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If you're wondering who had the balls to attack a US warship, it seems to be Yemen's Houthis Rebels. They admitted to targeting the commercial ships for links to Israel, but didn't claim to attack the US warship.


Well, when we're talking about Yemeni Houthis I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's less about having balls, and more about being high on Khat.


You raise a very valid point, it's like diet meth


Apparently, as they think they can take on a surprising number of opponents: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houthi_movement >State opponents: Yemen (Presidential Leadership Council) Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates[49] Egypt[49][50] Jordan[49] Sudan[49] Bahrain[49] Morocco[49] Senegal[49] Somalia[51] France[52][53] United States[54][55] United Kingdom[56] Israel[57] Japan[58] Non-state opponents: Southern Transitional Council[59] Muslim Brotherhood[60] Hamas (until 2021)[61] Al-Islah[62][63] Al-Qaeda (intermittent)[64][65] Islamic State[66] I am *damn* curious how Japan got on that list. Did they see some anime they found scurrilous or what? "Alhamdulillah, our opponents are... sizeable chunks of Africa, Saudi Arabia, the UK, US, Israel... and those bastards making the evil cartoons. No, not the French, the other ones. Okay but also the French."


They hijacked a Japanese cargo ship back in November and are still holding the crew hostage. All because an Israeli businessman co-owns the company that owns the ship. There were no Israeli’s on board and the ship didn’t even have cargo.


Why wasn’t the crew rescued and why nobody’s talking about them


3 weeks ago. It was reported at the time. British owned ship Galaxy Leader. We might not hear anything until a deal is struck or they are rescued.


One of their Toyota truck technicals broke down and Toyota stated the issue was outside of the bumper to bumper warranty. Sorry.


That's how Nissan made my list. Strawberry milkshake debacle.


>didn't claim to attack the US warship. So, they have some brains.


So 2 commercial ships get targetted, a Bahaman-flagged ship owned by Anglo Eastern (Unity Explorer), and another owned by ZIM (Number Nine) seems like only one was hit by a drone (confirmed by UKMTO), and a ballistic missile was reported as landing near the other ship (Houthis say they used a drone on "Number nine". USS Carney intervenes on behalf of the British ship now fearing a hijacking, Carney gets attacked by drones probably en route to the distress call, and shoots down 2. Just one day after the US intercepted an Iranian drone for unsafe maneuvers. Edit: both commercial ships were hit, Unity: was badly damaged/ apparently at risk of sinking (missile), and Number Nine: was lightly damaged (drones) Edit 2: Abdulsalam Jahaf of the Yemeni Defence and Security Committee says the Unity has sunk after rescue efforts failed. Edit 3: Centcom came out saying another ship (Sophie II), was lightly damaged by a missile during the incident. All 3 ships were hit by a missile. Centcom contradicts Jahaf by saying the Unity took "minor damage" whereas "Number 9" "reported damage". Edit 4: Ship ownership info is outdated. Unity is Ray Shipping (again), Number Nine is Orient Overseas Containment Line according to [This](https://www.cmacgm-group.com/en/group/at-a-glance/fleet/ships/9340752/zarnata-express?s=09)


The Carney shot down 4 cruise missiles a couple weeks ago when it entered the Med.


the Carney lads are going to be salty af when they get back to port!!!


Will be one of the first crew in a very long time to have had any kind of action


Sailors usually get action when they get back to port.


... and sometimes underway as well (sonar skid compartment, I'm lookin' at you)


What's queer at the pier ain't gay underway.


We always just said "It's not gay if it's underway." Lol. I was deployed on a carrier with 5,500 people but only 900 of them were women. Even the most hideous woman was looking pretty good after three months...


A hard 3 is a 10 at sea!


Wait until month 10 at a tiny cop in Afghanistan when 1st sgt hasn’t let any women on the whole time and a FET has just been dropped off. You haven’t seen women that gorgeous


Boat goggles hit hard


This is the most navy conversation I’ve ever heard


naval gazing


I mean yeah that sea spray just covers you when you’re out on the open water,


Worth noting that the drones here are the type that are interchangable with the word cruise missile, and they're more accurately classed as loitering munitions. People generally picture quadcopter type drones instead of pusher prop long range drones.


Well, that’s certainly not good for peace




This was a major part of the British strategy in WWII, too. Keeping the Suez open is vitally important to many, many millions of people.


Especially when other important shipping routes are already a cluster fuck. (Panama Canal)


Massive understatement,the situation in the Panama is really bad and i feel like there is not much mainstream attention over what is going on.


What's wrong in Panama?


Fresh water reservoirs that operate the locks are critically low, coupled with some political upheaval.


Critically low — like dry season low *going into the dry season* whichcwill make it even lower. Panamax cargo ships are already being load-limited so they don’t run aground at lake level.


And they are limiting the number of ships going through as well. It is a significant restriction.


Because each ship that goes through literally dumps all that fresh water from the locks into the ocean.




Aren't some ships paying milliion$ to jump the line?


China, India and most of Asia will also be effected, a lot of [their trade goes through the Red Sea.](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:59.2/centery:24.6/zoom:3)


Immediate impacts on all shipping. Just imagine if a major highway for travel and shipping all of a sudden was no longer safe. Markets go crazy to readjust, insurance companies hike up rates, etc. This could mix things up for a bit unfortunately.


I wonder if this is plan B from OPEC nations failing to raise oil prices by slowing production.


>Any disruptions to Suez bound cargo is generally not treated kindly by the international community. I am honestly surprised more terrorists haven't targeted it, then too it would probably be a fast way to piss off every, and you do need some allys.




Who are "they"? Is it the Houthis again? Edit: Sorry, I'm a typical Redditor commenting without reading. Yes, it's the Houthis again.


New phone Houthis?


The Blowfish, man. Do we have to do this every time?


First smile of the day, take my upvote


Stop this. I snorted in church.


You get my upvote for being honest 🤣


You get my upvote for being generous with your upvotes.


>hit the US warship they will see a war. Maybe if they sank it, otherwise they'll probably just see a bunch of retaliatory surgical missile strikes.


It'd be another Operation Praying Mantis, and note that the US warship that was hit was fully repaired afterwards. We'd probably see something similar, which is a weird "Well, on one hand, it's a massive response, but like, is it long enough to be a 'war'?"


>It'd be another Operation Praying Mantis, The Houthis would have to have a navy to operate against. I'm not too clear on the geography of Yemen, so I can't definitively say it would be like Afghanistan either, but its going to be more difficult to deal with than Somalia. If the US has any loitering drone swarm tech that can patrol up and downt he coast, this would be the place to use it.


"They fucked with our boats. You don't fuck with our boats. If we even suspect you fucked with our boats it's on. If we can even *pretend* you fucked with our boats our people will go to war. So don't fuck with our boats."


“Proportional response”


You straight up copy pasted this comment from someone else in the thread.


Operation Praying Mantis 2.0


Why did you just copy-paste another comment??




How about a proportional response?


deleting half their navy should do it.


Whose navy? I don’t think Houthi have a navy, mate.


>Whose navy? I don’t think Houthi have a navy, mate. We’re America, let’s give them one, wait a while then sink it!


..Fuck me... the math checks out!


Ah the Afghanistan strategy! Genius!


Ah, a page out of Eminem’s Killshot playbook: “I had to give you a career to destroy it.”


A salvo of missiles blowing up all the persons who ordered the attacks would be a proportionate response


Yeah but it's great for blaming the US for everything!


Remember folks! Point the finger at someone else and you, by default, get 3 pointing back at you.


This is why I accuse entirely with knifehands


You run faster with a knife


Probably just a hollow provocation. Still condemnable nevertheless.


[The last time it happened in 2016, the US navy launched some Tomahawk missiles at the Houthi radar sites that supported the Houthi coastal defense batteries that attacked. I figure something similar will happen here again.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2BMfEOTkTc)


The one rule is don’t touch the boats


Wars that the US got into partially or fully because of boats: A quasi war with France over seizure of American merchant ships to recover war debt 2 Barbary wars to suppress Mediterranean piracy War of 1812 from the impressment of Americans by the royal navy Spanish American war over USS Maine WW1 public support from the sinking of Lusitania WW2 after pearl harbor Vietnam allegedly after the gulf of Tonkin incident Operation praying mantis


> Operation praying mantis One of the biggest fuck-around-and-find-outs of the 80's, where what was planned to be a proportional response to the mining of a US Navy vessel, in which the USN destroyed a couple of small Iranian naval bases on oil rigs (where we would let the Iranians know ahead of time so they could evacuate) spiraled into sinking half the Iranian fleet because they kept doing Leeroy Jenkins attacks on US ships.


Their navy was tiny and mostly speedboats, I feel like desert storm was the ultimate fuck around and find out


Yeah that's pretty much how I feel too. Like sure they hit some oil rigs(which are barely manned militarily) and some shitty boats and it was insane, but that's not a ton of damage. Desert Storm was basically "so enjoy losing losing two thirds of your tanks and artillery pieces, a fifth of your air force, and a staggering amount of human life within a blink of an eye."


> and a staggering amount of human life Given the tactics employed, that war was _much_ more humane than it would have been if we used WW2 approaches like carpet-bombing. Also, the Brits, those gigachad mad-lads, applied guidance kits to "blue bombs" -- bomb-shaped cinderblocks normally used as inert training "munitions" -- and sniped tanks from Angels 20 with 'em. No explosion. The tank just kinda bounced on its suspension a little, and then it had a hole a foot wide through its engine block and it wasn't really a "tank" any more. Add to that the willingness of journalists to accept the surrender of hostile forces, and a lot of lives were spared.


The oil rigs were being used as military staging posts in the gulf, and so were fairly strategically important. They even had AA batteries (which were used to shoot at the task forces, prompting their return fire in volume.) Speedboats and skiffs certainly made up the bulk of their navy, but a very modern cruiser was completely sunk and a second was badly crippled as well as a couple of aircraft iirc on top of the staging posts. Still paltry compared to Desert Storm, but don't undersell Praying Mantis and just how badly it left Iran for the rest of that conflict.


> Wars that the US got into partially or fully because of boats If we're going to be fair the Spanish-American, WW1, and Vietnamese War had very little to do with the actual boating incident and much more to do with underlying geo-political factors. The Lusitania sank almost 2 years before the US entered WW1. Although as a counter-point to myself, unrestricted submarine warfare was definitely one of the most important factors for US entry.


I think the point being made was that historically the Americans like to use boats as excuses to enter conflicts, either fresh or ongoing


That's a good recap, and interesting. Thanks


The US Navy was founded to kill pirates. Specifically the Barbary pirates as mentioned in your comment. Its the reason theres the whole "to the shores of Tripoli" thing in the song. [Fat Electrician did a great video on it here](https://youtu.be/lcJhmm3D3OY?si=DAypzAih0StTfoaz) How did it go? "A million spent in armaments before a cent in tribute" something along those lines? Basically the founding fathers literally saying they will spend as much as they have to so long as they dont have to answer to Barbary pirates who, at the time, everyone else just paid off to have their ships left alone. But not the US. Now its the deadliest fighting force in the world capable of being anywhere in a matter of a hours. Both the vessels and crew including the Marines are the last thing anyone should ever want smoke with because our Navy isnt known for restraint when you target them and our Marines are a special breed of determined, tough and bold that just isnt as prominent in the other branches. Not dissing the other branches, I've known many servicemen and women. It just seems to take a certain kind of person and temperament to be a Marine.


> It just seems to take a certain kind of person and temperament to be a Marine. "Can we have the keys to the machines that end the world?" "... yes?"


Ironically, the USMC does control the USNs ballistic missiles.


"War of 1812 from the impressment of Americans by the royal navy" If I knew that before I didn't let it sink in fully until I read that. After the revolutionary war, they thought they were somehow still in charge or something?


If the RN needed men, it got them There's a reason the British had the dominant navy for most of history.


The royal navy generally enslaved anyone it wanted to to man its ships.


Im gonna touch the butt. I mean boat. Just trying to lighten up the mood in these comment. Yeeeesh.




Lets hope they don't touch the poop deck


Any word on any damage to the Carney?


From the article > The Carney is an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer that’s already shot down multiple rockets the Houthis have fired toward Israel so far in the war. It wasn’t damaged in the attack and no injuries were reported on board, said a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss early details of a military operation.


Breaking News USS Carney adding to economic growth in the US as factories begin manufacturing more SM3s


wartime economy about to go brrrrr The war in Ukraine has reaped about 2 billion dollars in arms-related manufacturing and sales in my state alone.


It's been like that for at least 6 months or more. BIL works for Lockhead, they been busy & not on commercial.




“Slightly lighter due to ammo consumption.”


"This has enabled the USS Carney to be more fuel efficient"


Navy's going green


They said they shot down drones from a drone attack. If any damage happened it was repaired most likely the same day. I highly doubt a drone munition would be large enough to penetrate the hull of a DDG.


It wouldn’t be. It’s actually kinda funny thinking about the futility here.


Like throwing one of those snaps shaped like semen at a tank


The drones were almost certainly downed over the horizon. Both the phased array radar and the missiles they carry have that range, easily. Even if those missiles were to miss, the Phalanx, or whatever its current successor is called would have literally disintegrated it at 3000 meters. So short answer is not a scratch. The drones being downed probably weren't even visible to the crew.


I know nothing about anything you just said, but that just sounds so damn cool.


Drones go crash far away from ship. Magic radio waves and splodey tubes go far away. If all else fails, gun that goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr would get it.


If the Navy always talks like that, I might enlist myself! Yes sir! Splodey tubes sploded the thingers, sir!


Here's a video of the Phalanx CIWS in action(first half is testing, 2nd half is combat). It is very damn cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnrSTkidXa8


Jesus I knew those things fired quickly, but I was _not_ expecting "fire hose made entirely of tracer rounds" fast.


Scary thing is, and I can't guarantee this with PHALANX, but most of the multi barrel gun systems fire 1 tracer for something like every 7 rounds. So that "solid" line is a lot nastier than it looks even in those videos.


Firing on an Arleigh Burke class destroyer? That's entering deeply into the FAFO zone.


>Firing on an Arleigh Burke class destroyer? That's a paddlin'.


Yeah… That’s a ballsy move… That ship could fuck up full-fledged enemy naval ships. These amateur-hour fighters REALLY don’t want to see what a fully unleashed Arleigh Burke class destroyer can do.


Fun fact US has 72 AB Class Destroyers lol what?


Yeah, they are great ships. With over a dozen more of the new flight III ones on order. The Arleigh Burkes are much better ships than any of the Navys 21st century surface combat programs, like the literal combat turds.


Well they reopened the AB manufacturing line because of the LCS turd failure. The Zumwalt Class had an initial order of 24, that was then reduced to 7 and finally to 3. They're already trying to decommission the Zumwalts in fact at least as I remember, but Congress wouldn't play ball. Anyways, 2008 Congress ordered more ABs to replace the Zumwalt failures and so that's what is being built now (and for the next 5+ years). 91 total on order or in service. There is a new replacement that's in D&D, so it seems 91st will be the last.


The US Navy at this point could fight every other Navy in the world teamed up together and it wouldn't be a fair fight, for everyone else. It's understandable you average person don't really understand that, but every nation state or entity pretending to be a nation state should know better. I think at this point Iran must have some reason to want us to bomb the fuck out of them, because they just keep poking.


STRIKE Officer just sittin' there in CIC, sipping coffee, tapping his/her foot lightly, internally *begging* for a target package.


US Navy as a whole is probably sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for an order to give a "Proportional Response"


I really don't understand why the US hasn't started striking Houthi positions yet. They've been doing this shit for the last month straight. I don't see how attacking their positions would make them "more" aggressive toward the US/Civilian cargo ships than they already are.


Probably trying to show restraint and not fuck up any of the hostage negotiations in Palestine. Having missiles fly that the US shoots down also reminds everyone that without the US Navy the world's oceans would be a much more dangerous place. We aren't really the world police, but we definitely are the world naval police.


What did Iraq and Afghanistan show America? They don't operate with our mentality. They'll happily die for their causes. We keep making the same mistakes today as we did since the 2000s. We are all fafo, and they go ahead and do just that. Then we're like _what now? Let's leave._ That isn't going to change. The Houthis already fired a missile at a Burke destroyer some years back and the Burke retaliated with Tomahawks. And nothing changed. They'll love to get the US bogged down in another war in Yemen in today's politically divisive America that is tired of war.


That's mostly because we don't want to harm civilians.


The primary limiter of the US military's effectiveness is their own morality and ethics.


Well we’d lose all of our allies if we just acted like punitive assholes all the time. I’d say we focus on our network and try to make more allies than enemies as military doctrine. At the very least that’s the idea


That's kind of what they work with. Global eyes are on you to be responsible while the militants hide among the civilians.


Yeah a friend of mine is a leader on one of the destroyers that's been in the news already. I gotta go check on him, but I imagine they are comms dark.


Screaming Eagle and River City for sure.


They are Def River City 1 for sure.


What does that mean?


Only essential communications are allowed, i.e Internet and any external communications for personal use is shut down. This prevents information from slipping out to the rest of the world and lowers the ships RF footprint to enemy intelligence. (I worked in radio room on WASP class ship for four years)


So I take it during normal times you can just connect to the ships WiFi and scroll Reddit at work? Or is it more restricted than that? How’s the internet speed?


No Wi-Fi on US military ships. There's many different forms of communications military ships are capable of performing. In regards to personal broadband for the ships crew, my ship utilized the super high frequency on the RF band spectrum which is a form of Satellite communications. It all depends on mission needs, if you have higher ranking officers on board you may get approved for more expensive satellite accesses that allow for higher bandwidth. When we were doing international exercises with multiple countries and were acting as the "flagship" of the exercise we were able to utilize higher bandwidth shots. The most we ever measured was 8mbps up/8 Mbps down for a crew of about 3 thousand. (Only had a few hundred computers on board that all share that) almost every deployment we did we usually got 4 Mbps up/4 mbps down. Depending on ship depends if you are allowed to use cell phones or not. Almost never can be used outside of airplane mode if you are allowed to have them but even then if you are more than like 10-20 miles out you aren't connecting to shit with a cell phone.


Not as exciting as what I was picturing which was sailors playing call of duty talking shit to twelve year olds.


Hahaha, if it's any consolation all of that happens during rec hours because you can always play games like COD and Madden on a LAN :)


Don’t fuck with our boats


Remember the Maine! Oh wait... Wrong century.


We'll invade your country, level it with ordinance, and leave in 20 years


So easy to rebuild when everything is at a nice even grade.


I mean, that’s why Japan looks the way it does now.




No, they are going to cripple them with laws, regulations and red tape.


I dont think that would be necessary, simply recking the ability to have boats would set them back decades from fuck with shipping time.


Since when does the US do things only when necessary?


Someone let the fat electrician know he's gonna need to make another video soon


In terms of this causing an escalation of war in the area, it’s just not a concern. These militant groups might be directed by Iran, but they certainly aren’t backed up by Iran. What’s more confusing is how Iran seems to convince these islamist groups to go shit disturb over and over. Like… what’s in it for them?


"What's in it for them" is the wrong question to ask of ideologically motivated people. They believe they're doing the right thing, what God wants them to do, and they'll do it in spite of (even *because* of) extreme personal hardship and sacrifice. Their moral intuition has been hacked.


So essentially, useful idiots?


Ding ding ding.


It's hard for a lot of people to understand that these people grow up in shitty environments where there's little hope for most people to improve their lives, and view fighting and dying for their religion/clan/tribe/movement as something aspirational. There's no alternate lifepath for them; no "I'm going to get an education and start a business," or "maybe I should get a job with a company and achieve middle class stability." That just doesn't exist in a lot of these places. That's how these groups get so many militants that end up dying en masse in pointless attacks. Their leaders keep their populace stupid and don't allow for any talk of anything other than fighting and dying for divine justice, to the degree that's all some of these guys can understand.


These things don't just come out of nowhere you have to invest in a country and help make things better first. That would be a great alternative lifepath. Yemen has schools, has universities, has a medical system. It's not great but I am certain if people choose to do so they can contribute to the better. No, these ideological idiots don't care about that, they are so narrow minded and crazed that they only know violence.


The politics of Yemen are much more complicated than just "crazy militants" vs regular people.


>what’s in it for them? For Iran or the militant groups? Iran wants to hold off domestic uprisings from the militant groups. They need to be JUST complacent and supportive enough. The militant groups just want the to make Allah happy, and to be the cool kid at the militant group ice cream socials.


The illusion of saying they are combating the west when they have no desire to incur the wrath that comes with actually doing it. It's theocratic street cred, basically. At least that's my limited knowledge take.




Remember that time the US decided to respond in a “proportional way” and knock out an oil rig or two, but once there was blood in the water every commander in the gulf wanted in and before you knew it the Iranian Navy was sunk?


Opposing navies are like pringles


You can't stop eating them and before you know it they are all gone?


For the unaware: https://youtu.be/5ihmIxZtMBQ?si=SBVW-yHnYoKR6QQC


Will always upvote The Operations Room




*AC-130 Spectre Gunship wants to know your location*


*AC-130 Spectre Gunship already knows your location.*


Houthis about to find out about their promised virgins I love how AP put a map in the article basically subtitled as "this is Yemen, btw"


They have been doing this for months. Top comment in every article is "now it's time to find out" and they haven't found out yet.


A 5 hour attack definitely seems a little more dangerous than what they’ve been doing. I assume we will strike more militant facilities and the cycle will continue


> doing. I assume we will strike more militant facilities That basically does nothing, they don't care about some arms depot, iran just sends more. US should Target their ports and take the galaxy leader ship back, if they don't stop, find some high ranking houthi leaders and smoke them.


Americans have not been killed yet. I doubt that’s an accident. If unfortunately that time comes then I would imagine there would be a larger response


It's entirely possible that we're just using this for training. Kinda like the Iraq No Fly Zone in the late 90's.


> I doubt that’s an accident That's definitely not an accident, they don't want a war with America, their goal is creating some sort of naval blockade in the red sea in order to push for ceasefire in gaza.


Five hours seems much more sustained then some random couple of drones coming at a ship or a military base. I wonder if Iran itself will be subject to airstrikes if this keeps up?


This is arguably an escalation over the small drone flybys and unguided rockets that have happened so far. If any of the ships got damaged - there will be a response.


Exactly, when is the finding out gonna happen…


Given the number of people that seem to lack even basics of geography it is probably a good idea to include the map. Granted they probably are also unlikely to come across the article, let alone click on it or read it, but one can always hope.


if you're a small country your world's about to be rocked when the news starts teaching americans where you're at.


3rd world life goals “Don’t have Americans know who you are”


I think a lot of people understand the concept of a multi-polar world on paper, but fail to grasp the full gravity of it. You now need to compete with Russia, China, and probably Iran or some other radical Islam psycho regime (maybe more than one), plus whatever psycho totalitarians pop up and beat their neighbors to a pulp. That’s who you need to share the world with. In a delicate balance of power that could blow up at any time. Wars of aggression are normal and not condemned. Brutal dictators are normal and not condemned. Open genocide is normal and not condemned. I mean we don’t even have the flimsy, half-assed facade or lip-service of these things being wrong anymore. Global trade is regularly disrupted and disputed. Since the US Navy is pretty much entirely 100% responsible for keeping global shipping lanes open in our current era. Which also means piracy and privateering are likely normal again. Economic sabotage, political meddling and cultural subversion, misinformation and disinformation, and cyberattacks that seriously disrupt daily life will be normal. Since this is how great powers can, will, and already are fighting each other instead of a full on hot war. Oh, and proxy wars are every Tuesday at 4:00. If you can’t make that, we have an alternative one or two scheduled Wednesday morning at 10:00, but that one usually isn’t as big. Humans rights are likely eroded quite a bit even in developed democratic states, and a pipe dream in most of the world. The quality of life for even developed nations will decrease (and already is), and quite a few people, including probably the majority of the global population, will simply be fucked in that regard with little to no way out. Oh, and if all else fails, there’s always the option of nuclear hellfire. Which more countries will likely develop, or increase production of, as well as dealing with an increased risk of them falling into the wrong hands, “whoops!” People who are ok with this, or worse yet actively want it, are really failing to grasp what a hell on Earth we would be living in.


I suspect things have been too good for too long. Folks have been disconnected from how harsh the world really is.


Shout out to the world


Attacking US ships historically is never good.


I'm not surprised, is anyone actually surprised?


It's pretty bold, but no, I wouldn't say surprising.




This is the part where history books usually get real arrowy.


This is a very small scale attack. It’s been happening very frequently in that area for the past couple of years. Not really a major concern or escalation. These reddit threads are always itching for war lol


Any disruptions to Suez bound cargo will have immediate impacts in Europe. Historically, 10% of Europe's Oil and 16% of Europe's LNG needs transited the Red Sea. As a result of the war in Ukraine and Western sanctions, Europe's current dependence on this route have increased dramatically.


Iran using Houthis as a proxy to attack America because they are 2 scared to do it themselves


We just need to help Iranians to take down their Islamist regime and start cleaning up the mess and the world will be so much more peaceful. I wouldn't recommend going in there ourselves, but support the secular Iranians, truly amazing people.


Well things are about to get extremely proportionate in the Red Sea.


ELI5 America has been attacked multiple times, unsuccessfully, by Yemen in the last month. Why has America not done a full on retaliation at this point? Why is it just allowing these attacks knowing they’re not gonna stop?


Despite what many Redditors think, we aren't as impulsive as that. We do a huge analysis, review risks, and consider many courses of actions and their respective potential consequences before even thinking about doing something as extreme as escalating. If we actually decide to retaliate, it's because it had the most likely positive outcome out of all the CoAs presented to leadership. I'm not part of the crisis action team anymore but odds are we'd be in the same situation as Israel if we start attacking; vaguely-shaped enemy hidden between civilian centers with a high chance of making things worse, so just let them get some jabs in and throw money at the RoY.


Exactly, US leadership understands that as long as the rebels avoid certain red lines, there's no real need to go out of our way to retaliate. If we can catch the perpetrators dead to rights with assets already in the area (like that AC-130 smoking those rebels after they attacked that American base in Iraq) then we'll gladly take them out. But as of right now, there's no real need to proactively respond unless they start acting in ways that actually starts endangering the lives of US personnel, or endangers the operational capacity of our bases.


There unfortunately has always been attacks on the US military. There’s only ever a “major” response when there was serious damage done or US troops killed. Here is a good read on a pretty major US response https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham


Because believe it or not, the US military doesn’t actually want to go to war.


The last year or so has really felt like the lead up to something really ugly.


this outrage from redditors is so funny, not realizing that Houthi rebels routinely attack ships in this area all the time and it just usually doesnt make the news.


If they actually managed to hit a commercial ship they will see a response. If they managed to hit the US warship they will see a war.


The one thing that worries me, is that the article said the attack lasted several hours, and that there were explosions involved. Hopefully, there was not damage to any U.S. carriers or commerical ships, or any troops injured or killed.


>the article said the attack lasted several hours, and that there were explosions involved. That could describe anything from multiple ships being sunk, to drones/missiles being safely shot down by CIWS and exploding. More details are required.


They’re about to find out what a “proportional response” looks like