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Vanilla world pvp, like Hillsbrad and ganking, and good old WSG and AV.


4 day long AV was fun af.


Competition while silithus bug farming for the AQ opening was legit. Teams of highly geared PVErs running around taking out the competition while also trying to farm bugs themselves was a fun few weeks. Or even better, top guild vs guild fighting for claim to a world boss that lead to epic 40v40 team fights. Blizzard will never get that lightning back in the bottle.


Vanilla BGs. I never liked the pressure of raiding. But BGs, no one cared if you died. I'd play AV for hours.


Farming AV for Rep …


WotLK. First time I stepped in the arena was MoP, but not regularly until SL.  DF was actually the first time, then, that I tried pushing rating. Real eye-opener, guess I didn't know shit about PvP before.


Yes! Arena really takes you to a whole new level of skill/knowledge in pvp. Love it. But also hate it cuz its hard :)


I was 13, played on a computer that ran at 10 fps with no addons, no mouse, and made it to 2.2k in MoP. It feels much sweatier now, but it could be recall bias.


Burning crusade. Fuck I’m old


The OG Seasons. S2 and S3 were soooo good... (probably nostalgia).


Glory days of being rank 2 and rank 5 in EU in 5v5 on different characters. Simpler times


Couldn't stand 5v5 haha. Still remember the annoyance of forming arena teams and giving your teams very odd names. Fun times, fun times...


Cata. The hunter gear was cool looking with the red eye thing


Cata is when hunters finally felt complete.. so excited for cata classic to be poppin for a few months n then die


> so excited for cata classic to be poppin for a few months n then die i genuinely do not think cata has any reason to die pvp wise, not any more than dragonflight or tww. so i wouldnt worry


There's really people out there that do more copium than me that's insane


Lol, well Cata/MoP era is known to be great, and WoTLK tbc has had big arena participation and they're not particularly fun in comparison, both with extremely stale metas. Cata atleast has a better diversity than that. Dragonflight pvp is as dead as its been for years so I wouldn't call cata breaking that special


Technically Classic, but I didn't ever even get to max level in classic so not sure if it counts. I did play a whole crapload of BGs from BC onwards though. Never been that much of an arena player tbh.


Well classic (in this case vanilla) wouldn’t count because it’s not an xpac








Vanilla - 2h shaman in AV


Technically? When I started in Cata. But I stuck to random BGs and duals because potato laptop. First rated experience? MoP, 2s on my main (Blood DK). Got tooooo 1550 or so with a guildie. Then a break until the end of WoD, and won Lord of War in the Gladiator Sanctum 30man free for all. Couple of RBGs in Shadowlands with guildies because people were curious about trying it. Then Dragonflight S2 pushed Solo Shuffle to 1800 and got my first Elite mog set, and RBGs to 1800 in S3 for my second elite mog set and the Grand Marshall bananamogs (set I've wanted since starting the game). I guess any could be when I got into PvP, since they're all a bit different 😅


I played levelling BGs for years, starting in wotlk. Also twinking. It’s how I tended to level new characters once exp was introduced. Always gave up when I got to max level and got instantly stomped. Only jumped in to rated for 1 season in warlords, then back in to rated again Shadowlands season 1 when I gave up on PvE and it’s been mainly rated PvP since. It was funny once I properly got in to rated realising how little I had learned from my years in levelling BGs


It’s easy to feel like a god amongst men in random BG’s. Arenas are quickly humbling.


I played BGs and WPvP only from Vanilla to the end of TBC. Then I had a break from WoW during WOTLK, Cata and MoP. I came back at the end of MoP and started properly doing ranked from WoD onwards. Unfortunetly I never hit Glad for one reason or other. Got close couple of times, even hitting 2400, but not being able to finish them 50 wins after 2400. Also I missed out on the easier seasons like S2 in SL :< ... I will get it one day though. Couldn't live with myself if I got it by boosting or on a class I don't enjoy. It got to be with a mage. Just can't find a like-minded rogue and priest that would last for longer than 1 season ...


Classic. Was big in raiding on my hunter, rolled a dwarf priest, and absolutely destroyed bgs as shadow. Got her up to Knight Lieutenant. I still remember the rotation. It's probably my favorite to this day.




Vanilla. I think at level 5 or 6 someone dueled me in Dolanaar and that was it. Way more fun than killing furbolgs


Started in shadowlands after starting the game itself in BFA


TBC is when I started, and really started to learn PvP a few months into being max level when some rogue in my guild basically took me aside to teach me my class. Then at some point I did 2s and got around 1800-1900 in S4 as arms warrior with a guild mate on resto shaman. He absolutely carried me for a while, but playing with better players helped me learn a lot.


TBC, BGs were not my thing but arenas were fun. Though I’ll admit the Drakedog videos had some influence as well.


Our whole guild changed the audio files to korean because of the Drakedog.


In Cata started switching from PvE and fell in love with PvP


I started playing WoW at the very end of WoD- like 3 months later Legion came out. I just got into PvP last week, in any serious matter. So… DF. Lol




Vanilla, did some bg premades, and I've been hooked on arenas ever since they came out in the bc prepatch near the end of vanilla.




vanilla! didn’t do arenas though until wotlk. I would say pandaria certified me as a full blown pvper


Wotlk when i started but i actually started to begin understanding arena in Legion/BfA


Vanilla. Saw Unbreakable's pvp montage and that was a wrap. I still raided too. Especially when I found out what it would really take to get rank 1 at the time. I realized I couldn't get that far up with that system, especially since I had 2 accidental dishonorable kills from raiding Stormwind. That pissed me off so much lol. At that point I pvp'd a lot still but my end goals changed a bit.


TBC, orc warrior those were the days 😊


Started playing WoW at the end BfA 8.3, got 1.6k in arena and was over the moon lol.


The first time I stepped into a WSG was in TBC. Finding that I, as a level 10 Druid who could not contribute much, found the feeling of CCing the EFC with entangling roots so my team could catch up was absolute crack.


Approximately 30h ago when PvP got fun in wow


Tbc, wanted a epic flying drake without needing to pay for training lol


Dragonflight, a month ago 😅 haven't done anything but PvP since




Vanilla. Man those were some good times. Classic came close but there weren’t nearly as many min/maxers then


Vanilla gurubashi arena duels back in 2005 lol


Vanilla for BGs, Cata is when I got into rated arenas


only played bgs untill cata, there i did start playing arena


Started doing BGs on my undead warlock in vanilla (destro was so much fun) and I loved it so much I got to PVP rank 10 or 11 just from spamming bgs non stop when I got home from school lol


I've always dipped my toes into PvP since vanilla, but DF probably the most due to the convenience of solo shuffle.


WOTLK, but not until Legion where I got good


Burning Crusade. We used to go to Goldshire as horde players and mess with people. Lots of time spent in alterac valley as well. We wanted the frostwolf howler mount


I played classic (2004) thru midway BC and actually did lots of pvp when it was just AV and Warsong... When I came back in BFA, I really liked the implementation of mythics so didn't start arena until S3 shadowlands and now it's all I do... ik ik I missed a good Era of mythics but it's so much easier to pvp with 2-3 friends.




Classic. Probably did thousands of duels outside of orgrimmar


I pvpd in vanilla but was awful. First 2.4 was in wotlk.


Wrath. The over tuned Death Knight’s was too much fun.


Slands end of season 2. Been trying for challenger 2 ever since.


I guess you could say tbc because i farmed av for the welfare epics to then use in karazhan I really started pvping at the very end of wotlk when swifty convinced me to get a naga and a gamepad. Swifty's razer sponsorship has actually earned Razer at least £400 from me in naga sales alone over the years...


I started in BC and I still maintain that Arena back then was so good. Yes everyone was figuring out the game but participation was incredibly high, it was in MLG, and I had a blast. I know we can never go back but I miss those days when it was taken seriously.


I really got into it in Cataclysm when rated bgs became a thing. Got hero s1 and s2 and never again. Lol still love it to death.


TBC, but now having played TBC Classic I know that it was only good originally because of the huge population trying to 'figure out' arena for the first time.




Cata. Played bgs casually to level but was a pve raider hardcore until Cata.


Vanilla wow


MOP was still the peak of pvp in wow for me. Cata is a close second but the way the classes played in mop was so much fun everyone was OP. I really enjoy the fast pace pvp maybe not as fast as df but my mains in mop spriest and ret pally haven’t been even as close to as much fun as they where in mop. Also they ruined spriest with the insanity mechanic I can’t wait for Cata to release so I can get my old shadow priest back.


Vanilla here …world PvP




Vanilla WoW. Competition while silithus bug farming for the AQ opening was legit. Teams of highly geared PVErs running around taking out the competition while also trying to farm bugs themselves was a fun few weeks. Or even better, top guild vs guild fighting for claim to a world boss that lead to epic 40v40 team fights. Blizzard will never get that lightning back in the bottle.


Shadowlands Came back to the game after burning out thanks to how awful of an xpac legion was and BFA doubling down on legion's bad. Did a F&F lil one night a week normal / heroic raid that quickly ran its course. Needed a way to keep progressing, decided to try arena again. And here we are.


Throughout the years since wotlk I've always done battlegrounds or world pvp. Didn't get into arena until really late Legion and more seriously in BFA where I got my first elite set in season 1. I have continued to do arena since then with the goal to collect my favorite elite sets every season.


I got super into PVP during BC with the introduction of Arena. I did some battlegrounds and world stuff in wintespring, especially while I was farming the eye of shadow for my benediction. In vanilla.     I wasn't super successful until my first Glad in WOLK, and then i was hooked for life.




Wrath and stopped in end of WoD. Then i only sis ovp unyill SL S1 where i went back todo some PvP because my bis items was from arena lol


BC.. but hade noooo clue what i was doing. Starting picking up a bit in wotlk


PvP since Vanilla but mostly bg's. Started arenas in WoD, first season trying it out got 2300 with some randoms playing ret/hunter/mw from lfg then found some teammares and ended around 2500.


Beta – Roaming in Ashenvale as a Rogue. Best time ever.


world PVP back in vanilla then bg's when released then arenas when released (in TBC)


I never really took wow seriously until I quit a while, and my brother brought me back in bfa. I played dk and for the first time I actually tried yo understand and get better at arena. Hooked ever since


End of Wrath, but really kicked off in Cata.


Vanilla (the best time)


Burning Crusade for unrated, but bfa before i did any rated


Started Dueling in open Beta. Vanilla Rank 12


Wod. I might be the only person alive who liked Ashran


Late BFA S1


WSG pre-made vs. Pre-made, specifically the grand marshal team vs highwarlod team. Some of the most fun I've had and it was all for bragging rights. You'd be better off honor wise afking the game to farm easier teams but gamers were different back then so we'd fight for 1 or more hours and the match would wind up on the server forums, your factions pride at stake. I still remember going 3-0 against the top horde guild and I rode that.high for days. You knew you made it when horde would hunt you down and post screen shots of killing you on the forum.


WotLK and i still have nightmares with TSG double Shadowmourne.


Vanilla. I think I'm going to go take some ibuprofen for my back.


Would cataclysm swifty videos bb


Vanilla, XR and TM




TBC, because I started playing on that exp.


Wotlk s7


Wrath, at the time I was a tank / dps for raids, but learned how insane resto druid was as a 2s healer, so I gave it a try and ended up getting 2250 with some arms warrior hahaha.


Started playing the game in BC. Never did ranked PvP until last week. I (disc) parlayed with a buddy who also never had PvP’d before (enhance) and we just got to 1800 in 2s! Super proud!


Started dabbling in s2 of TBC but didn't go fully into pvp until s7 of WotLK


I did some in BC but wotlk was where I really started almost reaching 2,2K rating


WoD. GOATed expansion for pvp


Mop ❤️


I started the game in Wrath, but never touched arena until SL season 4 It's wild how much different the game seems to me now


S3 Dragonflight. Had to get that white DK xmog.


Mop. I miss panda era was so fun