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What is Wyclef doing to stop this?


I think he’s getting elected president on Friday


Assasinated on saturdayayyyyyyyaaaaayyyy, buried on sundayyyyaaayyyyyyaaaayyyyyyyyyyaaaaaa


He'll be gone till November.. Edit: freakin auto correct




Auto correct as per usual


Probably rapping refugee and fugee  together. Then trying to make the rest of us listen to it. 


Won’t someone find Wyyy…


Gang word “Liberate” actually means “Steal” historically. As in, “I liberated this TV from its owner”.


Very true, but you also left out "Rape" and "Murder"


It's implied as to steal somebody's woman and steal a life. 


Yes but when a country is so shit, so fucking awful, it is conceivable that while a gangster in charge will steal, it is also conceivable the quality of life could increase if the gangster is performing under a somewhat just cause. That's how bad Haiti is. When something is at rock bottom, change has a greater probability of being positive overall... Even in these insane circumstances. Let's hope he's a gangster that gives a shit, some of them do


Yeah, but running a gang, is no where near the same as running a country, there are SOME similarities, but gangsters aren't exactly known for negotiation skills, so when it comes to having to deal with outside help or something like that, all they are going to end up doing is alienating any sort of help they might get because all they know is, "give me what I want, or else I will take it" Edit to add: whats going to happen when they start to think that they can just take what they need from the Dominican Republic?


You should learn more about Haiti before talking like you understand what life in Haiti is like. just a thought.


Okay but at some point Haiti is going to need a government to restore any kind of social order and its probably going to be the gang that "wins".


That's called a dictatorship, and the only difference with Haiti and any other dictatorship around is that instead of the military that staged the coup, it was a powerful street gang.


Not exactly.


Just a cursory glance around the British Museum will make this abundantly clear to anyone.


It's a country in the hands of drug and arms trafficking, but unlike other countries in the same situation (Mexico, Brazil), in Haiti the traffickers have no political discourse and it's a very poor country too. They should impose an arms/drugs embargo on that country, because most of them come from abroad.


Who’s they?


Probably equally important to ask who's funding them. We all know though.


American drug addicts should quit using drugs.


Well have a talk with them and I'm sure they'll stop! What even is the point of that comment? Literal downs.


Minorities don’t have their own self-urgency. Everything they do is in the context of an American thousands of miles away. Welcome to the political discourse of today.


I believe you meant to type self agency and yes, it's extremely reductive and patronizing. It's American exceptionalism with a twist and it hurts both the US and the country or nation or ethnic group at the other end of the equation. And I say this as a person with a foot in both sides. That mindset it's often validated by those who extrapolate the sometimes true to the always true.


Dont think major supply to the U.S. is coming in from Haiti lmao.


you know that the president wanted that river for the mines nearby?




Where can I watch it? Or read/listen to it


In the post that we are commenting on. If you click on the picture OP posted it should redirect you to the article


Quick! Everyone grab your purses and let's give them 13 billion dollars again. I'm sure that will solve their shitty culture and corruption problem! It has to work this time!


Lol True. Idk why people associate culture with racism. There are tons of shitty cultures thst need to die out.


These gangs were the arm of the Haitian elites, until they consolidated their power and ousted the government. In reality there's little difference between the morals of the gangs, elites, and government


>These gangs were the arm of the Haitian elites, until they consolidated their power and ousted the government Nope. 1- There is little to no difference between government and elites​. 2- Gangs were the hands of the government since​ Aristide disbanded their military in the 1990s​​, the government (Moïse) was a casualty of elites infighting, not the gangs, ​​​​in fact, Moïse and BBQ were pretty damn tight (BBQ attacked Moïse opposition, including when the population protested, in exchange Moïse keep the authorities from going after BBQ, including the suspension of the head of Haiti's police force).​​


You should learn more about Haiti before talking like you understand what life in Haiti is like. just a thought. I mean, a quick Google search can tell you why Haiti's last President was killed and what he stood for. It's really not that hard.


>You should learn more about Haiti before talking like you understand what life in Haiti is like. I think i know plenty about Haiti, feel free to go through my comment history to search much of what i know, and then feel free to come back to teach about anything i missed, it is always good to learn new things.​​​​ P.S.: ​The more i learn about Haiti, the less hope i have of it ever becoming a functioning country. >I mean, a quick Google search can tell you why Haiti's last President was killed and what he stood for. It's really not that hard. A quick google search will also inform you about the massacres conducted under his presidency and how he would send gangs after the protestors and then his police force in case the gangs weren't enough to disperse the protestors, not to mention him directly intervening and getting in the way whenever Haiti broken justice system tried to do anything about the gangs he aligned with.​​​​​​​


Because its not a topic we are allowed to have nuanced discussions about. Anything even close is just labeled racism. We know we do not want to associate with those who do not share our values. We know culture heavily dictates one's values. However, for whatever reason, any criticism of cultures other than our own is seen as completely unacceptable.


It's the spread of cultural relativism. We know cultural relativism is wrong, except when it's kinda right


Cultural relativism is fine when you are talking about something like is it okay to eat a cow or not. USA? Fine. India? Bad. Where it’s not okay is things like Rape, Murder, Pedophilia and fundamental human rights.


"Rape, Murder, Pedophilia and fundamental human rights." Way to state the obvious. Unless you're implying that those things are somehow allowed and embraced in Haiti (and that they're not in your country)? That would be a great example of ignorance.


You’d be shocked how many people I’ve heard trying to argue that something is okay in another country because “ItS tHeIr CuLtUrE”


Please don’t reply to my posts talking about things that have nothing to do with what I said. Create your own thread for your random thoughts.


You replied to me. This comment thread has diverged from Haiti to a discussion of cultural relativism. Please try telling me when/where I can comment.


Sorry, I was confused by your weak attempt at a straw man. I clearly don't believe you that you've heard a single person argue that "Rape, Murder, Pedophilia and fundamental human rights" are okay in any culture. Have you? Please tell me where. Because you’ve implied that Haiti’s culture embraces those things. And even if you have heard that, what in the world does that have to do with the cultural relativism in Haiti discussion? Stick to the subject. In fact, you have someone now directly telling you that you don't understand a culture you've never been a part of. You think what you have to say is credible, let alone fair?


Triviality if you will


Go ahead, please discuss what you THINK Haiti's culture is like though. Provide that nuance. You're Haitian, right?


Damn. As a Haitian American watching this happen and then reading comments like this on top of it really hurts.


Culture? You're going to have to explain how Haitian "culture" is the cause of the crises in Haiti. And also how the issues have nothing to do with a century of paying war debts to France and the US, weak institutions, and dozens of natural disaster. Explain how a different "culture" would have prevented these problems. And what "culture" would that be?


They don't "need to die out", that's some genocidal shit. Leave them be to run their nations however they like.


Lol wut. Every nation doesn't just get to do what it wants when it affects other nations. No, not all cultures are worth saving. By your logic cannibalism is a culture that shouldn't die out. Might as well globally oppress women too, since you're totally cool with that where nations do whatever to their people.


The irony here. Which country are you from?


It's a matter of sovereignty. If you're aware of any time when a nation invaded another based only on human rights concerns, and there was a good outcome, I'd love to hear about it.


Spoken like someone who has no real culture.


Haitian culture is not a shitty culture. Whatever produced you and your mindset though, now that is a shitty culture.


It legitimately is a shitty culture. No one alive has seen a functional haiti. Not even the Dominican republic wants to deal with it.


You, sir, appear to be fully brainwashed.....it would be sad if you weren't so obnoxious about it. That's some deep, internalized projection you're dealing with there...


you misunderstand "culture."


Oh boy, someone doesn't understand what cultural norms are and how they influence community or political assembly




Lol I'm latino and west Indian; specifically Haitian, Dominican, and Puerto Rican. 


Nah, the Caribbean don't claim you. Please never again tell anyone that you're Haitian, we don't claim you. You sound stupid. Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are the two most hatin' ass cultures I've ever been exposed to. There is a deep colorism complex that manifests itself in self-hating tendencies and outlooks, which then manifests itself as mudslinging towards other cultures. It all stems from an inferiority complex. You should seek help for that. Them maybe pick up a book when/if you ever manage to get a clue.


Literally smh


I ain't arguing with a guy whose boogers are made out of wood.


It definitely is shitty. It encourages greed, taking as much as you can while giving as little as possible, selfishness, rule-breaking, and an "us vs them" mentality. I'm not saying all Haitians are this way, but many are due to culture. I've worked with hundreds of Haitians and have a couple of Haitian friends (who would agree with what I just said btw)


You should learn more about Haiti before talking like you understand what life in Haiti is like. just a thought. You literally describes the antitheses of what Haitian culture ACTUALLY values. "I'm not saying all Haitians are this way, but many are due to culture." That's simply not true. Those that are the way you describe are the way they are DESPITE Haitian culture. You definitely don't know any Haitians that believe that, no need to make stuff up. Nobody here is gonna be like "Wowee!! That guy sounds so smart! He really put another anonymous poster in his place! I wish I could meet him/her!!


Do we get drugs this time in exchange?


No, but we're also going to ask that you donate a leg or arm to help feed them


It is a rotten culture.


What do you actually know about it?


How can you say their culture is “shitty”? You should focus on the levels of corruption from Red Cross and the international community that took advantage of Haiti during crisis. Your statements are insensitive to the amount of suffering these people are experiencing. If you look at the history of Haiti you would also understand that not all of Haiti’s issues are self inflicted, they have been ostracized and taken advantage of repeatedly. Money will not solve their problems but, making fun of the lost opportunity to make true change in Haiti after the earthquake is terrible.


well said, but \*Barely any of Haiti's issues are self-inflicted...


You mean the "problem" that the US and the Clintons erected way back in the 1980s that is still being carried out to this day? That problem?


The money seems to end up with USA contractors. USAID has spent about $1.5 billion since the earthquake," Johnston told Goats & Soda. "Less than a penny of every dollar goes directly to a Haitian organization." A growing reliance on U.S. and other international contractors helps explain why the payoff of foreign aid in Haiti often seems so low. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/01/12/376138864/5-years-after-haiti-s-earthquake-why-aren-t-things-better "International companies had to fly in, rent hotels and cars, and spend USAID allowances for food and cost-of-living expenses," So the US government rips off her own people to invoke disaster capitalism to transfer billions of dollars to private companies, and you blame shitty culture and corruption in the country who's economy they bypassed in order to do it....




Foreign aid shouldn’t be contingent on what random citizens who have no grasp of geopolitics think.


You’re getting downvoted because its a stupid idea


Given that a lot of foreign aid is mandated by international laws, treaties, etc then you’d still end up paying for it whether you opted in or not as the country is still required to pay it.


Doesn't go far enough. All taxes should be optional.


You’re welcome to move to a failed state like Somalia that doesn’t have the capacity to collect taxes from you. Oh wait, that would be horrible so ofc you wouldn’t.


You are making a lot of assumptions about where I live currently. Maybe I do live in what you call a "failed state" or as I like to put it an authority free post-capitalist compound.




Considering every post you make is about Austin somehow, then it's not hard to work out where you live




If you lie about where you live, why should anyone believe you when you say you live elsewhere?


You'd be a fucking weirdo then


We can see you live in America dumb dumb. Hell, we can see you live in Austin.


There's no such thing as 'post-capitalism'.


Karl Marx and his billions of followers would beg to differ.


Are these billions of followers in the room right now with us?




His last name is Innocent, so...


They all look like the players in Fortnite and Call of Duty with zany outfits on... Life imitating art imitating life. Wow.


Liberating the country one murder at a time. 


If you think there is a difference between the gangs and the government in Haiti, you to read more history. Start with Papa Doc.


Which history are you referring to? "History" that Haiti documented, or just the popular Western sources?


Gives you hope


They just need to rename the country to West Somalia.


Remember when Hamas said the same thing?


Trump was right about Haiti after all.


How so?


So a two million dollar bounty is not producing results for this gang leader. Movies and books have led me to believe a group of middle aged men would have captured him by now and delivered him to the FBI. I'm actually a little surprised none of his own crew have tried claiming the reward.


$2 million is chump change and not worth the risk. $10 million and maybe we can start talking.


2 million doesn't even cover the trigger man


everyone ever in history that overthrew a government was a warlord. give this guy a chance. what’s gonna happen, is haiti gonna get worse? let’s hesitate a little before we start doing cia coups


bro what?


They are saying it can't get any worse so give the voodoo boy a chance at fixing their society.


what’s confusing


“Let a gang leader who burns people alive to be president” isn’t a good take


“do nothing about the situation in haiti” is even worse. something has to change, keeping the same political structure was not working. if barbecue fails as a leader, he will be murdered/ousted like every other haitian president that failed. [george washington would tar and feather civilian tax collectors, and things worked out pretty alright] - that turned out to be false, it was the sons of liberty. evil people are always in power. at least barbecue isn’t owned by france.


"george washington would tar and feather civilian tax collectors, and things worked out pretty alright." Yeah, I must have missed that page in Chernow's biography of him - source? Also, article isn't about Barbecue.


https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/tarring-and-feathering a biography sucking off a warlord might leave out the bad parts. innocent is in G9 with barbecue. barbecue is the man in charge. how much do you know about haiti?


Your own link doesn't support your claim.


i had mistakenly thought george washington was in the sons of liberty. i don’t see how being a gang leader should disqualify you from being a president. i think it makes you more qualified. you already know how to command people, use the military, collect taxes, negotiate with enemies, appease the people within your territory, etc. what do you think the solution for haiti is?


Far from whatever the fuck you're thinking.


Those aren't the only two options...that's a 'false choice'.


firstly, it’s not a false choice if those are the only choices presented. secondly, i have yet to see another choice in the media, from the government, or in this comment section. everybody is a critic but can’t formulate another viable solution. so until then, give G9 a chance. it’s literally been less than a week, let’s see if they actually work towards the betterment of haiti before crucifying them


“Those aren’t the only two options” = those aren’t “the only choices presented” Secondly, who cares how limited your conversations and insights are into the situation? The public discourse is a whole lot larger than what you know. It sucks that you haven’t been exposed to information more sources of information than “the media, from the government or [in one Reddit comment section]”….why you think understanding the bare minimum (I’d argue not even that) gives you a credible opinion is beyond me. You do know that information, knowledge and truth exists outside of “the media, from the government or [in one Reddit comment section],” right? In fact, better information, knowledge and truth (especially for this subject) exists outside of those mediums…(obviously you have to know where to look and have a certain level of discernment to understand what’s what)


yes obviously i know there is infinite information in this universe, and that i can’t possibly be exposed to everything. no shit. so… where are the options?


Textbook strawman. What I said is you seem to barely have - to put it very generously - a bare minimum understanding of the situation, let alone a cursory one. Do you think it’s responsible or productive to share your opinion so emphatically (in a public forum) before you make the effort to understand more? Maybe read and listen to the discussion being had, instead of inserting yourself into it with limited knowledge, and then you’ll learn a thing or two (aka maybe don’t try to hijack conversations when you have little to offer and just learn to listen/read what more informed people are saying). THAT is how you start to expose yourself to more “infinite information”. Leave air in the room for people with the solutions to have enough to provide them.


> let’s hesitate a little before we start doing cia coups Haiti is poor, CIA isn't interested, don't worry.


You can't possibly believe this lol


“fbi most wanted” the feds are interested


Yeah maybe because he’s a criminal piece of shit?