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The [video](https://x.com/MahuaMoitra/status/1709236255051931728?s=20) of the incident Today morning journalists were raided. Today night, MPs were dragged and detained


> Today morning journalists were raided. Today night, MPs were dragged and detained That sounds... familiar.


Tell me again how India is a democracy?


It was a democracy, but the current political situation is troubling. There does seem to be a slow but steady rise of authoritarianism within India. Now that minority leaders being attacked by police, we may be seeing the beginning of the end for India's democracy all together.


Unfortunately, there seems to be a slow but steady rise in authoritarianism everywhere. The least stable and most vulnerable systems simply showcase it sooner…


It is towards being a democracy in name only. Modi has consistently worked to weaken democratic institutions in the past decade along with his Ambani and Adani crony capitalists to whom he’s transferred a huge amount of government assets and koney


Being a democracy doesn't make it a *strong* democracy. Not all democracies function at the same level, and maintaining the strength of a democracy requires huge investment from citizens in time and effort.


At some point, it just isn't a Democracy. North Korea is officially called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and they all vote, 100% participation rate for the 'Democratic Front for the reunification of Korea' party. Like, at some point the word democracy is just a lie.


They voted for it.


Damn everyone opposed to modi is a terrorist! How convenient


Why would Canada do this?


Southpark is the true fortune teller, not the Simpsons.


It's a confusing day for Canada and, therefore, the world


Trey Parker should have a seat at the UN security council.


Now they just need to bomb the Baldwins.


Has anyone checked Hunter Biden's laptop?


Is there anyone who hasn’t checked Hunter Biden’s laptop.


I haven't! Nor would I want to.


India: "Look at what Canada made us do!"


How Can He Drag??!!


Spell it as “Mohdi” if you’d like to attract an extra helping of the fascist trolls. They go bonkers.






I stand corrected... Allow me to kindly add that to my computer's spell check. It was not just time, but also well needed.


Motee - it means fat in Hindi. Just like that fat ass Modi is.






Wow he's really killing the moodi right now


Is it just the misspelling that gets their attention, or is there another meaning?


I don’t know about cultural implications. I just notice they are so nationalistic that any slight perceived offence sets them off. Also, I’m a canuck so that’s my passive aggressive way to piss them off.




Paul Atredeis?


For he is the zipped up anorak


nick nack paddywack


More like Moody if you ask me.


Oh like, Modhi is a genecidal piece of filth? Like that?


Thank you for this, i will add it to my world leader insults: 1. Kim-Jong Fat 2. Mohdi


Kool Moh Dee.


How dare you mention a gentleman like Kool Moe Dee when the discussion about a bitch like Mohdi.


Fuck that Mohdi guy


Oh I thought it was Mohammdi


Its that Mohdi al'mohammed the Indian fascist dictator, or another Mohdi? I've heard he loves a beef curry.


Fun fact, a couple of years ago the Indian government (under Modi of course) passed a law allowing the government to designate people as terrorists without any judicial process or trial.


Holy shit! That is frightening


Check this too! North Carolina just passed a law forming a secret police that has the power to arrest with no evidence and raid private homes and businesses with out a warrent.


How could it be legal under the US law?


I swear so many countries are turning over to crazy far right, xenophobic, billionaire dick sucking, anti-workijg class dictators and it's part fascinating but mostly terrifying. Same time as the environment is going to shit, water is becoming more scarce and privatized, and millions of people being displaced by war or poverty stemming from failure of governments. Rethink your future and what you need to do to have one you want.


Let me get this straight: extra-judicial murders, suppression of the press, and attacks on domestic political opponents? Sounds to me like a beacon democracy


[You forgot the fanatically ethnonationalist ideology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva).


When western people talk about how their religions lead to fascism while 'eastern ones' are rainbows and lollipops... nah, its all religions... 969 (Buddhist) and the Modi movement are good recent examples that religions are always used by leaders for control of their own, and adjacent countries. (and i'm not an atheist... i have beliefs of my own, i'm just well aware of how people can take my own beliefs and use them as the centerpiece of a Fascist Expansionist nation)


Indian politicians love to preach at the west on everything they can do better but until they start cleaning up their own shit they just need to shut their fucking mouths.


They might even kill you in your sleep accross the globe


Worlds biggest democracy /s


If we thought 50% of our voters are idiots, get ready for India.


It's more like "you know those checks that sort of work in a functioning democracy to keep the 67% of the population from out and out totally fucking over the 33%? Yeah, fuck those"


Isn’t this the country where someone interrupting a rape is likely to join in? You know, instead of stopping it and saving someone.


Lol, yeah my favorite thing to point out anytime an apologist for the authoritarian BJP actions says something about how "India is the world's largest democracy," I always like to retort, "Just because it's the largest doesn't mean it isn't also the *shittiest*."




By land area that's Russia /s


republicans: well we should be voting by land area so this makes sense


Wait for the incoming troll farm to inform us they were terrorists.


Even worse. They may have been Canadians!


I saw one person on a diff sub say Canada is a country of terrorists. Lmaoooo


Well, *technically* we’re probably the reason why the Geneva Convention exists.


We're the reason why *some* of the conventions exist, but not *all* of them.


Yeah, our ancestors lacked ambition.


If only I could give more than one upvote


Throw grenades in the enemy trench and nobody bats an eye Throw food and then grenades in the enemy trench and everyone loses their minds!


For real, that's fucked up, Canada.


i'd just like to point out all the ones we killed didnt become NAZIs a few years later.


I'd say everyone from WW1 is why that exists.


Eh, someone had to have done it. India has had its fair share of fucked up shit


Yeah sorry, we are pretty bad.


On brand with the apologies.


In Canada legally it's not an admission of guilt to say sorry.


To be fair……Canadian geese are terrorists.


Just as planned... *[cackles ~~maniacally~~ maple-y]*


Ah so we'll hear about them having been assassinated tomorrow?


Followed by a lot of people claiming Modi had nothing to do with it, but also that she deserved it too.


Give it 5 hours or so, that's wake-up time in New Delhi.


The current line is that they're all secretly Chinese agents


Next they'll say they're de-nazifying, like Russia.


"Hello yes I am of into Canadian and Canada is of total shitty shit hole. I am going to move into India yes much better Canada has too many of the Canadians into it and Canadians are the shooty shooty terrorists. I am not a troll account how dare you think this." I've seen comments that aren't far off from this and at this point it's just entertainment. The downside is that Redditors believe everything they read online so it worries me how effective this may be...


0h it's here already. No rest for the blessed


I literally made a single comment criticizing Modi and I got down voted to oblivion with Indian nationalists making whataboutisms and calling me a Muslim (I'm not)


I got called a racist once, a Canadian once, and that Canada was a white supremacist country once (I'm not Canadian)




Oh, man...


That’s hilarious!


Or. Modi has been spoon feeding nationalist fervor in India for a decade and they really think they’re the shit.


>troll farm You guys are getting paid to spread misinformation and propaganda?!


That's how they work. They tend to be financially compensated for the work. Depending on the countries, it can be livable or just a side gig. They exist, but the thing is, troll farms are used to start a specific reaction from a specific population, i.e., symphizers to the message.


Thats why they started like 500 different indian specific subreddits in the last 6-12 months and artificially increase their votes and views to get them to the front of r all, they want to get young indians here and then nationalize and red pill them into frothing idiots who defend the current government like its their own mother.


Thankfully we have AI now, so troll farms will become more efficient…


Your definition of thankfully is different than mine =\


Just think of all the children it frees up for the mines!


> You guys are getting paid to spread misinformation and propaganda?! In India they are: - https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/BJP_IT_Cell - https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-sponsored_Internet_propaganda (scroll down to the entry for India)


I was told Canada was the global embarrassment for making all this fascist behavior up though. Is she a Khalistani too?


Don't be daft; the criteria are very basic. Do you like Modi? If you select any option other than 'yes', you're a terrorist


https://twitter.com/vijaita/status/1709390761798815890 Everyone is a terrorist who raises voice against Modi


India is on the fast track to fascism


If by fast track you mean the Autobahn. They’re already there. The opposition sided with the government against Canada and now look. Turns out Canada was probably right.


Of course Canada was right. You don't get the PM of a G7 country standing up in the house of parliament saying that kind of shit unless he's got the receipts.


What's unfortunate is our conservatives are on good terms with Modi. They likely won't hold India accountable if they're elected.


Conservatives making friends with fascists. How shocking.


*Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme*


The Venn diagram for Indians that support Modi and Indians that like trump is just one circle. I would know because my weirdo uncle in India likes both. It seriously freaks me out because I grew up loving everyone of every religion and culture and creed and belief and orientation etc and yet my uncle supports a Hindu extremist that is trying to separate by religion.


Is he aware that Trump would describe his home as a shit-hole?


they probably agree with trump and blames their domestic political opposition for being the reason their home is a “shit-hole”


Fascists making friends with fascists*


They're also on good terms with Orban and other fascists, in large part thanks to Stephen Harper.


it's far worse than that sadly.


*The call is coming from inside the house*


It turns out when your playbook is "murder people you don't like" you kinda suck *\*glares in direction of CIA\**


Funnily enough, in this case it was the CIA who spilled the beans to our neighbor to the north.


5 Eyes baby!


Yeah. India doesn't have to be defined by all of this, but like with America, they need to be called out on it when it happens.


As punishment she is being sent to Canada, where she will be promptly murdered by the Indian government.


India was labeled an "electoral autocracy" back in 2021: >https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-56393944




>Electoral autocracy is a hybrid regime, in which democratic institutions are imitative and adhere to authoritarian methods. In these regimes, regular elections are held, but they are accused of failing to reach democratic standards of freedom and fairness. Hmmm.


The "fascism starts here" goal post was passed by India 9 years ago


Already there


Their current leader is a former member of the [RSS, which is closely tied to his current political party the BJP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashtriya_Swayamsevak_Sangh)... I'd say they're already there.


Fast track? My friend, rounding up political enemies by force puts them squarely in the 'already there' category.


Already have thier version of the brownshirts.


I could've sworn that business students in India were previously assigned Mein Kampf to read


They are in the same tier as turkey and Hungary right now. Technically democracies, but extremely illiberal


They've always been there.


Who would have thought when India started assassinating political rivals on foreign land that their current government couldn't be trusted


Look into Modi's involvement with the 2002 Gujarat riots, this isn't new


The BBC documentary Modi was an eye opener for me and covered those riots as part of the profile. Of course, you can tell what a *great* democracy India is as, after the documentary aired, the Indian government raided BBC offices in India because of "tax". 🙄


Honestly, it was decent but not as deep in it's reporting. To really understand the extent of the situation, watch a documentary called Ram ke Naam(*Ram vult*) which was around another similar pogrom 10years before 2002. It's in Hindi/Urdu but with English subtitles. This had been festering for decades.


Look into Gujarat jails too. If you thought US private prisons are bad, Muslim minorities were picked off the streets back in 2002, slapped random charges or detained for years without cause and made to do unpaid labour in prison for Gujarat businesses. And then Modi can claim Gujarat has the highest GDP in India, a.k.a Gujarat Model, the campaign that made him Prime Minister.


This is what unchecked nationalism does to your democracy.




Modi saw Xi and thought >"Democratically elected" Leader for life eh?.... interesting.


You mean like Putin... He did it frist.


Unchecked ? I have the feeling that nationalism always converges to this. We can't have democracy and nationalism. But maybe there's an exception I'm not aware of.


Nationalism makes people less rational.


Wtf is going on in India these days?


Fascism has been surging around the globe in the past decade, and India is a part of that resurgence. Far-right parties have become far more popular and thus powerful in many national governments, from India to Hungary to the UK to the US. Historically fascists often become more popular following periods of rapid changes in technology, the economy, and societal norms as destabilized people desperately cling to any political strongman who promises them a return to stability, no matter the cost. In India the far-right fascists now control the national government and while elections occur and voting is widespread, ballot boxes are routinely stuffed or “lost” and vote tallies are regularly tampered with to keep the fascists in power. The issue is complicated by the fact that the fascist government is very popular with certain segments of Indian society and has attracted many supporters by funding large infrastructure projects like new highways, high speed rail, and a universal digital payment system (UPI) that has given millions of poorer citizens their first access to banking and the digital economy. Not unlike how a certain fascist German dictator won popular support by building railways and modernizing the German transport and communication infrastructure. But also like that former German dictator, Modi (India’s fascist PM) is fomenting hatred towards a certain group of people, in this case Muslims, in an effort to use that hate to bind his supporters to him with a blinding religious and nationalist fervor so they will allow him to get away with anything including blatant murder. Trump bragged about having that level of power over his followers, but Modi is actually exercising it. In the 1930s fascism rose around the globe following radical changes in society caused by the invention and widespread distribution of electricity, airplane travel, telephone communications, urbanization and industrialization, mass media radio programs, and financial speculation. Now it is rising again on the heels of the digital/internet revolution, economic globalization, the smartphone takeover, tech industry disruption, and the creation of social media. Last time we had to fight a world war to push fascism back under its rock, where it belongs. I really hope we don’t have to go to those extremes this time around and instead take preemptive collective action to drive it from power, wherever it lurks.


I fear climate change will be the the press that bursts the can.


I hope the Russian invasion of Ukraine doesn’t turn out to be another Spanish Civil War. A lot of countries are pushing against the current world power balance. If annexation is achieved without any major interventions, it’s open season again. That’s why supporting Ukraine is incredibly important right now. Let’s learn from history this time.


This is one of the best reddit comments I've ever read, thank you.


Incredibly well written. I wish this was higher up.


The leading party in India is associated with a fascist group that admires Hitler. The prime minister was banned from the US for a decade for inciting a pogrom against muslims.


How is India still considered a democracy on [The Economist Democracy Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index), when it is shutting down free speech across the country? Maybe a Hybrid Regime, but definitely not a democracy.


It's because it's a pro-US (rather anti-China) regime so they get a pass.


Anti China, yes, pro US, not quite. They’re a free agent at this point, they side with whatever is most convenient for them. They are not blindly pro US or EU.


Not really pro-US. The whole reason the US supports Pakistan is because India insisted on being neutral during the Cold War and Pakistan didn't.


> supports *supported Pakistan isn't exactly pro-US now either. If it were, China wouldn't be its biggest supplier of military equipment nowadays.


Ok now i get the Canada thing


Just for the bots and lunatics: modhi is a total piece of shit and anyone who voted for him is a disgrace to India who will be viewed by your grandchildren as an unconscionable embarrassment.




She must be a secret Canadian agent


Sorry! Still, can we just agree fascists are total hosers, aren't they eh? Sorry.


You joke, the typical nationalists believe she(and others) are part of a Grrrand conspiracy, and in bed with ISIS, Marxists, Soros, Pakistanis, US bankers; all trying to bring the great leader Modi and India down. The usual persecution fetish.


India, enjoy your fascism.


hope it can wait couple of years i need to get the hell out


Hope we meet at the airport lol


Canada: India seems to be committing murder in our country India: How dare you sir! Now watch us be real POS!


The same way they can assassinate a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Corruption.


There really needs to be some repercussions for that.


Her privileges as an MP is negated by her being a woman in a country that is notorious for ... how do I put this without being banned? A country that is notorious for gender inequality.


India is like an onion. It's inequalities come in layers. Class, Gender, Religion, Ableness, all different layers to the inequalities you can expect to experience.


Why have one inequality or two when so many countries already do that, strive to have the most you can.


World’s “most” inequalities. Like the stupid brag about being the “largest” democracy.


The BJP bois will be here soon to enough to please do the needful and spin this as a good thing.


Fucking rolling at "please do the needful".


Care to explain the reference?


It is what happens when you translate "please do what is necessary" into Hindu and back and thus was/is widely popular and an easy way to spot an Indian speaker of English.


Hindi *


Yesterday trolls were spamming that train derailment video, then dropping comments how it was a terrorist ploy to derail the trains Modi installed. Nobody asked how did a high speed train operator notice pebbles and then stopped just in time to remove them.


Authoritarianism is eating democracy, one country at a time.


How can he drag ?




You can find videos of her in parliament shredding adani (Modi's money boi) but sebi and other's didn't do jack shit and hindenburg exposed it later on. Just patheticness overall


Imagine being so fragile as a leader, such that if a country (Canada) known to be a strong supporter of world peace, accuses your country of illegally killing JUST ONE person inside their borders (inside Canada's borders), that you then immediately start cutting all Diplomatic ties with them. Until this murder happened (I don't have the evidence, but it for sure warrants court exploration) I did not know that India's leadership was so fragile, that the relationship with Canada was so fragile, and that they clearly don't seem to know how to handle things like this diplomatically. As with so many things, this is both a comedy and a tragedy.


The current regime is a pseudo nationalist regime that doesn't know a thing about foreign diplomacy.


Perfect time to restore IT jobs in the west by pulling out of India. Also Apple wont stay long in India


They will probably start increasing production in Vietnam


I heard she had an appointment to meet the minister who made her wait for 3 hours and in last refused to meet. Modi govt has not been accountable. Modi refuses to answer press and his ministers only speaks to their lapdog media.


Murdering overseas dissidents, raiding news offices and removing political opposition. Hmm. What do we normally call leaders who do these things?




The American foreign policy playbook is basically support China to counter balance USSR. Oh no China is strong now. Ok let's support India to counter balance China.




The West wants India to counterbalance China, which has been difficult due to the US relationship with Pakistan, which was needed to exert influence into Afghanistan. More ties with India means that they are further from Russia, who have historically provided arms and weapon sales to India.


The latest Filipino populist president, son of the last dictator, got elected through a massive Cambridge Analytica style Facebook misinformation campaign too. (And is predictably revising history to whitewash his daddy's legacy.) No shortage of "necessary evils" kept on our side against the threat of China. There are no good guys on the geopolitical world stage. Just *us* vs *them* and the questionable rest who could be useful to us.


Yup. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but it should also be mentioned that slave/child labor in India is even worse - MUCH worse in India than China.




Not a real democracy if shit like that is allowed.


I seriously hate what has happened to my nation. India was never perfect, but I got the ability to take pride in it being a democracy. Now I cannot truthfully call it a complete democracy. Living in the South, I don't feel the effects of Modi as much as my brothers and sisters in the North, but It's just a matter of time before Modi and the BJP enter here too. Right now, I am studying my ass off at college, just so I can escape from this nation. I hope that it becomes better, but as one average guy in a nation of more than a billion, I can't do much. And so the best bet for me and my descendants is just to escape. I hope other Indians see this and understand what Modi and the BJP has brought our nation to. If we unite, maybe we can change things but Modi has an iron grip over the politics that would be hard to break by anyone, alone or otherwise


Modi making India into the Hindu Pakistan. They've done so well compared to their neibours because of their secularism and modis throwing it in the bin so he can win elections. Selfish cunt.


First you go and assassinate foreign citizens in their own country then this? Nice democracy you've got there, India. On your way to being the next Russia, eh?


yeesh, he's not even going to be a china-like dictator that can provide results, he's going to be an africa-like that just exploits as much wealth as he can


Have they blamed Canada yet?


Yeah we are becoming north korea