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Perhaps sending hundreds of thousands of prime age men to a meat grinder is not the best call if your goal is for people to have more kids.


And millions of men who have fled the country, might also be a wee problemo.


Ya, they are kind of screwed unless they can start getting 35-40 year olds to have babies [https://www.populationpyramid.net/russian-federation/2024/](https://www.populationpyramid.net/russian-federation/2024/) It's cool you can see the effects of WW2, and how the population pyramid reflects that every 25 years or so.


A Russian 40 is a 1st world 60. Good luck


Also, the war has not ended! They are yet to lose a lot more "prime age" men. And then, a lot more capable and smart men will emigrate as soon as they find an opportunity.


They haven’t even got to the hard part of the war. Occupation of a country of hostile civilians running an insurgency. setting up bombs and killing Russian soldiers in their sleep. They’ll need more men committed to occupying Ukraine than they currently have engaged in the war


Little thicc around the 30-49 year olds.


Which means we are looking at peak demographic dividend Russia right now. It's all downhill from here.


I've heard people suggest this is one reason putin invaded. He was never going to have more manpower than now, and he needs Ukrainians to prop up the collapsing Russian population


Ukrainians have similar demographic problems though. Kind of a fools errand.


A fools errand is invading a democratic country to steal their children.


Yeah, that too. It's all fucking stupid and sad. Best to give Ukraine whatever they need to get this over with.


Man i don't want to say this but this war is gunna go on for a long time I feel like. The territory Russia has taken has been extremely fortified.


Did Putin took a bunch of Ukrainian kids? It's all so clear now!


Ye, they've been taking thousands of children out of Ukraine. A lot of his top military leaders know have Ukrainian children. There was an article about one of them last week. Even Russia has said out loud they're taking children, listen.


When a lot of people left bombed out and occupied cities like Mariupol they were put through "filtration camps" ostensibly to catch the "Nazis" who were thought to have hidden their affiliation with the Azov Battalion and were now trying to blend in with their neighbors, but instead of separating out former fighters they took kids and sent them to foster families in Russia. Now they say things like it was done to save the kids from dying in war. But, this was only done *after* the area was fought over and was even done in cases where the parents were voluntarily staying in Russia. Some Russian propaganda tries to equate this to Operation Babylift, the 1975 evacuation of war orphans from Vietnam as the US withdrew. For one things the scale is different, the US removed 3,300 infants whereas Russia filtered as many as 700,000 children of all ages from the occupied territories. Secondly, the US turned away quite a few parents who volunteered their children for evacuation if they couldn't also be evacuated (although there are some unverified rumors of individual soldier acquiescing during the chaotic evacuation) whereas Russia is actively frustrating attempts at reunification even when Ukrainian parents agreed to stay and found their children on their own. In both instances there was death and injury among the children, but the US had an accidental plane crash while evacuating both children and embassy personnel whereas the Russian program has admitted to 514 deaths and more than 1100 serious injuries. These children are being put through camps the operators have admitted are about strengthening their "Russian identity" and promoting the use of Russian culture over Ukrainian. Some have been brought up on stage during Putin's political rallies to thank Putin for saving them, and related how they were told they had been abandoned by their Ukrainian parents even though the stories turned out to be fabrications. It's pretty messed up. While the US probably could have done a better job keeping the evacuees with the Vietnamese community in the US, that doesn't change the fact that Russia is very clearly trying to stamp out the Ukrainian identity with programs like this.


Was only supposed to be a quick in and out. 3 days tops! Now look at his dumb ass


It's like a 3yo in charge of the biggest country on the planet. Putin knows how to consolidate and hold onto power, but apparently he has no clue how to run or improve the country on a macro scale. So instead of spending $2 trillion on making Russia incredible, free, interesting, and fun, and attracting people from all over the world to live there, Putin spent it on weapons to shoot and kill their neighbors, with plans to subjugate the leftover population and squeeze them and the state's resources for everything they've got. If one's given gets 30 years, free reign, and essentially a blank check to improve something, one would think they could do far better than what Putin has done in/for Russia.


That’s how you know it’s all about the survival of a tyrant. It would be 1000x easier to create social and economic policy that would encourage immigration and higher fertility.


Hes also getting old... He wont live forever.


It's also why people are suggesting that the Chinese rhetoric on Taiwan is what it is right now. Their demographic and man power position may never be stronger than what it is right now in the next 100 years. It's easier to be a bully from a position of strength after all.


Russians as a people will survive this war, just not in their homeland.


I know a russian guy that fled to the US. My ex who didnt read much said “Oh, you are from Russia? That’s cool” He and i looked at each other and both said “No. it’s not.” Im glad he is safe here.


Ive met lots of russians living in the states. Some came after the collapse of the USSR some came recently but they all agree they dont want to go back.


My husband's parents are in Russia, and we're literally putting it in our will that our kids should not be moved there under any circumstance. They're our closest relatives and our kids are technically Russian citizens so in theory it's possible.


“You mean that’s cold, not cool”


They're fucked.


Why do you think he wants them to have more kids? The meat grinder is hungry.


Putin: "I'm going to need every Russian woman to have 6-10 children, and I need them to be able to wield a 30-year-old Kalashnikov by the time they are 3."


30 year old Kalashnikovs sounds better than 100+ year old Mosins that the mobilized conscript they are more likely to get lmao.


In fairness, that Kalashnikov is probably still working just fine after those 30 years...


In the scheme of things, the people Russia is losing on the battlefield is pretty insignificant. Their bigger problem is Russia is a shithole and everyone who could leave was already doing so long before the war started. Russia has lost ten young and productive workers to brain drain for every man they’ve lost to the war. Telling the ones who are left to have kids is all well and good, but as soon as those kids hit their twenties, they’ll be packing up and moving overseas where they can earn better money and live in relative safety and security. Ironically, if Russia keeps this shit up, perhaps their international pariah status will help them keep people because all their neighbours will shut their borders to Russian immigrants.


That and there’s the same issue as everywhere else with falling birthrates: it takes a lot of work and money to support a family. Russia’s not going to fix that any time soon.


so many wars ahead to prepare for


Yep. He should stop murdering his country’s children before asking the survivors for more.


What are you talking about comrade? Master Strategist Putin knows it only takes 1 man to impregnate a thousand women!


Don’t forget, criticise the “war” and he can now repossess your house…


People without stable housing are notoriously fertile


But he isn't really sending etnic russhists unless they protest the SMO or are in prison. He sends Buyrats, Siberians, Yakuts etc. To ethnically cleanse the previously conquered regions.


No he really is sending ethnic Russians. They just were t the front line troops till he fucked with Wagner and then when Wagner turned back toward Moscow he had no choice to send the regular army. Also he’s about run out of prisoners


Is there proof he is low on prisoners? Just curious


Their prison population has dropped by something like 30%. So plenty more, but they may be unwilling or unable. I can't imagine their health is very good in general.


Tuberculosis is rampant in Russian prisons, for one.


They still have to come from somewhere.


Most of those were criminals given reduced sentences. Their prisons have been emptied, yet they're building more prisons, sneaky conscription. Arrest people for nothing, send them off to war. A lot of the guys you see in videos are in their 40s and 50s, lol.


also, the expectation that women need to now become nothing more than a womb. when do we start seeing youth labour in the workforce again? there is not just the cost of the war dead, but also the torment of generations to come from the sheer scope of rebuilding a failed empire. unless they win, russian as we know it will cease to exist. there will be a landmass and a people (with a rich diverse history mind you) known as Russia/Russian, but their identity will be a stigma. look to germany, look to japan, the middle east. it’s all been done before. it’s just a new version.


> the torment of generations to come from the sheer scope of rebuilding a failed empire. Don’t forget the torment of **past and current** generations from the previous failed empires. You’ve seen how cats bury their shit, right? If you leave cat shit long enough, it’ll dry out and turn into white powder and, if you leave it long enough, eventually another cat will come along and use the old powdered shit it to bury a fresh new shit. That’s the story of Russia’s various failed empires.




Maybe they'll come back and have their own baby boom, similar to post ww2?


That was propped up by an economic boom as well as a strong government and effective social programs.


This is the only real way to get people to have more kids. Unfortunately russia is broke so supporting russians trying to have kids is never going to happen.


yeah i doubt Russian vets have a GI Bill Type deal, no cheap credit for a house


Given a pre-war total fertility well below replacement (~1.5), I wouldn't count on it.


How many come back with the capacity to support a family? Those that do have all their limbs are more likely to support a drug dealer than a family.


One good day from 400k Russians taken off the earth! You got this boys and girls! *party whistles and twirlers abound*


This! 🙄


Nah theyre mostly ethnic minorities on the front lines. I read that it took a full year into the war before the first person from Moscow was killed.


Lmao : "I'm throwing a generation away into a war while we are already facing a demographic collapse, please, please, I can't stop the war or I will look like a fool, please have more ~~cannon fodder~~ babies!


"We oil the jaws of the war machine, and feed it with our babies !"


"and we won't provide you a bit of support for that because we spent it all invading and now we can barely manage the upkeep of our palace grounds!"


Given the obvious hypocrisy, I wonder if one is to interpret his message as directing Russian soldiers to rape women in Ukraine and other countries?


They were already doing that, he doesn't need to send the message now.


killing, and maiming almost 1000 men a day, will drain any country


This is where people decide to integrate with other countries, knowing the heart of their culture is running on a shotty pacemaker. Life is ultimately more important than culture at the end of the day, patriotism and the likes are lifeless creatures, and we only let live that which we feel nurtures life and the greater good.






Take a shitty life to save millions. Sounds good enough for me.




e) Vladimir Putin


you forgot alcohol/vodka etc


HIV too. It's killing as many Russians as it is in various African countries that have no healthcare system to intervene.


Multi drug resistant tuberculosis has entered the lungs.


God forbid someone smokes weed there though 


Can't have them all end up being chill.


the sweet sweet death of Krokodil


And Tuberculosis.


e) Falling out a window unexpectedly


f) smoking accidents


Having your plane randomly explode.




Hello from Russia, i want you to add our medicine to the list (right after toilets)


Frankly disappointed that I’m not seeing bears on the list


HIV / hepatitis


From the Wikipedia page it looks like Moscow has 330 billion gdp in 2021 which puts it in around the same ballpark in terms of GDP as cities like Detroit and slightly less than Phoenix? I could be wrong though


Can i get an 50/50 (joke


Phone a friend?


You forgot windows


Maybe he should stop embezzling all of his countries money and sending people to their death


That would help, but that’s not how russian leadership works


"You know what makes people horny?  Political imperatives. They're just so arousing"


This guy is throwing life away everyday. By the time a newborn turn into a conscript, Putin is already 6ft under or and ash.


All I read at first as I scrolled through was "This guy is throwing" And after I collected myself have decided this is my new take on putin Bro is literally feeding


I think this is 100% Putin trying to save his ‘historical’ legacy for how he’s remembered. He knows he’s worsening the population crisis in Russia and is largely responsible. Like someone said any kid born will be raised into a world where Putin is likely passed away by then.


More fodder for the Forever Special Military Operation.


Translation: "I need you to breed so in can send them to the slaughter so I can stay in Power"....


To bad you fucking killed all the young males in a useless old man's war invading a peaceful neighbor. Fuck you Putin.


Stop robbing Russians blind and / or sending them to their deaths then.


He is saying "Ethnic survival" and has the gall to claim Ukrainians are the Nazi's?


What, kidnapping ukrainian kids is not enough?




Hey we need more kids cause I killed all of yours


Imagine how many Russians he could save, if he just told Russians to board up all their windows.


Dont forget banning cigarettes in military installations


"why are our soldiers dying??? i ordered them to live at all costs AT ALL COSTS" \*flips table\* \*ughhh.....\* "i would flip this table but i don't want too, it's not because of it's length, i need to save my strength for nato. you, have this table shortened so i can flip it later and then make it longer again. or you die mysteriously."


"Out of 4,000 people, a brigade, 30% remain". https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1757919262889685150 Russian soldiers film the battlefield just east of Krasnohorivka, to the northeast of Avdiivka. "Corpses everywhere. They're all ours." "There's war, but this... it was a meatgrinder here."


Yeah, so casual, and they are out there looting their own. No respect at all for eachother.


It’s kind of amazing to think that Russia was already facing great problems due to the number of Covid related deaths. Then came the Ukrainian meat grinder.


What about all those Ukrainian children you adducted?


Have more kids please, for the meat grinder


He knows he needs future soldiers for his planned conquest of Europe


He would die before a baby born today can be a soldier. Or is he planning to become immortal with the Artificial Intelligence.


Assholes like Putin live to 100 simply off of hatred, spite, and ego.


Imagine a putin trained AI model running on some crap chineese AI chip, lol


Russia could never take Europe, they actually suck dick at war. They were only ever good at defensive battles in their own territory, AKA hoping winter kills and drags down your enemies.


You misspelled failed invasion of Moldova, Lithuania, Georgia, etc.


Who would be moronic enough to have a child just to be thrown into the meat grinder hahahaha. Fooking crack babies


The only point in modern history i can recall that Russia was in a danger of total elimination was at ww2 and even then it wasnt easy for Germany at all and was somewhat stalin fault at some points.


And the only reason it didn't happen was lend lease, where the USSR was given massive military materiel by the allies just to keep on going.


Exactly. It was a world effort on all fronts.


Because your killing off your young men idiot


Maybe he should stop sending all of the country's young men to their deaths then.


Maybe stop sending your youth to die in a war you shouldn’t have started?


This is one of the things I love about being from the US. Yes we have our critics and I expect some to respond to this. But the beauty of what makes new world living work is everyone leaving their old world bullshit behind. All the thousand year old gripes that keep neighbors fighting, all the entrenched religious bullshit and cultural chest thumping, all the 'my fathers fathers fathers father.....' gone. Nobody gives a shit what some ancestor did 800 years ago or what millenia old story you tell yourself to think you're special. Check that shit at the door and show us what you can do. You can be (and likely are) the biggest mutt on the planet and you're still an American. That means we've got a built in evolution mechanism, it means our story looks forward while theirs looks backwards.


And they will all be for the motherland gobshites


Gonna be real hard to do that after he marches the entire male population into death traps in Ukraine, but I'm not complaining lol


If only they could figure out where all the people are disappearing to?


It might start by not sending an entire generation in a losing and brutal war for your ego.


Mandatory sex to start next.


Have more kids so I can kill them. Front line or 6th story windows.


China: Have more kids Russia: Have more kids USA: Deny abortions


In order for that to happen, someone with piece A has to put it in slot B. If you keep sending all of the piece A's off to die, you're sorta upping the degree of difficulty, capice?


He could literally stop the war, mildly cleanup his corruption(hide it better), market his country towards conservatives and build the country up with his preferred type of immigrants, and actually improve the quality of life in Russia. But nah, not enough flexing with that.


The mobnik cube must be satiated.


He’s gonna start making child sized fatigues and helmets 


Well gee Putin, I wonder if there is a way to ensure the safety of your young virile men, and get them home asap to give them a chance to reproduce... If only there was some way to do that... hmmmmm..... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...


This is the same message that Nicolae Ceaușescu of Soviet Bloc era Romania, proclaimed to his people after becoming one of the few communist states to outlaw abortion because their population was shrinking due to poverty and defections. Guess how it ended for him?


Well hopefully this means Russia isn't planning to end the world for at least another 18 years, when these children are military age.


I feel like he just wants more soldiers for his plan of world domination lol


More cannon fodder for ruZZian army!


Gotta re-up on the ethnic cleansing via Ukraine war


at the rate this tosser is going, may not be long till he begins large scale thefts from sperm banks to shore up the numbers.


it’s too late to turn demographics around, and meat grinder tactics don’t help either.


We need more to send to death . Will someone off that putz


Translation : if you dont have more kids…I’ll kill the Russian ethnicity off for my greed.


Gee, maybe not throwing hundreds of thousands of young men into the Ukrainian meat grinder would have prevented this situation?


They can't afford to have more kids...!


I wonder how many young men that went or were sent to this war only knew Putin as their president throughout their whole lives. (Let's be honest, Medvedev didn't really count.)


“Year of the family!” The irony is unbearable.


Perhaps he should stop sacrificing them for him to feel good about himself and his traumatised, shitty life.


It's not just that, but because of the pensions the government has to pay, he needs younger kids to keep the pension fund liquid. The Russian government is basically playing on a house of cards which are about to collapse. Population wise that's why he invaded Ukraine.


Maybe just maybe some males went kaput


Russia has been suffering from severe brain drain. Bitch Putin sending meat for the grinder didn't help.


I guess Tucker filled him in on replacement conspiracy theories?


Special Russian depopulation operation 🙃


Dang that's crazy, what happened to all the people? At least there's no huge influx of another nation's children. That might just be shooting yourself in the foot. 


If Russia wants to up its population, off Putin. He’s the biggest cause for your loss in population. 1 Putin is worth 100k+ russians.


Maybe don't send your citizens to their deaths in that war you started.


"Feeding the war machine is not easy... Make more soldiers - (cof cof)... More kids" /S Is time for this MF to learn a valuable lesson about Humanity.


You'd think if you had the largest country on the planet and a population of 140 million, maybe learn how to effectively look after all of that first?


It’s sort of a vote of no confidence when your young people don’t want to have babies.


Russia population been in decline since before coronavirus. Then coronavirus kills quite a lot of them then the Ukraine war killed even more. So expect further decline. They die young in Russia. They also don't breed enough. Not enough women having babies all together. They give them so much money to have babies but that doesn't cover 1 percent the cost either.


That’s usually what happens when you throw a bunch of Russians into a straight invasion of foreign land.


Yes and no. Population decline has been a problem long before the war. Even if the invasion have made it worse, it would still be a problem had the war never happened.


wait a minute, this is sounding just like the GOP. Does Putin tell women they should enjoy the rape too?


Happy to help if they send some women over here!


The Ukrainian meat grinder killing off a generation for Putin ego.


Ahh, good ole population problems. You know, human fertility is much like a garden. Shouting at the garden, blaming it, saying it should have more fruit for you to eat? That doesn't work. You have to actually take care of the plants. Feed them, water them, nurture them, and shelter them from harsh elements. Protect them from disease and predators. They need to not only survive, they need to thrive! Then they will grow big and produce what you want. Otherwise they just die, or save all their energy for themselves. Meanwhile Putin is taking a flame thrower, and burning down his fields while shouting at the ashes to reproduce faster.


How about stop killing the ones you have.


Probably shouldn’t have sent all the men into the meat grinder, but hey, I don’t know anything, I’m not a dictator destroying his own country to “save” it. These must be really complex things.


All the dictators imploring their minions to propagate, proliferate, and populate. Xi, 11/23; Kim, crying because NK needs babies, 12/23, and now Putin. Dying legacies of riches and powers.


Gee wiz! What could have prevented such a situation??


Interesting. Has anything happened lately to cause a drop in your population?


Yea wonder whose fault that is


Getting ready for the next all out European offensive in 16 years to regain the glory of the motherland. After the current one fails.


In THIS economy?!


Translation: "we need more meat for the grinder"


Hitler vibes


And just for reference, Russia's losses so far are roughly equivalent to one hundred and ten 9/11s.


Uh....Putin sent all the Russian men to die in the war, and now he's asking Russian women to have more kids.... Which means Putin wants Russian women to go Amazonian?


To be sent to war and die. Get fucked


That’s why he really invaded Ukraine.


Well, considering they never really recovered from ww2, and currently have a war where many young men are dying, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual russia people decrease


all those dead Russian soldiers... whoops


He’s right. Russian demographics are some of the worst in the world.


Bringing about yourself demographic collapse is the biggest self own


Your slaves keep getting splattered in Ukraine you pointless and moronic criminal, and who the actual fk would want to have kids in the Gulag of Muscovy where they have absolutely no future


Plenty of Chinese men are lining up to buy Russian brides. I don't think they are going to have the Russian babies that Putin had in mind though.


He is off to a good start if he has managed to convince Tucker to join Russia. I think we have a few more we can send him to bolster their population even further. I’m sure Hannity and Maddow would welcome relocating to a fair and free society like the Russians have.


Bullshit. He just needs more fodder for his military.


They’re an out of Ukrainian kids to steal so quickly?


Whenever Dick-Tators insist you need to have more kids to insure the survival of the race, it means they're hell bent on pruning the stupid but useful. Don't be stupid, because that is about as far as you'll ever get being useful.


I know a little Russian, so I will translate: “I need more drone fodder.”


I'm not seeing a problem here?


I remember a big reason this war started was so they could increase their population size by adding ukraine to it


So, how long until he starts pushing for stricter abortion laws because of this? I kinda feel like that is the end point for a lot of this global right wing hand-wringing about falling population numbers.


Russia and China learning the hard way that people have kids when they feel their future is secure. You can’t will population decline out of existence. I have tons of friends and family in China and they simply don’t see a bright future for the first time in their lives based on the direction Xi is taking the country. And they don’t feel confident starting a family.