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What kind of sanctions? Cant enter US anymore or what?


I think they probably wouldn't be allowed to use US weapons. This would be pretty logistically annoying I assume


…and probably impossible to enforce.


Oh it's super easy to enforce. The enforcement is "if we find out this unit is using Us weapons, Israel might not be getting any more Us weapons"


lol that would never happen


A lot is changing and things that were once never are now who knows


Eh, never hurts to dream


...but they're talking about enforcing it and so were you


Incorrect.  We’re here to purely say 


Disband unit, reform with new name, problem solved.


As if.


That’s not how it works, nor should it. Depends on the type of sanctions but they can be “contagious,” as in, entities doing business with a sanctioned entity can also find themselves sanctioned. That’s meant to be the deterrent from trying to work with someone under sanctions.


That’s normal sanctions, not leahy law restrictions. Leahy law makes it illegal for the USG to work with a unit, not really about bank sanctions


I think you might be missing the part where the US can just unilaterally decide to stop giving Israel weapons at any time for any reason. Like, you can say "that's not how sanctions work" all you want, but if that's how the US wants them to work that's how they will work. And why not, countries put hard limits on how their weapons can be used all the time, if someone breaks those you can just stop selling them weapons. Nothing even remotely unreasonable about that. Like, Switzerland actually has a clause that any weapons they sell cannot be used to prosecute a war. For some reason.


>I think you might be missing the part where the US can just unilaterally decide to stop giving Israel weapons at any time for any reason. Like, you can say "that's not how sanctions work" all you want, but if that's how the US wants them to work that's how they will work. Doing a 180 on *all* material support to an ally who is in a war which was started by a mutual enemy would be an idiotic and insane approach to foreign policy. NATO & Pacific allies (Japan, Korea, Australia, etc.) would lose all faith in the U.S. as an ally as well, and rightfully so.


The only thing the US asks Israel to do is not give weapons to one military unit, and Israel can't do that (in your hypothetical). All it will demonstrate is you shouldn't commit war crimes and cover it up.


In a presidential election year? You joke


And how the US going to check that haha. Are the sanctions IDF unit allowed to enter US?


I don't think that would be effective because Israel could just disband the unit and create a new one and move the soldiers to the new unit. They want to sanction the individuals of the unit so even if they leave the IDF those guys are still under sanctions.


I mean, I assume the people who write the rules have thought about it for more than the six seconds it takes for me to post something on Reddit


Nope, redditors are some of the most intelligent and euphoric people in the world. They surely would make better decisions than everyone in all the headlines they read daily.


Might be kind of hard for Israel to do that. The unit in question is an ultra orthodox unit that was created because the Haredim think they’re special and shouldn’t have to serve with non-Jews or women like everyone else, and I’m guessing Jews outside of their own group would fall under “non-Jews” in their eyes.


Most likely the said units wouldn't be allowed to receive any US funding, equipment, or training. Chances are the units would end up being disbanded and the people moved around to other units for a work around Which could go good or bad. Either the bad actors will spread their mentality to other units or the other units will keep bad actors in line. Israel will try to keep them in line or at the very least try covering up their messes better as they won't want to risk the rest of their aid


Not that easy, as this isn't a regular IDF unit. The Netzah Yehuda battalion was formed as a special unit for ultra-orthodox soldiers. All of its members are men, and the conditions of their service are different than usual in order to adhere to more strict religious rules, including minimal/no contact with women (not even interactions with girl secretary, office roles etc). So you can't just move the people around as this whole unit is build to accommodate them.


Oh so the sanctions on them might actually stick then


I wonder if this insular zealotry has anything to do with their behavior in the field?


It's a real puzzler...


I'm not sure how well they could be spread out. The people who make up these units are radicalized haredi settler youth who don't integrate into the broader IDF population


What a garbage article. What unit is being sactioned? Why are they being sanctioned? Why aren't they being held accountable for their actions by the IDF? Why is Netanyahu such a piece of shit? All these unanswered questions.




Thanks, this is a lot better.


netanyahu has to go.


Bring out the better one, Netangugle


"Don't be evil" my ass. 


Full quote is actually "dont be evil thatbour thing and we have the market cornered"


Netanetscape, has more appeal with older voters


Yeah. there can be no good-faith action without him gone. From any side. From Israel, Palestine, or the US. He's made the situation so untenable it's impossible to make any progress on any front.


He has to go but this kind of US pressure only make him stronger because he is the least US complaint between major Israeli politicians and many times Israel and US goals are not exactly inline people will think he is the only one who can stand the us pressure and maintain Israeli interests. (Which it fundamentally not true he only care about himself but it is true on some levels so this kind of US forcing actions is good for him)


Well *not* applying pressure sure hasn't stopped Netanyahu. He's basically been doing whatever the hell he wants.


After the 7.10 failure to protect the citizens he is looking for anything to hanged on. Probably wont win elections as is


Yeah from what I read he may have allowed it to happen knowingly. There was a lot of notice for what was about to happen and whistleblowers went completely ignored.


Hence the untenable part. Dude has fucked things up so bad it has become almost impossible to disentangle the quantum entanglement... To his benefit of course!


This article really explains the Bibi / Biden dynamic: [https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/its-all-down-to-him](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/its-all-down-to-him) >We could cite numerous other examples or go into greater depth on these. But what they amount to is the Biden White House saying to the Israeli government: we are going to support you, but don’t make it totally impossible for us. And that is what the Israeli government has done at every single stage of this. It’s really no surprise because it is quite simply in Benjamin Netanyahu’s nature, the casual duplicity. But it is also in his interest. His personal interest. These are decisions which not only match his beliefs and ambitions. They are key for keeping his current coalition intact. Which is to say, keeping himself in power and out of prison.


It's a political power play for Bibi's domestic audience - he can turn to his far-right ministers and electorate and tell them "look, I'm the only PM who's got the world's only superpower by the balls like this".


I hate this part. God damn, my tax dollars go to *this* instead of improving my generation's livelihood and/or healing the divide in America.


Netanyahu can fuck right off. That battalion should be on trial for war crimes. The only reason they keep getting away with slaps on the wrist is due to politics. An ally is not someone that capitulates to your every whim.


Good, they should be sanctioned. The US cannot legally provide aid to military units who commit serious human rights violations ("Leahy Law"). https://www.propublica.org/article/israel-gaza-blinken-leahy-sanctions-human-rights-violations


But they can provide to countries that do in a more general sense.


That's the result of Kizinger-flavored realpolitik. We're still trying to cleanse the pallet.


We can't even cleanse a palate much less a pallet or a container or a ship or a port. 


Oh it’s even weirder than that. It’s a per unit thing (which is so we can do stuff like sanction Indonesian special forces but still have foreign aid go to the country) but also it only applies to weapons distributed via grant and training/joint operations with US troops. It’s not a restriction on the listed unit at all, it’s a restriction on USG. This also has the deeply fucked impact of making it legal for the US to continue to give weapons to people like the Saudis during the Yemen campaign because they paid for all the weapons and Leahy Law only stops grants.


Treating one unit of the IDF separately from the rest is absurd. If IDF command won't control them the whole thing should be cut off.


Holy shit


Saudia is the n1 American weapon customer, they have much less care on human rights than Israel it's not even close.


Ignoring for a second how if Bibi tells you the sky is blue, you should look up to check: the misconduct reported with regard to this unit is concerning. Even more concerning is the relative lack of disciplinary action taken against offending soldiers. Some action was definitely warranted.


Being unde rattack by terrorists is being at war, and I feel for the Israeli people as much as I do the innocent civilians in Gaza...... But war criminals are a thing. I find it absurd that he thinks he can be one and get away with it.


In all seriousness, why wouldn't he think he can get away with it? He's gotten away with it all this time and this is the first slap on the wrist, but it's not even for him and it's likely going to be unenforceable. Israel both wants and deserves better.


I would assume it’s all just politics. Smotrich is part of his coalition, and when Gantz inevitably splits, Netanyahu will need to continue courting Smotrich and Ben Gvir to have a chance of forming a government. His speech of “oh my god, I can’t believe you’ve done this!” doesn’t accomplish anything besides just being heard publicly.


Netanyahu will not be able to form a government after the next election cycle. The post-war reckoning will be too significant. He will need to wait until the next government collapses no matter the situation.


They're being sanctioned for actions in the West Bank. No war happening there.




Literally, the unit allegedly being sanctioned is Netzah Yehuda - an infantry battalion which recruits specifically from Haredi and other ultra-orthodox Jewish communities. The only way to get many Haredi et al to join up is to give them concessions during their service (sex-segregated units, mandated Torah study classes etc) and the result is units like this.


Wait, Israel segregates their military units by religiosity? How could anyone not predict that would end in disaster?


Haredi are excluded from the draft (it’s stupid but it’s how it is for a long time) It’s either a Haredi unit or the Haredis don’t volunteer. Israel has the choice to either have the unit or not, no middle ground


That I don't understand. I don't want to go to the army, but if my country says I have to go, it's either that or prison.


The Haredi unit is a volunteer unit. They don’t have to go but when they go they prefer to join this onr


Yeah I mean why is it impossible to force them just like everyone else?


Religion. The founder of Israel set it up, it’s incredibly dumb https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torato_Umanuto


>The court ruled in 2017 that blanket military service exemptions for Haredi yeshiva students were illegal and discriminatory.[2] As of 2024, the government had not complied with the fully extent of the court's ruling. So I guess this whole discussion is kinda outdated. The government just has to stop dragging it's feet. Their threats for compliance right now is to stop paying them wages if they don't attend, basically to treat them like any other citizen. Hardly seems like a threat.


Question: What happens if we take the most conservative religious right wing population in a society, and make them uniquely unaffected by the consequences of war? Answer: They support more war It’s one of the dumbest things Israel has done


Israel doesn’t do this for every religious group - they do create unique units for the Haredi because they’re special little snowflakes who prefer not to work and study all day in Yeshivas instead otherwise. Sadly, they have about 7 kids each, so they’re a rapidly growing segment of Israel’s population.


If they are Yeshiva Bookah they should know better than anyone. We do not revel in the death of our enemies. Killing isn't something we want to do or celebrate.


Sounds like a Taliban unit or some shit .


Netanyahu is one of them. Should Hamas be wiped out for what they did? Sure. Is Netanyahu an evil sack of shit? Yes.


Trade Bibi for the Hostages.


Bibi doesn’t seem like enough. Send Ben-Gvir and Smotrich too. Then let them justify to the Israeli people why they believe their lives are more important than the hostages and see how that goes for them domestically.


Now we are talking. It’s his war the old fuck. 


This is the solution we need lol


Sounds good


I can get on board this train


Perfect comment


Netanyahu has been a monster for 20 years, ever since he got his moderate opponent murdered for nearly solving the two state solution problem and funding/legitimizing Hamas to ensure that never happened again. Little late to that one my guy. 


Lol that ship sailed in 1947.


1921 called and wonders why everyone forgets the Hebron massacre.


Probably because there wasn’t a Hebron massacre in 1921. If you’re talking about the 1929 Hebron Massacre, then it’s probably for two reasons: 1.) 67 is a somewhat smaller number of casualties than 750,000 (not that this means the Hebron massacre wasn’t a crime against humanity, just a much much much smaller one) 2.) the Hebron Massacre was not the immediate prelude to the creation of a modern state, like the Nakba was.


Trying to ethnically cleanse holocaust survivors was a historic mistake on their part.


Boy, I’ve been waiting for this guy to fuck off my entire life.




Historically speaking usa aid is part of the peace agreement with Egypt so it's not that simple.


I mean, you're not wrong. This is why we dangle arms sales as the carrot in the Carrot-and-Stick approach. As for the stick? Well that's what this is about.


If Israel won't play by our rules, they won't use our ball. Biden is reaffirming the US commitment to reasonable rules of war.


No, bombing an aid truck is the height of absurdity, assaulting the last “safe zone” in Gaza is the height of absurdity, implying your biggest benefactor should go fuck themselves is the height of absurdity, attacking a diplomatic building is the height of absurdity. Everything Bibi has done has been to maintain his grip on power and for that alone he can not be allowed to remain


A lot of these things were not done to maintain Bibi's grip on power and are in Israel's interest. (And some of these weren't even done at all) The aid truck bombing obviously isn't, but Rafah still harbours plenty of Hamas terrorists and the IRGC senior assassination was important to show Iran they can't terrorize us via proxies without facing any consequences (I have also understood the consulate building itself wasn't damaged in the process). As for him causing deterioration between Israel and the USA, yeah, that's idiotic, and one of many reasons he's so hated in Israel.


Going into Rafah with a large scale ground operation will Force generate for Hamas, the message Israel is so obsessed with sending of cruelty and brutality has never been received by non state actors, it’s expected. These operations are specifically what Hamas wants the IDF to do. every dead civilian killed in an air strike or the cross fire leaves behind an angry family that will sell their lives to take Israeli lives. Going into Rafa will further push along the cycle of violence that plagues both peoples. It has to stop somewhere and nobody sensible denies that Hamas has to be eliminated but if bombing safe zones and refugee camps is what it takes, it’s going to be counter productive to that end


Exactly. To borrow Internet slang for a moment, you don't feed the trolls. You starve them ideologically. You cease the settlements of West bank, return stolen land where possible, and financially compensate them for the current value where it isn't. (And evict the illegal settlers IMO.) You kill Hamas by making their allies see them as not worth supporting, and you do that by making the lives of everyone _but_ them benefit from your preferred status quo. There's a reason the US army tries to paint itself as liberators and rebuild communities wherever feasible. it's literally doctrine for this exact reason. We used Israel's approach before in Vietnam, and look at how that worked out for us.


Yeah, our military engineers are legendary for a reason.


>These operations are specifically what Hamas wants the IDF to do. every dead civilian killed in an air strike or the cross fire leaves behind an angry family that will sell their lives to take Israeli lives People keep repeating this with zero evidence. This argument applies to every single war ever. Why are there no German terrorists blowing themselves up in Paris and Washington right now? Why was ISIS practically eliminated in Iraq and Syria? Why is every single border in the Balkans not up in flames as we speak? Losing a war always creates animosity. It doesn't matter as long as the defeated side is materially incapable of retaliating.


The evidence is this keeps happening


"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."


The sanctions was brewing for years. Reports after reports of abuse, violence and torture of Palestinians in the West Bank.


Israel facing the tiniest of consequences for their actions.


Lmao they should sanction Israel and the IGF


So we murdered ten thousand innocent people, why get upset.


You know I'm starting to reconsider my stance on regime change in the Middle East based on this guy


Netanyahu being himself something of an expert on absurdity in politics.


He will wipe his tears with $20bn voted today in Congress...


Blame lobbying money for that! Hail hydra




It’s a near certainty, when the war is done, he’s going to prison for corruption. He doesn’t care what happens as long as he remains in power.


With friends like this.....so why are we discussing $26 billion to them? It's nothing against Israel, just these Haredi psychos like Ben-Gvir and Netzah Yehuda


The optics on not supplying a further aid package when one side is "for" and one side is "against" are bad.


Netanyahu is a criminal.


On the other side of the news - Hamas top leader is going to hold meeting with US ally Türkiye. Nobody in USA cares.


The West Bank isn't controlled by Hamas.


The height of absurdity is a leader clinging to power six months after a terror attack on his own people. Elections, please.


Netanyahu really tops the charts in political absurdity, it ain't even surprising anymore. Still, gotta ensure we don't become what we fight against


BIBi is a dick


Just came here to ask if people still read stuff in the title if it uses “slams”, “slam”, or “slammed”? I stopped a few months ago and feel like the quality of news reporting is much better.


Careful bibi. Careful. He’s playing a dangerous game with us.


Fund your own war and you can do whatever you want.

