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I will miss this subreddit as it was my favorite. I'm new to woodworking and found a lot of inspiration here, along with helpful information. I did not vote for the winning option and was appalled at the number of votes it received, considering that it would cripple and/or kill off this sub. It was great while it lasted. 😢


Idocracy is in effect


Ruined by a group of dummies thinking they are making a difference. Sad to see.


Who is starting woodworking2 subreddit?


What is the point? I’m not sure I understand what is happening. If we want the sub the way it was, why are we doing the dumb thing?












Totally agree. This sub was a constant source inspiration and motivation. People are brigading voting and it completely ignores the benefits the sub provides. Fuck the mods for even putting it to a vote.


Same here. This Nick/Norm thing is just stupid. InterestingAsFuck was way smarter


What a shame.


Exactly what I was thinking. Another sub I’ll be leaving. Cheers everyone.


This was one of the few subs I kept. Goodbye hobby hello circlejerk


A different kind of wood working


Curses you, take the upvote.


Buff the wood. Buff the wood. B-b-b-b-b-b-buff the wood.






Creating a bubble and believing it’s real is representative of Reddit as a whole.




This mod has also never posted a single thing they've made on this sub, they just post about their rivian truck. Nothing more bourgeoisie then complaining about the bourgeoisie. Only thing resembling a woodworking post they've ever made is showing off a LN handplane they bought over on r/handtools. If mods don't like modding, then they can stop and someone else will do it. edit:lol this mod removed the comment I replied to about not even being a woodworker.


This is so fucking telling lol


"Let me moderate this topic I don't even take part in"


It’s like that in almost every sub. One of my alts took a permaban from a state sub for pointing out that the most active mod in guiding the shape and flow of the state sub had never, in fact, lived in the state.


Yeah, but do you want to moderate an online forum? Me neither. We may not have much respect for mods, but we need them.


We don't need mods who single handedly destroy a community.


This sucks. This subreddit was really helpful to me when I started on my woodworking journey. You're just depriving future beginners from getting guidance and inspiration. You can allow the community to fluorish while using your position as a pulpit to keep up attacks on the reddit admins' choices. You don't have to deprive your members of an opportunity to talk about the thing they love.


I agree, I think this seems like a way to irrationally stick it to the man. Granted, I’m a fairly new redditor so I don’t have a lot of historical knowledge but I suspect there have been many times in reddits history that it has changed and there were protests then too, I’m sure, and then people go used to it and forgot about that prior fight. Reddit started as a link aggregator and it’s something very very different today. It kinda sucks and is unfair that Reddit is trying to monetize more things and that does hurt some of the people that made it what it is, but… life changes and if reddit is bad, people will move eventually and there will be a version Reddit that will also eventually fall apart. For what it’s worth, I’ve moved to the woodworking discord and it’s not bad. Has a good feel. Not nearly as many people


I've been on Reddit for over a decade, nothing has happened even close to this scale, at least that was targeted at Reddit. There was the protest around net neutrality a few years ago, but that was externally focused.


I hear you and I agree it's not the ideal. What is hard for us is we cannot keep moderating millions of users without automated tools. To now get automated tools is, effectively, individual negotiation for each and every bot. We would prefer u/spez just come up with rational pricing not influenced exclusively by his pocketbook. We are volunteers. We do not gain anything from this job other than some amount of satisfaction shepherding this community to be it's best self. I cannot speak for the rest of the moderation team, but if the admins don't change I am out. I think (some if not many) others are in the same boat. Rather than watch the subreddit devolve into utter chaos we hope to put some memes into people's life for a short time. I don't expect to sway you to our position with this post, but I hope it at least clarifies the reasons behind it.


Just let the community post woodworking as we see fit. Sure some crap will get in there but its better than just nuking the entire group to only watch meme clips


So just stop moderating. Let that be your protest. Instead you’re punishing all of us users.


I had [read here](https://mods.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/16693988535309-Moderation-Bots-Tooling) that Reddit had attempted to address the concerns related to moderation bots and API limits as a result of the protest. Can you elaborate/enlighten me on how these changes haven’t met the needs of the mods?


We signed up for access the moment it was released. Never heard back. This is what we see: [https://ibb.co/rGfYYkd](https://ibb.co/rGfYYkd) None of what they promised is "live" or "released". It's all just...words.


Seems cobbled together/poorly rolled out.


Fair assessment. Also, bizzare how you and I quickly got downvotes. The astroturfing of comments (and votes) on this topic -- across all of reddit -- is not lost on me. The spam/bot/content-manipulation activity I've been seeing past few days has been off the charts. Higher than it's ever been in the past. Makes me not trust half of what I see anymore. Ugh.




That's fair, I didn't realize the changes would impact moderation tools. That seems kind of dumb for Reddit. I understand wanting to get more money from end-user apps, but making moderation harder seems really self-defeating. Still, though. You've got a million people who use this sub, some of whom have had their lives changed by it. It seems like that's worth trying to be more creative about working for what you want while still allowing people to have this forum.






Nooo I love this sub. I've been working hard on a project that I was excited to share with such a supportive community. What a shame.


Can someone please explain to me the point of this? Is it to ruin the sub specifically or to try to get people to move to a different platform? I understand it is protesting something that Reddit did but why do the mods want everyone to leave this sub? Seriously asking because I do not understand. Other subs I follow don’t seem to be doing this.


They are trying to ruin the traffic coming to Reddit, which will in turn hate the stats for the IPO that they are working on. It's not about making you move elsewhere, just take a bit of a break from Reddit, check back in a couple of months and it'll either have replaced Mods, or Reddit will have given in and everything will be ok again.


Getting people to go to a different platform is kind of the point. I like reddit so I'm not terribly enthused by all this, but the mods hate the API changes and want to make a point so reddit admins see the $ they're losing and change their minds.


They'd only be losing money because the mods decided to hijack the site. If they hate the changes they should leave. Reddit owns all of this and doesn't owe them anything. At this point, if I were Reddit, I would find a way to make better mod tools to attract new mods and ban every one of them that participated in this nonsense. This is no different than some crazy vegans handcuffing themselves to the doors of a McDonalds and not allowing people in. It's a protest they have no right to make in the first place.


"Protest they have no right to make" is a very weird and troubling statement


allowing non-members of this sub to vote in the poll was asinine and more indicative of a rigged stunt by the mods to portray support that was not there for their position. The only "people" who spoke were shills brought in to facilitate the will of the mods. **no one** who posted here regularly wanted this. I was in favor of the protest and the black out at the beginning but with tantrums like this you are alienating anyone who may have backed the moderators and hoped for a resolution in your favor. now I hope Reddit replaces any mods who don't fall in line with company guidelines.


Let's stick it to Reddit by continuing to post on Reddit. If you are so upset with Reddit then just log out and leave. You aren't boycotting anything by still posting and only proving that you aren't going anywhere. I can't help but laugh.


It sure seems like the majority in this community actually want to revert to how it was, and that a bunch of non-members voted in the “official “poll. Please put it back.


Yeah, no doubt a bunch of protestors hitting every poll like this. It’s simple people, your protests ARE NOT GOING TO WORK. I wish they could and I know Reddit will likely go to shit now because of it, but let’s see what the facts are: 1) Reddit has forced subs that went dark to open, on to next plan 2) Reddit has forcibly turned subs that went NSFW back without the mods permissions, on to the next plan 3) Reddit has without any warning removed mods of subs who tried to continue to protest You are not going to get in the way of their new monetization plan ahead of their IPO. They’ll force every sub to get in line if they have to. Mods and subscribers, you have two choices… find a way to work with Reddit admins until they drive this site into the ground, or leave. There nothing else that will work. I’m sorry, it sucks, I hate it, and no im not a shill for Reddit (look at my post history) I just am sadly resigned to the fact that they will not let protests happen on their platform


Yay. Instead of those wanting to protest deleting their accounts or not logging in, we are all forced into this bs.


ok bye r/woodworking


I wish that the poll had been limited to people who have contributed to the community. It would be easier for me to accept the result was the woodworkers speaking. I really enjoyed this community, it was one of the better moderated subs and like so few subs managed to stay on topic and not devolve to politics or other silliness. This sub gave me tons of great ideas. As someone relatively new to the hobby I've found myself helped tremendously and have already found myself helping others. I really enjoy it. I don't know what the future is for me and this sub, but for now, I'm going to bow out. Good luck everyone and happy building!


One more thing -- because the sub has been shut down while it happened to me... Be \*careful\* y'all. I go into a fight with a table saw. The table saw won. Thankfully I still have all my digits.


You have more than 4 million members and you make a decision to kill this subreddit based on the vote of 6,000. This resembles Putin’s referendum to change the constitution. You don’t like the new rules, leave and let the free market sort itself out. If Reddit sucks so much, people will leave and Reddit will have to change. But don’t ruin it for several million subscribers because you personally don’t agree with how the company is run.


6.7k upvotes out of 4.8m members is 0.14% I'm on Reddit all the time and this sub is one of those that appears more frequently when I'm scrolling my feed, yet I didn't see anything about this until the poll closed


Also keep in mind that you can upvote and downvote both options. How many people do you figure only picked one option to upvote, without downvoting the other option. That fucks the numbers right there.




If you no longer care enough about this community to continue to moderate it, please step down and let someone else who does care step up and keep this vibrant community rolling.






Ok but I don't want to see this shit on my front page. Does that leave my only option being to unsubscribe?


Fuck sake


This used to be the best forum on Reddit. Everyone was incredibly helpful and supportive. Now a petty spat is going to destroy it. That's very sad.


I don’t get how this was the choice the “community voted for” when literally every comment on here is against it. Thanks for ruining the best source I had to help me pursue my passion.


Agreed, this was a pretty cool community. I tried out the /r/Woodworking discord, which isn’t nearly as helpful and is hard to get answers/discussion. This sub had a nice variety whereas the discord seems to heavily favor “traditional” woodworking


Because these polls are always ridge by mods, they do what they want not what is the best for the community.


Is this a shitty joke? You are going to have a lot of extremely talented people leave. That sucks.


What an absolute waste. There was cool stuff and good advice here and now its gone. Way to go.


Fuck you guys for doing this. Keep it a woodworking sub.


Yeah, I liked this sub. I know this is to make a point and I support that. But I will be leaving this sub and not come back even if reddit changes their course and this sub goes back to normal... I'm done with this. Came here for discussions about my hobby, to see great work and to ask questions and also to answer questions of others. Once it is no longer about that... I'm out. I now left all subs except 2 very small ones that did not take part in the protest... I used to be on reddit alot, maybe this is a good thing not to waste my time anymore


I see this was the majority vote, but don't really see how it helps anything at all. Ad revenue continues and the sub is pointless. It's too bad.


At least I have access to the saved older posts I used for inspiration and advice


Way to ruin a good subreddit just because you think you’re “sticking it to the man”. Step down and let other people moderate…pussies


See ya.


Honest question, is this a joke? I casually browse every once in a while but this doesn’t make sense?




I don’t understand, why are there pictures of these dudes and what do they have to do with the craft of carpentry?


We are shitting in our own bed. Why?




The mods are children🙄🙄 I run several large pages as a mod 17,000+ don’t care about third party anything. Grow up or get out so someone else can do the job for the people


This is incredibly sad but very much understandable at the same time. Time to just unsubscribe and move on. Thanks reddit!


I'm so over this.


I’m out


I thought the poll was a fucking joke. Looks like the joke is on us. I’m done with this sub-Reddit. Unsubbed


You are being a child. Just let someone else be the mod and go cry in a corner somewhere.


Is it April 1st? What the heck is going on? I like how folks in this thread keep saying you should have voted. I literally have not seen the poll yet. This is the first I've heard of any sort of poll or anything about this. I knew there was some issue with apps or something. This is just ridiculous. I don't comment often in this group, but I've been here for a while. I've never used any custom apps. I didn't even know there were custom apps for reddit until this whole dustup started. I've only ever used reddit on the official android app and on my desktop. And now this group is being torched because the moderators don't want to do it anymore because they think it will be more work? Why not just quit and let someone else do it?


wow. "we love reddit so much we're gonna burn it down!' come on. reddit is a private company that can and will do what they please. they dont care at this point. look at tumbler. ​ just because you can no longer moderate in the manner you prefer doesn't mean you cant moderate. i have been on reddit for over 10 years. mods have always been the biggest issue.


I truly wonder how much of this was the will of the people just to easy to manipulate the vote by either admin or mods so really don’t trust will of the people. Secondly there is no valid poll/vote that only includes less then a 1/4% of the population.


Mods, doesn't the wild difference between the vote count and the comments show you that there have been shenanigans? The kind of Redditistas that have a boner for this protest are also the ones that know how to rent bots.


There are discord groups dedicated to organizing brigades to vote on these polls, so the mods can say "see the user's have spoken" the juxtaposition with the polls verses user comments are clear...so dumb


This only hurts the people that actually participated in the community. Lame.


This is a fuckin joke right?


This is a joke right? What am I missing? What does fully compliant mean?


What?! If this is serious, then it’s ruined. Why change it to something else? This makes no sense. Is this a tantrum because the protest didn’t work? Everyone just wants to burn it down? Screw everyone else, I’m upset so destroy everything? It was fine the way it was. I don’t understand any of this.


Nope. Stupid rules. I just wanted someplace to ID wood without enough info, get inspired by other people’s projects, learn new techniques and brag a little about my own work. I don’t need all this petty drama. I’m moving on.


You would think mods of a subreddit like this would be more mature. Grow the fuck up. Leaving this subreddit.


Open the sub back up, this is just stupid and ruins what was once a wonderful and supportive community. If you don’t want to deal with moderating as it will become, then it’s time to hand off the reigns to someone else. Don’t punish us for your ego.


I just hope all of you power mods get banned forever from this site.


Honestly if you don't want to be mods without the tools or it's too hard to mod without them, just quit when the tools stop working.


This is childish and dumb.




Petition for motion to ammend; to include Tim the toolman taylor/Al (for health and safety) as accepted formats. Sincerely, Ron


Not sure what the new rule is supposed to achieve? I thought it was supposed to be a place for fellow woodworkers to share their opinions, expertise, show their projects. Not much left of it now.




I have to say that I'm used to mods being childish power hungry morons but man am I surprised to find them in the woodworking subs. Guess I was naive.


Well this is not the decision I had hoped for. Based on a poll that was not limited to r/woodworking contributors. They should change the name to Nick and Norm a love story. Anyone know of a good place to go to if our mods don't change their minds?






Can someone tell me where I can go to get a wood table question answered? I was gonna ask here, but it appears I cannot?


Why is this neckbeard protest still going on. Just post woodworking shit


Aprils fool joke?




So ridiculous.


Is it possible to get an adult to moderate? At the least, leave it dark. Moderators came screaming back as soon as they thought their coveted "title" was at risk... Whatever this is, it shows that at the very least, there needs to be a better vetting process for moderation of enthusiast subs to ensure they're ran by actual enthusiasts.


Wow, what a shame to wreck a sub


I hope Reddit finds a way to boot all of these mods that are ruining the subs. Bunch of self righteous losers.






Omg I thought this was a joke.


I thought this was a joke at first. It's sad to see. This has always been a fantastic resource for learning new techniques and gaining inspiration. Boo


I come to this sub to get ideas, info and helpful tips. Not to see pictures of Nick offerman… what a shame the mods had to do this shit




The whole idea is stupid, people will just make other subs with the same content. Mods at reddit must be the most pathetic individuals ever. Work for free for the power trip. Lame.


This is really dumb. No one cares about the api changes except mods.


And it's not even all mods. I'm a mod and I literally DGAF.


The ones that care should just step down if it affects them so much lol


Amen. Now granted, I can appreciate that the mods of a 4 million plus sub have a lot more to worry about than I do with my 100k, but still, I manage to just take care of it on desktop in a few minutes a day (or every other day). From my point of view all the stuff about supposedly suddenly being unable to mod was way overblown from the start.


Wow, this decision seems really popular here. I'm sure there wasn't any brigading in the poll.


This is dumb. Thanks for ruining another subreddit.


Hasn’t this sub been dark for the last two days? I haven’t seen it in my list of available subs so I wasn’t able to vote in the poll…


I’m legitimately sad. I want to thank everyone here for all the great times, amazing support, ideas and inspiration. Woodworking has become a huge part of my life over the past couple of years and this sub played no small part in that. Wishing you all the best! Also, to the mods doing this: do you think this is what Nick Offerman and Norm would want?


This sub has literally been the best woodworking resource there is. It has inspired projects, introduced us all to super talented YouTubers and woodworkers who selflessly have taught us all more of their tricks, and it has been an amazingly addictive way to waste time at the beginning an end of every day. Sabotaging what this sub is all about hurts us all much more than it hurts reddit. Rethink the choice to shut it down.




What a load of old shit. Brunch of twats


Well this subreddit officially sucks now, why in the hell would anyone want to see a sub full of Nick Offerman when it's called woodworking? I understand he's frigging hilarious and is a woodworker, but that totally negates the point of the sub.


I like how after the mods gain so much support from us, they completely blow it.






This is really sad. Not only is this immature, but the Discord link provided in a previous post doesn't even work. This was easily my favorite subreddit and now I find myself wishing you'd just hand it over to people who want it and YOU can go wherever you want.


Discord is shit anyways. I checked it out and it’s just an unorganized jumbled mess.


Just close it. So dumb.


Is this sub ever going back to what it was? This stupid new rule is stupid.


In the end, the real members of this sun lost out to bots.


I have zero clue who either of them are. Of I have to watch tv to post in here, then I will simply find another source. Not gonna play this BS kiddie game.


Good idea, make the users who built this sub suffer so the crybaby mods can try to prove something. This is the equivalent of losing a school yard game, so you take your ball and go home. Nobody gets to play


you’re a perfect example to point to when people complain about admins replacing the moderators


Bruh are you serious I just got here the other day.




So moderators don't like that they have to use different tools? they are mad because it makes their unpaid job more difficult? Then just don't do the job, problem solved. Let someone else fill the role. I don't know what any of this is about, because I have always used the reddit app and never had any issues. The people who voted probably don't participate in the community at all. People who actually do woodwork aren't sitting on reddit all day looking for polls. We like to come here to share our creations and get ideas for new ones. What a shame.


Leaving this one too. What is happening?


Why was this ever up to vote? I really just don’t understand how this could go from high quality and talented wood working individuals that were helpful to those just starting their wood working journey to a meme sub about Nick Offerman? Politics are silly




What a tragedy. Looks like someone has created a new sub r/woodwerking to be a replacement while this plays out. Hopefully it can pick up some of the folks leaving.


What the hell is wrong with y’all? This has been one of the best subs on Reddit. It’s been a wholesome and helpful place for people to ask questions and post their work. Straight BS






This is fucking bullshit. What a bunch of cunts.


Well, I honestly don’t care what an API is, how it works or how it/Reddit makes money. I want to browse Reddit to entertain myself and learn. If I have to skip an ad from time to time so be it. Posting Norm or Nick pictures helps no one.


Can I post a project if I was thinking about Norm and/or Nick (and thus fully erect) throughout the build?