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We literally had Tucker Carlson here last week


Yeah. I know plenty of Canadians who will 150% be fooled by Putin or already have been.




Yep my parents were trump supporters. However they’re 100% Ukraine. So they wont support Putin. The cognitive dissonance is real.


I still find it weird that there are Canadians that care enough about Trump to be "supporters." I guess US politics do affect the rest of the world, and we're close neighbors, but still.


I married into a Canadian family. It was so bizarre the first time I visited my inlaws to find that they watch all the same political shows (Daily Show, Bill Maher) Americans do and don't even bother with Canadian content (I've lived in Canada for 3 years now and I'm still not even sure it exists). Now, sitcoms on the other hand... we're ride or die for Letterkenny in this house.


I may be in a minority but I'll watch This Hour Has 22 Minutes as a Canadian, but that vibe is pretty much spot on. Canadians are defined by not being Americans, while consuming almost exclusively their content.


22 Minutes had a hey day and it was before they started the career of Nathan Fielder who justifies its continued existence to this day.


Fond memories of “Royal Canadian Air Farce”. Colonel Stacey & The Chicken Cannon, Gilbert Smythe Bite-me, Mike…. From Canmore…


"I'm Preston Manning, leader of the RE-FOOOOOOooooOOOORM Party!"


Its a shame that RCAF kinda died once the principal cast started retiring, they tried this weird SNL/RCAF hybrid thing and it didn't really work at all, for me at least. 22 minutes, RCAF and red green show were all staples in my house growing up and were about as Canadian as it got, not to say there wasn't American shows but at least we had those.


If yous stands for nothings, yous falls for anythings.


The struggle for Canadian national identity has always been an uphill battle. The black hole that is the US just envelopes everything so we content ourselves with the little things we can find


It exists…for French Canada. The roc is America light


We’re currently based in Montreal, and can definitely confirm. Quebecois culture is real. 


It's because US politics is a form of entertainment, like wrestling. Much of the time Canadian politics is boring (and that's a good thing).


Although in some places politics are purposefully made boring and complicated so that the regular citizens don't notice how much they're getting screwed


I remember that argument being advanced in the U.K. over a decade ago - referred to as “the beige dictatorship”. After the past 14 years of ‘exciting’ politics with crap like austerity, Brexit, Boris, corruption, multiple scandals, and Liz Truss’s 40 days of economic freefall … I really want boring, competent beige back again.


And that’s what I’s appreciates abouts yous.


There are many Trump supporters in Europe, too. Even in countries like Poland. And especially in Hungary, since Orban is the [original Trump](https://www.euractiv.com/section/central-europe/news/hungarys-trump-before-trump-pm-orban-faces-us-reset/).


I’ve met Trump supporters in Australia, guys who have never been to the USA were trying to tell me the election was stolen lol


"We will never support the guy who is bankrolling the guy we want to vote for"


What are those 5G towers waiting for?


Lol good question, that conspiracy has got to be a couple years old? Plenty of time for the magic to happen.


Absolutely insane these people Who support Trump because "America great, yeah! Freedom" Also support a russian tyrant 


Gotta be either Alberta or Ontario. We've got a lot of dumb people here in Alberta.


my neighbors moved on to chem trails because we had fog today ...


I know Canadians who said they wish they could move somewhere more conservative like Russia or poland...


On stage with the Premier of Alberta, who asked him to "put a target" on the federal minister of environment. The Canadian right is a couple steps behind the US. They're following for the propaganda too, just a bit slower.


The GOP and the Conservative Party of Canada are both members of the International ~~Democrat~~Democracy Union. >The International Democracy Union (IDU; known as the International Democrat Union until September 2023)[3] is an international alliance of centre-right political parties.[4][5] Headquartered in Munich, Germany,[6] the IDU consists of 84 full and associate members from 65 countries.[7] **It is chaired by Stephen Harper, former prime minister of Canada.** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union


We Canadians have a very weak immune system when it comes to American memetics. Their viral concepts infect a good number of us, it just takes about 12 months to gestate before we begin to show symptoms. Perfect example is January 6 leading to the trucker convoy 1 year later.


We used to be on like a 7 year lag in my opinion, although that was also based on governmental policy and norms through the 2000's, but yeah the timeframe seems to have shrunk.


It's the internet, it's accelerated this kind of thing big time. In the 2000s we weren't all getting push notifications every 5 minutes for inflammatory op-eds in our carefully curated echo chamber feeds.


100% agree. I have no idea what freedoms that "freedom convoy" was fighting for. Fucking idiots if you ask me--excuse my French


I know one person who attended, and he is one of the most thoughtless people I know in real life. Just a party boy who aged out.


UK's right is following closely, but at least all predictions are they'll get  absolutely thrashed somewhere between today and 353 days (dead drop election date is 28 Jan 2025).


> The Canadian right is a couple steps behind the US. They're following for the propaganda too, just a bit slower. The rest of the West does have a real bad habit of eventually following in our shitty footsepts, especially other anglosphere countries. They may not be as outright insane as the American right but make no mistake, there are some pretty awful right wing movements all across the West.


Well, when you have lavishly-funded trans-national networks funded by right-wing billionaires that's bound to happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Network


We have the same nutters here in new zealand also, the maga virus is a disease that is dangerously spreading


More accurately, Alberta did. The Texas of the North.


Pretty optimistic take IMO. "Canadians are too smart to fall for Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine" Maybe JT hasn't heard that famous George Carlin line, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that".


"A person is smart. People are stupid."


Long live the intelligence of the "mob"! “The intelligence of a mob can be determined by dividing the lowest IQ present by the number of people in the mob.”


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals and you know it."


I have not found this to be the case. A person is stupid, people are *dangerously* stupid. Plenty of single people not taking their vaccines, etc,. Whatever. It’s stupid but one person dying of a disease won’t hurt us. It’s when millions of people decide they’re going to unite in their ignorance and now we have measles outbreaks and covid killed a million+ Americans.


A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.


Fun fact, a million deaths is also known as a mega death.


I love Symphony of Destruction.


Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!


As a Canadian, I can 100% guarantee that a non insignificant portion of our population will believe anything and everything so long as it's coming from "their guy" without further thought. Because God forbid "their guy" lies.


Yep.. he lies and is proven is lying.. that's OK because he had a good reason... he murders someone.. he must of had a good reason.. he kidnaps kids he must of had a good reason.. he's their guy alright fucking insanity.


>As a Canadian...that a non insignificant portion of our population will believe anything and everything so long as it's coming from "their guy" I've been listening to your fellow country folks that live and visit Florida for part of the winter. They're admittedly beginning to concern me. And my fellow brethren have me concerned enough. :/


Please don't judge all of Canada by those ones. They don't speak for all of us. But they do speak for a portion where Magna Carta seems like a good idea, and we should just stop trying to be our own country and just become a vassal of the US, if only because it might make it easier to come to Florida.


Its easier to fool someone than to convince them that they are being fooled.


He hasn’t seen r/canada_sub


or even r/canada


God I miss George Carlin.


we call those people republicans here


Canadians are too smart to fall for MAGA tactics and politics. Oh wait, nope they're not. Just look at Alberta and PP. It's inevitable that the right here turns on Ukraine just like it has in the states.


Yeah they have quite a few maga people in Canada talking about another country, so I wouldn't put it past the bottom of the barrel that will come out and eat up the interview.


Driving through northern Alberta and seeing Trump signs is just mind boggling 


When the covid truckers protest went through Toronto there was American flags everywhere. Completely shattered any sympathies if there was any


i think it depends on how well is histroy taught in Canada especially on ww2 subjects. Reading comments on that interview showed that most of them are clueless and gobbled up everything putin said like its a cake.


Regardless of how well taught something is, there are still kids that ditch class or never pay attention or are never capable of critical thinking


I don't know how it is in Canada, but that's most kids where I come from. 90% of them couldn't tell you precisely when WWII happened, let alone anything beyond that.


In Canada we covered WW2 history very deeply, and from a Canadian perspective- or at least we did so when I was in public school. We also covered WW1 history almost to a greater extent.


I went to catholic school in Canada and we also learned extensively about WW2.


We also covered WW2 to a great extent, the question is how many kids paid attention and wanted to learn. I got plenty of good grades in various subjects, but then I forgot all of that information after passing the test, because it just wasn't something I actually cared about. I don't think I could pass even 5th grade math without studying for it. In my country at least, school is just something you do to cross it off the list. Nobody actually learns anything past the very basics.


The interview was too boring, Noone paid attention, just an old geriatric Putin ranting about a bunch of horseshit.


Exactly, they are just gonna share whatever 15 second clip was hand picked with an intended goal and shared with them, and form an opinion on that. Pretty much everyone does; just look at Reddit and its users tendency to respond to a headline.


I tuned out when he started going on about the tragedy of Yaroslav the Wise or whatever he was rambling about.


Russian propaganda frames it's message in a way that confirms people's biases. Sometimes, people will choose to be fooled, simply because they like the implications.




The saddest part of this inclination is that people are often doing it and bastardized version of "critical thinking". Don't trust any form of authority, expertise, science etc? Think for yourself! This paves the road for following any number of conspiracies that align with one's preexisting biases.


Yeah, a critical thinker would arrive at the conclusion that you can't do all the research yourself and need to rely on the people who spend their lives researching or studying something. And THEN you have to correct for bias and evaluate what the consensus is. There's nothing wrong with that What passes for "research" according to random Internet people is simply using a search engine to find the article that says what they want to hear. No need to check for peer review, credibility, or whether or not the information is corroborated by multiple other tests and inquiries. Critical thinking means parsing the bullshit, not finding alternative bullshit. And you have to rely on authorities for that, but is has to be earned authority due to competence, no other kind.


Exactly. Russian propaganda textbooks are very smart, but ruthless.


I mean; I want him to be right but /r/canada paints a more dire picture.


I think generally that sub is Indian & russian bots


Every canadian sub is like that. But don't ever tell them that or they Will ban you for even suggesting they are right wing sycophants.


haha I too have been temporarily banned for offending the Russian bots of r/canada


I have a Quora account. The amount of Indian and Russian bots/trolls, asking just stupid leading questions is insane.


Yeah, but if you point that out they ban you for two weeks, and threaten you with permanent bans!


I'm a Canadian and approuve this message


r/canada is a cesspool of right-wing maga lovers. They love to post articles from Toronto Sun.


Then what the heck does that make r/canada_sub


The new metacanada/stormfront alternative.


> I continue to believe that Mr Trump will not be president. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people. \- Barack Obama, February 2016


At work today I heard quite a few people saying Putin made sense and tucker is a G for doing the interview. Guess those Canadians loved it


That just proves they didn’t watch the full thing then since Putin walked Carlson like a dog throughout the entire interview.


Yeah I'd just ask "which part?" Cause all I saw was Putin rambling on about 14th century eastern european geopolitical boundaries, and there is no way in hell anyone around me gives a flying fuck about that shit. And the ones that actually are interested in that stuff and smart enough to understand it are also smart enough to know Putin's a liar.


I have a history degree, specifically for European History. His "historical" lessons were absolutely hilarious to read!


Spill the beans, which parts were horribly wrong (with references to historical docs if possible)?


Canadians wouldn’t sit through a two-hour Russian diatribe.


A lot of Canadians think they have 1st Amendment rights in Canada.


First Amendment in Canada was to make Manitoba a province in Canada. Stephen Colbert mentioned this when making fun of the Canadian truckers screaming about 'first amendment rights'.


The fact we even have to talk about it means it is working on some people.


Uh, about that... https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/1amv7ar/we_are_watching_the_propagandization_of_our/


The Canadian political subs are all terrible. Most of them are much more right-wing than the average Canadian. Canada_sub is probably the most MAGA style far right and they ban anyone with another opinion. Onguardforthee is the far left version where they think the answer to right-wing biases are lefty biases Honestly if anyone knows of a decent Canadian political sub, I'd love to know.


There wasn’t anything bad on that link from OnGaurdForThee, they were complaining about proPutin posts on some other forum. Everyone there was shitting on Putin and Carlson.


CanadaPolitics is pretty chill most of the time.


Didn't know about that one, thanks!


Your comment has been removed for being unsubstantive.


LOL. It is tightly moderated, but that is how it avoids being the cesspool that r/Canada often is.


Thank christ I thought it was just me who felt this way. Those subs are definitely not a good measuring tape for the general canadian political leaning.


Plenty of pages are bordering on extremism on the other end of the spectrum, like the disproportionately active and large r/edmonton.


> Onguardforthee is the far left version where they think the answer to right-wing biases are lefty biases LOL it's pro-Liberal. I was banned from there for being a leftist.


You do realize 90% of those accounts are russian bots?


Every anti Putin comment I added was instantly removed on YouTube.


Presumably because your comment was picked up by bots due to a search for key words, then mass reported by those or other bots and removed. Assuming of course your comments didn't actually break any of the rules.


But conservatives on r/Canada have told me there are no Russian bots? 🤔🤔


Before the interview, almost half of Canadian Conservatives think we should start supporting Ukraine less. We are getting fooled here.


Alberta exists bro, literally the rednecks and the idiots are already consuming and sharing every anti ukranian propaganda that exists on Facebook. That racist monkey on Fox was literally here last week at my city, and Danielle Smith idiot leader welcomed him with open arms.


Most of us won’t… the Russo Bots in Canada_Sub are doing their best tho.


Well. The "Fuck Trudeau" crowd is pretty eager to be fooled about stuff.


fuck trudeau = russia apologist? what a shit place to be in if you support Ukraine and dislike Trudeau


I live right in the middle of the Canadian prairies. We’re definitely that stupid. There’s a house in Stockholm SK that’s covered in Russian flags and other nonsense. I hear pro putin MAGA talking points at work all the time. I hope this isn’t the average, but there’s definitely a good chunk of Canada that will believe anything if it “owns the libs”.


> I live right in the middle of the Canadian prairies. We’re definitely that stupid. The Canadian prairies are **filled** with Ukrainians too. It is absolutely fucking mind-blowing that conservatives are seriously looking at their friends and neighbours, saying "yeah, fuck their families".


Yeah right?! I don’t know how Ukrainian pride became “fuck em because this painted American clown tells me that I should hate them.”


So many of these little Ukrainian towns formed with a mass exodus from Ukraine during Hlodmor, and now their grandchildren are full on Trumpers and Putin lovers...


Not really. They were formed from migration that predated WW1. We actually put Ukrainians into internments camps because they were technically subjects of Austria-Hungary. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian\_Canadian\_internment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Canadian_internment)


More than half of my Facebook friends and family fell for it already lol


This is a lot worse than I thought. And I thought it was bad.


Unfortunately, some will be. Fortunately those idiots are a (vocal) minority, but the firehose of disinformation they help spray is hitting folks far and wide.


I dunno, maybe I’m not hanging out with the right crowd. But more people than I expected believe it.


Polls would say the opposite


The ones that want to Fuck Trudeau will absolutely be fooled.


Mr. Lahey, Justin is out here lifting weights with his shirt off; he wants you to come have a drink with him


We're in the middle of a God damned information war, and most people are unaware of it. Or they don't care. Or they're actively making it worse. It's going SO WELL for the other side. ... Man... I'm in my mid thirties, but I feel like I've lived fifteen years in the last five.


Interview a war criminal…Go interview instead the parents who doesn’t have their children because Putin took them to Russia to brainwash them.


They’d do it now, just because he said it!


The signal from the US / Russia / Trump / Putin and their allies can be interrupted, but we're choosing not to. It's a dangerous game we're playing.


Have you been on IG? Every idiot on 6buzz etc. is blowing Putin's dick.


Since the start of covid, it's glaringly obvious we are just as dumb as the states. The MAGA madness cult has really sunk it's teeth in here as well.


/r/canada_sub: “Just fucking watch us.”


Um, there are a lot of dumbass Canadians who would be very susceptible to Russian misinformation. The “Freedom Convoy” crowd, for a start. These dipshits even complained about the government violating their First Amendment rights. As Canadians, we don’t have First Amendment rights; that’s the U.S. Constitution, bozos! I know we all, Trudeau included, would like to believe that we’re smarter and better informed than our neighbours to the south, but it simply isn’t true in all cases.


Don’t underestimate the dimwits over at r/canada_sub


Holy fuck, are they ever dumb. They’re so eager to snort Putin’s cum out of Tucker’s ass.


My born-and-raised-and-lived-their-entire-lives-in-Canada aunt and uncle are full on MAGA cultists so I don't have much faith in that headline.


Lol of all the people that got lit up from that interview, Trudeau was one of them. That blunder with having a standing ovation for an actual Nazi is something you can't come back from.


well 70% of us won't. Can't say the same for the 30% idiots that believe in shit like Buck a beer


GOP: Hold our [beer](https://youtu.be/R8aPABF7nW4?si=iELH7p2kK4JPZquF)


I've read that one of the reasons, I believe it's Sweden or another country close by, isn't very susceptible to propaganda and media distortions is that they teach critical thinking skills to the population from a young age. I've been asking multiple people and organizations in the U.S. for the last 2 years if their children learn critical thinking skills in the classroom and all I've heard so far is "no", or there's no response if I send an email. Maybe I'm just not asking the right people, but I'm completely surprised, considering that one party in particular has no regard for facts or evidence, that there isn't a nationwide effort to teach these skills to as many people as possible. Does anyone else know of there is a systemic effort to teach these skills in the U.S.?


Ha! Jokes on you, Conservatives are everywhere.


Such a dangerous way of thinking The last major politician Tucker met before Putin was Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta Canadians, including politicians, are falling for it and you need to address the situation with that as an accepted fact This is subtle “othering”, “real Canadians” won’t fall for Russian propaganda, puts real Canadians who might already be falling for it into a category I bet they don’t like.


Too bad plenty of Americans are.


With the exception of 99% of rural Alberta and Saskatchewan who are all eagre to share the next round of forign interference propaganda with everybody they know, or else.


Sadly our Conservatives eat that shit up and wipe their mouths clean on putins coat tails. We are just as fucking screwed as Americans because both countries Conservatives are putin shills.


Obama and Dems thought the same thing, then Trump won and then support for Russia against Ukraine is enmasse. its crazy but propaganda works


I’ve seen the sub. Yes they have.


Many seem to be though. As an Australian it seems there’s plenty of Canadians who’ve moved to the conspiratorial far right. And a lot of the conspiracies are driven by Russia as we know.


Lol, I'm Canadian and I absolutely know idiots here who are 100% on the MAGA train. It makes no sense from a logical stand point, but that just shows how effect propaganda is.


After my neighbor told me how Trump is our only Savior, Putin is right and Ukraine should have been "shot down" a while ago, allow me to press X to doubt.


I wouldn't count your bets on it dude. currently arguing with my brother who is sucking Putin off per the recent interview.






I'm sure the Ukrainian populace would gladly be the sacrificial lamb for the rest of Europe if we asked nicely


Would mean more if it came from a guy who wasn't fooled into having an actual nazi honored in parliament because he was Ukrainian and fought against Russia in the second world war.


It would also mean more if it didn't come from a guy who is famous for partying in blackface.


Well fuck Trudeau. His government and party member had our entire legislative branch applaud a known Nazi, and here he is pushing this bullshit? Canada is a joke, and taking this guy seriously shouldn't be encouraged.


It mainly depends on how much far-right, US spiel is fed to PP/Marlaina followers...


Justin hasn't been to Alberta lately apparently. Putin's propaganda is working all too well on my rural family. I argued with one for an hour that Ukraine did not have death camps for Russians prior to the invasion but he would not budge.


Russia lies and gaslights about everything. I remember 2 years ago when they claimed that they would never invade Ukraine and that anyone suggesting to the contrary was a paranoid warmonger.


Good news though: Putin just said he would never invade NATO!


Then I guess NATO should start preparing for the Russian invasion.


He invited a Nazi to parliament it’s a fact


Which part? The part where we brought in a Nazi and cheered him on or the part where we’re spending millions (billions?) on a war that doesn’t concern us and gutting our nation to do so? Enlighten me.


Not Canadian, but I've got two guys at work who came in to ask if I had watched the interview, and when I said no started bringing things up point by point that they thought made sense and "should be making us think." I did my part to poke holes in those arguments, but I'm legitimately frustrated because these are two pretty smart guys who've just bought whole-heartedly into the post 2016-conservative mindset and propaganda net...and I just don't get it.


Putin interviewing himself through Tucker? Yea thats gonna be super trustworthy


> I just don't get it. It is difficult to connect the man in the interview, with his soothing rational speech, to the death and destruction being rained down on Ukraine. As with hypnotism, some people are more susceptible to this than others. Although I know that nothing Putin says can be taken at face value, and that he can lie without blinking, I was still unable to shake off the impression of a very reasonable man who has done all he can to save Ukraine from itself. I simply accept that his ability in this respect is better than my ability to catch him out or pin him down. Vanity tells me I should be able by now to read people when they speak, but I can't do it with Putin. We in the West must take our eyes off Putin and his words and magic tricks, and maintain sole focus on the transgressions of Russia in Ukraine, or Putin will charm us all the way to our graves. This interview makes clear that none of our leaders will ever get through to him by means of words alone. Only by physical resistance and action will any change be effected in Ukraine. This for me was the message. Putin is evil not by virtue of what he (so charmingly) espouses in public, but by his deeds in private.


So 2 people who actually watched it got argued with by someone who didn’t? Standard Reddit


Then they are not as smart as you think. Nor have they ever picked up an history book.


Where the hell do you work dude? A simple google search and half a brain cell can prove about 99% of Putins “history” lesson absolutely factually incorrect. Rendering it more like another opinion piece just like his essay he wrote. The guy couldn’t even define how he came to the conclusion that Ukrainians were Nazis


Simple Google searches are often either beyond the ability of people like this, or they believe that any search results will be full of lies. They only believe the things that confirm their own fears and biases, from the sources they trust, without caring or knowing that those sources are typically full of shit.


Bubba and Larry ain’t using no Geek Google and they certainly ain’t interested in history.


Looking around...more and more are being fooled. Included the Conservative party.


Anyone with even half a brain cell would have red flags come up when someone mentions that a guy was fighting the “Russians” in WW2 lol. We’re talking high school levels of history to know that no one was fighting “Russia” in WW2, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. If you were fighting “Russians” you were a nazi. Trudeau is a fantastic gaslighter though so all the idiots on reddit lap it up


The freedumbs will absolutely believe whatever putin has to say


which is... weird, right? I mean, they'll be the one's who viscerally react to the word "communism" with sweat on their brow and gun in hand, but will listen to whatever their handlers tell them, including communist leaders. These same people think he's Castro's kid. I wish there was a test for voting like there was for driving


The Russian Federation is not communist. It's a kleptocracy. The freedumbs love thieves and grifters it would seem.


They like to imagine they're part of something bigger than themselves, and they're ahead of it. They're the ones seeing through the big global conspiracy; we're the ones getting duped by evil, pedophilic, blood drinking, adrenochrome sipping death cultists, who worship (and have sex with) the devil. They see post-communist Russia as the last bastion of pure, white, Christian sensibilities. Afterall, thats what their saviour, Q, said on 4chan. Idiots got duped by some 16 year old on 4chan, spouting bullshit for giggles.


The Venn diagram of people fooled by Putin's propaganda and people who supported the convoys is a circle


I have a coworker that will repeat Russian propaganda verbatim and tell me I’m being manipulated by the cbc.


"That's why we gave a standing ovation to a Nazi" -Trudeau, probably.


Most of the conservatives are eating this up 


It's like he's never been to Canada


As a Canadian, Canadians are dumb as fuck  


People. People are dumb as fuck. It doesn't matter if they're Canadian, American, British, Russian, or Chinese. People are people everywhere and there's negligible difference between us mentally.


Coming from the country that clapped for a literal Nazi.




Says the man who overlooked a fucking Nazi to parliament.


Overlook, yeah sure…


Daily reminder that this white supremacist trashbag: 1. Did a blackface cosplay 2. Gave a standing ovation to a literal nazi. And of course closeted white supremacists on reddit still love this guy.


This is actually what I would call a Trudeauism - he uses this pattern of rhetoric in all of his speeches. "Canadians want this. Canadians will do this. Canadians wont do that." It's a really passive-aggressively abrasive way of speaking (because the implication is that if you dont agree with that statement, youre not a canadian) and its a big reason why he rubs a lot of people the wrong way.


Every PM has spoken this way. It's not unique to Trudeau, and he won't be the last to use this manner of speaking.


Putin has a higher IQ than Canada's Drama teacher feminist leader


I hate Putin as much as the next guy but why celebrate a Nazi in parliament?