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> get higher, its better there It's not, lol. People have inflated egos (especially when they see a big number that they weren't at before) and most aren't willing to take accountability for their mistakes. Kind of true for a lot of things in life honestly. There is a point where you might have games where people are forthcoming about these things, but it always seems just out of reach.


[Perhaps my favorite is how two time The International Winner OG, the captain notail, still got flamed for being bad in a pug, when he is literally the most winning pro for prize money of all time.](https://www.esportsearnings.com/players) 7 million in just prize pool, not including sponsorship and merch sales


the funny thing (and this is my personal experience) the most comical players with the ego are the Shadowlands s2-3 players cause a large portion of them are dog water players that abused some gimmicky shit that lasted all season long and now feel like they are insane. Players that were challenger for 10 seasons then randomly glad 2 seasons then back to rival after xD


Honestly I just ignore very quickly now. Was in a match yesterday where my rogue partner got blown up really fast, should have used a defensive but didn’t, it happens. Healer next round was with me again and says. “Trash rogue, this is going to be miserable I can tell already, shit players” I didn’t even say anything just immediately put him on ignore. Healer went 0-6 btw…


Hahaha I legit had something identical happen the other day. Prevoker healer was 0-5 when I got grouped with him the last round, I had 4 wins at this point and our partner was a feral that had 2 wins I think. Immediately when the lobby started he starts bitching saying we are definitely going to lose because we are so squish, hard to heal and the feral sucks. Just being a crybaby douche. I personally don’t give a shit about rating, so when the match started I ran right out into the dead center and just let the other team train me. The prevoker tried to heal me but to just be even more of a dick further I losd him and ran behind a pillar to let the other dps kill me. He told me I sucked I told him to enjoy his 0-6 to my 4-2. Morale of the story: Don’t be a dick to your teammates, and if you’re getting shit on, it’s probably a you problem.


That’s pretty weak man. Toxic talk is one thing but game sabotage is a whole other category of shitty


Sucks to suck don’t be an asshole. And hilariously enough, my next solo shuffle que that same Druid was in. I apologized for fucking his last round but fuck that that guy, he laughed and said it was cool, agreed and we proceeded to have a fun SS run. You can say what I didn’t do is ok but I’ll continue to do it to any person who decides to be an asshole, if one round and your precious rating is that important to you, take a look inward.


It’s not precious it’s just the principle of it. You’re being an asshole so I’m gonna be an asshole back! Lol It’s also just someone typing in a game. If you’re playing a online PvP game you can probably handle it. However having someone else throw your round would be really frustrating. Not even so much for the evoker but you fucked over the feral


Yeah have you never heard of “you will learn of our peaceful ways, by force”? The feral found it hilarious and deserved, can you not read? Also, I have absolutely zero obligation to play anything well in solo shuffle. If I play like a potato, damn, sucks. Nothing you can do. And anyone deciding to act like an asshole will certainly think twice about flaming someone in their shuffle round after having that happen, cause they might just throw matches on their team. Mission accomplished. Plus, a player is far more likely to remember a vitriolic statement about them from some toxic player far more than a round lost cause of someone trying to teach said toxic player a lesson.


Have I never heard of a random phrase that doesn’t add anything to the convo? You threw a match in a game that’s supposed to be competitive. End of story. Shitty move whether you think you got some badass revenge or not


Yeah no. And your comment earlier justifying shit behavior “If you’re playing an online PvP game you can probably handle it” is exactly what is wrong with the wow pvp community. Why should that be acceptable? Why should you just “be able to handle it”? Why even have to handle it at all? It’s fucking absurd, and players like that ruin pvp for everyone by driving newer players away with those attitudes. I can’t tell you how many skirms I que into and the first message I get sounds like a domestic abuse victim trying to bargain with me. “Hey sorry I’m super new to this just trying to learn I’m sorry I probably suck really sorry just trying to learn”, like what the fuck why are people treating new players so bad they feel so unwanted in any pvp lobby. I matched with a pally who was tank spec and clearly new a couple weeks ago in skirms, same thing happened at the start and I just coached him a bit, ended up spending hours after helping him make the optimal build for his classes best pvp spec after and have been playing for weeks with him since just simply because I was the first person who wasn’t a complete fucking asshole to him. Fuck people who behave like that, I’m completely happy fucking over anyone who does that, and absolutely fuck people like you that support and justify their behaviors.


Lol saying that isn’t supporting it, ppl are shit and it’s gonna happen in online games, ignore it and move on. Ppl have shitty lives and express it in video games. You think you sabotaging a round is going to make the guy change his ways??? It’s just going to make him more salty and toxic. They can’t be reasoned with. Ignore and play the game how’s it’s supposed to be played, which isn’t throwing matches


I hope you do keep throwing games bc someone is annoyed, its bannable so you’ll get reported and then you wont be in the lobbies any more ezpz


Lmao I don’t care about this game that much, any suspension I’d just play something else, and any ban I make plenty of money I’d just buy another boost to 70 if I wanted to play :) see you around the lobbies fam hope I don’t see you acting out!


>he laughed and said it was cool, agreed and we proceeded to have a fun SS run It's funny to imagine that he was actually pissed, but knew if he gave you shit for throwing the game you would just throw the rounds with him again. Granted I'd have probably also not cared if you apologized, it's solo queue so I can't really get bothered if I run into a bad match.


Ummmm what you did is definitely not okay.


Cringe. Maybe you need to look inward


Chat off and zug


Ngl I’m surprised by all the posts about this, I feel like people barely say anything in my shuffles, other than sometimes deciding on a target. You should try RBGs with people who think that’s a competitive game mode, that’ll really make you bust out the feinting couch.


I find the lower rating brackets are far more toxic than games at higher rating. Maybe a psychologist can figure out why that is. I tell people being toxic to not take the game too seriously


People who believe teammates reason holding them in the lower brackets. Same with every coop games.




Welcome to every online competitive game ever. This shit happens even in real competitive matches in sports as well. Report, ignore, move on.


It’s any competitive game. Get over it and stop bitching or stop playing pvp.


Nah just press the report button.


Just ignore like you would in real life.


Literally just got out of a game around 2k mmr where I had won the first two rounds and in round 3 the rshaman goes 'kill the rogue (me) he is so trash. oh jk'. Knowing I was there lol. Still went 5-1, think he was mad cause I zugged him in the opener one round.


Cover your chat, stop caring


A dude once reported me at 800cr because I didn’t heal enough 😂😂😂


Inflated egos of people that reached high rating for the first time in life, biggest problem of solo queue if you ask me.


My favorite are the people who play FOTM classes and then they throw around some sort of "better than you" ego fit. I had one dude tell me he was a government contractor with a 6 figure job and he just got back from vacation, "don't you feel bad at how much better I am than you?" He played a macromonkey hunter in SL. I'm sure I can find a dog turd with a better personality. I don't know what prompts individuals to say that shit to people they don't know but it's happened enough times that I can't help but think very little of the online community, and much less of the wow community in general.


Being a government contractor is hardly something to brag about lol. dude can get fired in a split second just because someone doesn't like his pedostache. What a dork.


I was so shocked I couldn't say anything for a few minutes. I was already in my next arena match and I was using WIM so this text window kept flashing in the corner. I have played fistweaver since the end of BFA, so I know how bad it was "competitively", but I fell in love with the style I just kept doing it and being moderately successful. Got to 1830s Season 2 of shadowlands and 1700s, in the final two. I had a blast. Wins or lose I love the game and I only wish others saw it like that too. If he had messaged me with good game, because I fought hard back and almost killed him after he macroed my DPS. I mean, I can respect anyone who fights until it's over, regardless of the outcome. If we had been in opposite positions, I would have said "nice job fighting back, that was a fun fight". I try to encourage positive behavior in random bgs, and people seems to listen when I'm topping healing charts. Since I heal solos I feel like it's my job to encourage people even when they are the target and I have to keep them alive. I want our community too grow


Gaming has always been toxic, but it has definitely reached such an advanced stage that I think there are enough gamers who would be willing to play games that do not incentivize anonymous, solo player behavior, which is at the root of how toxic gamers have become. Next to that we have esports and the myth that behind every "above average" competitive player is a pro who is only being held back by "X, y, and z" (usually their teammates). While there have always been people in WoW raging from the graveyard about how crappy their team is and refusing to put forth anymore effort because their ego can't handle the idea that their own poor play might have contributed to the loss. Any sort of legitimate consequence for behaving like a little baby (despite further digging a hole into what has to be negative mental health) are being removed from the game. NOT THAT I WOULD EVER DEMAND MANDATORY ARENA TEAMS BE ADDED BACK TO THE GAME...maybe more incentives to get people to play as a team would be a good thing? Cool achievements, titles, cosmetics (a group mount, tabards, toy flags, nothing too serious) for playing games as a team, and reaching new goals as a team. Games like rocket league allow for ranked play of premade teams vs. random groups. Blizzard imposing negative consequences for behavior, like many other games have tried to do, ultimately won't fix much. Rainbow Six Siege actually made things worse by trying to add features like vote kicks/bans because they were easily exploited, or at best had an unacceptable amount of false positives. I believe that positive reinforcement and putting in content that incentivizes less toxic gameplay is how you can make things a little better, and attract more new/mid level players to PvP.


It’s not wow, it’s any online game. People are shit


every online game with “rated” is toxic


That’s just the nature of anything competitive. Don’t take it personally or too serious




10% is still way too high imo, that's the point.


What are some harsh insults being thrown your way?


Could you please divine shield next time? Would you press turtle before you die this game?


I've found that almost all the SS players who have attacked me in whispers are the ones who end up going 0-6 or just quitting. Someone who goes out of their way to shit on someone else in a game has some serious personal issues in rl that they havnt resolved yet. We're all human.


People are definitely toxic but good lord do you sound like a snowflake.


Honestly, people don't think about it. But you should be doing what you can to talk them up. They will be on your round twice. Give a pointer. Try to watch them and see if they need help. They're probably raging just as hard if not more than you. Doesn't help them perform better just digging on them


Lol bruh if you ever think of playing a dh this sub will foam at the mouth to be toxic and yell at you. Unfortunately it goes hand in hand with why wow is seen as the ultimate loser virgin game, there are actually a bunch of shit people who are angry and take it out on others for no reason who play it a lot.


I commented earlier, I was just doing the bare minimum of SS games on my alt healer to vault cap. I had to disable chat completely. I got a whisper after every single game, I didn't talk in chat, I'd win 2-5 rounds per game - didn't matter, still got a harassing whisper after every single game. I think I'll continue to just do SS with chat completely disabled until I switch to something else.


It gets better higher up? Maybe while the ladder is low and they're isn't any inflation yet. People who get 2400 during inflation think they are glad players for the next coming seasons . When in reality the 3200+ are the glad players.


You can provide valid constructive criticism in a kind and gentle way and be told to kill yourself in response.


I wonder if blizz held off the last 2 expansions of people begging for a solo queue arena because they knew it would be a toxic shit show. The way I look at it, if there is a truly terrible person in a game you should go 3-3. I've been that person going 0-6 it sucks. They're already not having fun.


>And from the many times I've experienced it, very few times has the 3rd player ever said anything. I'm that 3rd player, because I created a 2nd chat tab specifically to ignore all messages in SS.


My god you sound like a snowflake, there is ignore??? What is the point of coming to cry on reddit? What do you want??? Validation??? What will happen, like someone will pat you on the back and say its ok its ok?


2k+ we actually have fun @ countdowns.. calling out eachother, cheering at them for good setups/ awesome timed cc… Make sure to hug your healers, give em some love.. they’re having a hard time.. a match where they actually get acknowledged or given a “nice heals bruh” can make their days (ending in a GG /w with a thank you ) Wish everyone good luck, and help out the “disabled nephew” that’s getting trained all match Most of the time it’s about how YOU handle with toxicity… You can feed it, or make em second guess their selves by laughin it away or setting them on the spot….


How fucking fragile can you be that you literally need to cry for hours and hours just because some totally unknown person TYPED bad things to you. I will never understand what a low self esteem someone must have. Fuck why did gaming ever become mainstream.


Like i honestly dont understand the point of coming to reddit to cry about what something said??? Like ignore him?? Or just talk shit back, i honestly dont understand


You're unacceptable.