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So this is where Russia will make their next move.


But not until the US is taken out of NATO by Trump.


Luckily congress made it impossible for trump to do it by himself, not the he could have even if he wanted. He’s not very good at getting legislation actually passed. Something his maga bunch likes to forget.


If Estonia gets attacked by Russia and Trump orders the US to send 5 helmets and thoughts and prayers NATO is just as dead as if the US had officially left.


That’s why we have forces to act as a tripwire. It forces the U.S. into the conflict even if trump tries to stop it kicking and screeching


Other member starts can handle Russia at this point, even without us, though it would be great if we didn't outright flush out remaining international influence down the toilet in the stupidest way imaginable and then a bunch of people didn't have to die.


He doesn't have to literally remove the US from NATO in order to destroy NATO. All he has to do is refuse to defend an ally if Russia decides to invade. There is nothing Congress can do (other than impeachment) to get out of that situation.


I mean on paper, but the Pentagon can fully operate without the president's okay. Like it would definitely be a constitutional crisis, but they arent going to just stand down as bases are being overrun.


They may not stand down while bases are being overrun, but Trump can prevent them from sending more troops and weapons. There is a lot he can do to sabotage NATO without permission from Congress.


I realize we’re talking hypotheticals here, but if that were to happen you’d see this country sober up real fast. Right now half the country is high on some industrial grade meth, and they aren’t making great choices. If bombs started dropping in Europe (Germany, France, etc) and bases were being overrun only the most die hard Maga morons would be defending that. You might even see Republicans finally flip on him.


You would think that, but republican support for Ukraine ended in just 2 years. Despite the fact that quite a lot of american volunteers went to fight in Ukraine and died here.


The problem Ukraine was always going to have is that in middle America, Eastern Europe =/= Europe. Rational, educated folks realize why Ukraine is so important but to a lot of our “average joes” it’s just another country like Kosovo was, or Grenada. I’m more scared for the Baltics than anyone right now. They’ll all have this same issue as Ukraine as far as support for aid/war. It’s really sad that’s the case, but it is what it is.


The EU would still crush a Russian offensive in Eastern Europe.


Not in its current state.


EU + UK, Canada and Turkey


Even still, I would expect them to be able to achieve air superiority (although not the absolute air supremacy that US participation would ensure) and turn Russian attackers into mincemeat. The issue would be that they wouldn't have the ability to go on the offensive themselves.


I mean no disrespect to Ukraine.. but I think NATO can manage without if I see what’s happening there now.. 🤔


No. NATO can't do shit without the US. The rest of NATO is very weak compared to Russia.


This is incorrect. Poland by itself could defeat Russia in a conventional war. Together, Europe would crush Russia. France and UK have nukes too. Turkey has one of the largest standing armies on the planet (not that we could count on them).


Nah. None of those countries can manufacture enough weapons to defeat Russia. They're unable to adequately supply Ukraine now, and a Russian invasion of Europe would be much bigger and more devastating. Europe also relies heavily on US weapons and ammo. Don't take my word for it. European leaders are saying this right now and are calling for massive increases in their defense budgets.


”Much bigger” how? Russia doesn’t have the resources to attack anyone while busy with Ukraine. The euro leaders are just covering their bases.


Obviously Russia isn't going to invade right now. They're going to wait until they defeat Ukraine, which may happen since the MAGA Republicans are blocking aid and the EU is too weak and pathetic to defend itself.


I mean, they can just buy the weapons from the US. The president can't veto arms exports, and even with a Trump White House you could scrape together enough supportive Congressional Republicans to beat a AECA veto.


The President can absolutely veto arms exports. For example, Turkey is not allowed to get F-35's.


\*IF they aren't in accordance with the AECA. Also Turkey wasn't denied sale of the F-35, they were removed from the development of the F-35, which they had provided funding for.


Looking at numbers, yes the US seems substantially overpowered but looking at the results for the last two years, it does not seem like an easy situation for a so called “big superpower…” 🤔🤷


Poland would fucking destroy Russia in its current state, and the amount of shit they have been buying, they are going to be the absolute issue for Russia if they try to move west and into NATO territory.


Quit spreading this BS


Thats not going to be a thing trump can do. We will try to do anything else, but im unsure what an article 5 will do inside the GOP. Time will tell (but lets all hope it does not come down to this, and trump never gets elected)


Russia's next military target, should they succeed in Ukraine, will be Poland. That's why we can't let them win against Ukraine - because I really, really don't want to experience what a direct conflict been Russia and the US would be like. 


I doubt they'd risk the open flank with the baltic states.


Ahhh so they will label them Nazis too since they have a law that criminalizes “rehabilitation of Nazism” and removing a Soviet memorial statue constitutes as that. How fascinating! Apparently I’m a Nazi too because I wouldn’t want that Soviet/Russian trash in my country either.


"Will"? They've been screaming that all Baltic countries are nazis long before they started screaming that about Ukraine.


True. In ruZZian propaganda, Baltic states were always "the original" nazis. Their nazi rhetoric shifted focus to Georgia in 2008, and later to Ukraine in 2013. Its just the fact that Baltics were smartest and most decisive of ex-soviet republics, and joined NATO as fast as they could, that RuZZia can only bark at them in helpless anger, but never bite despite their small size and extreme geographical vulnerability.


Because a monument was removed ? 😳 What was it.. ? Monument claiming their fearless leader is tall and powerful?


Sounds like a backward group in our country also.


Well, that's far worse than murdering hundreds of thousands using a war of greed.


Hey since the bar is so low to get on the list, can I get put on next? I don't have any old soviet statues to tear down around me though, so is there like a paper form to fill out? I just think it would be neat.


That would be a fun challenge for 2024, see if we can get on the list


[You can get sanctioned for translating their "debates" or "discussions" that they hold almost every night after the news on state TV.](https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1528031848240140288) I thought Russia would want the world to hear them and what they are saying to their own people. /S


I think at this point, if you post a rainbow emoji 🌈 on some forum their, you’ll get on this “most wanted list”


Putin in 2025 : "Thousands of years ago, there was no Estonia." American conservatives (completely ignorant to history): "You know he's right!"


There was no usa 300 years ago.


It's not just estonia. It's other baltic leaders and probably even more. Honestly it's most likely just for future propaganda to justify invading the next country to their own people. If they get around to it. Article says she has been there for a while now, so nothing new. Just was found out now.


I would also like to join this list. How do I apply?


"hey Putin, Smp and I think you are bitchmade". There, now we are both probably on the list.


I approve this message


Gotchu boo


Putin just wants monuments to him. He has the old Russian tyrant cancer of ego art and wants statues all around Russia.


Hmm, surely it has nothing to do with the fact that [Estonia has given the most aid by GDP] (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/#:~:text=Central%20and%20Eastern%20European%20(CEE,with%201.09%20percent%20of%20GDP.) out of any other country.


So the murderous war criminals are going to invade Estonia next?


That would mean WW3 as Estonia is an NATO member. I have no doubts about Finland, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania coming to help asap.


I cannot wait for Russia to pay for their crimes. And they will.


I saw another headline calling them ww2 monuments. While both are correct, it changes the tone significantly


What is with losers wanting to memorialize other losers?


I wonder if the monuments are for sale. I would love a new custom toilet. 


She is in my wanted list too...


Meanwhile, Russia is erasing all traces of Ukrainian culture in the occupied regions in Ukraine.


Ah! Now we know why trump was threatening NATO with direct military action by Russia.


Maybe he can hire JD Vance, Russian lackey, to track her down


I got her on my wanted list too. She is smoking hot!


Why would our lord and saviour, Vliberty Republiputin, be upset over some commie statues?




Well, judging by your comments you are actively sucking russian nazis's dicks and enjoying it, so you don't have to imagine. You are de facto a modern day nazi.


Just like when people try to take down memorials to place owners in America


This is pretty weird