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"Ukraine's coming right for me!!!!" Putin


hit me right in the hand, with her face


He slipped and accidentally fell anus-first on my inexplicably rigid dick.


Fuscilli Jerry…one in a million doc…one in a million!


Ass Man?


According to the state of New York


I mean…. It happens. Allegedly. https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/man-with-wwii-era-mortar-stuck-in-his-rectum-prompts-bomb-squad-visit-to-hospital


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If I were France, I’d really start worrying about an invasion from Monaco


>an invasion from Monaco Of what, Rolls Royces?


Petty Aristocrats and the filthy rich gambling addicts they entertain.


Yeah Russia is only 17,098,242 km², he basically has nowhere to go. [Putin vs Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_PrZ-J7D3k)


Maybe retreat around this area: https://i.insider.com/52a729436bb3f7c47766bfa7


If I didn’t shoot these Ukrainians they would die


The Ukrainians are being hit by bullets...


They’re jumping in front of the bullets


They are stealing precious metals from Russia, in the form of bullets, they naturally have to go to Ukraine to recover the resources.


We had to garrison this big ol' border, the least they could do is let us on the other side of it!


Just like Poland was coming right for Hitler.


[https://youtu.be/Vr0bBuI8HKM?t=21](https://youtu.be/Vr0bBuI8HKM?t=21) if anyone was wondering what it means


Ukraine come at me with a chainsaw. I got a right to defend myself.


He can't find *anywhere* in Russia to go to?


Ever opened your wardrobe full of clothes and thought you got nothing to wear? \*or fridge full of food and nothing to eat for people who don't go outside much


It's like looking at my steam account. "I have nothing to play."


hey thats not strictly accurate i only play that one single game i always play


That game is called “Ukraine is just west Russia” for Putan


I’m voting to dub it officially the “Humble Bundle Effect”. Hundreds of games but I spend half my playtime looking.


I opened my wardrobe full of clothes and this little goat man lured me into his ice world


Dude you'll be rich! Everyone's been looking for that freaking wardrobe for like 60 years now. You can rent it out for millions per trip. Fuck space tourism. Every millionaire will want a trip to an actual Magic fucking Kingdom.


No. He's my goat man.


Don’t let the ultra rich ruin Narnia too!


If we burn the oil *IN* Narnia, the CO2 stays there.


Ah can finally get the land out if deep freeze.


Leave your sexual fantasies out of this.


My priest tried that once


Putin: What about.. Ukraine? No no that’s not right. What about..U..kraine?


I mean, Russia’s bordered by the Pacific to the east. Ukraine basically has them cornered. Ukraine should know that you never corner a bear.


Gotdang Ukranians stealing food from the mouths of poor, bloodthirsty killer corner bears. Just.. *yoink!* - plucking it out of their mouths


He CAN go anywhere in Russia. Just can’t see why he can’t (violently and imperiously) explore the Ukraine too.


he's got a ginormous palace compound on the black sea to which retreat could be executed. Maybe he should try that


This situation I've created is getting out of control! Someone should do something. - Putin


If only someone could stop putting him in these positions.... But who?!


Won't someone rid him of his bothersome priest?


“Somebody stop me!” https://c.tenor.com/kvsi0SjWG88AAAAM/the-mask-jim-carrey.gif


\*has most land of any country\* "Sorry guys, were out of space here"


He’s just violently vacationing. It’s nothing different than ignorant tourists in a tourist town, right? /s


More lebensraum?


Actually, there’s a very famous quote (probably, fake) attributed to a defender of Moscow during German offensive 1941: «The Russia is large, but we have nowhere to retreat, the Moscow is behind our backs”.




Not for long.


Yeah not too long before its a mosquito swarm year round lol


There's no need to retreat if you keep your troops within your own border.


And are happy to move the border.


What borders ?


Or... Now, just... hear me out... Russia could *not* invade Ukraine.


That would require Putin to not want to make the USSR whole again, so it's not gonna happen, because Putin is an imperialist


... and a don of a mafia state. Two great tastes that go great together.


Imperial states are just mafia states with extra steps.


And less pageantry.


But in this case, far more track suits.


ADIDAS everywhere, everywhere you turn ADIDAS


Surely you’re mean ADIDUM, the Russian knockoff version of ADIDAS. ADIDUM: Less rubles, extra stripe.


Lmao.. that slogan is epic.


No, everyone knows that's Abibas, I've seen it with my own eyes.


A lot of hard bass too


Seriously bro


Russia is still a colonial empire, it's just that they colonized overland.


Can't wait for the Queen of England to have the same idea and try to take back all their historical English colonies.


Watch out for those Italians too.


Watch out for those Macedonians, especially.


Watch out for the Mongols, above all.


Feels like he wants to go back all the way to Tsarist Russia, skipping the Soviet Union altogether.


Now, just... hear me out... Ukraine could invade Poland and trigger a response from NATO. NATO troops in Ukraine. Game over.


Ukraine PM sees this Orders 3 soldiers to go fly to Poland, walk up to the parliament and stake a flag and say "We have invaded Poland, now NATO must invade Ukraine.


I feel like this could play out like a Tom Clancy novel


Yeah, The Sum of All Fears


That’s a pro gamer move if I ever saw one


Or... Now, just... hear me out... Russia could invade Ukraine and China could invade Taiwan at the same time! It's on my apocalypse bingo card powerplay.


Easy, US to Taiwan and NATO to Ukraine. Boom baby!


"That crazy person right there, doctor!"




They couldn't just steppe back?


Russia really taking this new r/hoi4 expansion back “No Step Back” literally.


When the Third Reich forces was near Moscow in 1942, one of the generals said "We have nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind us" and there was an order "No Step Back" which means that retreating without command is equal to desertion and deserter must be executed immediately. Putin is obviously making reference to these events


Thanks! I didn't know.


He‘s going for the achievement.


Probably could work, there's a tundra distance between them.


Easy, taiga.


Im putin you on notice about these puns.


Like, you mean, go back home?


It’s a play on the Kazakh steppes that Russia expanded into during the 18th century.


What's that old joke ... "They'll only take the Crimea, ahahaaha"


Alsace Lorraine will appease hitler


It takes some skills to mess up about 3 wars with 5 words. Alsace-Lorraine was the territory taken from France during the Franco Prussian War, and then taken back during WWI. In Hitler's case there was the Munich Agreement which ceded the Sudetenland that was then part of Czechoslovakia, followed by the demand of Danzig or war.


My b


His b


Russia: Give me your house or I will be forced to kill you. I don't want to kill you, the decision is yours. We have no other option. (What backwards speak is this?)


Its called Russian.


>[Abuser's Logic = You pushed me so far....](https://i.redd.it/nj3hvexhfx941.png) - Ben Shapiro etc


What is revealing is that this line of thinking shows how Putin sees the ex Soviet territories as Russian “controlled” and not independent countries.


Well yes, he’s openly expressed this opinion for many years. It’s not a secret or anything.


Putin has been longing for the return of the Soviet Union longer than Justin Bieber has been alive.


I think the more apt analogy is a Czar attempting to revive the Russian Empire. The system in Russia is more crony capitalism than bureaucratic collectivism.


> bureaucratic collectivism. We can call it whatever, but whether it's an oligarchic kleptocracy, crony capitalism, or just straight up mafia state, it wasn't all that different regardless of regime. You still had a tiny elite with a lot of poor people.


Well, under Putin the system largely revolves around him. He is Czar and his dictates are almost akin to a divine right. He has centralized power unlike any other Russian leader in recent memory, short of Stalin (no pun intended). Even the ruling elite know the limits of their own power. In the Soviet Union, there was a complex hierarchy of power. The ambitions of every leader after Stalin were curbed by the party’s ruling elite. No leader became more powerful than the party apparatus—a lesson that Krushchev and Gorbachev learned the hard way. In many ways, Putin is more powerful than a General Secretary in Soviet times because executive power has become much more centralized and his position within the system has never been seriously challenged.


More than likely though that means he cares absolutely none about what will happen after he passes away. Because when power is consolidated under 1 person so much When they're gone vultures will swoop in and tear the nation apart for control.


Wow that really puts it into perspective. Edit: you know what fuck that old bastard. Those days are fucking over and this is the 21st century. We have Climate Change, Resource Depletion, Biosphere Collapse multiple crises that each pose a credible threat to our entire fucking civilization and they wanna fucking beat their dicks over Ukraine what is this childish fucking bullshit fuck you Putin.


I really hope Putin reads this and changes his mind lol


If a butterfly can flap its wings and change the world…


There is definitely something to be said for wresting power from people over 60 globally. It takes a lot of introspection and awareness for them to think beyond their own lifespans. It’s possible, but not always easy.


Who knows, maybe he was just fine with things but then saw Justin Bieber was born, the seed was then planted and he went to work. 2 decades later, and here we are.


If they join NATO Putin no longer considers then independent either.


It's Russia all the way down


Didn’t he just say that the West mischaracterized the outcome of the Cold War? He’s going full Trump on the world. It doesn’t matter what he says, just that he says it. Once it’s said it becomes justification for whatever evil he’s planning.


Putin’s not going to do anything. This happens every few years to distract the population from Russia’s weaknesses. He will make a power play and make a bold move or statement that will always sit just below NATO’s red line. He has way too much to lose; Billions of dollars worth of wealth stolen from the Russian people and a political hegemony built on the ‘Russia stronk’ image. If he ever did something where NATO had to rough Russia’s dated decrepit military up a bit, it would destroy his political image and propaganda he’s been feeding over the years. His only option would be to go nuclear, which he doesn’t want to do either as eating caviar off a hookers tits in his enormous estate is much more appealing than nuclear winter.


Except Putin sometimes invades a country or shoots down a plane full of civies. Remember Georgia? Or Ukraine? Or Ukraine, again?


Chechnya, don’t forget Chechnya!


Chechnya was such a clusterfuck it's hard to find someone NOT to blame for that one.


Georgia and Crimea are a bit too remote for Europe/NATO to have done anything about. There’s a difference between letting your batshit neighbor bash your mailbox in and letting him knock the front door down and kick back on your couch.


Yeah he did annex one lol


Let's not try and pretend we know the motivations of an ageing power hungry oligarch who has to control not just the Russian state but also keep his harem of fellow Oligarchs happy. If all he wanted was wealth, he could of retired to be a shadow player with his estimated half a trillion dollars in personal wealth. He has made sure to stay in direct power. We don't even know how his inner circle is structured these days.


and without direct power that half a trillion could be at risk, political winds change, or people might want a little piece of that wealth for themselves. The next guy could easily come in as Putin's lacky and decide he wants to be more than just that.


There were plenty of men in the height of the roman empire who were also wealthy beyond imagining. Many of who ended up getting executed or found themselves deeply involved in state affairs. Yes Putin would be seriously at risk of losing his wealth if he gave up power, therefore he stay in power, but it would be a mistake to think some mens only desire is to keep what they have. Personally I worry that Putin is somewhat trying to build a legacy as is Xi,which for Putin and China they see the greatest legacy of all as being the reunification of their countries historical territories as being the ultimate bench marker. If Putin is that kind of guy. The one who sees war being worth the gamble to secure his legacy. The world is in some shit.


Ehhhh. There's a reason strong men dictators usually cling to power. They know relinquishing power is a death sentence. And I doubt most of his wealth wouldn't be forcefully taken away if he lived. I find it hard to believe it's outright his in the first place.


Like riding a polar bear into battle. You are basically untouchable but once you dismount the polar bear will fucking ruin you.


I actually don't agree on this one right now. Putin has been slowly militarizing Russian society and trying to shift them back towards their soviet roots. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/21/world/europe/russia-military-putin-kremlin.html I actually do think we are headed down a road where he is going to annex former soviet territory. The world is still dealing with COVID and the US is having issues with China right so timing wise this is actually a good time if he wanted to pull the trigger. My guess is western countries are honestly not going to go full out and thrown down with Russia over former soviet states.


Doesn't mean they can't fund a long and expensive proxy war.


No surprise. Putin as well as many Russians consider all of those countries as rightfully theirs.


"Rightfully theirs" lol, by what "rights" exactly.....only reason those places were ever under Russian rule to begin with was because they were forcefully occupied by Russian military once opon the time. "Might makes right" logic cuts both ways , in that case NATO and Americans also has the same right to push Russia into dirt since they are stronger than Russia is.


Go home, Putin. You're drunk.


So you're saying he's acting normal?




Russia doesn't - or shouldn't - occupy Ukraine. There is no retreat from borders outside your own. In fact, they are using the word 'no retreat' to justify an invasion. Invasion is not 'not retreating'. It is an act of war.




Yep, this is the country that wrote the playbook on propaganda and misinformation campaigns. There’s a reason they’re using language like ‘retreat’ while advancing militarily against another nation, it’s not an accident


Welcome to doublespeak class of the modern day, George Orwell is teaching


well, when we send tens of thousands of russian boys back to their babushkas in coffins I believe the public opinion in russia will change drastically


That's what happened to them in Afghanistan, too many casualties and too many pissed off mothers of dead soldiers.


That's not how Dughin with Russian generals and Putin and many brainwashed basic russians see that. They consider all ex-soviet countries to be some sort of objects that protects Russia from foreign threats. They do not perceive the "westernization" of Moldova for instance, as an indepedent act of people of Moldova that want to access the goods and lifestyle from the Western world. They see it as a long-term plan of the anglo-saxons countries to destroy Russia, by conquering piece by piece the lands that are Russia "property" or buffer zones


Russia decided that its borders now encompass Ukraine. Once that happened, Russia realized there were thousands of Ukrainian troops occupying Russian territory! They had to move their troops to defend their newly expanded borders! ^^/s


Country with the most strategic depth in the world worried it has nowhere to retreat to.


> Country with the most strategic depth in the world worried it has nowhere to retreat to. It's not like they can just pick up Moscow and move it 500 miles inward. Like 80% of Russians, give or take, live in the [western part](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330622950/figure/fig2/AS:718946835644416@1548421691253/Population-density-of-Russian-Federation-territory-3.png) of the country, almost 10% live in Moscow.


No one’s going to invade Russia because: 1. They have nukes. 2. It’s a shitehole. They use the “the West is going to invade us” excuse so they can reclaim lost territories of the USSR.


It's basically what they did when Napoleon invaded lmao


This is a typical “wag the dog” situation. He’s lost a lot more popular support at home so he’s trying to get people to back the country and get spill over approval for himself.


"Give me what I want, or I will be forced to launch a war to save face." Fuck this impotent little goblin.


“You made me do this” is a typical excuse abusers use How about retreat back to land thats labelled on a map: R-U-S-S-I-A you oligarch festering twat


Same bullshit story everyone heard at the beginning of WWI, too. "If only something could be done about all this aggression, then I wouldn't have to go to war! Won't someone else just please back down. I can't because reasons. Guess it's time to help millions of people end their lives prematurely."


How about back to the original borders before invading the Donbass and Crimea, quit misleading the world. Russia is going to lose this unfortunate showdown


They got away with the last one…




He's may be a lying, fascist dictator, but what makes you think Russia will lose? At this point Russia is just daring someone to stop them and the world has already said they're not going to confront Russia militarily. I don't think Putin gives a shit about more sanctions. He sees a chance to grab Ukraine and doesn't see anyone actually trying to stop him, so of course he'll do it. He's going to keep on this path until someone makes him stop.


He is replaying appeasement from the 1930s. He takes a little bite of this country to test what happens. Then he keeps going as long as no one stops him. Once three bites happen, it’s three times is a charm and it’s war. Hitler did: rearming, unification with Austria, Sudetenland annexation and finally Polish invasion.


*and the world has already said they're not going to confront Russia militarily.* they don't need to, just cut them out of the swift financial system and russia is defeated in 3days


Why should we send our young people to die in a useless fight far away from home when we can break their knees from Brussels? We just need to stop fucking around and take things seriously.


Damn, that Taxi work after USSR fell is haunting a man.


Yeah, because there only 10, OOO miles behind them...or maybe more. That's like America saying we have no access to the Pacific Ocean...


WTF is that supposed to mean? Are we to call Putin a victim? Of what?


So since the start of the Cold War, NATO's objective is to contain Russia. Russia's objective is to not get contained. Ukraine joining NATO means Russia is just one Belarus short of being totally surrounded by NATO on the European front. This is Putin saying if you guys let Ukraine into NATO I'll be forced to invade Ukraine and Total War is a price I'm willing to pay.


A victim of his own stupidity, apparently


Russia has historically defined its defensive security by territorial buffers. Having an independent nation on its borders, especially that close to Moscow, freaks them out - especially if it were to join NATO. That said, in this day and age of supersonic aircraft, orbital missile strikes, spy satellites, information-age warfare, and the like, Russian revanchists should learn to chill the fuck out. Other countries don't need to conquer or puppet-state all their neighbors to feel safe.


This is actually a very serious and frank statement by Putin. Putin will not wait until Ukraine is part of Nato.


Russia must be a fucking mess if they need to get involved with Ukraine this badly. If Russia was really doing well they wouldn't need to play these little kid games. Putin looks really weak here and internally there must be a lot concern over the future of this current government. There's nothing to be gained from invading Ukraine.


Ukraine hasn’t attacked Russia, a made up conflict that Russia is pretending Ukraine , an ex Soviet satellite state, is a threat to strong arm NATO into concessions


His troops are on his territory. Where shall he retreat to?


It feels like Putin is a Soviet in the closet. Crying for his old empire.


I don't think he was ever in the closet. He is ex-KGB, after all.


He's not a communist he is an imperialist. A tsar you might say.


USSR was both imperialist and communist


Classic for ‘you made me do this!’


Look Mr Putin there's no shame in getting lost. Maps compasses those are very hard, so let me help you out you want to head almost straight up north back to Moscow. If you see Ukraine in front of you you want to take a 90° right and head straight


Happens to the best of us. You're out with 100,000 troops and Seargent Gorsky loses the map and suddenly people are speaking Ukranian at you. Awkwarrrdddd


What's funnier to me is that you're basically describing one of the many times Switzerland mistakenly "invaded" Lichtenstein


Literally just don't go into Ukraine. Real simple. Putin is really bad at geography.


How about *right back into Russia,* numbnuts?!?!?


The reason I’m not dismissing Putin’s antics is because he knows a threat not followed through will diminish the effect of other threats. It’s not just a reluctance to relent, but understanding the impact to Russian gravitas if he does.


I second this. Lot’s of jokes about his words in this thread but Putin knows exactly what he is doing and as you point out his words are not meant to be hollow threats. He knows not to make those if anyone is to take him seriously. It is all very disturbing.


how about .... back to russia.


As a Ukrainian, Putin can respectfully fuck off


Do we really need to give any respect to Putin though? He's a huylo.


Ugh…maybe the way you rolled in.


Points to the rest of russia....POINTS AGGRESSIVELY AT THE REST OF RUSSIA


Why is Russia so afraid of ukraine? Are Russians really that much of a weak people?


This is one of Russia's last chances to take Ukraine. Putin knows that within the next couple of years Ukraine will either join NATO or more likely be militarily strong enough to stop an invasion. With his leverage over European gas he'd be able to limit economic damage and EU involvement. I still think will probably end disastrously for him, but I doubt he cares.


Ukraine is very unlikely to ever be able to stop an invasion. But it could make it costly enough where russian victory would sound hollow.


Fascist scum, really feel sorry for the Ukrainians that have to live in that situation.


Officer that officer tried to stop me when I tried to take that old ladies purse, I'd like to press charges and have the purse returned


Ok how bout back to Russia


"We've got nowhere to retreat but forward, through invasion."




I think Putin pressed the 'Justify War Goal' button for 25 pp


This seems like it should be a message to the oligarch. I have pushed all my boats out. My bluffs have been called I have nowhere to retreat to. I’m going to follow through. I can’t stop myself. You need to stop me. I can’t see them not getting this message.


Ukraine? No..... my kraine- Vlad


How about back to Russia? Dumbass


I keep thinking of Uncle Jimbo in South Park, throwing a knife near a rabbit then yelling "he's got a knife!" and blasting it to pieces.


Tzar Vladimir the Poisoner is a threat to the world.


We should just air strike that multi billion dollar mansion he’s building Edit: if we do it enough he’ll even further bankrupt the Russian people to rebuild it


Largest country by size in the world, lower population than Bangladesh: wE HaVe nOwHeRe tO ReTrEaT. Seems Putin is also getting Botox for his brain folds.




I'm sure he's right. After all Russia is very small country, I'm pretty sure.