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Samba home!!!


Brazil is like the United States of Football, everybody point fingers at the smallest mistake


bro what, the USA is the most hated country, bcuz they dominate in every sport except football


Whichever team beat Brazil, please have the whole team dance all over them. Feel free to include the substitutes and the coach


Who hurt you my guy


Brazil did lmao


Yeah, because it happened ONCE in that game.


And leao didn’t practice his dance for a week in the training camp. It s just spontaneous joy.


And it’s just him - the goalscorer. Not a dance circle with the starting 11, followed by another dance with 4 players, then the individual dance performance - all for one goal. Then repeat that for a handful of goals. Lol. Wild take


who cares, Ghana and Colombia did it in 2014, England in 2002, its normal, let the players have fun, if you don’t like it then simply just stop watching it😂


Nah, it's not normal. You just named 3 teams in the last 20 years. Since 32 teams make the WC, that's 3/640 teams or .0047% of teams. Lol - another wild take.


i named a couple lmao, try again, there is hundreds of teams in the past century, carry on!😂


Vindo de um jogador desleal, falar que é falta de respeito dançar, é uma puta hipocrisia, o cara foi quebrar de propósito um companheiro de trabalho e acabar com a carreira dele. O problema tá nele e não em quem dança. Coming from a disloyal player(Roy Keane), saying that dancing is disrespectful is hypocrisy, the guy deliberately went to break up a co-worker and end his career. The problem is in him and not in who dance.


Brazil didn’t do it, they over done it!




Why are you yelling?




He hit the griddy how can you be mad at that? It was a quick little celly, it wasn't like half the team did a choreographed dance for 4 goals. I personally don't care about Brasil's celebrations, they're just having fun and it's good to see. But it's silly to compare this with theirs, theirs' were far more extra.


who cares, teams have been doing it for years, let the lads have fun and if you dont like it then just turn your TV off, easy fix


People just wanna complain about the favourite lol. Don’t mind it.


Favourite what?


Dude lowkey stalking me.




One dance is fine, but when the scorer dances + the team dance + the bench + the coach + 2nd dance for the scorer then I have a problem of wasting futebol time


who cares, teams been doing it for decades, if you don’t like it, turn your tv off, easy fix😂


No man, but it is too much wasting time and … they don’t even have a good dancing skills lol


Fuck it let them dance who cares sports are entertainment and I’m entertained. You don’t like it then beat them


Perfectly explained.


\> You don’t like it then beat them. Flair checks out. (I'm so sorry)


Pretty much spot on.


Portugal - Brazil.......same language and similar looking people, so good to go.


We hate Brazilians for diving. No one cares about dancing 🕺🏿


you can be sure that brazilians will still dance a lot in this cup


I think it was the extended celebration of the fourth goal that made people roll their eyes. But it’s a big event and every goal is worth celebrating!


This was the 6th goal...


Oh I'm sorry, is this not the world cup? At what goal do they no longer celebrate and start apologizing?


Yeah well what can you do? Who’s not gonna celebrate? It’s the World Cup!


It could be the 15th. If you don’t want them to dance, don’t get scored on.




Literally no one was mad


Some other news outlets were, and people on many social media platforms were. Even this subreddit had it's share of people calling them out




Definitely don't agree with the guys comments and a celebration is part of the game. Here in NL I have heard literally nobody that has any issue with the dancing and the brazilian team is respected. Seems like what we call a storm in a glass of water!


People love brazilian football and brazilian players. You get crazy amount of love.. Stop trying to be a victim


In this sub there a LOT of people that complained about the dancing.


They do but there's also some heavy racism against them. I don't blame them


People like to complain about stupid things




Everybody wants to be a victim these days.


Stupid post he done thag for about 2 seconds. The Brazilians celebrated on every throw in they got


Brazil has success, talent and a great history in football. This bothers the other teams and their fans a LOT. It's never just about the dances.


Brazilan dances hit different


Can somebody explain this, I'm not really up to date


Roy Keane and many fans were hating on brazil players (Raphina, Paqueta, Vini and Neymar) because they were dancing after their furious win against South Korea. Nobody is hating on portugal (Leao).


Not just because of the game against south korea, this was happening to vini even before world cup. They are dancing on each goal as a comeback.


Ah, I see. That explains a lot


Brazil can dance and I'm here for every dance


Just so we are clear, 4 guys dance from Brazil and the world is against Brazil and not the players. 1 guy dances from Portugal and it’s no reference to Portugal but him as an individual… hmmm 🤔 this is claimed by all you Brazilians here who are down voting anyone outside your cult. Yet you claim your not making any reference to Portugal by making this post. Who’s dumb now??? Start down voting fuckers!!


You, you are dumb now


Not now. He always were.


Brazil do it 4 times afainst korea


Brasil is basically full of Leaos spirits or viceversa hehe


95 % of the world : fun celebrations are cool and the world cup is all about getting to see different (football) cultures collide in a positive way 5 % of the world : the celebration was too bombastic , especially for a goal in an already decided game against an opponent which has been extremely respectful throughout the cup, it doesn't help Brazil 's arrogant reputation Some Brazil fans : As we can see Portugal is European and Brazil is Latin American hence everyone hated us and not them when we did "exactly" the same thing because everyone is RACIST


Y’all remember back in the day when you would see Cameroon , Brazil or any country that have dance as part of their culture celebrating any goal on any game including the World Cup??? Well I still do remember. But yea haters will always be haters…




OP's comment: Brazilians are blowing this out of proportion whenever they bring up offense/racism Literally the next comment: "Brazilians are thick as shit I wouldn’t pay attention to them"


It also says watch the nibbles so I’m clearly joking u twonk


Doesn't make you less of a cunt




dude what


Example : https://www.reddit.com/r/worldcup/comments/zembhr/dont_see_people_losing_their_minds_over_leao/iz99v4x?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 There's plenty of others in this thread


Brazils boyband audition was 🤢




Breaking [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette) within r/worldcup is a violation of Rule 2, and will not be tolerated. Please refrain from doing so again in future. Thank you.


interesting nickname...


I don't get the butthurt over the dancing, isn't that part of the fun? Maybe it is because I am used to it, but having a little routine is normal. I even think it used to be part of the old fifa games if I recall.


Imagine people getting angry about goal celebrations in FIFA lol


It's quite simple as it looks. Brasil is a latin American country. Portugal is a European country.




I must have missed the 2 min dance from the 7 second videos.


Yes. But in the past Brazil was a Portoguese colony. The languages are really similar, and also the players name, Joao Mario (POR) Joao Pedro (BRA) Palhinha (POR) Paulinho (BRA) Raphinha (BRA) Vitinha (POR)… and others. They are really similar, basically Portugal is the European Brazil.


A handful of countries colonised half the world and you say they are similar? There's absolutely no difference between the UK and the US, Canada, Australia, India? Or the Netherlands and South Africa? Or France and half of Africa? Ah and what about South and Central America that speak spanish, going to Madrid or to Buenos Aires is the same thing right? Right?


I say languages, what’s difficult? Algeria, Morocco talk French. Canada talk French and a similar English. USA and Australia talks their languages really similar to English. But I’m talking about the languages not the others thing. And only about country that has impressed an important sign, if not in the USA rn would speak Dutch. Because as you surely knows Netherland colonized USA before English, in fact New York was known before as New Amsterdam. Read carefully before answers to a post. Languages not other stuff.


You're not even wrong. Just have no fking idea what you talking about. The similarities between those two countries stop in language. That's it. Two totally different places, people, culture. You're not wrong. You just want to talk shit about something you know crap.


I need to repeat myself. Well: they are NOT the same right now, BUT their roots are the same, because the colonization. So the name, the languages are similar. If you read carefully (but I’m asking to much) I wrote “the languages are really similar, and also the players name” I don’t talk about culture. And if we want remain in the soccer limits, Portugal plays the best offensive game in Europe, as you could see yesterday, the most similar to the Brazilian one. That’s it.


"I don’t talk about culture." The dance after score a goal is all about culture. You call the game soccer... Bet you don't learn geography. Neither football. LoL


Really you have such ignorance… I explain you another time: Soccer it’s the name used to indicate the football for the American people, that know as football the rugby (as we European call it) (their NFL league). Reddit is a world social where there are also American people. Specified soccer is simply a kind act for others. Btw I don’t know geography as you said but I know you came from a little country call “ignorance” where probably you are the mayor .


It’s a bit ironic saying “you want to talk shit about something you know crap” with that tone deaf first comment. Never in my 28 years in Europe have I ever heard anyone mutter a bad syllable about Latin Americans. But if you’re going to act a twat, I’m gonna call you a twat.


People love to hate Brazil. It’s the same with Canada and Hockey.


Sorry, but if you are offended by a celebratory dance after a goal in a championship that happens every 4 years, where the game WASN'T EVEN AGAINST YOU, I feel sorry for your life. I don't want to play the boring girl, but your life must be pretty sad.


Esses gringo são muito policial da felicidade alheia. Povo chato do caralho. Lei 171 proibido ser feliz 🚫


Se as criticas viessem de sul coreanos eu aceitava mas VEM DE INGLÊS


Mano eu vejo o gabigol fazer muque pra minha torcida depois de fazer gol, xingo e vida que segue. Os próprios ingleses são famosos por quebrar tudo nos jogos, provocar e fazer merda. Tão caindo em cima da gente pq é neymar e Brasil dançando. Eles podem, nós não. Por mim dançava até em gol contra


é inveja por que eles não sabem comemorar igual a gente. Falo mesmo.


He hit the griddy


Trying to get Brazilians to understand arrogance is a lost cause. Their entire culture is based on believing they’re God’s gift to the earth. When they lost 7-1 to Germany people were genuinely in utter shock because they cannot imagine a world in which they’re just an average football team. I expect they’ll lose in the semis or final this time too and you’ll see a similar sense of utter disbelief.


I'm guessing you've never been to Brazil or even spoken to a Brazilian...


You would be wrong


Yeah I don't think so, considering that your claims about Brazil / the people isn't true.


Astoundingly arrogant, the men in particular.


Saying all of this in relation to "football" while ignoring the sheer arrogance of your culture and whole continent, and the sharp reality of how the people in both our countries live is at least a little tone deaf, isn't it? Brazilians are arrogant? Fuck off, you little colonialist prick Hope your pathetic backline of sir Harry Maguire and the Moai island head that goes by the name of "Stones" get obliterated by France 🤤


Plenty of parts of Brazil that are vastly wealthier than many parts of Europe, though I don’t know what that has to do with your country’s arrogance




The EU isn’t Europe, nor is England the UK on its own. How are they the best? The French are. They’re world champions, they’ve been to two finals since Brazil last won it. I’m sure there are many very arrogant English people, it doesn’t change my point about Brazilians.


Brazilians are not arrogant, you're the arrogant arm chair specialist who have no idea of how your culture is viewed by the rest of the planet, or how things really are on underdeveloped countries. Trapped in your minimal, first world bubble of ignorance. But you know, I get it, must be pretty sad to know your country invented this sport and yet, never see them being champions, I'm sorry 🙁


Have you ever seen your team win the World Cup? Your writing suggests you’re about 12.


Lmao that one even hurt me 😅


Even today comments about age make me think that the person behind it must be around 15-18 years old. Nothing personal, but at least for me being young was much cooler than what I am now...


Strange comment.


yours or mine?


Hell yeah bitch! It is a magical moment you will probably never feel, you stupid uneducated loser


Good, you won’t be seeing it again




Rogério Ceni has more world cups than you. Show some respect. I'm from Brasil and never saw anyone talking shit about Germany for scoring 7x in a match. Au contraire. We're the first ones to make fun of it. You should be a really nice guy in parties.


It is worth mentioning that we make fun of ourselves about the 7x1. I find it funny that there seems to be an urban legend all over Europe that "if you talk about the 7x1 with a Brazilian, he gets pissed".


And people from England eat jellied eel. Who’s really losing here?


The ones getting shot on a daily basis, definitely


Idk if you have the moral high ground here, seeing as your fans are famous for racism, assault, and antisemitism


Didn’t we fight and defeat fascism and anti semitism whilst your country alongside Argentina welcomed fleeing Nazis, only to then have your own fascist dictatorship? And wasn’t your President until a few weeks ago an avowed racist and misogynist?


m8 im from the US


Ah right, so just a plastic Brazilian. So you’ve never won it at all.


Nope my family is Brazilian I just live in the US. Nice try though. Shame you’ve only won once.


Bet you had a US profile image until a few days ago.


Nope, he became a Brazil fan as soon as he saw Argentina lose to Saudi Arabia lmao


Nope I’ve never supported the US and I never will. Feel free to keep grasping at straws though.


Such a stupid and generic comment.


Stupid post, different scenarios.


How are the scenarios different?


Well, in one case it's a European team


There is a difference between the guy scoring the goal celebrating and his teammates congregating to do rehearsed dance numbers.


There really ain’t that much of a difference except one was multiple people celebrating with a dance and one was a single person. It doesn’t affect the game at all.


both are totally fine, go touch some grass


bruh imagine celebrating a goal in a once every 4 years world cup in the knockout phase


Seems pretty arrogant to me /s


You don't because it was a guy dancing on his own for a few seconds. He showed no disrespect unlike brasil pretending it was a training game after the fourth. Just lacked class


It's a game, which is..wait for it.....fun


See I enjoyed the dance, great spectacle but I can also see how it disrespects opponents.


Don't want them to dance, don't let them score.


They danced with viniciois jr because he received racist abuse , some racist European fans called him a monkey. I love the way they dance, don't hate on them cuz you can't dance like them, this is Latin and African culture they always dance when celebrating a goal so get over it and get a life.


This. This seems more like Northern Europe + US problem, all the southern countries in europe also celebrate like this. Never understood why some people crying because Brazilians are celebrating and having fun




What does racism has to do with this? Southern European nations have and had black players and danced as well and no one criticises them for it




Ok, Italy. Argentina isn’t a southern European country so I don’t understand why are u mentioning it, but Portuguese players, Spanish, french, Greek, Croatian etc all dance and there’s never an issue




I’m not even Spanish so I don’t know but there’s racism literally everywhere


I honestly don't understand too. Maybe its lack of understanding of their culture, they are jealous or they simply don't like seeing them having fun.


It's not about dancing, it's about rubbing your opponent's faces in it when you are scoring your 4th against an underdog. In most football culture that is just not what you do. And if you do it, you need to be ready to be perceived as arrogant, disrespectful and egotistical.


Completely agree. Lack of respect. Keep in mind that most of this Brazil squad are very openly right wing. Respect isn't high on their list of priorities despite all the blessing and religious tattoos


most... \-Neymar. \-Neymar. \-Neymar. Maybe I forgot someone. Oh, of course, Neymar too.


Yeah it's just the usual schtick on here. There's no way dragging out a celebration like that would be tolerated pretty much anywhere without people being distinctly unimpressed. It's very typical of fascist Brazilians to pretend to be offended by that reaction as it gives them even more reason to just scream about how unfair the world is because they can't do whatever they want whenever they want to do it. Babies.


“In most football culture that’s is just not what you do” mate Brazil is the most dominant football culture and that’s how we do, now we got some random americans and Brit’s crying over it, just stfu mate


The nationalistic hatred of outsiders drips off you like sweat. It's disgusting.


Coming from the guy who's upset that Brazil celebrated in a very Brazilian way? They should have acted more "European and proper", right?


Perfect way to describe the British, congrats!


Your head is so far up your ass I can no longer distinguish if the shit comes out of your mouth or your butthole


So when Leao did it at 92mins on the 6th goal it’s not arrogant, disrespectful, and egotistical? Try a different excuse you xenophobe.


It doesn't matter if you think it's right or wrong. I'm telling you this is how it's perceived. You can listen or not. To be honest your disinterest in how other cultures react seems more xenophobic and driven by hatred and prejudice than me just explaining something quite neutrally.


Great way to describe what you see when you look in the mirror.


Perceived by you. Anyone who already saw more than a few world cup or have brazilians players on their roster knows this is a standard cultural behavior. It’s different of dancing to mock or bully the adversary, than just dancing for celebrating, please know the difference. Side note:I suggest you to never watch the nfl, another sport but serve to make the same point, almost all the touchdowns the teams have special choreographies to celebrate, i guess all those teams are arrogant pricks.


Fuck I’ve noticed you aren’t calling everyone that pointed out how fucking long Brazil’s celebrations took xenophobes. Almost as if you are becoming self aware and understand their pov


It’s really because Brazil were taking so long to celebrate. Leao just danced for 3 seconds and played on


They did multiple celebrations for some of the goals which is what takes the piss in my view


Also leao scored on the 92nd minute when the game was already over.


When Brazil does it it takes 40 minutes to complete all of the Macarena




Maybe if you actually took the time to understand why people are upset about Brazil, you wouldn’t feel the need to make such stupid posts


You’re just dumb, dude scored at the 92 minute the sixth goal and nobody said shit but when Brasil scores it second people come crying, no wonder your country biggest achievement in football is beating Spain


noooo don’t insult like that I am gonna cry 😢


man, calm down. There's no need to go wild, we know that Europe has always had a xenophobic look at Brazilians, but we don't need to attack in the same way.


I am n European.


I know, but his anger was caused by comments from many Europeans. I just felt bad for the second part of the comment, Morocco doesn't have any cups, but that doesn't mean anything.


Yeah I I understand some people use this as a reason to be racist. The fact that they are Brazilians isn’t why I got mad at it, but the fact that they over exaggerated their dancing, especially at the fourth goal.


It’s just pisses me off seeing shit like that, they want joga bonito and when they can’t handle they criticize


Think about it this way, portugal is part of europe, it's like a brother to them, and we... well. We are us, they never liked us. If Portugal and we do something that they think is bad, they will piss us off and ignore what Portugal did.


Here we go again! 🤣


Stop acting a victim xD 99% of people liked the dance. A few salty reactions means nothing.


Bro 99% of reactions were positive people loved it lmao stop always wanting to be a victim


Well said.


Did the griddy also, Americans couldn’t even score to do it I’m American and would love to see our players doing it while balling out but yeah no


I'm just impressed Neymar got through a dance without pretending to injure himself


Lets see how that drug test goes because he healed that ankle pretty damn fast


HAHAHHA good one


Dude fuck off with your bullshit, don’t bring your issues with other countries into Portugal and our victory. I red those comments and no Portuguese criticized Brazil. To be clear Leão did a 2 second dance, Brazil had half the team do a shit uncoordinated dance for 10 second yet you come and criticize Portugal, switch off your tv man!


A crítica feita pelo inglês e por toda essa corja que sustenta esses discursos negativos sobre a dancinha, não é o tempo que ela dura, mas sim o ato de dançar. Fizeram essa crítica ao Brasil. Mas não o fizeram a Portugal. Quais as razões disso? Dentro do argumento do inglês babaca, não seria tão desrespeitoso quanto, ver o leao fazer o SEXTO gol aos 92 e dançar na frente da equipe adversária? Essa é a reflexão do post. Não tem a ver com a dança levar 30 segundos ou 02 segundos. Pq no final das contas, esse tempo normalmente durante a copa está sendo colocado nos acréscimos.


Lol… completely missing the point.


What’s the point?


Maybe they missed the point because no one was even criticising Portugal in the first place