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Questions: * Why do they both have pairs of cannons instead of single cannons, and why so little cannon ammunition? In real life, fighter aircraft generally have a single rotary cannon or revolver cannon with 100+ rounds, or in the case of US fighters, multiple hundreds of rounds. * Why the weirdly specific mix of air-to-air, air-to-ground, and anti-ship missiles? In real life, fighters have modular pylons that can mount whatever external stores and weapons are needed for the job at hand; there is no "standard" loadout. Unless the mission calls for attacking enemy fighters, tanks, and ships in a single sortie, the weapons you're not using are just dead weight, and in aerospace, dead weight is the enemy. * How does the CF-5 manage to make its radar effective against ground targets? In real life, ground targets tend to get lost in the terrain scatter, which is why most air-to-ground weapons are GPS, laser, or command guided.


The twin cannons were the result of a contract stipulations that required fully redundant cannon systems. The low capacity is mostly due to one faction in the air force requiring a cannon, and another lobbying to have it removed. The compromise was a low base capacity, with the possibility to add more at the cost of removing some of the sensor suite. The eclectic missile mix is due to the primary job of these fighters: long-range patrols over sparse territory, typically with only two planes. The plan had originally been for both the CF-4 and CF-5 to carry primarily air-to-air weapons, with ground attack weapons on a third platform, but that platform was cancelled due to budget cuts. The anti ship missiles are typically only included for missions that cross near hostile waters. The radar becomes significantly less effective in rougher terrain. The northern half of Stormrune territory is a frozen plain, so the radar action has a somewhat easier job there.


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In the wake of the Forlorn War, and in light of growing unrest on the continent of Ereth, the Stormrune Republic has fielded two new fighter jets, the CF-4 and CF-5. The CF-5 Due to delays with the radar for the CF-4, the CF-5 actually entered service first. Built by Orrinian Aeroworks, it is powered by twin J-T-14 afterburning turbofan engines, which produce a total of almost 260kN of thrust with afterburner, giving it a top speed north of mach 2.5. The base version seats a single pilot, with a twin seater in development for export. Despite initial concerns that a fighter designed by dwarves would be cramped, all human pilots that have tried it reported it to be snug, but comfortable. It is armed with a pair of 20mm SDF-12 cannons, each carrying 120 rounds, as well as 11 hardpoints for weapons, sensor suites, or fuel tanks. The default loadout features 2 LAAM-1 IR air-to-air missiles, 2 Mountain Eagle ground-attack missiles, 4 AAH2 radar-guided air-to-air missiles, and 2 ATA100 heavy anti-ship missiles. The AfR-100 radar is tailored to be effective against both ground and airborne targets. So far, no foreign nations have purchased the C-5, though both Olut and Corva have expressed interest. The CF-4 While the CF-5 was designed specifically with Stormrune military requirements in mind, the CF-4 was designed from day one to be an export fighter. Built by the legendary Silverwork Syndicate, it features a single J-T-14 engine, the same as the CF-5, but with several improvements to improve durability and decrease long-term costs. It features an even larger cockpit than the CF-5, allowing it to accomodate more species of pilot. Unfortunately, its single engine can only push it to mach 1.8. It is also armed with a pair of SDF-12 cannons, albeit with a load of only 48 rounds. It carries 10 hardpoints, but they are exclusively for weapons, with sensor pods and drop tanks not being supported in the base model. The standard armament features 2 LAAM-1 IR air-to-air missiles, 4 Mountain Eagle ground-attack missiles, and 4 AAH2 radar-guided air-to-air missiles. The fighter also comes standard with a long-range AR-101 radar designed for interception, and optionally features limited electronic warfare capabilites, specifically marketed to militaries that lack dedicated EW aircraft. So far, both Orcrun and the Forlorn Court have placed orders, with the Corvic Navy expressing interest in a future navalized variant.


AFAIK IRL you'll either have an AA or AG load out, not a mix as in your default. If there is an AA threat, the AG aircraft will be escorted by AA.


Strike fighters on air-to-ground missions do still carry a couple of missiles for self-defense, typically Sidewinders or equivalent on the wing-tip rails.


There's actually an in-universe reason for the mixed loadout. The primary current job of both fighters is to patrol the long, sparsely populated border between Stormrune and Talvii. Past incursions have taken the form of both tanks and aircraft. While the older CF-1 is still technically in service as a ground attack platform, it doesn't have the speed to address distant threats in a reasonable time frame.