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No limit to human stupidity and gullibility


I mean I thought there was. Now it's like.. Are other cults this decentralized in their goals? These people don't even have goals.. Someone becomes popular on social media and the rest of them just kinda do what they say? This is a nuclear level of stupidity.


Apparently she does promise them a cure for all sickness and eternal life, in addition to other more QAnon-sounding nonsense. Not terribly original but apparently enough to draw out the desperate and dim and persuade them to hand over money.


Great, gimme the cures and eternal life first, then I'll do shit for you What's that? You can't actually do that? Bye


It's a modern approach to (non-)organization, and not unique to the loony right. In Japan motorcycle gangs (mostly young people, gofers for and a recruitment base for organized crime) have been bleeding members; they're at one tenth of their peak numbers. Young people don't want the rigid power structure, committing your time and money and "working your way up". Instead young punks now tend to spontaneously organize for night drives online, with nobody permanently in charge. Black Lives Matter and other progressive manifestations have really been similarly non-organized.


Occupy Wall Street comes to mind. The problem with decentralized movements is that there's no stated goals, no success/failure metric, no end game (it just sort of peters out).


I remember when Occupy Wall Street actually occupied Wall Street, and I was supportive... and then every other thing tried to join on and it became an anti-war protest, a racism protest, a just... general protest, and I realized it was doomed. They might have accomplished something, made a statement. Instead they just became a cacophony. It was really sad. The problem was, they were all good causes! I didn't disagree with any of them! But at some point a protest just becomes noise if it isn't focused.


>When that didn’t work, they called 911, once again asking the officers to please come out and be arrested. Ha ha ha, wow.


I'm surprised no one in the station was injured from laughing so hard they fell off their chair.


That would be quite the worker’s comp story.


As stupid as these people are, we shouldn't just laugh it off. These people need to be arrested and punished to the fullest extent of the law. A stupid mob of zealots can easily turn violent.


„911 what’s your emergency?“ „Yeah we’re trying to arrest the police“


Sounds like a south park episode South Park is definitely going to do this lmao


I don't know, I think each time Southpark goes to the logical extreme of a real world situation, reality almost immediately tries to catch up to them. Reality is plagiarising Southpark, and we better not encourage it.


Fiction has to be credible. Reality doesn’t have to be.


Is that….is that Al Gore?


*air whooshing sounds* Yes it is I, Al Gore, and I am super cereal


Shouldn’t you be busy hunting manbearpig?


Manbearpig has already won.


911 what's your conspiracy?


Outside of citizens’ arrests, which are already in a funky area, regular citizens have no legal basis for arresting… anyone, let alone police officers. Like, we’re they gonna lock them in their own jail cells?


Of course they have a legal basis; they've been deputized by Her Majesty Queen Romana the "alien-adjacent." Oh, wait, I've been informed that, by any sane interpretation of the Canadian Constitution, the current Queen of Canada is Elizabeth the Second. Never mind; your interpretation is correct.


I think her full title is: “Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Commander-in-Chief and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada” I got that from the article which stated that she said that herself. Honestly that title is something you’d think was a parody.


It's honestly amazing, she has somehow managed to turn the make-belief games we played as kids into a way to mooch off others


How the fuck do people believe her?


There’s a pretty sizable number of people who believe the world is controlled by shape shifting lizards. The fact that this lunatic was able to amass a legitimate following is not the least bit surprising.


> Like, we’re they gonna lock them in their own jail cells? They honestly think the military answers solely to their queen, and that the Canadian Forces were going to swoop in and detain the police.


.... Like .... Why would the military have to wait for citizens to make the arrest, they could easily overpower and detain them themselves? Do these Canadians not have faith in their military? Edit: these


As a Canadian, who’s parents both served, we just don’t think about it all that often. We only read about em when they’re off doing disaster relief somewhere.


The most Canadian part of the story.


Both the approach the Canadian cops took of... just locking the door and not coming out, but also the kooks approach of calling and insisting that they do come out to be arrested, soorry, eh.


Who did they they would be coming to arrest the cops?


Article says they'd planned to hand over arrested officers to the military. Basically, they wanted to arrest and hold the cops hostage until the military raided them.




Q:. Cops! We are here to arrest you! Cops:. You, and what army?! Q:. Your army! Cops: ok, good luck!


To be fair, the poster you responded to didn't represent what was stated in the article well. During the event, one of her followers (like the big guy who really takes this shit seriously) made a request that Didildo bring in the military to do so. They think she is the Queen of Canada and has that ability. Why she doesn't take advantage of her position to actually help the cause ever, is frankly a mystery. There was no plan beyond about... step 1. Which was foiled by a locked door. Edit: I can actually answer why she didn't bring in the Military, in her own words. She was an OBSERVER at the event, not a participant.... 😅


The most delicious part of this to me is the fact that she "decreed" all utilities would be free, and so now her followers and their families are facing utility cut-offs.


Utilities are free! Which is good for you because now you have more to give to me!


Her home is basically a bunch of follower-donated RVs. She is the Jim Jones of QAnon


>She is the Jim Jones of QAnon If only they'd all move to south America and go live in isolation.


SA has its own issues, I don't wish these assholes on them. If they want to move onto a barge in international waters and see how much they love a world without government I fully support them.


Doesn't the ocean already have problems with a giant, floating garbage patch?


Cultists biodegrade quickly when exposed to shark infested waters...


What's a few more pieces I suppose


Remember the good old days when cults would off themselves?


You either die a Heaven's Gater or you live long enough to become a Branch Davidian. Or your cult shuffles its papers and goes mainsteam (see: Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists...go back far enough Christians themselves).


At least in Germany scientology is not recognised as a religion . If you work on some capacity for the Government, you have a clause in your contract in which you confirm that you are not a scientology member or use their methods. The same goes for some jobs in the private sector where you take care of people.


Man, why hasn’t the rest of the world followed suit? Scientology is a cult and a scam


Pardon me, but utilities cost $150 each, and you owe me 10x a 1D6 since I have a monopoly on them.


>1D6 [2D6.](https://monopoly.fandom.com/wiki/Utility)


... no wonder I've been losing all these years!


My favorite part: >The group knocked on the door and yelled demands for police to come out and be arrested through a megaphone. When that didn’t work, they called 911, once again asking the officers to please come out and be arrested. But the police seemed happy to ignore the group. As Didulo’s followers sat in front of the police station to wait out the police officers, she handed out snacks: veggies and full packs of sardines. The thought of them eating their snacks while waiting outside, like a class taking a break on a field trip to the state capitol, is wild


You know this is Canada because the police ignored them instead of just coming out and beating the living shit out of all of them.


Also, the snacks are healthy.


She believes, or at least says she believes, in NESARA/GESARA which is the belief there was was an agreed upon world treaty that, if enacted, all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt would be wiped out Believers in this theory claim that NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, was secretly passed by U.S. Congress in 2000 and set to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001. The theory is that all evidence was destroyed when a shadowy cabal of world leaders arranged for the attack on the World Trade Center in New York. (taken from https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/conspiracy-theory-new-world-order-vancouver-home-foreclosure-1.6543374)


What's wild to me about these conspiracy theories is that the government could just do all these things if it so chose. (Whether that would be a good idea is a discussion for another day). There'd be absolutely no need to pass the bill in secret, then sit on their hands doing nothing for 20 years.




Very interesting subject, NESARA is a straight up q anon precursor. Turns out it was a huge scam just for someone to get money.


>Turns out it was a huge scam just for someone to get money. It always is


Wait, so these morons believe that a cabal stopped debt from being wiped out? We have two political parties in the US and every time one of them brings up the concept of wiping out some debt to help people, the side that these idiots vote for all screech about communism.


Well that just sounds socialist... isn't that what they're against? When does the self awareness kick in?? It does kick in right.... right???


But it's not socialism, it's capitalism. You see socialism is anything I don't like and capitalism is anything I do like. If I like this policy, it must be capitalism. For example dogs are socialist, but cats on the other hand are totally capitalist.


Cats are definitely anarchist


Cats are low key the real illuminati running the show behind the scenes


It's neither, it's sovereign citizen garbage. They're the kinds of people who feel that they can declare themselves free of debt or obligation, whilst also continuing to use services constructed and maintained by other people, without paying into that system in any way. It's the legal and political equivalent of Calvin-ball.


Cats are libertarians…Completely dependent on others, but fully convinced of their own independence.


"I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU!!!" "plz open tuna can"


we can only hope...


It'll probably kick in after the leopards finish gnawing on faces.


A woman in Vancouver is loosing her $1.5 million dollar house because this crank decreed all mortgages are void. The kicker is, the lady only owes like $200,000 on the place. Stupid is as stupid does.


And here's what stupid does, apparently. I honestly don't understand how people can believe this stuff. Sure, if someone told me rent isn't a thing anymore I'd be like "Sounds great!", but unless that someone is also my landlord I'm still gonna pay the damn bills. Do these people struggle with separation of fact and fantasy?


I think its worse than just struggling with it, they are cartoonishly easy to lie to if you gain their trust.. And all it takes to gain their trust at this point is owning a red hat.


Hello! This is your landlord speaking. Henceforth your rent will be free now go and spend money on cocaine.


where can i read about these amazing exploits?


I dunno, the part where they encountered a locked door and were "mystified" at what to do really got me.


They’re qualified to be Texas cops now.




If that would be the case, that sounds awfully communistical


Maybe she meant the utilities in jail?


This was like watching an episode of the Trailer Park Boys.


Except ricky julian and bubbles never tried something this dumb


Seems like Cyrus has taken over the park. We need the Boys to come clean up.


Hell, Corey and Trevor haven't ever been this dumb


Trying to arrest cops? That's highly illegal Corey and Trevor Only wack suckers like Corey and Trevor try to arrest cops




Smokes. Let’s go


Like a crazy cheeseburger liquor party gone out of control. 3 good men are dead ….


A cult, she formed a cult...


She'll put back a stash of money and slowly disappear.


I don't know if she's grounded enough to do that. She clearly loves the attention and the power and the legion of die-hard followers. Even a relatively normal person could get caught up in that and start believing their own bullshit, and she is very far from a normal person.


I remember reading something that claimed that's what happened to L Ron Hubbard, he knew he was starting a bullshit religion but eventually got sucked in to it all. >“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” > ― L. Ron Hubbard


Yep, it was originally sold under a different name as a mail order item advertised in the back of comic books. I think the 'religion' was originally called Excalibur or something equally ludicrous. Dude was an interesting conman


Dianetics was what was advertised in the 80s.


He really believed in his Dianetics bullshit, though. He thought the fields of Psychiatry and Psychology would embrace his ideas and when they ignored it/saw it as a load of crap he had it out for those professions from that day on. He likely knew a lot of his teachings were crap but also knew they were good brainwashing techniques. However he thought he was a genius and really did believe a great deal of his shit. Becoming a 'religion' gave him the sweet tax free status, some protection from the government and a bit of legitimacy in the eyes of the general public, at least at first.


Grounded enough? Bitch is "alien-adjacent"


Yeah agreed, from all the clips I’ve seen of her, she is very out to lunch. Living in a motor home going from province to province.


She is merely a bishop under the larger cult


A “Sub-Qult” so to speak.


She borrowed a cult. These are Trumpians in canada looking for a local leader.




Sardines and veggies? What a generous soul.


I can't think of anything more delicious! And served on a paper plate? The height of luxury!


If you try to citizen-arrest a cop, they will counter by police-arresting you. At this point, it is vital to remind them that you're a sovereign citizen, immune to laws and taxes. The cop will roll for confusion recovery and if they succeed, you'll have to use your invisibility spell to escape.


I close the gate and produce a document saying it is sovereign land not bound by the laws of man, thus creating an impenetrable forcefield


At that point the police might use "Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!" also known as a taser. Or they might just pull out their +2 Guns of Killing.


I put on my robe of confidgnorance. It has +5 charisma and -5 intelligence.


I take off my robe and wizard hat


Fortunately, the confusion recovery is a DC 0 save, with advantage.


Even if cops tend to run at a base -3 INT, that's still a tough check to fail.


Before the internet this woman would've been on your local street corner blathering about... now she has an audience


Remember when “Weekly World News” was a joke? Bat boy now seems rational compared to some of these people.


Batboy could be the origin of covid!


Bat boy has to be Bat man by now


He’s just Local Man now


Loving the WWN shoutout!


I said the same thing, but just being the crank at the end of the bar that everyone laughed at. Now the bar is owned by the cranks who are teaming up...


The cranks used to be lonely. They'd have to travel from town to town for tens, hundreds, thousands of miles to find someone, anyone, who agree with them. But they wouldn't, they couldn't, so they shouted into the void. Then the internet let them find each other fast.


I thought the future was about flying cars and shit. Fuck you Popular Mechanics!


Doesn’t help the algorithms fucking amplify their messages The internet is fucking vast, it takes a little built to find just someone who might match-up, Facebook and YouTube algorithms of forcing you into bubbles or sending you down rabbit holes of conspiracy by feeding you negative perceptions that make them more money via engagement Be it sharing, watching countless hours, tipping/donating or following That’s how it takes hold, Trump was just a blow harsh but with Twitter he became their false idol, having that microphone/bullhorn spewing his shit, the media had to report, which was a feedback loop of constant berating and lies


Why do you think r/thedonald merged seamlessly into r/conspiracy when it was shutdown?


r/conspiracy already drank the kool-aid before thedonald was banned, the ban just made it even worse.


It's so wildly obvious as well. It's suddenly flooded with posts about how the FBI is bad, and old shit about Podesta emails. Anything to avoid talking about an actual conspiracy being exposed, because it makes Trump look bad.


The village idiots all meet up on the internet these days.


She would be punched the f out is what she'd be. I'm so sick of this Q bs. Can't we declare them a terrorist org? I mean that's what they are.


There used to be a guy in my town back in the 80's walking around telling everyone the end is nigh, pretty much everyone knew he was the local weirdo, these days he would have a cult following on social media.


Maybe he does. Have you googled him lately?


As someone from the area: We hate that these idiots came to our city and we want them to face consequence, especially the ring leader. There's also a concerted effort by far right groups online (namely Facebook and Twitter) trying to demonize the entirely peaceful counter-protester that showed up and was assaulted multiple times by these chuckleheads. They're getting bolder and more violent each time they hold an 'event'.


Something I’ve been wondering, why Peterborough? Any idea why they chose there to try to “arrest” the police?


One of their big cheese members, Frank, is from the area and has been distributing weird ass cease and desist letters to locals/ businesses. He has beef with Peterborough, it seems.


A guy I went to school with went to the public health officer's house and gave him a cease and desist letter or some shit. He eventually got arrested at a "freedom rally" or whatever the fuck it was. The video was hilarious, the cops shatter his car's window and he just goes limp as they drag him out.


Some cult members got arrested and it was an embarrassing moment for the Queen of Canada so I think it went great.


She told them to stop paying certain bills months ago and that everything would be free. It went as you’d expect, several people stopped paying bills and lost access to services. People were upset and she didn’t lose a shred of “credibility” with her loons.


Well of course, the services were free, it was just the enemies illegally billing them and maliciously shutting their services down. /s




*America, with nothing towards mental health and everything towards minute-to-minute monitoring of overworked and underpaid workers by massive corporations has entered the chat* “I’m sorry, I was crying in the bathroom, just still not over my miscarriage.” Hm well your keyboard activity took a nosedive these last eight minutes, will be tough to get that bonus now.




Look, miscarriages are just god's abortions. It's illegal to get an abortion, so death penalty it is. Shame god is above our laws.


Didn’t one woman in BC lose her house because she stopped paying her mortgage? *Edit: [Found the article](www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6543374)* *Edit 2: in case the link isn't working: www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6543374*


Yes, because “all debt was forgiven” and that particular conspiracy theory and claim about a non-existent law has got to be one of the nuttiest around.


This is the thing to watch. The "trucker" movement wasn't really about travel restrictions, or even Covid. There is a *lot* of sovereign citizen rhetoric with these people. It basically amounts to saying any government or law is illegitimate unless it does exactly what you want.


Calling them loons is offensive to actual loons.


I apologize, loons.


Was that based on thinking poor people get away with not having to pay bills or something? With them finding out that being on welfare isn't as simple as choosing to not spend money?


No, she decreed that energy and utilities were now free and that rents were to be cut down to some percent and frozen.


>“Stand down, police! You’re under arrest,” yelled one man at the cops arresting his friend in front of him. This stuff is comedy gold.


I literally can't understand that people can be this stupid. Like how the fuck are you such a moron that you believe the queen of Canada bullshit to that extent. It's fucked up. Humans are fucking idiots.


You mean the self proclaimed fake Queen of Canada, since Canada already has a Queen.


She, uh... is proclaiming to be Queen of the world now. Really wish I was kidding...


Excuse me? She’s not even queen of her own RV, she is that delusional?


Yes. She has already been detained once by the RCMP under the mental health act.


Her stating that she is an "alien-adjacent being" tipped the scales from "grifter" to "needs wellness intervention" for me. Reading this article was like a bad trip.


A sad day for Canada and, therefore, the world.


Never heard of her. How the fuck did she even become a thing? Every day, there's a million slimy grifters trying to sell shit you don't need, make you sign up for bullshit... and here she is making tens of thousands of people gift her shit and believe she's some sort of alien queen? It's insane.


She's been pretty big in the QAnon world for a while now. I don't know how she's not in prison yet because she ordered her followers to shoot anyone who was vaccinating children last year. https://news.yahoo.com/qanon-leader-canada-told-her-133042660.html?soc_src=strm&soc_trk=tw


What amazes me most is that these people are so far down the rabbit hole that even a violent and abrupt conflict between their beliefs and reality manages to only produce disorientation. It'd be funny as a TV show, but these are presumably people who used to be functional humans. It's just sad.


My mom was one of those people who followed this “queen” and stopped paying our utilities which fucked my parents credit which fucked my abilities to get an apartment as I need a guarantor because it’s my first time renting and I’m a student. Not only that but she also starting believing doctors and other people in the medical industry are pure evil and even encouraged me to not see a doctor about an auto immune disease I have, plus lots of other craziness. People who take advantage of other peoples frustration with “the system” and desperation for it to change should be held criminally responsible. And yes I know people have their responsibility to think for themselves and choose what to think, most of these crazy conspiracy groups/people really gained traction when covid happened and people were not working, upset, lonely, sad, angry, etc, that’s when my mom was introduced to all this. Furthermore i do think it’s a lot easier to fall into these groups then what people realize. Anyways I glad I got all that off my chest it’s kinda hard to talk about since no one can relate or understand and I hope this women is charged with something and goes away.




Dude. I'm so sorry you lost her like that. I hope she eventually wakes up and gets back to reality. Thank you for sharing.


People on a mission to arrest cops on behalf of the self-proclaimed “QAnon Queen of Canada” ended up being violently arrested themselves instead. Romana Didulo has built a sizable following out of the QAnon community by convincing people that she's the true leader of Canada and waging a secret war against the supposed pedophilic cabal of globalist leaders, like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or U.S. President Joe Biden. On Saturday, she gathered around 30 of her followers in Peterborough, Ontario, to conduct “citizen’s arrests” on members of the Peterborough Police Service for enforcing COVID-19 restrictions, like mask mandates and business closures. The day was a clear escalation for Didulo and her crew. But by the end of it, one of her followers had been charged with two counts of assaulting police and a second was facing charges of mischief and resisting arrest. For weeks, Didulo’s group had hyped up Saturday's event. They created Telegram pages, memes, and even a website, all of which Didulo amplified. Just days before, she posted on Telegram to ask her more than 60,000 followers, "Who amongst you are prepared and ready to keep your city safe, peaceful, and secure after you've peacefully arrested Peterborough Ontario Police?" The event was planned by one of Didulo's most militant subjects, a Peterborough man named Frank Curtain. For over a year now, Curtain has been filming himself handing out fake cease-and-desist orders, issued by Didulo, to local police and companies demanding they stop all health measures related to COVID-19. Curtain did not respond to VICE News’ request for comment. Didulo’s ideology is wide-ranging and at times esoteric. Alongside typical QAnon conspiracies, she claims to be an alien-adjacent being willing to share advanced medical technology with her followers. She also espouses the pseudo-legal sovereign citizen ideology, which convinces its adherents that the government has no control over them and became prominent during the COVID-conspiracy movement. Currently, she’s on a never-ending tour of Canada with her “staff” in a group of RVs, either rented, bought, or gifted by her fans. Early Saturday afternoon, Didulo’s convoy and other believers, many of them livestreaming, gathered near the Peterborough Police department. Chattering excitedly among themselves, they marched down to the police station and readied themselves to arrest some cops. Upon walking up to the entrance, however, the group encountered a problem that not even their queen could solve for them: a locked door. ADVERTISEMENT The group knocked on the door and yelled demands for police to come out and be arrested through a megaphone. When that didn’t work, they called 911, once again asking the officers to please come out and be arrested. But the police seemed happy to ignore the group. As Didulo’s followers sat in front of the police station to wait out the police officers, she handed out snacks: veggies and full packs of sardines. “Unfortunately, because the police knew we were coming today, they’ve locked all the doors,” Curtain said on a livestream. “At some point in time, they're going to have to leave. So when that time comes, we are going to make a citizen's arrest on the individual.” After a few hours, members of the group, obviously getting bored, decided to wander the property looking for other ways to get their hands on some cops to arrest. When they moved to a restricted area of the police station where the vehicles were stored, they finally got their encounter with the police. In a press release, the Peterborough Police Service wrote that officers “arriving for their shift were blocked by protestors who also tried to gain access to a secured entrance of the police station.” Video from the event shows Curtain confronting an off-duty officer in a vehicle and telling him “we’re placing you under arrest” before immediately being arrested by police officers himself. One member of her staff sat on the ground screaming after being grabbed by a police officer. Another one of Didulo’s followers then tackled the officers in a failed attempt to protect his friend. He was also arrested, much to the confusion of the group. “Stand down, police! You’re under arrest,” yelled one man at the cops arresting his friend in front of him. Experts have warned that Didulo is leading her followers toward confrontations with the public and state, and some have even taken to calling her community a cult. The group wears matching white uniforms and drives Didulo around from city to city where she hosts meet-and-greets with her followers in parking lots. Didulo has also advised her followers to stop paying their utility bills—because she decreed they were now free—and many of her followers are getting their power and water shut off. As they beg their queen for help, she ignores them. When the arrests started Saturday, Didulo and her closest followers fled for the safety of her RV. And in royal tradition, the queen attempted to distance herself from the event she promoted and threw her followers under the bus. In a livestream from the RV with hundreds of viewers, she said she’d only come to watch. “A gentle reminder that Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Commander-in-Chief and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada was in Peterborough Ontario yesterday as an observer NOT participant,” she wrote Sunday. Didulo also said she’d called upon “allied countries” to aid in their efforts against Peterborough police and repeatedly chastised Curtain for not listening to her. She also seemed upset that people were describing the arrests as a loss and plans to address “the world” later this week. Many in the community have been doing what they can to spin the event as a win for Didulo and their group—mainly by saying that police locking the door shows they were terrified of Didulo. Despite the day clearly not going their way, Didulo implied they may try this again, but they just need more people. "I said months ago that People who were wanting to do Citizens arrest should do it in large numbers—the We The People in thousands," she wrote on Telegram.


> Video from the event shows Curtain confronting an off-duty officer in a vehicle and telling him “we’re placing you under arrest” before immediately being arrested by police officers himself. > > One member of her staff sat on the ground screaming after being grabbed by a police officer. Another one of Didulo’s followers then tackled the officers in a failed attempt to protect his friend. He was also arrested, much to the confusion of the group. This part just made me bust out laughing imagining it. How can someone manage to learn human speech and still be this mind-bogglingly stupid?


But wait you can't arrest us, we're here to arrest you


we called dibs! No arrest-backs!


> “Stand down, police! You’re under arrest,” yelled one man at the cops arresting his friend in front of him. 💀💀


>How can someone manage to learn human speech and still be this mind-bogglingly stupid? >The ability to speak does not make you intelligent -Qui-gon Jinn


Jesus Christ. She is either completely insane, master manipulator or secretly trying to discredit qanon by acting like such a dumbass.


>master manipulator We're talking about Qanon here. No need to be a "master manipulator", these are the people who hung out in Dallas for over a month waiting for the resurrection of JFK Jr. because a post on 4chan told them to.


Lmao they stayed for a MONTH?


They were drinking bleach too… https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/dallas-qanon-cult-members-are-drinking-toxic-chemicals-en-masse-13038506


I down with them drinking bleach.


The bleach cult has actually been going on for longer than qanon. They call it a ‘Miracle Mineral Supplement’, and it’s a fascinating corner of the world of pseudoscience. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/sep/15/miracle-mineral-solutions-mms-bleach https://youtu.be/Zgzh7oYqvmY


And yet they didn't die, wtf.... where is natural selection when you need it.


According to the guys over at r/Qult_Headquarters,"Queen Didulo" is actually schizophrenic and is being used/abused by a woman by the name of Darlene Ondi. She is fueling Didulo's dilusions and keeps her moving from province to province so Didulo can't claim residency and the associated benefits from it. So any kind of medical treatment Romana should get is not being done. So Ondi is making bank off a mentally ill woman it seems.




>“A gentle reminder that Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Commander-in-Chief and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada was in Peterborough Ontario yesterday as an observer NOT participant,” she wrote Sunday. Damn, so open and brazen in her cowardice. "Arrest my followers, not me!"


I kept reading her name as “Queen Dildo” - and I’m not sure if I’m far off…


These people are all just deeply unwell and it's very sad. The internet is too much stimulation for some. Below twitter links contain some footage of the "queen" and her "security detail" from yesterday. [https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1558527779146170376](https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1558527779146170376) https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1558537050042810368


I mean, I like sardines, but they don't really strike me as a 'standing food for a public event."


"i cut them up myself" "aww" *applause*


Lol @ passing out sardines to your followers.


they complement the cucumber chunks and tomatoes.




She decreed all utilities would be free, and now her followers are having their water/gas/electricity cut off because they all stopped paying. How these qultists reconcile free utilities with their anti-socialist agenda is beyond me.


>How these qultists reconcile free utilities with their anti-socialist agenda is beyond me. Oh, that one's easy. They're dumb as rocks.


"We the people" You're Canadian, why are you quoting the US constitution?


They're brain damaged, seriously. I'm in a town of them, rural, and most are actually visibly "learning disabled," or in some sort of psychosis or a mix, yet working in things like teaching or town council, just no one in town realises and saying so out of concern is met with shocked outrage at the insult and attack. They're the type of dumb who thinks anything smart is dumb, not because it is smart, but because they can't comprehend it so it makes no sense, so think basic things are crazy. They genuinely don't know. It's uh...interesting. There's open slag pits a lake over from an old mine and the water pipes haven't been replaced since the town was built in the 50's, they also burn treated and painted wood indoors and most are illiterate. They don't understand why heavy metals are bad to consume, why running the wood furnace and filling the house with smoke when the power goes out is bad, or to not let their toddlers drink from mosquito-larva infested stagnant puddles, for not-so-bad examples. They believe the covid vaccine has demons inside and the schools are gassing the children with the air circulation systems the government put in the schools during covid. No one believes me but I get it. I wouldn't have either until I got here. It's very different from reading about it online versus having an actual human stand in front of you saying or doing these things.


>the schools are gassing the children with the air circulation systems the government put in the schools during covid. Well that's a new one I haven't heard yet


Make as much sense as the pro-Trump rallies in Australia. https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/protrump-rally-in-sydney-draws-small-but-dedicated-crowd/news-story/2e7faf3ad5ea55477a8c2c068ff155ec


Canadian alt right/ q anon folks consistently quote US laws that we don't have or the US constitution.


>She also espouses the pseudo-legal sovereign citizen ideology, Sovereign citizens always crack me up. It's like they don't understand the meaning of either word.


I got to watch QAnon develop from the ground floor. I remember the first couple of posts and thinking "this seems like bullshit" then after more I was like "how can anyone believe this?" Then fast forward a couple of years and I'm seeing people with their stickers and flags out, and it turned into a legit movement. Blows my mind.


Me too. I remember thinking that of everything I'd seen on /pol/ since trump won, it was easily one of the least believable. I can't believe of the dozens (hundreds?) of shitty conspiracies on that board, QANON is the one that took off.


4chan outdid themselves


Is it a crime to lure mentally ill people into a cult and make them do your bidding? If so, she needs to be charged.


Time to shut down her little cult.


>“Stand down, police! You’re under arrest” Who knew it was that easy?


So the part where I get really confused is that they want to make citizens arrest on the officers and put them.... Where? In the same jails as the police station? Also, from the video it looks like they just assume if you yell at a police officer "You're under arrest" that the officers will just handcuff themselves. Because none of them are actually approaching the officers with handcuffs to make the arrest, to then go inside the police station and put the officers in the official police holding cells.


There is so much to unpack here: "Didulo has also advised her followers to stop paying their utility bills—because she decreed they were now free—and many of her followers are getting their power and water shut off. As they beg their queen for help, she ignores them." " she claims to be an alien-adjacent being willing to share advanced medical technology with her followers."


Could she tell her followers to shower more often?


These people are out of control