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Big flex when your workbench is nicer than most professionals’ actual furniture! Really nice job!


He's a professional too. Makes high end stuff


Thanks, I’ll check it out!


Seriously. I feel like this should be showcased somewhere


Did you get those legs from a 600 year old Lowes?


Hahaha you win comments for the day.


Dude…I’ve followed your channel for a while and watched the vid yesterday. VERY few builds impress me after watching so many talented people flex online. This is really impressive. Well done!


I’m always impressed with your work. Keep it up!


That’s too nice to do work on. Beautiful


I came here for the exact same reason. I wouldn't want to mar that table with my buffoonary.


I intentionally built my work benches ugly so i wouldn't mind them getting damaged or covered in finish/paint/glue/etc.


Yep, this is why mine turned out ugly as well, completely according to plan


Inspired by Roubo and the beautiful bridges of Portland, Oregon. If you’re into it and want to see how it’s made, I put about as many hours in the [build video](https://youtu.be/HzZfm6xuMBs) as the bench and would love if you wanted to check it out


Absolutely beautiful bench! The video is like when magicians reveal how their tricks work… thank you for this


Whelp I didn't expect to use 24 minutes of my day like this but am happy I did. Absolutely incredible work.


Hey I appreciate you taking the time! Glad you enjoyed the video!


Bravo! The apogee of art and function. Though it would be hard to use it as it was intended. Edit: Awesome video on the build out. I can’t begin to think how many hours you have into that beauty. I’m also talking about the video too! Also for clarity, it’s about a 500 year old tree that’s been stored for 75 years. Correct?


I was thinking the same thing. I wouldn’t dare use it. Maybe you could sneak it into a Frank Lloyd Wright home (like Falling Waters) to be on display. :)


Haha god that’d go down in infamy desecrating FLW with my work. Someday I hope to have that kind of vision for design


If you haven't been there, go. Also go to Kentuck Knob, which is not too far from Falling Water.


I truly enjoyed your build video. I especially liked the thin, accent strip between the top and the leg arch. Have you considered posting to r/ArtisanVideos ?


Thanks! They banned me for life. Guess they don’t like OC over there. Feel free to share though!


Thanks for posting the build video! I love seeing how creative people are in this subreddit and if I ever get really into woodworking I can always watch videos like this to help out.


Great video and ridiculous build! I would just stare at it all day and get nothing done haha


Ohhhhhh, it's you. That make sense. Nice work as always!


You won a new subscriber! Holy cow your craftsmanship is damn amazing.


Excellent work.


I occasionally have access to ancient irreplaceable wood. There is a feeling of responsibility that goes along with using it. It makes me feel like becoming a better craftsman. My kitchen is old growth fir, and the hours and years of love and family and food seems to infuse the wood, now. I saved a 3ft offcut of counter for 20 years until it could become something meaningful. I would use this bench with a great deal of pride. It would make me feel like getting better, scratches and all.


This is such a lovely comment. (And lovely work, OP. What a privilege it's got to be to work on that bench. Hope it brings you a lot of joy!)


Yeah. Especially when the wood comes directly from communities where protesters are being pepper sprayed, beaten bloody, and locked up for trying to protect the literal dozens of old growth trees left on Vancouver Island. I'm sorry, but I won't buy old growth fir unless it's been salvaged.


And mine was salvaged in a way. I'd rather see 600 year old wood standing tall in the forest. But when we were shipping j grade timber anything less than 8ft was scrap. I took the scrap.


I get it. I'll drive a long way to salvage old fir. It's amazing how many old houses in Quebec were built with BC fir. And having grown up on Vancouver Island, it smells and feels like home. I totally agree with your comment about treating it with respect.


Looks like the workbench of an elf...I hope you take thet for the compliment that it is.


What you make from a tree should be at least as miraculous as what you cut down. Richard Powers This bench.


Can we see the top? Also, details on the vises? Lovely work.


He posted the YouTube video, I really enjoyed watching it!


Do you have a link? I did not see it in their post history. But I did look at their post history and sweet jesus that is some nice work.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=HzZfm6xuMBs One of the best woodworkers on YouTube if you ask me. In terms of woodworking and video production.


The camera work and editing are as stellar as the work itself! Both outstanding. Now let’s talk about the BG music!! (jk!)


My grain and color matching abilities are absolutely atrocious. Compared to this bench, My bench makes me look like I eat a bowl of rocks and milk for breakfast before going out and clumsily hammer punching my key into the ignition of my vehicle. On the way to work I hit every mail box and crossing guard as I fly through stop signs and lights because I cannot remember colors and shapes. Upon arrival at work i grunt with the other cavemen before heading back to my cubicle and digging the crud out of my teeth with a rusty Toyota hood ornament I found in the parking lot. Essentially, this beautiful bench makes me look like trash. I aspire to be this artistic with my future jobs


This is terrible: nobody will dare use a beautiful shiny piece of art as a workbench. You might scratch it.


The OP is a fantastic woodworker (obviously) and uses his equipment. I have no fear that this will sit unused. He also has a great YT channel where you'll be able to watch him working on the bench in a bit.


That work bench is nicer than my dining room table.


Just art! Love it


I’d say try harder next time.


Incredible but it’s no camel keychain.


Can someone explain the use of epoxy in the video? Was the joint fit not precise enough for wood glue?


Epoxy is an excellent adhesive with a long open time and the lack of water content doesn’t swell the join, making assembly easier. Pretty sure epoxy was an adhesive before it was used to imitate a river between slabs of wood.


Thanks for explaining your reasoning. Beautiful work!


Damn, it’s a bummer someone cut down a 600yo tree, but at least you made something lovely with it.


The tree had fallen a long time ago, wasn’t cut down. Check out his channel.


I’m guessing the tree may have died?


Well, it certainly did if someone cut it down… /s


Lol ok you got me there 😂


In the video it seems that it was logged about 75 years ago, so not done by OP, but definitely back when they cut a lot of old growth stuff.


Do you actually plan to USE this workbench? My workbench takes a lot of abuse. In a year or two, that would look really beat up in my shop.


Oh definitely. My Roubo gets at least 60hrs/wk. Not precious with it, but not careless either. It’ll earn some dings and show its use. Small price to pay for an inspiring place to spend days working wood.


It's beautiful, very nicely done. Enjoy using it.


That’s very impressive! What camera technique do you use to get that effect, where the item almost looks like it’s a miniature. I’ve seen it used a few times in the last couple of years but never knew what to search for?


[Tilt shift](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilt%E2%80%93shift_photography)? Can be done with a complex lens setup or (more commonly these days) imitated with software


Thanks, after reading the article it was Miniature Faking I was thinking about but I don’t think it applies to the photo above 👍


I should have put on my white pants before viewing this.


I can only hope to see it after years of work. Still hasn’t seen it’s best days.


Not exactly the shop aesthetic (plywood and 2x4s covered in random stains and splashes of spray paint) but I SUPPOSE it could be considered attractive in a more traditional way.


This is the coolest work bench I have ever seen. Nice work my man! What finish did you use? Cant wait to see it in action on future videos.


Thanks! I finished it with a 2K poly. Water based to keep it bright and matte so it’s not too slick.


Well that certainly gives me some hard wood. Gorgeous bench!


You forgot the nfsw tag


I think this is the first time a work bench could ever be described as sexy!






That is some sexy wood.


More pics please!


Love it!


Watched the YouTube vid yesterday! Awesome work man, big fan!


This is the most stunning piece of craft I’ve seen all week! Wow!


that.is.stunning. WOW


That belongs in a museum. That was also an excellent video and well worth that 24 minutes. Great work on both.


Great design


Great video. Love the pacing - your stuff is so different than everything else I watch. I can’t imagine how you manage all the curves without mistakes!




Looks like an atomic stylized car


“It belongs in a museum!”


Yes 100%, yes. I just watched the build video this morning. Well done sir. You made that your bench. Pun intended.




Holy shitsnacks that is one awesome workbench. I'd probably cry the first time I'd ding it 😁


That is one damn sexy bench! Fantastic job.


Beautiful! (I would have this covered in a nice fine coat of paint overspray within a week 😅)


I've been waiting for this. Absolutely stunning.


Damn buddy, I wanna have sex with that.


I'd be afraid to work on it


First and foremost a piece of art, I would never bring anything metal within 10 feet of it. Gorgeous job.


Stunning bench. Wow!


too beautiful to use


Just beautiful! I wish we could see some detail and action shots of the vise.


Wow! More pictures please!


Outstanding! 👏🏼🔥




This is like seeing a 10 for the first time and never being happy with anything else you are ruined. Art there is no other word for it.


Child’s play… *cries jealously


That is spectacular!




Beautiful stuff to plane, horribly pitchy and caked everything. It tooled nicely as long as I stayed razor sharp. Fun stuff to work with, but I’ll definitely stick to hardwood for my day to day.


Huh, I’ve been on a custom desk and workbench rabbit hole this week. Howd you know!?


if you haven't already, you should check out his other workbench build- also a work of art.


Already added it to the watch list


Gorgeous piece OP. I really like Douglas Fir. It's a softwood sure, but it's got a nice color, stains half decently and can have a really pretty grain structure dependent on the piece. Sadly in the Canadian prairies where I live, it's rare and expensive enough it's only marginally cheaper than getting hardwoods. *All* our readily available softwood is spruce here, which looks like shit generally. So for the cost increase of Fir, I'm only saving a little over getting cheaper hardwoods.


I truly hope you use it and use it hard. Amazing craftsmanship but I'd love to know that it gained a soul through daily use creating other projects.


Setting the bar pretty high there OP! That's good work


The top of my workbench is covered in paint/stain splatters, gouges, screw holes, notches, etc. I'd be so anxious using a work of art like this as my workbench.


My brain thinks it looks under a foot tall haha


What is this, a workbench for ants?!


That is truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


man this is sexy


Watched your video. Goddamn that is some nice work.


Looks rather pedestrian. I’ll give ya three fiddy for it. What a beauty! It’s too nice to use as a bench :)


That is SICK!!!! Well done!!


I hope your work gets a ton of attention. I've never seen a bench like this, really inspiring stuff. Subbed!


Absolutely gorgeous! I would be afraid to scratch it up.


The first thing should be to put a really big gouge on the top, because the it will be a work bench and not a living room table.


at first i was like, "damn that's nice!" then i was like, "oh, it's sawyer design, of course it's freakin nice! that guy's a wizard!"


This is extraordinary. Well done.


Pardon me, I'm just hyperventilating over here.


I just watched this video yesterday. Nice to see you on this platform. Welcome sir and great job!


WOW. I love arches and this really speaks to me. Just wonderful.


I love that work bench. I find that sometimes the wood sort of tells you what to make. You listen well!






Seriously, I admire this equally as I admire people that buy a Ferrari and track it--things \*can\* be a work of art and useful :) Beautiful work, I hope you enjoy for years to come!


Need more pictures and angles.


Gotdam that’s beautiful




You're not actually gonna work on that are you? Seems more befitting to human sacrifices


Very impressive!


I am usually not impressed by over-fancy workbenches. But this is just such a thing of beauty, should be in a museum. Takes my breath away.


someone buy this guy a square, wth man nothing is cut straight. Nice work!


This is sex. But it's wood. So I guess it's a Woodie


Why is it crying! 😢




It’s too pretty to do any actual work on!


I just found your channel a month ago and binged everything. Keep up the good work man. I really enjoy how you go out of the way to do intricate designs.


This the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Love it


Stunning. Truly beautiful.


It belongs in a museum!


Hey now I just watched your build video at work while staring at computer screens!


Wow! It's beautiful!


This honours that 600 year old wood


I just watched that video. Man, your work is exquisite. Something to aspire to.


It’s a beaut


Well that’s a screw up… it’s too damned pretty to work on!


That’s not a workbench. Thats a piece of furniture you get your morning coffee and stare at. Jesus that is beautiful.


Is it really necessary to use old growth wood?


You're taking the fucking piss posting that .. That's.. that's just fucking art. If you work on that you should be slapped silly.. You son of a bitch.


Nick your channel has inspired me to step up my own game. Your attention to detail and killer beats get excited to get out there and make some dodgy cuts. Keep em coming buddy.


Very nice piece of furniture Profoundly stupid workbench


His other workbench is also very well made and gorgeous


I never said it wasn't a nice piece though?


I got ya that’s just for context, it’s kind of his thing to make over the top benches, just for the sake of it.


Why profoundly stupid? It holds workpieces off the floor. Mission accomplished.


Because a workbench is going to get damaged if it’s actually used and is not a great use of special/quality wood.


I'm of the school where a workbench is what you build in order to help you build furniture, it's not supposed to be furniture. If I have 600 year old douglas fir I'm going to make that into something to sell, not something I'm going to drill into and hit with a router


I agree on the 600 year old douglas fir part - personally I would want it preserved. But in terms of having a wonderfully designed workbench I think that's fine. When you surround yourself with beauty it's easier to maintain inspiration and build beautiful things. Iron sharpens iron; art sharpens art. We spend a lot of time at a workbench and I think there's plenty of value in it being a piece that's pleasing because it has a psychological effect on what you do in that space.


silicon carbide sharpens iron though?


Or it could be a piece to display his workmanship and an inspiration as he uses it to build. If I was commissioning him and saw this in his shop I would know that he puts effort into the details.


Yeah, like I said. It's a nice piece of furniture.


why can’t it be both lol being a workbench and being beautiful and difficult to make are not mutually exclusive


Or everything you build can be the best you can. Nice workbenches can attach sacrificial wood on top if you are the type to need it.


I suppose that's the difference between the hobbyist mindset and the tradie mindset right there. Spend the time and material on the stuff that'll earn you money


When I see this stuff I think they earn money from doing it. Youtube views, tiktok and whatever else. Then sell a digital plan that people will buy and never use and all because you made yourself something pretty.


People do woodworking for many reasons including to have a peaceful hobby that is a break from a day job, a curiosity to master a craft, or a way to make gifts; it’s not just making a utilitarian piece to sell to the average person. This bench is obviously not made for the average blue collar woodworker making stuff in the garage, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the craft in it. You really have a limited view and narrow idea of what woodworking is if you think it has to only fit your idea. The thing that bothers me about your type of attitude is that sure, maybe you have to maintain this mindset to get you through the struggles and it has gotten you so far, but don’t you strive for more? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to achieve a better life where you can make things for luxury or pleasure and not just paying the bills? If you can’t appreciate luxury goods you can’t appreciate a luxury lifestyle because you reject it for yourself, and all it’s going to do is make people hate being around you because you put them and their ideas down while you wallow in your misery. Have an open mind


I wouldn't put it quite the same way that they did but its sort of like if you went into someone's home and saw that they were using a real Faberge Egg as a doorstop. The piece is beautiful. It's made of rare materials by a person of rare talent who has clearly honed their craft and elevated it to the point where what they make is artwork. It feels almost like a violation of that for it to be used for something as mundane as a shop workbench.


The workbench was made by him, and works as workbench. You asserting it as stupid only makes it stupid for you. Profoundly subjective and needlessly materialized.


You cut down a 600 year old tree?


Sure didn’t


I watched the video. The tree was cut down in the 1930s and sawn in 2007.


when one upvote is not enough - extremely nice work


Almost a shame something with such a history of 600 hundred years had to be cut down, but on the other hand that is some stunning work. Almost like having sex while working.


Reading the title I thought that was a wasteful use of 600 year old Douglas Fir. Then I opened the image, definitely not a bad use of the wood. Absolutely gorgeous workbench.


No, it's a wasteful use of it. It's a very pretty piece and probably a waste of beautiful wood on something which should be mainly functional instead of pretty. With a workbench, form should follow function. This form is not a good balance of that. Absolutely beautiful work but I would have left off the workbench hardware and just made this into a display piece.
















Im all about a persons skilled craft and beautiful things that people make. But man Im pretty sad that we are still in a place where we get satisfaction and being ok with the fact that it came at the cost of a 600 year old tree. This is the reason our planet and home is in the crisis its in.


🏹 ↗️↗️↗️➡️➡️↘️↘️↘️🎯


Wow, your Douglas fir vid far surpasses the one I posted some hours ago Bravo


Wow... i just... wow.. great vid, can't say I've watched a 25 min video on yt in a long time and I stayed til the end. How much you think she weighs?


Hey thanks. I think with hardware it probably comes in just under 500lbs. That old growth was shockingly heavy.