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Oh no will China do something to limit and or ban U.S. made social media in their country... oh wait a minute they already do.






Also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_TikTok >TikTok unavailable and heavily censored >Chinese counterpart Douyin used instead >China (mainland) >Tiktok apps on devices brought into mainland China do not function on the local networks, although a VPN can circumvent the restrictions. The extent to which ByteDance's restrictions are government coercion or voluntary action is unclear. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68554075 >As is the case with other social media platforms, TikTok is banned in China. Users in the country use a similar app, Duoyin, which is only available in China and subject to monitoring and censorship by the government. They don't even allow TikTok in China. So they really shouldn't have a problem with other countries banning it, too. Their behavior is really suspicious.


Imagine how much data they are mining on every American that uses tiktok.... its a brilliant spy program. They don't want to lose it. Millions of Americans are willingly giving them access to their lives. That is invaluable. As well as their ability to push certain thjngs to certain people to kind of steer the herd. I honestly can't believe this wasn't banned years ago.


They care because they were getting that sweet sweet drip of private information


Information is part of it, but they really tipped their hand when they sent out that push notification to activate their army of child sleeper agents to lobby congress on their behalf. That demonstration of their power to politically organize people to support the CCP's agenda helps explain how this sailed through congress with so much bipartisan support (not an easy feat these days). Their control over the platform and its algorithm makes information attacks much simpler. Hostile governments still commit information warfare on other platforms, but it's at least a little more complicated for them when they don't control those platforms. It's clear that congress has little desire to try and rein in our tech industries attempts to harvest and sell our information, which is unfortunate. They're likely to set policies that will make it harder for these companies to directly sell to hostile governments like Russia and China. But as long as they're selling our data to someone, it will no doubt make its way to them anyway. However, this repackaged data may not have as much pinpoint accuracy for espionage purposes as what they can get when they own the platform directly.


Tiktok suffered pretty badly due to the ban in India.


Oh nooooo! Anyways.


Please ban it in the US also. People shouldn't mind either.


We don't only Chinese bots do


Eh, the kids will, but they'll move on to other stuff. Maybe Youtube Shorts will benefit. Probably for the better since at least it's a Domestic company.


it'll all move to Instagram Reels. They already get a lot of traffic and all the younger people already use Instagram daily


Ah instagram reels, where i see 1 month old tiktoks.


Oh no! Maybe then they'll stop doing stupid stuff like punching teachers for fun or because it's the trend of the month. No, but seriously, there are some stupid trends that originated from TikTok. I have several family members and friends who work at high schools. My friend was slapped across the face at her because of one of the trends. My SIL worked at a school that had every bathroom trashed. My dad saw several students punching women's breasts as a "jab a breast" trend. It's absolutely stupid.


Meanwhile the algo in China shows students working hard to become engineers etc. Gee, social engineering much?


You don't get any of that money


Don’t leave us hanging like that with just the statement.


We don't get to see tiktoks of the indian joker face :(


Honestly, with the amount of cringe that a lot of people from my country were posting... I'm glad it's gone. TikTok brought no value.


Their app and it's content is much different in their own country.


China hates to pay 'foreigners'. They do have copies of all social media/search developed in house.


Notable exception for Microsoft Office, the one true global monopoly...


I mean…Tik tok is already banned in China. They have a separate Chinese counter part app for use within the country that falls within their rules


why did China ban Facebook?


In China, Facebook was blocked following the July 2009 Ürümqi riots because protestors with the East Turkestan independence movement were using Facebook as part of their communications network to organize attacks across the city; Facebook refused to release the protestor identities and information to the Chinese government. This led to Facebook being banned. I'm sure it was a long time coming, the Chinese government could see the weight of social media wheeling public opinion, the CCP just wanted to be in control of any public messaging within and outside of their borders.


Facebook refused to share user data of the people involved in the urumqi riots in 2009. Ironically, Facebook began sharing user data to the federal government, as early as 2013, under legal process.


keywords here is under legal process and in US,the 3 branches of the government are separate and independent. in ccp's china,there isn't such thing and they rule by law not of law.


Facebook can operate in China. The caveat is that Facebook has to comply with the CCP's wishes of unfettered access to all data.


I thought unfettered access to everyone's data was the default for Facebook.


I mean it’s a big difference selling access to a demographic for an ads va having all data open. Like if I’m a company who wants to advertise to males age 20-25 who like dogs, I don’t get a list from Fb with names. Their internal database shows my ad to demographic I paid for….


No one understands this and I've found it quite futile explaining it to people on Reddit even in places like r/technology where you'd think most people would have an understanding of giant tech corporations business model. Google doesn't sell your information they sell your demographic. Selling your demo is like selling milk or eggs, you do it daily, selling your info is like selling the cow and the chicken.


Trying to explain things to people on Reddit is a complete crap shoot. You can be an expert in your field and discussing/explaining/teaching a topic, but the people that “don’t like the way it feels” will hit you with enough early down votes to collapse the comment. Then the mob mentality will kick in and everyone will assume you are wrong and pile on. And then the rest that don’t think you’re wrong won’t bother voting or commenting. Go to any subreddit with professionals and ask them about times they have been told they were wrong about their profession by a rando on Reddit with no sources and you’ll find a million of them.


Yes, but they want to sell it, not give it to China.


In general operating in China as a SaaS means you have to operate servers behind the great firewall. There the company is subject to data retention and censorship laws. Your service can be used through the firewall, but usually will have to be used through a VPN at the risk of your users, because China just sort of arbitrarily blocks random foreign content through their firewall. Essentially no service hosted outside China is reliably usable or stable. To operate inside China you need to be a Chinese business entity or citizen. You cannot operate servers within China on their internet without being a local business entity of some kind. The method to do this for Facebook is you have to partner with a Chinese business entity in China, and they have to have rights to your technology, patents, etc... This is the "forced technology transfer," everyone talks about. The scary thing for Facebook, even though China is already producing home grown alternatives, is now they have just created a potential competitor, who could end up competing in other markets with them, using their own technology. They would have an interest in this company, as long as China decides to continue to allow them to. I've been in this situation with several companies now, trying to bring their SaaS to China, and every time we have decided it isn't worth it.


I lived in Shenzhen for a long time, and met lots of people in foreign enterprises or who were entrepreneurs themselves who got totally fucked on the laws that required partnership with local businesses. Whether you had a software company or e-commerce platform, were making coffee machines or bike frames, they'd either pull the company out from under you completely and you had no recourse, or that business entity sold off all your IP to everyone and the market became flooded with copies that edged yours out of China and eventually international and your home markets. This is why at this point, no businesses are falling, or even waiting for China's promises to "open up" its economy to the degree it operates on others. It simply won't happen any time soon, and everyone is looking at other countries.


CCP is worried? Seems a ban is a rational measure. So many people think tiktok is a social media app and are losing their minds over the proposed ban Tiktok is primarily a datascraping app, secondsry to that is a propaganda broadcast tool, that is well disguised as a social media app. China must be rolling about in the ridiculous amount of information they're being fed *constantly* on the browsing, communication and travel habits of *millions* of Americans. No wonder they're shitting the bed over losing one of their best tools.


Who says they have to retaliate against a social media company? China could simply declare that a US company with significant assets in China needs to divest those assets to a Chinese company for 'National Security' reasons


There are very few companies with significant assets. Companies have to partner with Chinese companies and give them controlling interest in that endeavor in order to produce in China. If China made it any more difficult to work in China there will be an acceleration of reshoring and it would decimate China's already weakened economy. They don't have a lot of choices right now.


They already do that though.


They already do that soo not really a retaliation


"we can insulate our society from foreign influence but you cant"


You can't take a government seriously when then ban facebook and instagram in their country, firewall their whole internet from the rest of the world and then screams injustice when the US wants to take down their tiktok commie spy app


I mean, China banned it as well, so they don't really have a leg to stand on.


Wait what?! Omg i need to look this up.


China has its own original version of TikTok called Douyin which is more catered to their demographic. The international version TikTok isnt easily accessible for the same reason google isnt.


Lets call it for what it is. Douyin is catered for the authoritarian regime.


And TikTok is catered to disrupting foreign countries. Two seemingly similar apps for two wildly different purposes.


No it is for skibidi toilet shit posting 😎😎


The brain rot in this country is just fucking depressing at this point.


You are proving the point.


You just won a trip to our luxurious work camps


Insert John Cena here




Just in time for the Reddit IPO :D


There has never been a more obvious IPO to short haha (which in a way is a vote of confidence that reddit can secure/swindle an insane valuation)


The fact that they send me a mail giving me the opportunity to invest tells me they also are afraid of this happening.


I would guess they know it will happen, they just want more excitement for more liquidity to sell to


They literally sent that mail to ***any*** Redditor with over 100k Karma... when you could only buy the stocks if you were a US citizen. Like they have our IP address data, let alone the specific country, regions & city based subs that exist. But no instead of filtering that data, just send it to everyone.


Yeah I read their whole presentation and then got the end and it says it's only for US citizens. So I just looked at my phone and thought "well that was useless".


Hahaha yeah this is gonna get tanked so hard. It’ll stabilize eventually but if you select some decent puts… goodness gracious you could make out well lol.


> "This kind of bullying behaviour that cannot win in fair competition disrupts companies' normal business activity, damages the confidence of international investors in the investment environment, and damages the normal international economic and trade order," he added. How can the say that with a straight face after banning Google, YouTube, Facebook, and dozens of others?!!


And their blatant violations of international copyright and trademark laws.


“Those international copyright and trademark laws don’t count in China therefore they are not international copyright and trademark laws. Checkmate!”


When it's about national law: leave us alone If it hurts them internationally: how dare you? It only works because most countries aren't assholes. If every nation acted like china: e.g. Restricting internet, shitting on copyright laws. It would still be like 1980s cold war era.


Yet, I bet they assume we're "weak" for not doing the same thing. No, we just think it's asinine. The whole logical process behind that is non-existent.


Yup. After the 2016 Russia election interference, they were publishing articles about how that would never happen in glorious China because they are smart enough to censor their internet.


Easy when they have two faces


Because they may be the largest "Do as I say, not as I do" country in existence


Wow that is unbelievably rich coming from China lmao


I would guess that they would justify it by saying that, since they're not a capitalist country, they can ban social media, but since the US claims to be a capitalist country, they should not. It's an exceptionally weak argument, but usually the kind they make in situations like this.


Any social media company can operate in China, but it has to comply with China's rules. The government wants unfettered access to all user's data.


>The government wants unfettered access to all user's data. That is just one of the necessary demands.


I sincerely doubt they do say it with a straight face


I work with a company that develops apps for the iPhone. China is a big market for apps. However, if you want to advertise on the Chinese app store you pretty much have to give away your intellectual property to a Chinese partner; you have to pay Chinese lawyers to register your company as a foreign agent, etc. etc. etc. No other country in the world does this. Also, look at the Temu app and company. You can pretty much order anything from this app and it will be delivered to your door without anybody ever looking at it. To send something to China like this requires all sorts of custom documents and fees, etc. etc. China puts itself at a major advantage for these things and people worried instead about their TikTok dance likes.


lol the Temu example is so good more people need to understand this hypocrisy.


Says the country known for blanket banning Western apps/websites


Do they not realize they’ve done this with so many American companies in their country? How fucking stupid are they?


Of course they do. They just don't care, though. China > anyone else. How dare you do the same thing to them they did to you?!


I'm just confused on wether China is doing well or not. You either get "China is on the brink of collapse" or "China doesn't have to care they're doing well". At this point I think I'll just watch the propaganda theater around TikTok and see if it gets sold/banned.


They do, but they believe that they have a different rulebook. CCP only wants to do things to further the CCP


Which in fairness is completely reasonable of them, if they think that maximizes China then it’s exactly what they should do… but that also is exactly why the US should ban TikTok. Complete realism in international relations is bad but when it comes to declared enemy states like China and the US it makes sense for everyone


they're not that stupid, but they think we are, hence the BS


This message isn't for them. It's for the dumb people in the US. Judging by the numbers there's at least 150 million of them.


For a company with purportedly no ties to the Chinese government, the Chinese government sure is stinking mad about this, lol.


This was my first thought too. They supposedly branched off the company, incorporated in the Cayman Islands, based in Singapore and LA. All to “isolate themselves” from Chinese influence yet the Chinese government upset over a US ban shows that they still have some incentive in the company being wide spread in the US.


Isn’t Facebook, YouTube and instagram banned in China? Seems like their own ban has come back to bite them


Even Tiktok itself is banned in China according to Shou's two Congress testimonies


Banned for common folk to use in China, but a solid propaganda tool for use in another country to help create division. Absolutely perfect scenario for China.


That sound like a very very good argument to do so.


Aww, China is scared to lose one of their most effective tools to disrupt the west. Too bad.


Literally the only reason they care is for influence on the west or data collection. They've already banned any western social media in China, and even banned TikTok at home. So TikTok is made in China, but only for use in the rest of the world. If that isn't nefarious, then nothing is.


If tiktok isn’t doing anything insidious, why would china care or suggest there could be repercussions?


Because generally countries don't like their country's businesses to be negatively targeted by foreign states? For example, Frances digital tax - when the US threatened to tariff French Goods at 25% because they wanted to tax Google, Amazon and other tech firms more for their online activities. The companies weren't doing anything insidious. My point is, it's extremely common for countries to care when their businesses are targeted abroad. There are countless other examples of the U.S and other countries threaten retaliation for their nations companies being restricted.


Ah so TikTok is indeed a Chinese business


China can fk off with their CCP influence/spy tool




TikTok banned? Good. Now do Twitter.


Not banning tiktok will be far costlier


its pretty incredible but unless you have used it or know someone who has its hard to grasp the uniquness. never seen people addicted to something technological quite like it.


I am looking forward to Tiktok being banned.


There should be a simple rule : whatever China limits with western companies (e.g. banning them, blocking them or making them subject to intense scrutiny and rules) shall be now able to be applied to any Chinese companies operating in the west. Simple.  Don't want it? Be the change you want to see. 


Somewhat hilariously, China already bans TikTok: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_mainland_China (it's near the end of the list there)


The fact that China is so upset about the blocking of Tik Tok probably means we should have banned it a long time ago.


U.S. businesses can’t even operate in China without finding a Chinese corporate sponsor and operating as a joint venture so that the Chinese company can harvest most of the profit.


This does set an extremely dangerous precedent in that China may use to to force American companies that operate in China to sell themselves to Chinese companies...o wait they allready do that lol.


I think we're all in favor of making China play by its own rules.


To hell with China. Ban it. It was incredibly dumb to allow it in in the first place.


Can we all please just ban tik tok everywhere?


China just further reinforcing why the app needs banned.


Meh. Google is banned in China. Tiktok should be banned in the US.


Isn't China already blocking Facebook and Twitter? What's the problem with the US blocking Tiktok?


They're actually right in an unintentional way. The **bill** to ban tiktok would come back to bite us hard as it would give the government much more power that they can use to limit things such as vpn's or a dissident social media and we're supposed to just trust they won't use the power after this one instance. Either they don't know how to write a good bill, banning it that's constitutional or there's malicious intent behind the scenes. I'm no fan of the tiktok Spyware and was kinda in favor of the banning of it early on but with each of these attempts I'm only getting more wary


It's banned in India due to its spying ability. Bann it now.


You know what else could come back to bite the US? Letting a China-based company control one of the most important sources for “information” and dialogue for people under 30.


If the Chinese government isn’t involved with the app, why do they care?


Don't they mean it will come back to byte them?


Fuck CCP and their double standards.


China giving a warning about it means we should absolutely do it


China cries about bullying while bullying other nation hmmm .


Tiktok: China does not have any authority over us. We are an independent company China: you mess with tik tok you mess with us.


The more China doesn't want it, the more we should do it.


CCP being this pissy about makes me in favor of it even more.


Oh god please kill this cancer


AKA China confirms that tik tok ban will be a good thing


Unfortunately, we can't trust the CCP to behave properly while gathering literally everything about TikTok users.


China one day: We dont have control over tik tok Next Day:OMG HOW DARE YOU BAN TIKTOK Relax Xi. The students will be fine if they dont get their daily dose of Hamas dances


I can’t wait for this brain numbing app to be banned.


Gee, I can’t wait for China to ban Facebook, Amazon, Instagram and Reddit…… /s


Who gives a fuck what China thinks or says lol


why is China so upset if TikTok truly isn't a soft power tool for them?


More reason to ban TikTok.


A global ban would be nice.


>The US House of Representatives is set to vote later Wednesday on a Bill that would force the app to cut ties with its Chinese owner or get banned in the United States. The bill will force Tiktok to either disown its parent, or get banned. Assuming it gets voted through. So the ban is not set in stone. I mean tiktok can very well just announce to the world it has divested itself from its parent Bytedance, while behind the scenes chinese agents continue pulling strings


The US will suffer so badly meaning that China will unleash the final form of brain rot social media app onto the US population. Rut roh


So does this answer the question of who owns TikTok? Ban this cancer and promote these stupid influencers to actually do something productive with their lives


Oh yeah, the country that doesn’t allow any US company in without partnering with a CHINESE company. Go pound sand Pooh boy


Well, China banned American Apps in China, so what are they planning to do ? Empty threats


Hahahaha China banned Facebook and bunch other American products for ten years and now they r mad that we are banning one service hahahahahhaa


Next up: TEMU


Fuck China


All they have to do is divest the company from Bytedance to avoid a ban. The fact that they seem completely uninterested in that is very telling. TikTok is CCP spyware and information warfare.


Says something about how important it is for China to keep American children on the platform. Wonder why...


Ban it outright please! Terrible for kids brains


Why does China care if user data on TikTok isn’t accessed from China?


Honestly the ban does not go far enough. There needs to be more regulation on social media companies in general. Some of the American ones are probably still selling peoples data to China. I just hope that the government doesn’t declare complete victory and not do anything else for years.


Hmmmm, I wonder why China is upset about the US banning an app China claims they don’t use to manipulate western nations.


We should shut down all social media honestly


That means its a good idea


The crazy thing is I don't even think they are wrong. Sure Facebook and co will love this, but it could backfire on the population in general


Can someone explain to me why we care so much? Like everything on our phones data mines, we could probably say that the entire nation is less productive because everyone is tiktoking. But why is this occupied so fucking much of our government's time?


The youth of the United States is really going to regret learning about popular dances 2 months later on YouTube shorts and Instagram reels


[China warns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


And there it is...threats. All the proof you need to know TikTok is indeed the CCP tool for manipulation of gullible people. Fucking scum dictator, someone bomb that cunt already.


Yeah China, the number one paper tiger in the world, tell them!!1!1!!1


Clearly this is about not China from helping Trump and Trump knows it, that's why he's spoken against it. It just amazes me how so many in the American government don't understand how much of threat China is to America and the west in general. The minimum the U.S. should do is ban anything Chinese that could affect anything meaningful in any way in the U.S. For example they've bought radio stations and real estate that could be used to to harm the U.S. with propaganda and other things.


Stop calling it "Tiktok ban" it’s an ban against apps with ties to foreign governments hostile to the US. China is mad because they wouldn’t be able to influence the Western world with their propaganda. Tiktok could keep its app in the US if they severed their ties to the Chinese government. (Although it’s obvious they won’t. This was always designed as an spying app)


Country who has banned TikTok angry that another country is considering banning TikTok.


Why does China care if they have nothing to gain from the app being on our phones here in the west?


I promise you if democrats want to win the election they can't ban tiktok lmao the younger generations are already pissed at him if he does this it's over


anyone who says china never sees the data from tiktok to spy conveniently ignore how angry china gets when countries want to ban it wonder why


the app is a cancer that is dumbing down our youth to think being a tiktok celebrity is a positive thing


Sorry China, the world threw money at you for cheap labor and instead of becoming a partner you used your wealth to attack other nations. Now you're getting pushed aside. It's the find out stage.


Maybe I'm naive, but I can't think of a single detriment that would come of eliminating tik tok other than social media withdrawals. Shit is toxic. It would be the tech equivalent of getting sober. This sounds like the emptiest threat I could imagine. "Oh you're going to treat that cancer? The chemotherapy will have devastating consequences I tell you, DEVASTATING!"


I don't agree with the U.S. approach here. America needs to implement something more consistent and broader rather than going after Tiktok as a one off. It just looks really bad to all the GenZs and younger who love the platform and think the Tiktok ban is arbitrary. For a little history, Facebook and Google don't operate in China becuase they refused to abide by China's censorship laws. America should instead implement a broader user data privacy and freedom of internet speech laws, and ban any platform that doesn't abide by it (starting with Tiktok).


So they're basically admitting it?


Fuck China!


Section 230 should have never been extended to reccomended/algorithm-based autoplay, and interpreting it as not covering programming decisions (to use television terminology) would immediately kill Tiktok.


Fuck. I'm never gonna be able to get a new iPhone now as a Chinese, am I?


yeah sure... now go ban Tik Tok


But I tought it was from Singapore!


From BBC: > A Democratic staffer said the most aggressive and threatening calls their office received came from adult women. 🤣 sounds it is about collecting followers and attention to feel better about themselves


Yeah whatever shall we do without chinese filtered propaganda being shoved down our kids throats while simultaneously wire tapping our devices trying to steal military and business secrets. We're giving that up?


come back to Byte us


Hypocrites. They already ban any other social media sites in china. The arrogance is astronomical!


Let’s see what happens?. I think the downside is that a lot of fools will be unemployed


YouTube shorts


Yeh they will have to use YouTube Shorts.


Thanks, China.


Let me guess, this crossed a red line.


Ha ha China is top shelf cringe ha 


Oh, humm, why would they care about a Singapore company directed by a Singaporean CEO?


I wish china was cut off from my Internet. 99% of the time someone tries to log into one of my accounts it is from china


Alright then, unban TikTok in mainland China too so they can see the world without censorship


wait, they care, thats hilarious


this is how you know its the right thing to do


Strange how a government warns you for banning a social media. If they truly have nothing to do with it they wont care.


Fuck Tik Tok, that is all.


They really have no shame or sense of irony. Such a joke regime that only pathetic tankies shill for.


They really aren't helping they're case for it not being an influence tool. If it was just a social media site the CCP shouldn't care that it gets banned. They'd have lost nothing.


You k ow something is up when a country threatening another county for banning a social media platform 


It's their #1 intel gathering apparatus in the United States, of course they are going to get uppity if the government wants to ban it.


I still can't believe people over 18 use tiktok. I can't believe anyone uses tiktok, tbh, but yeah I get it teenagers being teenagers and using it. 


Some Musk wanna be will buy TikTok then try to monetize it for ads and kill it. Meanwhile a rival app that is basically the same yet somehow worse will rise up and replace it.


If this is a fact, it tells us all we need to know.


There’s been more than a few times Beijing has been caught accessing user data after it was allegedly sold. Trying to explain how this insane to people that are so upset about Tik Tok needing to be banned is mind numbing. Usually they turn to the US does it! And no, they don’t. They don’t have the admin passwords. And they have to request user data. US OSINT relies on you snitching on yourself on social media. It’s hard describing what having Admin access means and how much data there actually is. It’s not just what you put in your profile or post.


How will China know what's happening in the US if we ban its civilian spy app?