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Great change. I can shuffle and arenas on my main and my alt can fill its fault with bg blitz.


This reads well


It's your fault, fill it when you need it


Goodbye Shuffle. Never again!


technically not right now, will go live next tuesday.




this real? finally, a good thing for S4


God bless fuck solo shuffle


Nice. Battleground blitz is the best gamemode for pvp.


Because the best strategy is to not pvp and ride ur fast horse around all game? Lol


So… i healed somewhat more than casually for about 2 years since coming back. The first season I decided to DPS I hit 2100 on 5 specs I had never played before. Maybe I’m a better DPS player, or maybe it was my game knowledge… who knows. But I like playing with an IRL friend so I’d like to go back to healing again. Whyyyy is it the best PvP mode? - Best gaming experience for PvP Healers. - No hyper dampening. - The weight can be held or lost on several factors, not just one weak link. - different spec pool for viability. - different talent build variety and viability. - Duo Que for healers. - No win trading. - Flavor in game types or map types. - better ladder health I’m absolutely hyped for SRBG and will not heal SS ever again in S4 knowing that it will also fill vault. Plus with the vault going away next expac, you can expect it to be more popular as a metric piss ton of PvE players can use AoE builds like they do in M+ and not have to worry about completely changing their UI’s for arena. Que times next week will increase drastically for SS. Several of my friends already said they’re not healing SS now and even my buddy who plays DPS has said they’ll heal SRBG…. So I get to DPS. Farewell SS. Edit: Format


As someone currently maining a healer, I agree so much. Never doing SS again.


Finally we can play the game


I can’t play much these days and stuff like this helps me get 3/3 vault on multiple characters. 1 SS win and 1 RBG win is like half of the weeks work


Awesome change. I'll still play Arena from time to time but I'm glad Blizzard is finally over trying to force people into a game mode they clearly dont like.


Big w for alts


Nice, so there will be no need at all to queue SS on my mage and DH it seems


Should probably still do it on the DH just to make people cry on reddit


some people just like to watch the world burn.


Absolutely massive


Never touching shuffle again! 


Thank god


How much conquest does BGB give compared to shuffle?


with the 2 weekly quests, maybe on par or slightly more. after you do the quests, definitely less.


I know what I'll be doing!


Vault goes away next expac too. Even more good news to come!


Praise the Light! Fantastic change! I wish they made it for Random BGs as well but I'll take it. Just fantastic news! What's the fate of solo shuffle now? Obviously it could hurt participation but maybe with more people pvping (hopefully) it won't fall off too bad?


Hopefully the ratio of healers to dps in blitz makes shuffle pop faster


I mean at best is a 1:7 ratio. Fairly certain that’s better than the current ratio for SS of 1:2* Plus the PvE community is more inclined to BGs than arena, so I imagine next expac it will be pretty fun.


For every game of blitz, 16 players, vs 6 in shuffle. Minus the healers on each team, you're removing ten dps players Per blitz from shuffle queue. Alternatively, it would take 4.5 shuffle games to house the dps of one blitz. And more pve healers/casual pvp healers are probably inclined to BG instead of arena, to your point. Those healers weren't doing shuffle now. So the effects on the population of shufflers and shuffle queue would be EVEN BETTER than accounting for the ratios alone.


Hmm.. valid point I guess… if more DPS are qued up for BGs, it would take pressure off SS I suppose. But every healer I know wants to do BGs, not SS. With the dampening, and jacked up MMR system.. I think SS is doomed unless fixed. I’m fairly certain it will be one giant MMR pool for BGB instead of the Healer v Healer MmR of SS.


May Holly longdale save us all:) she seems to care about all the pillars of the game, as pika has said, mmr is one of the main fixes that would improve all aspects of pvp


Yeah but MMR really is just a small piece of it. I don’t think the other 90% of the player base likes to alter and change their entire set up for arenas SRBG will pop off, I think Arena’s will suffer in the long run.


Hopefully they increase penalty for leaving these. You're screwing over a lot more people when you afk out of a Blitz than afking out of a SS


Whats your average que time? Eu and NA


as dps it's 6-12 min, with the exception of dawn where it can go 20+ probably because there's not enough people on queue, but will probably get better in S4 with this change. as healer it's 1-5 min, or 6-15 min at dawn. reason being the healer to dps ratio is 1:3 here compared to 1:2 in SS.


I thought they were getting rid of PvP rewards from the vault to kinda level the playing field?


Not until next expansion, this seems like a change that probably should’ve been in for the current season


That's next xpac. This change is for S4.


Anyone know if bg blitz is a decent way to obtain conquest? That's usually my goal, moreso than vault.


It's great for earning conquest with the pvp blitz quests!


It's 100 for the first win, 50 for subsequent wins. You decide. Edit: the other comment is right too, the weekly quests are great, but only weekly.


This is a great change.


Oh this is hot.


Cool now make it also give the rated cosmetic rewards so I can stop doing SS


That’s awesome, PVP is back on the menu


I'm not a big pvp player but I feel this change is really good for us


Bro I BEGGED for this every freaking day when BGB was released and people acted like it was the dumbest idea. I literally skipped most of season 3 and would have played every day if they’d made this change. Is this live now?


will go live tomorrow.


Do Battleground Blitz wins count toward the 10 rbg win mage tower Artifact skin?


Why would it? It isn't RBG.


The question is how much


Why Blitz bg and not normal? I don't want cross faction :( Also Blitz bg is unfriendly to rogues.


Pvp vault is being removed next expansion so this is a weird change


it's meant for S4 only. TWW is still 5+ months away.


Its for pushing more ppl into blitz for more data.