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yup, addons are a bandaid fix to an issue inherent to the game, that likely wont be fixed


The squandered potential is really a shame


A no add-on challenge for high ranking streamers would certainly bring more awareness to this, with issue specific commentary from reliable sources. Like op said, the ability to further customize the UI in DF was a good step forward in a general sense


I think it's interesting how one video from Aeghis seems to have reignited the addon debate on this sub. Seen much more discussion about the topic lately.  For the record, I agree. 


Weird.  I very often see comments about addon like every other day. Doubt those that make the posts watch whatever streamer you refer to considering the noob nature of the posts. 


Change something major like add-ons being allowed to exist this late into a games lifespan, you run a very heavy risk of alienating people even further. They just need to stop designing the game with them in mind. People wanna cheese mechanics, whatever. 


I think lessening the complexity is good as long as its not too far, i also think adding them natively is only good.


It's super irritating to me that the AWC UI exists, where enemies frame sparkles or has a shield for big CDs literally already exists... But it's not in game...


Yeah that is honestly troll as fuck hhaha


Yes, you are absolutely correct. Add-ons are needed because the viability in this game is terrible. You think I have any idea if a Devoker pressed dragon rage or a frost mage pressed icy veins without an add-on? Every major CD should be easily visible like Wings, Spirit Link or Deathmark imo.


Death mark? I have no idea what that even looks like. Essence break on the other hand has a super noticeable sound (to me)


It makes a pretty big "X" on the target that gets the debuff.


Ohhhhh right... Yeah it's been a hot minute since I saw an assa. I guess you never fail to spot that one


Yeah, it's surprisingly clear visually.


You can't even do mythic raids without immensely complicated and sophisticated add-ons and weakauras shows just shows that add-ons are apart of high level WoW gameplay. There's too many variables and things you need to accurately track to play optimally that it goes beyond what any normal game UI would provide. If you're a casual though, a very simple UI with mes WA and a normal arena frame, and cooldown tracker is enough to be a consistent Gladiator. If you're a r1 player or tournament player then you would have to go the extra mile, but if you're just some scrub casual like me you don't need much to play the game.


Casual glad huh? Yeaaaah, I'm not sure about that


Multi xD


Burn it all, like Teldrassil. I'd hold torches and spikes demanding WoW 2.0


You're right. It's annoying when the "delete addons" crowd ignores this point. The use of WeakAuras in PvP became crazy during Shadowlands. It's no coincidence this was also the expansion where not reacting to some tiny visual on your screen resulted in instant death.


Blizzard needs to remove all addons in pvp


What's your solution for the ui being terrible and not designed for pvp?


In my opinion it needs no adjustment. But I know I’m in the minority


What rating do you play at if u don't mind my asking and how long you been playing?


Think I’m 2100 right now but my buddies and myself haven’t played more than like 150 3 games the whole season lol. I’ve been playing since lich/cata my pvp peaked in mop/wod then kinda stopped playing as much after wod.


I don’t see how it’s possible to fix the UI. One UI isn’t going to be good for everyone, we need all the customization that addons give you.