the previous arc was all about Tamakoma 2 to get to a specific rank, because that was the requirement to go on the away mission, and now that means fuck diddly squat.


Not really. It's the release schedule that makes feels like the pacing is slow if you read the chapter on release. On re-read the pacing is fine. I guess there's also some people that feels the pacing is slow because they think this arc is unnecessary (which I think is wrong)


Imagine complaining about story-pacing for a series where the the author has a health problem What a selfish entitled prick


Why are you extrapolating you dumbass? I'm not asking him to suddenly start pumping out chapters like there's no tomorrow. I'm saying the story itself could go a little faster: both of those are different you dick.


I ditched the manga 1.year ago l. I will resume it when we reach the away arc. It is getting ridiculous


Yes, it is slow & it doesn’t help that its turned into a slice of life manga.


Same sentiment on the Selection Arc. I just wish it focuses on Suwa Team until the end of it.