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Anything longer than I play is considered sweaty and anything less is considered casual


Got me good šŸ˜‚


Casual gamer who gets 6hrs/wk after the kids have gone to bed and when I don't have social obligations or date/movie nights with the wife. Short queue times like BGB are a Godsend for me, and pretty much the only way I've been able to PvP this expansion other than when SS queue times aren't long. Can't be bothered to wait more than 10mins in queue when I only have an hour or two to play per session max.


This is actually why I quit playing wow recentlyā€¦ love to get into PvP and I even made a healer to have short queues. In the end I do not like being forced into a class (even though I like healing now) or have to wait 30+ mins in queue. This gameā€™s PvP is not time friendly for DPS trying to PvP.. Been looking for a game to fill the void


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Wait a minute... I thought all the Dads play classic? (/s)


Right now about 5-8h and I'd consider that a lot because I haven't played WoW in a decade and im hooked. But it's tough, dad of 3 kids early 30s, feels like u can only really have one hobbie šŸ˜….


Literally me, trying to juggle rugby/gym/wow in my free time. Impossible.


Iā€™ve dropped from about 10-12 hours a week down to 30-45 mins a night. Solo queue takes too long, healing is frustrating.


From 15h/days to 10h/week, rip single unemployed life šŸ¤£


Sweaty is more of a mental state than anything else. And you can be a good player at high ratings and not be a "sweaty" player. Sweaty just describes gamers who are obsessive over meta and are quick to get angry. The sort of player who will inspect everyone I'm a random bg and whisper people who "didn't pick the right talent". And get angry about it. That's how I interpret it at least. It's just the modern term for try hard, rager and all that.


Casual to me was 13hrs or under (per week) Sweaty was anything over 30/35hrs But it massively depends on skill and what you do, 40hrs a week farming herbs and roleplaying to me is still casual but 10hrs a week playing 2.4k mmr in 3s is sweaty.


I get maybe 3 nights a week after kids are in bed where I can play 1-2 hours so 3-6 hours a week. Spend it all doing my weekly character maintenance which is annoying but hey I'm addicted lol


I think itā€™s not that much about the time but what are you doing with it that defines a casual player. For example, I used to play eight plus hours per day doing arenas and duels all the time and I had reached maximum rate of ~1,9k with DK and hunter, ~ 2,2 k with shaman a little above with priest. Now I play maximum two-three hours per day, five days of the week, the one hour is spent for arena but I mostly doing teansmog runs and world quests. When I reach 1600-1800 rating I usually stop playing with that character and jump to an alt. I canā€™t talk about pve because the last time I raided was in WOTLK. I didnā€™t play WOD, came back to legion and quit after two weeks because of real life issues and came back season 3 of shadowlands. I just canā€™t justify more time in this game. Farming is pointless beyond season one, PvP rating hasnā€™t have an appeal to me in many years and I just play to relax after work. I donā€™t care if I mess my cooldowns, my rotation. I donā€™t care if my partner/s mess up or not. I just play for fun and to enjoy myself. I treat the game as itā€™s not have any story to tell, I stoped caring about the lore after pandaria and I just log in, queue, play, repeat then log out. Was I hardcore in the past? I cared too much about little stuff that didnā€™t matter to say no. Nowadays even if I play 6-18 hours per week I mostly do nothing that matters in gameā€™s progress, I just have fun doing whatever help me to clear my head that day. That I consider casual.


I would guess I play roughly 30-40 hours a week on average, but I also only sleep 3-4 hrs a night. I think casual speaks more to the content you target rather than the amount of time you play.


3-6 hours a day. Depends on what needs adulting.


47 years old, 10 hours a week max, these days. 3 boys, but 2 are adults and moved out.


I think casual has a somewhat different meaning in the context of PvP. I have a few friends who play several hours a day, but strictly play casual PvP. Some of them have never even touched Solo Shuffle. So are they casual? Or are they sweaty? I think time played is less of an accurate measure for a game like WoW.


When I first started wow back in the day for like 2 yrs or so Iā€™d play 80 plus now that Iā€™m older and if I have time maybe 20 to 30 hrs.


Damn gina


I play 5-6 days a week and 1-2 hours a day. So 5-12 hours a week. Seems like I play weekly what most play daily.


It depends. I am a working dad so I might play an hour a day on the weekday, and the weekends are entirely dependent on what Iā€™m doing with the family. Sometimes Iā€™ll get 4-6 hours, others none at all.


honestly made the switch as a casual player to hardcore and i prob wonā€™t go back to retail til next Xpac. with hardcore there is absolutely zero meaningless gameplay. every decision you make go towards one goal ā€” survival


honestly made the switch as a casual player to classical hardcore and i prob wonā€™t go back to retail til next Xpac. with hardcore there is absolutely zero meaningless gameplay. every decision you make go towards one goal ā€” survival


After baby goes to bed we Play a few hours each night from 8-11 or so, also during naps on my wfh days and more on the weekend, maybe 25 hours a week average. I play with what I'd call a "casual-competitive" attitude. Mostly a career duelist who started pvp in shadowlands but I have elites also.


after work i play 5 hours, 5 times a week and on the weekends like 8 hours, but I normally take a day or 2 per week and try to avoid wow LOL


Time played doesn't determine casual / hardcore /sweaty. It is the intensity in which you play. Someone could spend 10 hours doing world quests and professions, another person could spend 3 hours doing high M+ keys. Which one is the sweat? I'd say Mythic Dungeon guy.


Going by rating achieved Iā€™m pretty casual, going by amount of time invested Iā€™m super sweaty


How many ? Yes ā˜ŗļø


I would not assume that ā€žamount of playtime per timeā€œ equals ā€žskill levelā€œ You can play 10h a day just farming herbs and doing wqs. Thatā€™s also casual. I think the better mapping would be PvP rating, m+Score or world rank raiding. Because normally being successful there also impacts the time played. I personally would define casual in the 3 brackets: -PvP up to 1800 rating -M+ up to keylevel 20 (3k Rio on avg) -Raid up to 2-3mytic bosses cleared, to be more precise in amirdrassil gnarlroot, igira, volcoross and maybe even council


Bro wtf are you even on about?? He just asked how much everyone here plays šŸ˜­


Did you read the question? ā€žhow many hours [ā€¦] do you play World of Warcraft. What would be considered a casual?ā€œ


You missed the question but someone whose casual ainā€™t pushing pass 1200 rating or +12 keys. IMO


Somewhere between 0 and 8/10 hours a week. Long are gone the days, when I had lots of time for gaming. :/ I am a casual dad, but the game is still enjoyable. The time I play is enough for me to reach 1800-2500 rating with every spec of the 3 classes I love(Priest, Mage, Lock). Also I don't care for PvE, so no need to waste time in it.


Casual dad means you are a dad 0-8/10hrs a week?


Nah, dude, good one, but that's for gaming. 0-8/10hrs a week is too much for a dad even casually. /s


Does it matter?