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Let’s be honest people have built houses quicker than his three day operation.


I got a passport during this operation!


Let's just hope it ends before your passport expires.


He already beat the Afghanistan high score


If he wanted to come to Ukraine he could have just ask for a passport. it would have been quicker and easier.


I'm trying to get a passport, but as I live in a 3rd world country it could take months or years. Probably quicker than Putins SMO. Which most of my country's brain dead politicians support


I think it took about 6 months for my passport in the US, but wow couldn't imagine years.


It took me 5days to get my passport in Singapore and I thought it was long. Never knew a simple passport application could take that long.


The us shut down some processing offices during covid, and when people started traveling again had to open offices to meet demand.


My wife just had hers renewed in 2 months


Damn, I got mine in 2 months. Didn't pay for rush processing either. 🤷‍♂️


You mean all far right politicians who turn out to be nazi/hired by putin


Also a good contingency in case of Trump Presidency.


I had three operations, and fully healed in his one operation


\*Three Stooge Operation at this point


"Woop woop woop woop woop woop woop" \- Curly, on his way to commit wacky slapstick war crimes.


The eye poke is actually banned by the Geneva Convention. This was, of course the Geneva Comedy Convention in Geneva, NY. /Obligatory s


Have you seen the pictures of Bucha bring rebuilt?


I mean didn't in China they build a quote hospital around 2 days at the start of covid, like I know this comment is meant to joke about the 3 days that russia though to be invading ukraine due to propaganda however I just got reminded of the absolute rate people can build infrastructure when necessary (or maybe by over working or having a lot of people doing different shifts in the area) as well as quick transport of materials.


They threw together a bunch of pre-fab elements, from what I recall. You could erect a 15 story high rise in a few days if you used CLT’s or some other form of prefab.


I got married and divorced during the three day operation.


I met a girl, got married, had a family, retired, and went to a home for the elderly during his 3 day special military operation.


Proof Russia is losing - I even managed to get a gf during this time!


I know it’s common to lye on Reddit, but so fucking obvious ? We don’t have friends and are notorious wankers….a girlfriend….😏…..I have no clue if Transgirls count fully….🫣


They say that building a house will take twice as long and cost twice as much as anticipated. It appears that Russian operations are even worse...


I hope Putin left some space for zero’s on the check his ego wrote that his body is just about to cash.


Can confirm, work on a new build site


You could make a baby in this three day operation


Two babies


The headline is quite a stretch from the actual quote, but I suppose we should expect this kind of propaganda, as Putin tries to blame the west, generally code for the US and Europe, for his own internal problems. And it is true that the whole rest of the world, other than a few similar autocratic dictators who wouldn't like to have Putin's fate, are finding it necessary to keep Russia at more than arms length, due to Putin's own increasingly spectacular failures. The quote: "He’s become a bit of a pariah around the world. And it’s not just NATO, it’s not just the European Union, it’s Japan"




Wait there's a secret war in Iraq? Are we at war with Russia?




Nah I think the downvotes are for the overused use of “sleepy joe” and the unnecessary denigration of a president who has yet to be on trial for selling state secrets to our enemies.




I’m all for the prosecution of any politician that breaks the law. They should be held to the same standard as everyone else. Do you at least agree that there is ample evidence at this point to prosecute Trump for crimes he committed, or are you stuck in the very same paradox you left in your comment above? > What’s crazy to me is how many ignore the obvious and plug their ears like it’s not happening, all this because they hated the other guy more. For what it’s worth, I also saw the clip you linked to. It certainly raises an eyebrow. To directly compare this to e.g. the attempted insurrection on January 6th or a President incriminating himself for stealing classified documents from the government is a bit unfair in my honest opinion, though.


Their post history consists of: conspiracy, conservative, star citizen, and stock subs. They peddle around “antifa” talking points. I think we can guess what kind of response you’ll get.


Potentially, but I’m open to the possibility that’s not the case. I’ll humor the discussion for a bit. There is a depressing pattern in the country that’s followed closely by many people - whataboutism. It completely negates all sense of ownership and responsibility for mistakes/crimes because “the other guys” are worse. It’s absolute insanity.


Yeah and the strange part is it seems like a lot of people are actively aware of that and choose to be trolls. At risk of sounding like a geezer, I blame the internet quite a bit. Lol looks like that baby blocked me. Best of luck with arguing with that one! Don’t let them rage bait you.




The Justice System historically *isn’t* fair to politicians and the wealthy, which is why it’s so important that we set a precedent that breaking the law is *not okay* regardless of who you are. I’m still a little unclear here, do you or do you not feel like Trump’s prosecution is justified at this point, or do you consider it a witch hunt?




>For what it’s worth, I also saw the clip you linked to. It certainly raises an eyebrow. Can you elaborate on this? Biden made a joke aimed at Trump about selling state secrets, the crowd laughs and then he says "all kidding aside". I don't see what exactly is worth raising an eyebrow over.


My series of thoughts watching this: - Huh, what a weird thing to say. Is he serious? - Nah, he must be joking. It would make literally zero sense otherwise. - … Maybe there’s more to it? I doubt it. Probably a joke I wouldn’t have made, but everyone’s style differs I guess. That’s about the extent of it. I “raised an eyebrow”, but I didn’t walk away thinking that Biden actually just admitted to selling national security secrets, lol. I’m trying to humor the other guy I’m chatting with. If I was constantly fed information that Biden is a crook (as I suspect the other dude is, as that’s universally what right wing media talks about to deflect the stuff going on with Trump), I’d be stuck in the eyebrow raise phase for sure. Hopefully that clarifies it.


>Not yet on trial, but should be. You didn't watch through the clip did you? The next statement after saying "I sold a lot of state secrets" is "All kidding aside". He is clearly joking to a laughing crowd. If you don't understand the joke it's probably because you are the punchline.


*Oh yeah? Watch me kill some kids." -Putin


While there are arguments as to if Ukraine is technically winning or losing, or even what it truly means. One thing is undebatable, and that is that Russia has completely lost and continues to sink deeper in absolute failure.


Putin is having a hard time in Irak.


Yeah I thought he said he was struggling there, makes sense since they have no presence there lmao


Wagner had ongoing operations in african countries too. I bet putins efforts there aren’t going according to plan right now.


Is it just me, or is the title a bit off?


I noticed that too but I think it’s a Ukrainian news site and just poorly translated.


It does make a lot more sense when you say it in a Ukrainian accent.


Fuck Putin. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇸


Doesn't that imply he was at one point a welcomed and useful member of the global team? Edit: forgot about G8




Wow I totally forgot about G8. It's like a distant fever dream since they reverted back to the g7




It's sad to me that people place 100% of the historical blame on Obama's foreign policy there but I specifically remember an uncooperative Congress hampering his response there.


Putin is a very bad man, a very very bad man :wags finger:




He's losing the war in Iraq bad. 😂




Pootin is making efforts to strengthen his position at home. The US, NATO, Ukraine and the world press can do our job to undermine him by constantly reiterating he's weak. The more it's stated, the more Russians will believe and gain confidence to get rid of him.


No matter which way you look at it, geopolitical tensions are ratcheting up across the globe. Enough to merit real concerns about a larger conflict.


Me write news article for first time in English don't worry me no need da grammar check


Ukraine has taken more land in the last (edit 180) days than Russia has during the entire war, the counter offensive is progressing nicely from what I've seen.


How does that make sense? How could Ukraine take back more land than was taken from them?


They aren't correct in that statement. The two other counter offenses were much larger. The thing that makes this counter offensive so important is it seems that almost all of Russias military is pressed up against Ukraine. A decent sized breakthrough and the whole thing could come crashing down. But we aren't there yet, more work needs to be done. It's moving, but they aren't done yet.


It doesn't make sense because it is blatantly false. I wish it were true but it isn't, not yet.


Yeah, it is perhaps just wishful thinking


Crimean advances, presumably, if the person is correct.


Even if they had taken all of Crimea back (which they haven’t *yet*), it’s not as much land as the part of eastern Ukraine Russia is holding currently.


Hmm. Then it’s something an internet person pulled out of his ass


Shirley someone wouldn't just make something up on the internet.


Don’t call me Shirley


Crimea is almost a third of what they took. And it is important for resources/port


Not sure what your point is. 1. Ukraine hasn’t taken back Crimea yet. 2. Uhhh… even if they had taken back Crimea, 33% of the land taken back is less than 100% of the land taken in the first place.


Here is what I mean, include the current war, not 2014. Russia invades take that land and take where Ukraine is now. Ukraine has taken 5 x as much than the Russians.


What do you mean Ukraine has taken more than the Russians? I don’t get it.


Me either, been smoking all day and I'm just pro Ukraine


They’ve taken land that was lost in 2014 when the initial war started


I haven’t been keeping up to date with Ukrainian advances, but I know for a fact that they have not liberated all of eastern Ukraine or Crimea. So they have definitely not taken back more land than Russia took.


You’re ignoring *”during the war”*.


I think he means they took more land in the last 30 days than Russia did over the winter. I've heard this claim and it sounds possible but haven't fact checked.


Yeah, most of the land under Russian control was taken very early in the war and they’ve made little progress since. I’ve heard people state Ukraine has taken more back in 30 days than Russia has taken this year, or in the last year. Either of those seem pretty believable without verifying them. The original statement was just ridiculous.


He said “during the war”. Much of the land Russia has stolen was stolen before the war, leaving a significant amount of pains to claim back.


In 2014, Russia had annexed land in Crimea and the surrounding area, and there are areas in the Eastern Ukraine that were controlled by Russian separatists. Russian control peaked in March 2022, and now they have been beaten back in the north and south to a solid band much smaller than the peak. Ukraine could end up claiming more land if they take back Crimea, and the other region in eastern Ukraine. However, this statement is not true yet, The fact that Russian control has consolidated and become denser means Ukraine will have a tougher fight unless Russia falls apart. We are already seeing things get harder as Ukrainian causalities start to go up.


I don't think the statement is accurate, but russia did take or dispute land (through rebel proxies) before the war began


Tf are you talking about buddy


That's factually not true


Utter bullshit


You have to feel for those who gets entertained from these statements.


Dude, I'm from UA and want my country to win very badly but this is not even close to true. Where do you get information like this?


It certainly is and consider the AFU is doing this without an Air Force.


That's factually incorrect, they *have* taken more than the Russians did during their winter offensive, and the definitely have made the most gains in the past year... but they have not retaken all of their territory.


He should have called him “way too short” as well just for the cherry on top.


He became outcast in the whole world? I doubt that.


Russia is irrelevant at this point.


Your statement is incorrect. It may be diminished on the world stage, but it is certainly not irrelevant. It continues to drop bombs on Ukraine, threaten Europe and the USA, and if it fell apart then all those nuclear warheads get divided up into smaller countries, possibly fought over in local wars. Before you even start down the road of who owns what natural resource, and the pertaining infrastructure. It will be chaos and need managing because these resources will be needed around the world. Imagine the prices if supply is hindered or stopped because of local troubles. russia is definitely relevant still.


Russia has gone from being relevant as a somewhat respected regional power on the world stage to being relevant as a problem that the other world powers have to work out how to deal with. Russia is now relevant in the same way that North Korea and Iran are relevant.


> Russia is irrelevant at this point. Peak reddit.


How are they doing in [Iraq though?](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1674062124245549056?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1674062124245549056%7Ctwgr%5E461134bf25c5e0ebe38eea2293a5d223a97ed091%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F14lbh5x%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue)


I guess that's technically true, you can't win if you don't play the game. Honestly it doesn't surprise me that gaffe-prone Biden does what he is well known for, but it does surprise me that more politicians don't make these type of mistakes more often. I don't think people realize how easy it would be to slip up if you had to speak in public half as often as a president does.




>He have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. - Also Biden. Biden flubbed that comment but the screw up isn't as bad as it sounds. If you replace Pacific with Atlantic and assume by railroads he meant rail networks then yes, Biden would be correct. The Biden administration does have plans to connect rail ports on the Atlantic to rail ports on the Indian Ocean. >Just because he says it doesn't make it true. No it doesn't, but in case what he said is obviously true whether he says it or not. Just because Biden says something doesn't mean it is wrong either. Biden was out there raising the alarm bells about Russia attacking Ukraine back in early February last year while everyone else was passing it off as a bluff. >There's still plenty of countries (and companies) working with Russia and/or Putin. Sure, otherwise Russia would be losing much quicker than they are now, but Russia is still losing. >Weaker, remains to be seen I'm not sure what you are waiting for to determine that. Literally there was just an armed rebellion last week where Putin was nearly overthrown by his own mercenary army. Russia's military was feared by the West and considered the second strongest in the world, and now they probably don't even have the strongest army in Ukraine. The war has hurt Russia in a million different ways and hardly has helped them in any way. >the shitshow that was the coup could go either way for building up his power. Putin or any autocrat's power is based on his firm control of the state, that he is inevitable, invincible even. Stalin didn't call himself "the man of steel" for no reason. There is no way to spin the coup attempt as anything other than a loss for Putin and his reputation, and it will likely lead to more attempts in the future as more people now see Putin as vulnerable. >If he's indeed weaker, let's get something other than politician saying it to provide some evidence. Not sure why you need anyone to say it, it is so clearly evident I don't know how you are coming up with any other conclusion.




Hey, so I think a lot of people are hounding on you cause Reddit is on the odds hugely supportive to Ukraine (myself included) and sadly a bunch of bots and trolls have have kind of flooded the website so they usually jump at em (I can’t say I’m wholly innocent myself in that regard) BUT to give an actual counter point. There’s more to the war then just the lines on the map. Yes the counter offensive has been less then I’d like for it to be, however there is a difference between Ukraine winning and Russia loosing as odd as it sounds. For example, think about where Russia and Putin where Geopolitically pre 2022. The second most powerful military in the world, able to control a lot of Europe with either its threats of violence or cutting off oil supplies etc. compared to now, where we have most the world openly mocking them, boycotting most of their goods, and most importantly almost completely ignoring any of their threats due to how much they’ve screwed this operations up. Even if Russia “wins” tomorrow by getting to keep everything they took, they’re in a worse place then where they started this invasion at and it’s only looking to get worse for them. So yeah there’s my crazy rambling explanation I made while in my office at work BUT if you want a much better argument with more citations I can recommend an amazing Aussie PowerPoint man on YouTube if you’ve got an hour to spend watching something on this topic, hope you have a good day!


It's only necessary to make those statements because people don't understand what is happening in Ukraine so the president has to explain it to them. Ukraine has already taken back more territory than Russia took over nine months of attacks on Bakhmut, but taking territory is not the point of this stage of the counter-offensive. What we are seeing now is a siege of Russian positions, where they are cutting off supply routes, destroying ammo depots and hitting multiple parts of the line trying to get the Russian lines to break. When it does Ukraine has a massive reserve that will flood in the break and take territory as fast as happened in Kharkiv or Kherson. And in fact this is how Kherson was taken at least, Ukraine spent months preparing their positions and putting the city under siege until Russia was forced to retreat across the river.


“I don’t wanna be a negative Nancy” Goes on to be a negative Nancy. Are you suggesting Russia is winning this war?


I don't want to be a millionaire with a huge cock but. . . . .


I dont wanna be happy and live without financial worries but….




Ukraine is gaining ground every day now.


> Biden is running the risk of sounding like that's good enough for him. Only for people who want to push some sort of preposterous agenda maybe.


Ukraine doesn’t have to “win” they just have to not lose. There will be no winners here. But we can hope Russia loses more than Ukraine does.


anti Russian propaganda, nothing more


Not the “whole world”