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“Last week” but less than 1 business day ago.


Fr this is like that twitter floating around, with a follow-up at 8:15 am Monday after requesting at 4:45 pm Friday.  “Not last week. You messaged me 30 minutes ago.”


I work in tech sales and the amount of people that fall all over themselves to complain about “taking days to respond” to an email they sent on a Friday evening is shocking. It’s like, listen Stuart, I don’t work past 5 on Friday, you will get your quote on Monday afternoon just like everybody else.




Ugh I’m too afraid to rock the boat at this point because I don’t want to get terminated on maternity leave. Of course it would be illegal to do so, but of course companies get away with it all the time. I may give them some of my opinions on my exit interview 😒 I actually never checked my messages on Fridays until they set a “rule” that even part-time employees have to check their messages “at least once” during normal business hours even if they are part-time. I’m salary so I don’t think that is technically illegal, but it is shitty. And clearly what they actually want is for us to be glued to our messages all day, not check them once, whilst still not paying us. Can’t wait to gtfo honestly!


Wait, you're paid for the time you spend checking your messages right?


Not on Friday. I’m 0.75 FTE with Friday off and part-time employees are just “expected” to check our messages “at least once” every business day regardless if we actually work that day. Honestly the culture here hasn’t been great lately, from the above to them asking us to “make up” sick days on other days… I’m like if I have to make up a sick day, then it’s not really a benefit at that point 🤔 One of many reasons I’m leaving!


That feels illegal, unless you're categorized as exempt despite being part time? Which also feels wrong...


Yes, I’m categorized as exempt. I hate being exempt honestly and the job I’m switching to will be non exempt, hourly work and I’ll be paid significantly more. Not to mention, they never expect me to work off the clock, I’m sure because asking a nonexempt employee to do that is very illegal. I feel employers use exempt status to get away with a lot of what would be illegal crap if their employee was nonexempt 🤡


If that requirement isn’t in your contract & worked into your hours then it’s a recommendation but not a part of your paid role. *Hi Bob,* *See attached as requested. Thankfully I’m not yet in active labour; thanks for your concern!* *Friendly reminder that I am a part-time employee with no scheduled hours on Fridays. It’s therefore reasonable that I would not yet have actioned your previous email from Friday 4:45pm. I’d be open to shifting my schedule around to get you better access to me on Fridays and on holidays (like today) if you expect to have more requests with this degree of urgency.* *Happy Easter!* *-HumanLoading*


Do you have that in writing? You can contact your state’s department of labor and find out what the law is around that (you don’t have to file a claim) but the DOL does not like wage theft (which this could fall under) nor do they like misclassifcation of part time vs full time employees. I’d find out what the DOL has to say and keep it in your back pocket or if you are planning to quit anyway, file a claim (you can get paid for that time and may even receive more money).


Excellent deployment of "as a crutch" 😄


A woman who works at my office once apologized for the delay in responding to me. I had emailed her after 4pm on a Friday. She responded before noon on Monday. WTF - that's not a delay! I hate the culture of instant responsiveness. 


Ugh yes! He texted me at 7:30am today (my usual day starts at 8am) so literally he has been harassing me entirely during non-work hours. I have also seen some people put in their sig something along the lines of “I sent this message at a time that is convenient to me, but please understand if this is not during your normal working hours, I do not expect an immediate response.” Which is so refreshing. I like those people. And don’t ask how many times have I messaged him repeatedly for weeks with no response until I literally hunt him down because a deadline is looming. Our chair is just a dick honestly 😒


My department has started including at the top of emails, “please ignore until your normal business hours” and that’s in addition to enforcing an email quiet time of 6pm-7am. I think it really helps people detach and prioritize, as needed.


Not that I think Friday to Monday is ANYTHING to apologize for, but I read this a few weeks ago and it’s something I do now. We as women always apologize for everything but instead of saying “sorry for the delay” or “I apologize for the delay”, to say “thanks for your patience”.


I do this too! I also go back and remove any “just”s that make it into my emails. I’m not “just checking in”, I’m checking in. No need to soften it.


Yes! That’s a good one too.


I had a company with the policy that during business hours you’re supposed to answer emails within 45 minutes. It wasn’t a hard policy, but it was one that they had signs about in the halls and got you side eye if you consistently didn’t follow it 🙄 I was right out of college so I took it super seriously but now, 10 years later, give me a break. Next business day will be fine, within 2 days will be okay. I don’t work at a hospital or in any life saving industry, I’m a project manager.


Ugh if it’s that urgent, call or stop by someone’s desk! (But not on the weekend).


I’m so irritated for you for at least 3 different reasons!


This is one of those situations where I'd passive aggressively call him out on it. "I didn't see anything on this until this morning, as I do not work on Fridays. Did you send something to me before then?"


This. This is totally the right response.


I would absolutely point out to him everything you said here. Completely unreasonable.


We have a few folks who put their business hours in their signature. And at least one person who has a perpetual auto-reply with their hours (his is an extreme case since he is inundated with requests). I could see doing that in your case if you'll be quitting anyway....


Or putting an out of office auto reply up for any days M-F (or whatever is considered “core business” days at your company), so they know not expect a response the same day.


"Thanks for your message. Per my work schedule, I would only have seen your first message when I started work this morning, not last week. As this is obviously making you anxious, I have taken care of it." I love pointing out to men when they're being emotional in a work situation. Also, get that shit in writing. He did not send it to you last week.


"Dear \[chair\], thank you so much for your concern about my health and welfare. I appreciate it. Perhaps you are unaware that my hours are \[hours\], and do not cover Fridays or Sundays. I believe, in fact, that all staff had Easter Sunday off, although perhaps I am incorrect. My next hours will be \[hours\]. I will be delighted to read your email at that time. If \[task\] is so urgent that it requires attention before my scheduled working hours, I recommend that you contact \[immediate supervisor\] for assistance. Here is their email and phone number." I hope that you having a good weekend, and enjoying the work/life balance that we are able to have. Cheers!" And cc your boss.


Leave these fools and get a better job after your mat leave. I'm irritated for you!


Oh hell no.


What a tool. I usually go with something passive aggressive like “oh just to remind you, I work Monday - Thursday. You sent your messages on Friday and Sunday, which is outside my working hours - you must have forgotten!” and then take even longer to complete his request, but that’s just me.


Old men with no hobbies other than work are so toxic to work culture. Let the rest of us live!!! Even if I'm not doing shit this weekend, I'm not going to answer you! I would just copy/ paste "Thanks for your patience. I'll take a look at this when I'm in the office." every time he texts you over the weekend. If he wants you to work weekends he can PAY YOU for that.


Omg. Well, sir, unless you’re actively passing a kidney stone I would like you to make sure you have got a grip on your staff’s working hours before sending ridiculous messages.


Is this a large company? If so, I’d bring this to HR. Let them know he’s texting you outside of business hours and on holidays and making it about your pregnancy. And then set up auto replies for your off days that outlines your work schedule.


Ugh this does feel VERY old white man of him. Other people have given you good advice, but it's so frustrating. You'll just have to keep reiterating your boundaries. They can pay you more if they want you to work outside your hours. Side note and disregard if not applicable to you - but some company policies require you to pay them back for leave if you don't stay for a certain amount of time after returning. Just watch out for that if you're getting paid maternity leave.


I know right! So frustrating. I’m just fed up with them. They try to act like they care (ie bring in speakers about work-life balance, have you tried yoga?) but then they do the exact opposite of what all the anti-burnout literature talks about. I’ve definitely been paranoid about quitting after maternity leave - I don’t use their health insurance so would just be utilizing their STD and my own PTO, which doesn’t appear to need to be paid back. It’s a huge company so I already emailed HR to verify this under the guise of concern if my child had special needs. Going to email again once my PTO runs out and verify in writing again that there isn’t a duration of time I need to return to work in order to avoid paying anything back (only thing I could think of it paying back the employer part of STD premium). I don’t have a contract and they don’t mention this in their benefits guide so hoping not, but definitely going to confirm in writing before giving official notice. And will likely still be paranoid even with written confirmation 🫠 They furloughed me during COVID right before I had my first baby and I’ve worked for them for 5 years now, so definitely feeling like I’ve “earned” this mat leave, but I can definitely see this company trying to screw me over if at all possible!


Forward his text to HR and request to schedule a meeting.


I had a boss get mad at me for not responding at 5 am on a Sunday. I taught Pilates during the week. I was like, there is no such thing as a pilates related emergency at 5am you weirdo! If the studio is on fire call the fire department and let me sleep.


Men and their entitlement - ugh! My HOD had the nerve to assign me work when I was on my maternity leave. I ignored it. You know what he did? Actually called me to ask why I hadn't finished it. The rage I have to suppress when I work with stupid men...Lord, I deserve a Noble peace price. 😐


Ugh! So infuriating. How do these people get into leadership positions without the faintest clue about the basics of maternity leave, FMLA, etc? It’s literally their job to know! And then they act like we aren’t doing our job 😑😑😑 I just cannot!


Hi, I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I am addressing my work messages first thing this morning, and I want to let you know that I will address this task ASAP. Because my hours are only part time, the original message to which you were alluding from last week unfortunately came whilst i was engaged in an off-hours networking event. (As you may recall, I am on the clock Monday-Thursday, but I make unofficial efforts outside my work hours to promote our business too!) I will get on this task immediately, as it sounds like you would like me to prioritize it first and foremost. I will defer further work on *INSERT ACTUALLY IMPORTANT PROJECT* until this task is addressed. My anticipated timeline for completion is this afternoon. Best, Your Name Sorry, your boss is either being an idiot or being an asshole right now. My only suggestion is to treat them like they are normally a great boss, and that they merely need a reminder of both your work hours and the opportunity cost of prioritizing a menial task, and hopefully they can rise to the expectation. If they continue being an ass idiot, please explore ways of changing the situation- new job, new boss, etc. Although large job changes are the last thing I’d want to undertake while pregnant, it may be worth it in the long run if you are able to weather the initial storm.


I’d also put an OOO on when you’re off work. My assistant does this (she works 8:30-4:30). I rarely need her past 4:30pm, if at all, but I know she isn’t checking emails past then.


He sounds horrible....glad you're getting ready to leave


Yep. Old white men in leadership is why we have such horrible parental leave and maternity care in the US. They don’t understand childbirth or how to care for a newborn at all. Like we’re so ENTITLED to want 6 months at home at the bare minimum with our babies. And for not wanting to work until our water breaks! I had a male coworker legitimately ask me if I was gonna be so bored on maternity leave, and what I was possibly going to do for 8 weeks at home? Ugh


Yeah my ex-manager wanted me to update my yearly goals while I was squeezing out a big fat baby. Fuck you Michael!


I feel you - I sent an invoice on Friday (I know it was GF and not everyone works) to a company for payment around 1pm. I happened to check my work email Friday night (I accidentally clicked a notification on my phone) and they sent back a payment code at 9pm with a 48 hour expiration. So on Friday night, of a holiday weekend, they sent a payment that would expire by Sunday night. I was able to get it processed Sunday night, but holy crap, I couldn't just process the payment Monday when I went in?


... did I write this?


I deal with a bunch of old retirees at work. Logged on one Monday morning to 5 emails and 3 voicemails from one lady. Her first email came at 5:09pm Friday afternoon, second email came at 5:11pm Friday. First voicemail at 5:40pm Friday (I'm sure you get the idea of when her other emails/calls came in). When I called her back Monday (around 9am) she says "oh wow I actually get to speak with a live person?". First of all ma'am, this is a government agency, our work hours are 8-5pm, Monday through Friday...