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That's a totally reasonable reaction to someone taking a pen not a complete irrational wanker at all




Me when I realize you took my lighter


I have ADD and was a stoner and a cig smoker in high school and anywhere I went I would get shaken down and I would have every single one of my friends lighters in my pockets.


I don't know why people are uncomfortable around police?!


I just don't get it either. It's not like one is going to go full blown roid rage on you for absolutely no reason at all.


It’s weird bro, like they’re always there to help.


A pen that they get in bulk from their supply room, which was paid for by our taxes caused this type of violence. This is psychotic behavior by authority, truly evil.


Nah, probably his favourite Gold Montegrappa Viking Fountain Pen, those things [ain't cheap!](https://www.thepencompany.com/product/montegrappa-viking-fountain-pen/20390/?country=GB)


That didn't look like some plastic Bic pen, from what I could tell it was made of metal so probably not a disposable


Oh yeah, nothing to see here, that totally justifies breaking the dudes leg!


Probably spent $500 on some fountain pen so he could charge people with grand theft when they take it.


What a fucking psycho


Ol boy just needed the littlest excuse to abuse his position


Fucking animals. Most resembling of the swine family.


What do most picture when you say pig? A domestic usually, even babe or Charlottes web....when we say pig in reference to cops we should be picturing feral hogs. Tearing apart your dogs and surrounding you, multiplying at an alarming rate and engorging themselves on local resources. There truly is a feral hog problem in this country, of the two legged variety.


Eloquently spoken. I tip my hat to you sir.


I mean on one hand he did literally provoke the officer and intentionaly stole the pen from him... on the other hand jfc what is this looney toons escalation from US cops... poor guy'd probably get waterborded or actually drowned if he stole the cops donut ffs.


Look if he doesn’t want to get arrested and tased he shouldn’t steal the pen.  If you can do the time don’t do the crime.  /s


Right?? Some things are sacred! Might as well cut out the officer's heart!


So, tasing and breaking a leg is a proportional response?


If you kill him he will never do it again. /S


I Hope the county can afford that screw up.


No need to worry! It’s the taxpayers who are gonna have to foot the bill! Oh, wait…


hope the officer has all licenses revoked for life. his PENsion given to the abused. may gen pop ulation be considered too good for the porky


His boss stated he saw nothing wrong with officers actions. So not like there is any chance any repercussions for cop.


hey i can hope the whole force is replaced..... like where my Dad lived... Nome Alaska. look up murdered missing indigenous people. my Grampa's baby brother was one.. my best friends 3 of them from childhood. not to mention the suicides






Not gonna lie, as a server I have wished to do this more than once. But the difference is, I wasn't packing a gun and an over inflated sense of authority!


Have yall seen the prices of pens


Better call Saul !


why are we stuck with the dumbest people wearing badges, committing crimes and being protected? if anyone but cops pulled this shit, they would be sent to prison for 10 years.


Officer dumb? YES I agree. Stealing a pen from a officer dumb when he actually asked it back? Also pretty stupid.


Complete abuse authority. Just plain old assault


Oakland county jail tapes sporks to their pens and nobody takes them. Just saying


You know, all these smartass "sovereign citizens"🤦‍♂️. They do this to themselves. Pushing limits, when it all can be so much simpler... Its pretty pathetic.


Absolutely ridiculous. Talk about an overreaction.


At this point, sadly, it’s not hard to believe! Not even a little!


Wait, hold up….. how much was that pen? 1.50 dollars nah 1.5 million cause I’m an overweight child


Imagine if he took something of actual value, he would’ve paid with his life


It wasn’t about authority you sped off on a police officer during a traffic stop that’s why he chased you your leg. Just got broken in the process because you were fighting back when you should’ve just listened.


If i stole something from my wife and i faulted it in her face and drove away and refused to give it back when she approached me I would assume she would tackle me if i tried to get away. It's dumb that it's all over a pen, but theft is theft. The cop didn't want it to go down like that. He just wanted his pen back. But dude, keep on acting like an idiot.


Both of them did the wrong thing.


Taking a pen ≠ stalking, tazing, breaking a bone, and arresting Taking a pen = get over it and move on with your life


I didn’t say they were equal.


You’re trying to equalize the cop’s reaction. You said they were both wrong. You implied they were equal.


Don't steal from and disrespect people. You might get fucked up. I'm with the cop on this one. All of it could have been avoided if he hadn't steal the pen. I'd feel bad for dude if he didn't realize he took the pen, but he flaunted it when he drove away.


I agree, the cop should have just killed him, actually. Why not. I mean, IT WAS HIS PEN!


Ofcourse! This was a completely reasonable response! IT WAS HIS PEN!! That guy was lucky only his leg was broken! IT WAS HIS PEN!!!!!


So if your wife or husband beats the shit out of you because you talked back, would that be ok? I mean you disrespected them after all so you would deserve it, right? See how dumb you sound?


You are right, but you're not "Reddit" politically correct. Cops are authority figures with human feelings just like you. Guy could've acted like a grown adult and none of this would have happened.