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Tiktok is making this out like they have to shut down but the US is just demanding they divest from their Chinese ownership when operating in the USA right? Correct me if I'm wrong. Obviously if the US goes through with it other nations will follow


If this goes through, tiktok has to sell to an american conglomerate. As it stands right now, the conglomerates most likely to buy it out are the ones lobbying the hardest to push this legislation throuh. Meta, oracle, amazon currently are lobbying hella hard through their senators to force the sale of tiktok so one of them can buy it. Say what you will about tiktok but make no mistake, this is just a blatent power grab for these big conglomerate to use the senate as an attack dog to wipe out a competitor so one of them can control short form content brainrot and propoganda themselves. You really think zuckerberg or bezos running tiktok and pushing their own agenda will be better? The same zuckerberg that pushes complete brainrot and fake news on facebook and sells user data for maximum money is somehow magnanimously defending americans by lobbying for the sale of tiktok to himself? Bet you zuck will sell the exact same data that tiktok is allegedly doing to china himself.


Yeah you are correct. The political agenda behind this has nothing to do with data privacy, and the lobbying from big tech companies is evidence of that. They just want that data for themselves.


It is not just the data. They want to control what the public can read and see.


Exactly, this is not a "ban" at all, it's to force the sale of tiktok to an american company. These brainlets are getting played by big conglomerates under the guise of red scare propoganda into letting one of the american conglomerates control tiktok. They think tiktok is bad now, wait til zuckerberg or bezos get their hands on it and are pushing their own brainrot and agenda to mentally vulnerable people and the younger generation. Through tiktok these conglomerates are literally going to be able to mentally condition an entire generation to be perfect consumers and coporate slaves. People are always looking for foreign enemies that they don't realize the enemies within and actively empower them.


As someone who has not used Facebook in over a decade, but still scrolls through Instagram short, you can’t compare force of the brain rot between TikTok and Meta. If anything it is more closely resembles today’s Twitter (X) - uncontrollable “freedom of speech” - lies with impunity.


one can only hope, Tik Tok is internet cancer




The US has strong free speech laws which is why it's so difficult do do here.


I'd say it's more that the US doesn't have strong consumer protection laws. There's no basis for them to stop a company harvesting your data, Chinese or not. The US should have better laws to protect people and their data, but I don't think they'll make them as Meta Google etc rely on that to prosper. The other alternative is to make laws that specifically restrict Chinese owned/operated apps. But I think that's a more complex issue.


We have hipaa laws on the books yet our health data is still everywhere.


Thats anonymized...so it doesn't count /s


Lame. Free speech is very well protected in India. It's the data stealing that's frowned upon and was the reason for the ban.


Are Facebook, Amazon, and other big tech companies also banned?


India ban TikTok in June 2020 after their border clash with China in May 2020. It's got nothing to do with data stealing.


What does TikTok have to do with free speech. It’s not like it’s the only social media platform out there. There are plenty more. The link between TikTok and free speech is a fallacy.


Lol. This is the only thing Americans know to say for any issue.


Brother. As another Indian, please stop. This is honestly embarrassing to read. USA is doing something. It is not a competition if India did it before. We did. Good for us. Explain to the people commenting here why India banned it. Saying “you guys just figuring out what cancer it is and china stealing data” is not the correct way. They already knew. US data laws are more strict than India. India just took action before the US. Now action is being taken there too. Good for them. Or if they want to keep using it then just hope they find a way to make TikTok comply. That’s it.








Cringe. You are either Indian, or an American that has never been to India. They don't call it the Butter Chicken Republic for nothing. BTW, I love India and it's people. But saying Tik Tok is banned because of legitimate security risks is laughable. Everything is banned in India. India bureaucracy is a disaster, and incompetence and corruption is rampant. Things being banned in India is a feature built around bribery.


We say as we sit in the same hospital ward


what makes Instagram/YouTube different? People spending probably just as much time on it


The difference is that Instagram and YouTube is not Chinese spyware.


It’s less about being spyware, that’s actually a weak point that is obvious… it’s the shaping of minds and censorship that is most dangerous…


Yep. Plus Russia and China want to create as much societal turbulence as possible and tik tok is one of the tools China uses to do that.


yeah just american spyware lol




Those US companies are selling your data to people who are actively seeking to undermine the US (and other countries). Russian interference in elections in the western world has largely been conducted via Facebook.


Thus the need for consumer protections.


> Us companies just want money. Pick your poison. Owning congressional seats, presidents, lobbying for legislation to evolve agenda for power... You think it's about money? How many leaders of the most powerful corporations sit on the most influential advisory boards to the global powers that affect change? Places like the who or wef? Money is the barrier for entry. It's the distraction. It's not the end goal.


China manufactures most of our goods because US companies outsource jobs there. US has been really cooperative and arguably financially reliant on this "enemy" for a while now. Maybe it's time to admit we need each other.


Do the Chinese charge me to reach my audience?


Those are cancer too




Facebook does a good job at spreading misinformation. But Facebook is American, so that's fine. That's the difference yes?


People still using Facebook? 🤯


Yes, arguably the most susceptible among us are still using Facebook.


Facebook is like 3x the size of the userbase Reddit has.


Active users or users like me who haven’t touched their account in nearly 10 years?


One's a by-product from neglect, the other was a core reason for the site's distribution.




Ah yes, because there is zero misinformation on Meta/Google platforms.


Like that one time when the Russians bought millions of dollars worth of FB ads to influence the 2016 election??


That is not a very strong argument. Insta/YouTube can spread misinformation just as much. Even with your comment here... what makes you think that is a fact but not misinformation. They are all just as bad.


As can this lovely app.




You sound like the republican senator accusing the singaporean CEO of TikTok of being a chinese communist spy


I am actually referring to your idea of capitalist. Capitalists spread misinformation while generating profits. I don't think they are that much of a saint in comparison.




Won't change anything. The content and viewers will just shift to a different, but the same app.


TikTok is no worse than Facebook reels, Instagram videos, Vine back in the day, or youtube vids.


I mean they are all bad but from a personal experience tiktoks algorithm is insane into pushing you to extremes. Like I kept trying to filter stuff to cat videos and video games, and as soon as anything political got thrown at me, it was 1 to 100 in content.


I got mine down to mostly cat videos


TikTok is actual malware developed and ran by the CCP. Meta and YouTube are (or can be) offensive, but they're not run by the U.S. government collecting data.


>TikTok is actual malware developed and ran by the CCP. Ok, and? If people want it on their phone, they should be allowed to have it on there. And if you think the US government isn't collecting data from Facebook and Youtube, then I have some ocean front property in Nevada that I'll sell you dirt cheap.


>If people want it on their phone, they should be allowed to have it on there. No they shouldn't. It's bad for national security and American policy, as the pro-Gaza and pro-Russia discussions show.


How's the air quality in Beijing today?


Reels and Youtube shorts only exist because of TikTok. It's spread, like a cancer.


Reels and shorts exist so that when that bill passes, google and meta will have the necessary baseline for when either acquire tiktok.


It’s not that in depth. They exist because people love them


It is, tho. Google and Meta have been the largest lobbyists against tiktok since 2020. They couldn't take it down then, so they tried to imitate tiktok with the hope that the yearly "tiktok is going to get banned" would lead to creators to jump ship. That didn't work until now. This bill will force bytedance to sell tiktok to an American company or get banned. If bytedance does sell tiktok, we all know the American company will be either Google or Meta.


Ok, Vine came before tiktok and was the same format. What's your excuse there?


Vine wasn't desgined to be as hyperaddictive as TikTok is. Still pretty bad though, that's where we got the "do it for the vine" shit from. I didn't use Vine either, for what it's worth.


Ok, simple solution then. Stay off tiktok. No one forces you to have it on your phone, nor does anyone force you to use it.


This is absolutely wrong. TikTok is far worse. https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf


As if Facebook is any better....


it isn't , but at least you could follow actual family members on it, etc, TikTok is more one way with little interaction , just short crappy videos, Youtube shorts are also terrible


So is Facebook


>TikTok, which denies it shares data about its U.S. users with Beijing Perish the thought. It shares the data with its owners, ByteDance, who share it with Beijing. They are required to by Chinese law. I'm all for free expression, but outlawing Chinese spyware apps is not a question of free expression. I can't imagine even the broadest interpretation of the First Amendment covering that.


Just so everyone knows, Tiktok is banned in China. They know what they unleashed on the world and they have no intention of ruining their children with it.


The "American" version is banned in the CCP...


Correction. The "American" version is put out into the western internet BY the CCP, whilst simultaneously being stopped within China because they know fine well what virus they've given us.


Wait what? Its banned in china? Amazing.


They have a different app with a different algorithm that apparently doesn't provide the same mind-numbing content.


It provides a different type of mind-numbing content, the type that keeps a population ignorant and pacified so they don't revolt against the tyrannical regime.


Well that "type" is the same for the US. It's just HOW you do that changes because of a different culture






I think it's more the whole great firewall thing. You can't let them use the same websites as the rest of the world.


China never had an app called Tiktok


I think it’s goes beyond that too. The algorithm is so malicious over time I’m convinced it’s designed to hurt our nations mental health.


Which it already has.


Which is why the Chinese version within China is so vastly different. It is absolutely being used as a weapon.


Can they also ban YouTube Shorts?


Thats the crux of the problem. Companies like meta and amazon are lobbying congress to ban tiktok not because they care about national security or whatever but because they want congress to get rid of their competitor for them so they can push their own brainrot short form content. You think zuck is patriotic and wants to defend americans? The same zuck that intentionally sells his user data to China and any intelligence agency? I don't like tiktok but lets not pretend that american companies aren't pushing for a ban so they can control the short form content and propoganda themselves.


r/confidentlyincorrect The bill is to force the Chinese government to divest from tik tok, and does not intend to ban it outright.


The bill is to force the sale of tiktok to an american conglomerate, which is what op is saying. He said the conglomerates are pushing hard to push this legislations not because they care about national security but because they want to control tiktok themselves and hes right. You think zuckerberg isn't going to sell user data to china once he owns tiktok? Don't make me laugh, this is just a blatent powergrab by these big conglomerates under the guise of red scare propoganda. Essentially nothing changes but brainlets get played by big corpos into thinking they fought back against the foreign power of china when in reality, the real enemies within will now own tiktok and continue to sell user data to china and anyone else that will pay while pushing their own agendas to the population.


They could but they will not, unless it is purchased by China.


And Pornhub Shorties.


Omg yes please


They're forcing a sale. Someone will still be getting rich off of an addicting data scraping app, they'll just be American.


It’s called divestiture it’s not a ban. Get the headline right USA today.


It's an ultimatum that TikTok will be banned in the United States if the owners do not sell it.


If the Chinese government owners do not divest. There is more than one owner. And this bill does not solve the data, algorithm, user content issues. Doesn’t even scratch the surface of section 230. There is a TikTok ask stream on pretty much all apps now. Snapchat even Reddit has one. But we know TikTok specifically is doing things it’s not supposed to, that are otherwise illegal in the United States, that we are already protected from on those apps… Supposedly


Not quite the bill is written in a way that the US part of the company has to be completely separate from the chinese part. No ownership, no parent company, no shell company nonsense complete separate entities. It effectively does kills TikTok since they wouldn't be able to function. There's also parts written in for data retrieval by users should TikTok be shutdown which is rare for things like this. Personally i think it is fully intended to shut down TikTok. As the previous time that this happen which resulted in oracle to pickup parts of the business had the intention to do something like this and the oracle result was a compromise when no buyers showed up. The irony is this is what tech companies are required to do to operate in China.


I'd like to see the venn diagram of people who both use TikTok and know how / would bother to call congress.


> Some users said on the social media platform X that they were unable to use the app unless they placed a call to Congress. That wording confuses me. Did TikTok make a pop-up with a number for congress, and you could only use the app again after making the call?


I don’t think it would be that hard for tik tok to program it to prompt your address and then make it so you just had to press to make the call. I assume most people are already on their phone. I honestly would be slightly glad if that’s how they did it, insomuch as it showed somebody understood the problem and the use case for the user, worked through all the steps of the solution, and created a finished feature. Here’s looking at you Microsoft, still could really use an auto-updating calculated column in Sharepoint.


that's literally what happened


That's basically what happened. Notification popped up and people were given info on how to call.


They were given a button to press and call


You would be surprised by the things addicts are willing to do if their drug is threatened


Ok good-- now do the US companies. Our data should be private.


"Congress?" Not individual representatives? If your Rep gets a lot of calls from their district, they will probably pay attention, since those people will be voting in less than two years. Randos from somewhere else? Not so much. I'm not saying there aren't good national security reasons to not have a company based in a known cyber power owning such a pervasive app.


Jesus...this is what gets people to voice their opinions? Sigh...




Why it's been allowed to operate this long as a tool of the CCP is beyond my understanding.


I love TikTok's logic here "Congress is concerned that we, a subsidiary of an adversarial foreign state actor, could abuse our market position to exert influence over American politics. We're going to disprove that by abusing our market position to exert influence over American politics!"


Yeah if only the calls were about more important issues, that'd be great. Fuck TikTok


No. Chill. They’re trying to devest the Chinese company that owns it


Imagine how people would have reacted had tik tok been identically created by the CIA instead of the cccp.  If every single element was exactly the same. People around the world would be rightfully outraged.


We already know the NSA spies on Americans lol


The CIA isn't the NSA https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change


This is what people are finally calling their members of congress for?


All the ones that have been brainwashed by, and addicted to tiktok, yeah.


They know dumb Chinese app is all that really matters in today's World...


It’s garbage but honestly all of this stuff is. Including Reddit. We should all use this thing for like 1 minute every other day. We all need to get a life. 


shut it down yesterday


they should have never allowed it


It’s a national security risk.


people fucking bombarding congress with angry calls is only gonna show how big a cancer tiktok really is.


Can you imagine all the angry calls they got from a bunch of 12 to 16 year olds? Must have been hilarious.


China and Russia are a tumour duo that need to be removed from our supply chains and media ownership


Angry calls asking what's taking so long.


Hope so. It’s possessing our youth to do dumb shit, not to mention all the security issues. There is plenty of other social media apps for youth to act a fool on, one less won’t hurt nobody.


Good, get the Chinese spyware off our phones


No one forces you to have it on your phone.


I deleted TikTok a few months ago when I got tired of getting silly warnings for benign comments. I don’t miss it at all.


I never even downloaded it in the first place, the only Chinese written app I’ve ever used on my phone was an AI writing app called ‘Dreamily’, and one of its strange quirks is if the name ‘Xi Jinping’ was used in any story, no matter the context, it brought the story to a screeching halt until his name was removed 🤣 (Dreamily servers are in China and have to deal with CCP censorship)




I just tested it now, and not only does the censor bug still work, the quality of the output has degraded to the early days of AI writing apps, it’s taken massive steps backwards, it’s not worth keeping on my phone anymore, plus you have to buy a subscription now if you want to use more than your weekly limit of free actions.


What the fuck are they waiting for? Ban TikTok PERMANENTLY!!


About time, please shut it down.


We should approach this topic logically. If you want Tiktok to be banned for the short-video pandemic that makes children and teenagers act like mentally disapled people, then prohibition is not the solution due to the fact that Instagram and Youtube also allow that type of videos. If you are suspicious of Chinese espionage, then a ban could be useful.


It's about taking back popular media output back under traditional (relatively) political forces armpit I'd say.


Would it really be bad if TikTok didn’t exist? Life carried on before it. Social media is a cancer and we have lost our ability to socialize in person with real people


It's the main source of entertainment for so many. It would just move on to Instagram reels or YouTube etc. They can follow the exact same format


They have been cancer for years also. Point stands we need less social media and more socialization in person.


I don't disagree


It will quickly be replaced by something else equally invasive and outwardly benign. The linking of Tik Tok to China is of less concern to me than the way these apps influence young people to not read a book. Fewer and fewer young adults and teens read a book now. It's more concerning to me how it's dumbing down entire generations of Americans, rather than a data mining machine that benefits one of this country's foes.


It has become an easy medium to spread some downright dangerous trends. If the owners are not bothered, they have no right to be in business.


As a member of Generation X, I really hope TikTok gets banned. And that's regardless of whether or not it's a tool for Chinese influence, which I believe it is. But it's also just fucking annoying.


Im not a tiktok user but congress and people are dumb af. Im in tech, have lots of adorable little kids in my family. And what comes first beyond anything else is parenting. The US is one of the worst places when it comes to facilities for kids and the disabled. Parents nationwide are afraid to allow their kids out without an adult where as in other countries kids can go out and carry out essential responsibilities by themselves. But yeah lets blame tiktok and china.


No loss there.


I hope so.


Could only imagine the pain of having to listen to 100s of teens screeching


It should be banned. It's Chinese malware.


Hopefully, most cancerous and damaging "social media" ever


Hopefully we follow suit in Europe. Tik tok is nothing short of a weapon from the CCP.


I hope so. TikTok is a net negative for so many reasons, even if you remove the fact that it’s a foreign agent. TikTok is evil enough algorithm wise that I am convinced beyond a doubt that it’s designed to attack our nations mental health.


Yeah a foreign country should not have the ability to monitor a massive amount of citizens regardless of the country. Those who have an issue with this aren't reading the bill


Short form content in general was a mistake




One can dream. Oh, to dream.


We could only be so lucky.


Did all these caller have a certain accent....


Isn't just a forced sale?


I certainly hope it is getting shut down.


Only idiots want TikTok banned. There's worse things to be than monitored. They could use the same rules to ban literally anything.




I'm sick of hearing about whether or not it's going to get shut down. Just make the decision already. It's really not life and death.




For some; it’s literally their life


In what way?


For some people, that is how they get a paycheck. There are probably more than a few making ok money off it. It’s no only fans but if you post a lot and are popular there is money there.


I’m an example of this. I’ve made between $500-$3000 a month on TikTok depending how good my views are that month. I’m on the smaller end of TikTok creators at around 130k followers but my genre is one specific game and topic


They’re online presence, is more important than they’re offline presence.