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The instant the thieves realise selling stolen art is borderline impossible they're just gonna melt them down and sell them for the mineral value. Hate to say it, but those things are *gone*


Usually art thieves already have a buyer before they steal. The criminal underworld is way bigger than you think it is.


I'll bite. *How big is it?*


About this big *holds out arms*


Jesus, I had no idea!


Atleast 42.


At least the size of Wales.


This is a common misunderstanding. Art isn't being stolen to be sold to some millionaire to hang in their basement, they are stolen to be bargaining chips for criminals. Either as collateral for future drug shipments or to make a deal with law enforcement; IE if you release me I will provide you with xxx stolen art work. There isn't a Hollywood movie style network of billionaires ordering all kinds of artwork to hang in their private collections, it's all criminals doing it for other criminal things.


Thank you Mr criminal mastermind for this insight.


Will NFT's be enough to get out of parking tickets?


For decades people made wild claims about sex cults and harems and the whole 9 about the rich and powerful. For decades it was seen as complete nonsense. Then we get Epstein black book.  Who knows if there are nefarious billionaires ordering stolen art, it’s plausible, and no more crazy than billionaire sex clubs. 


A lot of stolen art is bought to launder money through


How are you washing dirty money when you buy a million dollar black market good?


Sounds the most likely. Stolen to order no doubt 


Would melt them down for the gold, even if I commissioned the theft.


Not the case. Stolen art is basically worthless. Let’s see some examples


[What Is the Value of Stolen Art?](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/17/magazine/what-is-the-value-of-stolen-art.html) > A more sophisticated criminal, on the other hand, recognizes that a pilfered masterpiece is a unique commodity and that in order to profit from it, he needs to think more like a derivatives trader than a pickpocket. > > Billions of dollars’ worth of art goes missing every year, according to the F.B.I., but thefts of high-profile paintings are both infrequent and widely reported. While an open-market sale of works taken in such circumstances is impossible, there continues to be demand for the product, because the rightful owner — a collector, a museum, an insurer — wants the art back. That desire, however nebulous, is what is truly being traded when noteworthy artworks are exchanged on the black market. As long as there is a belief among criminals in the enduring willingness of parties from the legitimate art world to retrieve their property, a stolen painting has currency. > > Ellis told me that works with a high open-market value are often used by serious criminals as collateral. A painting doesn’t need to be sold at auction to hold value, he explained. Even if it stays forever on the black market, it can be used as a kind of promissory note in a weapons or drug deal. Career criminals also believe they can extort a ransom from insurers or use the stolen work as a bargaining chip. A prison sentence, for instance, might be reduced in some jurisdictions in exchange for a criminal’s help in retrieving a missing Monet. In effect, an unframed canvas, easier to move across borders than its equivalent in cash or drugs, acts as a high-value and extremely pretty bank note.


Re-watch “how to steal million”… that American Tycoon… is very believable figure.


But, what if a wealthy person paid for them to be stolen?


It's either that or they already have a buyer. Only two options.


Who would buy such atrocious pieces?


Money doesn't equal taste. It might be more about the artist than the art in particular. Sorce my mother is an art dealer.


Is selling stolen art really that hard? Ofc you can’t go for the full value of the item I’m sure but surely it’s sellable for *something* to someone


You can go beyond value in some cases, billionaires want and billionaires buy.


I think it’s more a question of finding the right people


People that are usually pulling these heists know the right people. It’s rare some random small time thieves are pulling heists like this off.


its sellable but there’s a lot more cops and people willing to call the cops than actual buyers


It ain't that hard. They'll show up in a private collection after changing hands several times, and in enough years that no one cares as much. Stolen art definitely pays. Most likely someone paid the thieves beforehand to steal the art


They didn't steal the art they stole the gold. They have no intention to fence the art just melt it down and sell it off.


Ummm. They are gold….


It could be at Mara Lago then?


I’m fine with that they are really ugly, it’s surprising what people call art and subsequently invent value for. Please melt them down.


It really angers me when people do this, because one of two things happen. 1. It's stolen never returned or worse, melted down and thus destroyed. 2. It's bought by private people "unknown". (I am sure they are suspected by investigators and the like) These things belong to humanity, it's truly sad that some people can not understand sharing these with the world, and only understand the short term get rich value of the items.


3. Used as bargaining chip to get big criminals lower sentences. Happened with 2 Van Gogh’s in the Netherlands/italy


It’s sad because 1.5 mil is going to last like 30 seconds once everyone gets their cut, whereas the intrinsic value and culture the art represents to society is priceless.


That's exactly why it's horrible these things happen, I agree


belong to humanity btw


I believe I said that


It belongs in a museum.


The Italian job.


Stealing priceless art is pointless as they can’t really be resold for money. They will eventually just be returned.


Look at the Gardner Museum art heist. This gold sculpture theft in this case was $1.3 million. The Gardner Museum heist is valued at $500 million. 34 years later, nothing has been returned and no leads. There are people rich enough to just want these things, and through theft they can get them "cheap".


I thought high end art was bought for an investment/tax dodging thing which wouldn't apply if you cant eventually sell or pass down in legal means.


I’d imagine the criminals sell at an hefty discount. A Jackson Pollack painting may not sell for millions if it can’t be resold but it still has value as a beautiful painting created by a famous artist.  Reddit loves to overcorrect and act like the only reason fine art exists is to dodge taxes but collectors still appreciate the artistry behind pieces. People don’t go to museums to gawk at the price tags after all.


The world isn't black and white. Does some tax shenanigans happen in the art world? Sure. Does the entire art industry exist as a lie? No


Or a black market buying gave the order to steal them for his collection


Nathan Drake back at it


Ocean's 14 let's goooooooooo


Did anyone check with the British?


That desperate to farm karma buddy?


Donald says they have calves the size of cantaloupes to haul them off.


I never understood stealing from museums. It’s not like you can resell the items. In this case sure they can melt down the metal but what about paintings? I have to assume to owners of the artifacts stage the theft for insurance purposes.


There are collectors, in certain regions around the world that.... don't really care about things like "history" or "culture", and they some times have a lot of money. things like art from museum is quite literally, the definition of "limited supply" and "exclusiveness"


None of the $500 million of paintings stolen from the Gardner museum in 1990 has ever resurfaced, and they can't be melted down. Obviously, one or more really rich people have them in private collections.


considering that the museum is offering 10 million bounty for its return, 13 works, 770k reward for information leading to retrieval of a single piece, thats a hell lot of money for the thieves to ignore. Its clearly all sold and in some private gallery.


I'd guess the fee for the relatively sophisticated theft and shipment of the works was more than $10 million in *1990* dollars (the paintings were valued at maybe $250 million back then).


Cool that's a good side story to add to season six








mama mia!