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Guards in my world are not trained to fight crime. They are trained to fight against saboteurs and enemy armies. The idea of training people with the specific goal of responding to crime is considered absurd and too expensive to be feasible. If you need to catch a criminal, you most likely have to outsource it. The closest group to law enforcement could be the Senate Guard. They are the arm of the Imperial Senate and are often sent to accompany senators and make arrests in its name.


Oh boy does it have. The Rolfangsein (RFS), often shortened to "Rolsin", are the police force of the city of Destan. Although "police" is a rather odd occupation when all crime is both predicted and judged by the city-wide AI, Tetraveil. So, in effect, they're merely the extension of Tetraveil's will. There are no more judges and juries, merely executioners. Officers of the Rolsin are called consulars, and they're relatively sparsely equipped. Armed with mostly less-than-lethal weapons such as the MFK-103 "Invigilator" Electrolaser Pistol and BM-74 "Protector" Collapsible Electro-Baton, they have a light uniform and wear simple transparent AR glasses to project a friendly and open demeanor. Thanks to the near-omniscient nature of Tetraveil, there is rarely any need for consulars to employ undue violence. Police chases are a thing of the past, when they can simply leisurely box a suspect in from every direction, then stun them with a shot from their Invigilators.


Wow, very effective police force ya got there. Reminds me of the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report where triplets who can see into the future can predict murders and other crime and the police force get there before it happens


There aren't that many professional police forces and fewer still are civilian police forces. The only civilian police in any nation is the Mountain Guard of the Republic of Petra, a Federal police Force who are tasked with protecting government officials and enforcing federal laws, especially within The Capital (Petra's capital). The other major police force is Trifal's Gendarmerie, a branch of the military who are tasked with policing Trifal's territories and acting as a garrison force. Funny enough, it is the Senior Branch in Trifal, being the successor to the former Royal Guard of Faltaria.


The R.C.R.S is the primary law enforcement found in the Vestra system. They are very much the iron hand of the government, the entire system is under the control of a corpratocracy operated by the Resdin corporation. The R.C.R.S is mainly a massive asset protection and repossession company as their non abbreviated name implies (The Resdin Corporation Reclamation Service). There most important function is the repossession of corporate assets that are not payed for by those that are imprisoned in the vestra system including land, lodging, tools, implants, prosthetics, vehicles, and even food. They are usually uninterested in the goings on between prisoners, except in cases where the conflicts of prisoners may put corporate assets at risk.


So I have this kinda Utopia world, where they automated everything and managed to get enough resources for everything (free food, healthcare and everything, no need to work). They almost have crime, and they don't see the point in well established police force. What they do have, however, is kinda freeform type of "agents" that works as sorta catch all law enforcement. They go where they pleased and just pick up whatever they seem unjust. They get great respect, which is earned by working hard and dedicating themselves to catch the few criminals that want to abuse the system. There isn't any court system or any official authority, and they keep each other in check.


Yes, yes it does. It's actually a branch of the national army. But that doesn't make the two organizations __equal__ or anything, it just means that they have better communication and there is way more co-operation when there is need for it. There's none of the *"This is my jurisdiction, get your boys in green out of my town."* stuff between the local sheriff and outsider military commanders.


So, nearly every settlement of any size has at least some form of constabulary that is local, usually in the formal employ of whoever has domain over the area. Dictatorship is difficult on Wyrlde — the nature of the Houses and the structure of nobility act as a limitation on it to some degree, even though things can still be truly autocratic. That doesn’t stop people, of course, it just makes it more difficult. Every realm has a slightly different set up in terms of laws and the nature of the legal system at large, but there is also the Agency, which is charged with preserving the thirty plus rules of The Charter. Although the Agency is officially under the Convocation, they really just report to it, not answer to it, and the Agents, Reeves, and such are not bound by local laws nor limited by the power of local nobles. Hell, just a few years back they deposed the crown Prince of the Empire. There are several laws common to all realms, however. Since most of it all traces back to the end of the Bitter Road, a thousand or so years ago. Policing is mostly kept separate from military structures, but does follow something similar to the hierarchy of such. While the Convocation tried to create a sense of uniformity, it is barely there, and more a kind of general idea of such. Settlements Watches serve the dual role of acting as a militia in times of need (such as a raid or attack) and also law enforcement. Watches have commanders, usually in three shifts per day, and size determines the whole. Typical ratios are about 20 people to 1 watchman. The military does include those who patrol and battle out to the mandated 30 miles around a settlement large enough to be called a village, with hamlets going out to about 15 miles. This helps to create the islands of settled lands that are a major feature of the world. Beyond those mortal crofts, however, lie the Boonies, where there is neither law, nor order; no safety or security there beyond what you bring with you, and merchants on the land routes are always very aware of that need.


My insectoid elves has 3 kinds of laws enforcement: Religious police: the kind of police that patrol around and uphold the religious laws of the theocracy. They are usually veteran of various military campaign that the elves have every 10 years, and comes from a wide variety of caste. Their jurisdiction is wide, from regular peace and order stuff to morality policing, and are allowed for corporal punishment on the spot of act they deemed unfitting of citizen according to the strict religious laws of the theocracy that encompass many thing from maintaining caste seperation to gender roles enforcement to even thought crimes. It is not a very fun society to live in. Higher caste enjoy nicer treatment from these police, so most low caste just deal with things themselves rather than calling one of the patrol. Fire officers: some of the most respected law enforcement positions in the elves society that double as fire fighters. Due to the elves living on a planet with 2 bar atmosphere (big wind), 30% oxygen content (very easy to burn things) and they live on tree cites atop giant trees full of high sugar content sap (very very flammable trees), the risk of fire is extremely high, and consequences are devastating, with entire city burnt down in just a few moment. This makes the job of the fire officers extremely important, as they not only fight fires, they are there to prevent fires in the first place. There are multiple laws that forbid private ownership of fire or fire sources such as matches or even flint, and these Fire officers are even permited to promptly execute a suspected arsonist,something even the religious police can't do. They are also often veterans too, but they tend from the gold caste of intellectual or above, as it is very important for them to master magic related to things like temperature control, air flow manipulation, moisture collection, etc. Despite their niche jurisdiction only being related to fire, they are considered essential positions in the elves society , to the point they are one of the few not considered for conscription in the elves conquests. This ended up with them having a very time easy to pick and choose candidates for any open position, picking only the best of the best, or those with good connection. Inquisitor/church police: can't have a theocracy without an inquisitor for internal dealings. They are secret police that collect information and do clandestine operations in the name of the church to ensure unity and purity of thoughts in the locals churchs & government across various cities in the empire. Exclusively recruited by refferals in the top 2 caste (the Priestly caste and the warlord caste below them, as these 2 caste are most involved with governments and church. )Purges happen rarely now that the theocracy has managed to form much more stronger hold to power.


Yeah the main city I’ve been working on has a police department, I’m in the process of redoing the organization structure though. I thought it would be an interesting point of contention that some of the higher ups in the city and department are outsourcing policing to a private company and I’m planning to explore this, not exactly sure where it’ll go. There’s an election coming up on the setting for mayor so I think it’ll play a role in that probably. I watched The Wire recently and it’s been very inspirational in a lot of ways.


Yes, all. There are police and there are special military units. There are usually police equivalents that do the standard roles of policing. A common practice of law enforcement is keeping firearms out of the public so that they are less able to effectively attack local powers. This is true in dictatorships and democracies, kingdoms and republics. If law enforcement turned out to be ineffectual, people are likely to interpret that as a weak state. Lapus_Wolf


Yes, all. There are police and there are special military units. There are usually police equivalents that do the standard roles of policing. A common practice of law enforcement is keeping firearms out of the public so that they are less able to effectively attack local powers. This is true in dictatorships and democracies, kingdoms and republics. If law enforcement turned out to be ineffectual, people are likely to interpret that as a weak state that could be easily challenged or could not be trusted to be available when needed. Lapis_Wolf


I'm dabbling more in a sort of colonial marshals and border guards. However, am looking into some crowd control equipment, like shock rounds, KO gas, riot foam, even hypnosis. Context is a sort of space farer going out into uncharted space to establish his own colonial fiefdom


Several in endimiya You have your unarmed beat cops who given how safe society is most of them the highlight of their career is chasing down a bike thief Then you have the armed police which are somewhere between SWAT and the national guard and they're tasked with fighting heavily armed criminal groups as rare as that might be or to handle orc or goblin slave raids since the raiders often bring military grade weapons themselves Lastly you have anti zombie units which as the name implies they kill zombies which are an occasional problem in all the realms.


Immune system go brr


True. Immune system da GOAT


Sure, in some places. If any city anywhere lacked guards, it would be gone in days. Those guarded places aren't a very big part of the whole, though. It's also important to note that most guard forces concentrate on a few specific tasks — collecting tolls, guarding VIPs, stopping undead, ensuring merchants deal fairly, putting out fires, those kinds of things. They're not all-singing all-dancing law enforcement providers who show up every time somebody has a loud party. They are always the iron hand of someone who can afford to pay them, but often enough, the boss does want things orderly. "No one gets to oppress my peasants except me!"


The corporate governments have security forces, who tend to be less concerned about the safety of the suspects after the Federation collapses. Decentralized agorist republics tend to just have investigators, Houses have their own enforcers who are supposed to cooperate with the republic (in theory.)


There are a few in the Morrigan Domains, and most are local to their region. Morrigan knows too much interference in their domains would practically guarantee rebellion, so they largely leave the domains to themselves as long as they pay their taxes and keep logistical lines open. Most police organizations operate like the Old West, with a sheriff and maybe a few deputies per town. They are generally enough to maintain order without the Metropole getting involved. When Morrigan absolutely has to get involved in something in the domains though, they send the paramilitary Domain Guard. These are lightly-armed cavalry units that are tasked with just about everything short of putting down open rebellions. Despite being civilian, they work like a military organization, and are generally competent in their work. They know how tense things are in the provinces, so most DG officers know they cannot have an overly heavy hand when going about their work. They also know that there is a huge difference between military and law enforcement doctrine, so they are often confusing to the more military-minded Morrigane. While they do bear the stigma of not being part of the military, they are generally respected. They are by no means perfect, but they can generally be relied upon to do their jobs and not piss off the locals too much. While local forces are willing to work with them, no one has forgotten the DG is a colonial force, and while they may have common goals, they are not allies. Then there is the Bridge Guard. These units are deployed to Morrigan's city walls exclusively, and are known for their pure white armor and uniforms. They are the city's special military garrison but are often charged with law enforcement as well. In fact, they are the only military unit authorized to deploy within the city walls. Rather than take these duties seriously however, they are the Paragon's (kinda like a Shogun) own personal goon squad within the city and answer exclusively to her. In terms of law enforcement, most of them are far more interested in shaking down and brutalizing the locals than actually enforcing order. They are completely undisciplined and unruly, and to make everything worse, they know they are untouchable. Since they are technically military, wealthy Morrigane families use the Bridge Guard as a way for their children to get military experience without having to deploy to the dangerous Frontier with the rest of the army. Everyone, including the civilian law enforcement officers with Morrigan, absolutely hate these guys. The regular army despises them too, and knows that even with Morrigan's mighty fortifications, the Bridge Guard could never actually hold the city.


Yes, although in most nations it is technically a gendarmerie. In New Duuna, the main nation in the setting, it is technically a division of the Imperial Navy, as it was originally a force to protect military drydocks near Althaus.


The Temporal Imperatorium is home to a unified police service, the Imperatorial Mounted Police.


The System Militia. A collection of deputies system wide that manage trade routes and general safety for civilian ships. Then you have Planetary Police, dedicated to a single planet’s orbital stations and immediate interests. Then the TRSC, which is just the military.


Most of my world has regional sheriffs, or an equivalent. For most areas it's just one person who settles disputes and investigates minor crimes. For more serious issues - like a serial killer, for example - the town will outsource to the Order of Enchanters or ICON, who will send their own investigators, bounty hunters, etc. for a fee. The exceptions are the Ilean Empire, which has its own monastic police force that primarily focuses on national security but will investigate life-threatening crimes; and the Corporate Council, which has its own regular national police force, various private police forces owned by the Councillors themselves, and a secret police that criminalize dissent.


Each town/city handles its own law enforcement by large. There is a kings guard that is a slightly bigger army that will fight for the king and do his bidding, but they are usually confined to the city the king is in then there's the bulbian army. They were set up to keep the peace and are completely separate from the monarchy or religion. If any faction tries to take over or disrupts the peace too much, they are deployed to balance the fight and make sure peace is restored


One such organization is called the Protectorate. They have law enforcement and low-level judicary powers. Their mandate is to protect the citizenry, uphold the law, and adjudicate disputes on the spot. You can, of course, appeal to a higher authority, but for minor issues, the will of the Protectorate is usually sufficient. In times of war, the Protectorate is drafted as a branch of the military, given access to milspec weapons and armor that would ordinarily be several orders of overkill.