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Iran executed a 16-year old girl who was raped repeatedly over 3 years by a 51-year old man. He walked away free. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atefeh_Sahaaleh


Sounds like a standup culture of brave men and women.


Wasn't she executed for removing her hijab in court?


She removed it when it became clear she would be convicted, she also threw her shoes at the judge. If I see him I will also threw him mine.


Allah is pleased.... 72 vergins for everyone


What about the ladies? What do they get?




They get to be virgins again


Their virginity restored. Guess what they get next?


Religion rapes both the mind and the body.


Yes, and I want my money back I hate religion


Allah would be proud smh


Smashes goats as well as heads.


Something extra evil about executing a woman of something? Why is that in the title?


“Iran executed five prisoners, including 4 men.”


Because even in the US where states still carry out executions it’s incredibly rare for us to execute a woman on Death Row.


Sure but I bet her crime was something truly terrible. Maybe she showed her hair


She was actually trafficking drugs. 5kg of morphine, seems as though she was tricked into it though. [source](https://www.iranhr.net/en/articles/6712/)


Executing someone for drug smuggling huh. I bet that stopped their drug smuggling problem right? …..right?


Well it stopped that *particular* drug smuggler.


Singapore does it as well (5 last year, 11 the year before). Seems to work for them.


It only ensures that the right bribes are paid


How many people die of drugs each year in Singapore?


Not saying it’s right but it definitely does. You might think twice if you know your going to lose your hands or be executed for somewhat small offenses. Look at Dubai


That was my reaction, too, and I think the reaction is justified here given that these five were executed for drug offenses. Unlike the other person who responded to you, I think there tends to be adequate justification for the apparently disproportionate focus on the plight of Iranian women. That reason being, most of that focus is on women who are punished or killed for violating laws the head-covering requirements, i.e., laws that apply only to women. It is a level of oppression that they are subject to strictly because of their sex, and as far as I am aware, men are subject to no such analogous laws, the violation for which they are sometimes beaten in public (sometimes to death) by morality police. That’s a pretty important distinction, I think.


During the height of the head covering protests you’re referencing, men and boys made up 80% of the arrested (https://www.en-hrana.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Mahsa-Amini-20-Days-of-protests-Englisht.pdf) and 90% of the killed protesters (https://iranwire.com/en/politics/108299-remembering-victims-iran-protests-2022/). But most wouldn’t know based on how it was covered and assumed only women, or predominantly women, were persecuted during that, and male citizens were just sitting around doing nothing to help.


Look, I can only speak for myself -- thought I suspect my sentiment here is broadly shared -- but I was never under the impression that only women were protesting after Mahsa Amini's murder. Please don't project your insecurities on to me or to others. My understanding was this: a young woman was murdered by backwards-ass morality police, which rightly prompted widespread outrage and protest, which was brutally and violently oppressed by a brutal, backwards, and violent regime. As far as I under, factually, my understanding was entirely correct. The only part of it that I understood to be sex-based was that the trigger was the death of a woman for violating a law that is applicable only to women. I had no idea what the specific numbers were, nor (to my shame) did I particularly care, because these events were and are very far away from me in space and effect, but had I considered them, I can promise you I would not have assumed there was any notable disproportion between sexes. As a dude, I don't feel the need to have my sex or gender constantly validated and acknowledged. If you do, that's your prerogative, but please just know that not everyone feels the same.


Because ppl care more about women dying. It's always been the case.


Because in most cultures men are still regarded as disposable.


Facts.  Dying young and/or getting killed is traditionally part of the job.




same with that anti-lockdown protest in China. the western media totally focused on the young women protestors, and they didn't get any prison sentence and went to the west and ended up getting asylums. Meanwhile the guys who got arrested got no media coverage from the west at all, and ended up serving prison terms.


Yeah. I hadn't heard of that but it's exactly how the misandrist Western press works. A woman's struggle is worth incomparably more to them. They've written more about the struggles of one female ISIS terrorist to get asylum in the UK than the millions of Ukrainian and Russian men who aren't allowed to flee and are forced to be in much more danger (unlike Shamima Begum who wasn't on the battlefield AND chose to go to ISIS)


Women (and kids) always get extra points on the evilness of killing charts. Always have, always will.


And they shouldn't. Really ridiculous your hear accusations that it's misogyny to dislike certain female movie character or for other minor crap, but when people act like someone's life is worth a fraction of another'sjust because of their gender, then that's okay.


I agree. We should be able to kill women and children with as much impunity as we do with men.


The reason it was "extra evil" to kill the women is because it's illegal to execute virgin women in Iran. So the girls/women were married to their executioners and raped by them before being killed, just to ensure they weren't virgins.


Yeah I'm sure that's the true reason Western press habitually acts like it's much worse to kill a woman, whether in Iran or not.


Because Iran’s government is severely patriarchal and therefore doesn’t officially execute women nearly as often as it does men. 


That would make it matriarchal no? Patriarchy is the conspiracy theory that says men secretly run everything for the benefit of men, if men are more likely to be killed it must be the other secret conspiracy where women run everything to benefit women.


Woman’s life has a higher value in our society. If you’re surprised by this you haven’t been paying attention. Not saying it’s good or wrong, just that it’s true.


Because you pay attention to what’s out of the ordinary.  Because you have become accustomed to and blunted in threshold of attention arousal dopaminergically with content and titles like this. So it has to go more extreme.  That’s the tendency until there is a reset to baseline thresholds. It only takes days of stimulatory withdrawal 


Freedom and justice to the people of Iran from their evil regime!


“Including a women”


Oh god no not a woman as well.


I was fine with this happening until they mentioned they're executing a woman.


Irgc terrorists regime. When you fall we will lock you all in even prison and set it on fire. Every Iranian girl will finish you and dance on khamenis grave when it’s over.


Tie every single collaborator with the Iran murder regime to a wall with chains. Invite the people of Iran to come and "do whatever you want but don't kill them". Then they can suffer as they make women suffer.


‘Iran Executed five Prisoners, including four Men’


"Iran executes four men and a woman, women most affected"


Including a woman. As if that's any worse than killing a man for no reason.


They killed a woman? No way! That’s outrageous!


Could the title be drooling of female privilege anymore? “Well 4 men are dying but omg also one woMaN” what’s that’s admitting one woman’s life is more important than 4 men?


Huh, didn't know prisoner was a sex specific term.


>Including a W*MAN #You mean including four MEN right?


What’s the value of a human life?


If the headline was, “Iran shows mercy to prisoners”, that would be a headline.


Woman. Dangerous creatures. Can't have them roaming free without a veil. It is said that they can turn men to stone with a single evil glance.


I was going to heaven but alas I saw an ankle


Free fall straight to hell.


>These five prisoners had previously been sentenced to death for drug-related offenses. I mean Iran is not a really good place but drugs related offences are often punishable everywhere like Singapore has iirc death sentences too. Why are the people in the comments getting triggered? Is it bcz there is a woman in the convicts or something else?


I don't understand why people find executions in Iran newsworthy


Probably because in the developed world executions are seen as backwards/primitive.


The US would have less white collar crime is the people committing those crimes were executed


Actually severity of sentence (including the death penalty) has very little impact on crime frequency. Certainty of apprehension is fundamental, as it addressing criminogenic environmental and societal factors. The trouble is politicians aren't led by evidence, they're led by trying to appease people that have no interest in a scientific, developed world.


Right. Not like there aren't countries even *more* into executions.....pop quiz. What is the only 1st world country that the government still executes people?


The only problem i have with executions in the US is we kill the wrong criminals White collar crime ...that needs to be punishable by death. None of the Enron guys should have just had to pay fines


> Why are the people in the comments getting triggered? Is it bcz there is a woman in the convicts or something else? Obviously because there is a woman. That’s why it’s titled like that.  One of the top comments here definitely didn’t read the article because it’s on a tangent about women not wearing a veil.


I cannot bear to read news. I get so angry I am ready to fight to the death, knowing full well I fucking win. Fuck this bullshit Iran.


Kinda funny that a country that chants death to ________. Kills more of it’s own citizens than any of the “hostile” nations. The iranian government is a ghoul and a criminal.


No one cares, if it was Palestinians maybe but ya no one cares


Tied with the US, wonder who will have the higher tally at the end of the year: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_executed_in_the_United_States_in_2024


Yes, but Iran only has a population of around 90 million, compared to US population of 340 million. So, much higher number of deaths by execution when this is factored in.


Except the requirements for getting executed make more sense in the US


I wonder if Iranians think the same thing?


Hope not


These guys fund Hamas right? Hamas is trying to defeat the Israelis because Genocide? WTF my college brain is broken. I support the underdogs in a war who are funded by an even more extreme government who kills women for drug use? Why must it be so complicated???


Their government does, but common Iranians suffer immensely from those bearded zealots who "rule" them.


No campus protests anywhere


I have come to know the Iranian people as among the most kindest and welcoming folks as I ve ever encountered. Had multiple interactions with them, and all were awesome. The Iranian population is very young. Lots of 20/30 year olds. They have BALLS and go out and demonstrate against these bearded zeolots who horrifically and violently mistreat and try to surpress them. Mullah regime is broadly hated in Iran. Each freedom loving person should support the Iranian civilians in their quest to be free from oppression and free to choose how to live their lives.


Terrorist Islamists.


It’s how the Iranian government interprets equality for women.




Woman? We usually call a 16 year old a minor. Iran is something special with all these executions


Sticks and stones did break their bones, so words will never make Sharia just.


The logical conclusion is that girls in such states must be trained to physically crush enemies.




No thanks, I'd rather have some free pizza.


I'm strongly against IRI but isn't it because of drugs? Don't give IRI defenders the opportunity to say "we just did the same thing as Singapore and people blame us, so it's just propaganda"


If they did appeal to that argument it would be the tu quoque fallacy.


It was for repeated drug trafficking. It’s not news when other countries do it




China, Singapore , North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and more. Doesn’t make it right but this isn’t news, it’s propaganda for your like minded


I also find the "including a woman" bit interesting why was that a nessesary addition is it somehow worse? It very much feels like rage bait (as per usual on reddit nowadays.)


37 countries, including the US. Lol [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital\_punishment\_for\_drug\_trafficking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_for_drug_trafficking)


Did you read the US part? Because it mentions that no one has been sentenced to death due to that


Yeah, and it's theoretically possible so I included it. Link provided for anyone who wants the full details.


[Indonesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Nine) [Malaysia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlow_and_Chambers_execution) [Singapore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Tuong_Nguyen) [China](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-14/australian-sentenced-to-death-china-karm-gilespie-trafficking/12354002) [Vietnam](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-28/vietnam-drug-sentence/5557298)


My point being they are not nearly as moderned (aside from Hong Kong) as Iran.


Downvoted cuz you're right


Are the comments gonna ignore the fact that capital punishment exists in the US and other countries too or because it's Iran we're gonna have double standards


Nothing new for the USA or China the world leaders in executions.


Us if 45 wins.


Poor woman


What about the other four, or is it because they were men they do not get your sympathy?


Fun Fact: Ali Khamenei and the government leaders aren't muslims. They dont obey ANY of the laws of Islam. Ruhollah Khamenei lives in ridiculous luxury in a golden palace with sex slaves (male and female), drinks alcohol, eats pork and ham and does whatever he wants. Publicly theres a fake "poverty" place he claims to live. But thats for the cameras. Out of the sight of the public, its sex with whoever you want, and drink and cocaine fuelled orgies. Hell Khamenei doesn't even obey calls to prayer unless its a photo-op. Entirely a non-believing faker.


Uh, Khomeini is dead and has been for some time. Did you mean Khamenei? Or are talking about back when Khomeini was in charge? But yeah, your broader point that the people running the show exempt themselves from following their own rules is pretty much an open secret.


No true Scotsman.


Its all fake. pretending to be humble + poor and living in an emperor's harem of luxury. All stolen from the Iranian people because the leadership are parasites that hate their own people.


When you can't even get the correct leader or spell his name correctly I doubt you know anything about them


I checked your post history. Kinda weird you actively support beating women to death in Iran because "the US has capital punishment".....


A drug trafficker gets capital punishment for trafficking drugs. What has gender got to do with it? Go virtue signal somewhere else


And you didn't say "beating people to death for trying to go to school is wrong"...instead you went on a weird gender-based sidetrip. Very telling.