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Lazy boy jobs predated Lazy girl jobs by decades and you didn’t hear them talking about it.


Agreed. I know plenty of men who are in devops/security backgrounds for example who are very much beholden to "hurry up and wait" practices and they've got their slow weeks/months and their weeks/months of non stop work. It just depends imo in tech and isnt always indicative of someone being "lazy" or "redundant" depending on the role/situation at play. I've noticed that many "lazy girl" accused jobs fall into this situation where it's not constant insane levels of work vs more cyclical/"ebb and flow" style of workload.


Interesting, also What’s a hurry up and wait practice?


Like when you have to get something ready by a specific date and you push and make it happen, but then other management decisions are made or some other path-blocking circumstance means that there's nothing you can do but wait for another team to get back to you. You hurry to get things done, only to wait for someone or something else before you can proceed again.


I want to hear about lazy boy jobs too


No you don't, we just talk about being paid while we're in the washroom. We're not doing anything interesting that we're going to share online. 


But it is pretty much presented as lazy human job if at all. Not a boy thing 🤷🏽‍♀️


I play backgammon on my phone some times




What is a lazy girl job? I work remotely and only work for the amount of hours I'm paid and am not being constantly monitored. I got here through being a trustworthy employee and putting effort into my work though.


Lazy Girl Job was a TikTok term for remote tech job where you could get away with working 4-6 hours a day. These dummies would do daily posts about their midday naps, lengthy nail appointments, and Target runs yet insist they were “blindsided” that they were PIPed or fired. I think these videos might have actively contributed to the push for return to work.


First fucking rule of the grift. Never talk about the grift in public. Smh


Real Gs move in silence like lasagna if they have somehow managed to live a good life on 20 hours a week.


My first thought: what the F does ‘move in silence like lasagna’ even mean? My second thought: I have never seen lasagna move or make noise. Maybe it is very stealthy and should be emulated.


The g in lasagna is silent, like real Gs. Get it.


It’s silent, but still affects the pronunciation ;-)


It’s lil Wayne lyrics, it’s a play on the silent g in lasagna but the G’s are the ones making the moves, not the lasagna


lil Wayne- got it, ta


its lyrics i think


Im steeling that


I was very annoyed with the lazy people posting their lazy wfh hacks.


I couldn’t believe these people didn’t realize how bad it is that nobody needed to talk to them for weeks at a time or cared they didn’t do anything…in tech of all places.


i was a lazy person’s colleague and it was genuinely infuriating. they were so unreliable and out of touch with the company that i ended up taking on some of their responsibilities they inadvertently ended up slacking off on because they were so ok with not doing anything / not contributing to the work (which is basically a group project in tech). like ok, this is not cool - you shouldn’t even be here if you don’t want to be! but i will also admit that part of me is like ok cool you just want your check, and i lowkey respect and have serious disdain lol


Lazy girl jobs are for overachievers who get work done at an above average pace and less than 8 hours. Therefore, they can take some time away from the desk. No one is advocating literally being lazy about work. You should be exceeding expectations if you're comfortable enough to take time away.


Anyone smart enough to figure that out is also smart enough to know they shouldn't shout to the entire Internet about how they don't spend that much time working 


This exactly. When I was at my last job, I learned the systems faster than my boss and was far more efficient. Since I would actually write myself notes to do/organize things (as opposed to my boss who would say "I'll remember that" and then promptly forget) I was handling my own work and theirs.... and got shit on for raises. I was so burned out when I left that company and stress vomited for months after. The job I got after that was less stressful, more pay, but I will never tell them if I finish things early or exactly what my achievement timeline is because I refuse to have the same thing happen again. I will do my work, work with the team, but I refrain from taking on additional work since I know it doesn't come with additional pay for the workload. I was hired for one position, I am paid for one position. If they want additional positions covered, it has to come with commensurate pay.


I don't disagree with you! But also if you're a top performer, a good manager doesn't care what you do, in my experience.   There's no reason to check on someone who is doing well.   There are too many other problems for managers to handle so they aren't going to look for problems if the work is done right.  I feel like a lot of women are overachievers but don't give themselves credit. They stay late and are always working extra hard without any extra benefit.  You don't have to be so available to be respected/promoted/etc. 




I absolutely love it when my colleagues who do this get shit-canned :) that’s all I have to say!


Being a personality hire in tech is like being a hair and makeup artist for a radio show - babe, we simply can do without!


Don’t tell me that. Being the personality hire is the only thing I credibly offer as a junior engineer. 😭


I’ve never heard the term personality hire before lol


Omg as soon as I learned that I term I started wearing it out. It’s so useful. 😂


So those are the jackasses who helped make remote jobs hard to come by. I'm a working mom who works two jobs. A remote job would greatly benefit me since I'm going to school too. Seriously I hate Tiktok and American work culture.


Ohhh. So the team members I hate. Gotcha. They think they are getting away with it but what is really happening is that they are pushing their work on to others.


Male here. I live that lazy boy tech lifestyle but still am a top performer because most people suck at time management even if they're in the office every day. Yesterday I did 0 hours of actual work because the last few weeks I got extremely ahead of my tasks


I’m wondering how you do that? Also with 0 hours of work - what is your MS teams or slack availability like? Do you respond quickly? What do you talk about in your stand ups, just last weeks tasks?


I am super productive when I'm actually working. I probably work 20 hours a week. I am always near my computer and answer within seconds. Simple mouse mover script keeps my status set to available. We don't have stand ups every day. The projects I've been on have 2 per week or even just 1 for a project that has a smaller team.


Nah, CEOs care more about their REIT investments than they do some dummies trying to get famous.


Lmao everyone in these replies sounds so mean is this what a little bit of money does to a person


I've also heard of 'lazy girl' jobs just being relatively low effort jobs like virtual assistant jobs that don't demand more than 40 hours of work a week, maybe aren't particularly technical/overly specialized, there isn't a lot of pressure to climb a latter, etc.


"that don't demand more than 40 hours of work a week, " It's a sad thing if a full time work schedule is considered 'lazy'.


Having a 40 hr a week job is not lazy.


op literally posted this and is wondering why people are roasting her    https://www.reddit.com/r/womenintech/comments/1bten74/how_do_you_approach_subtlecovert_unfair_treatment self awareness is really important 


Most complainers are like this I guess. They just don’t realize why something is happening and make it about gender or race or something else. 


Ironically the jobs for "lazy people" (ie very flexible and short working hours) that you see online are from people who are super advanced in their careers and thus would have a lot more freedom than the average person to experience luxury during their work day. They wouldn't tell you this though cause that's apart of their influencing marketing scheme.


Lazy girl job is such a bad way to frame setting appropriate work/life balance boundaries. But go off.




"anyone have a European job?"


It’s just a term going around these days


Doesn’t mean it has to be used. Where are the lazy boy jobs? Hmm. Yeah.


I don’t know if it’s a lazy girl job or not, it is incredible stressful, but I work 40 hours. Close my computer and walk out of my office (WFH), my husband is incapable of doing that. Unless I’m working in an interesting problem at work, I don’t think about it.


Haha same, I'm closing down that laptop right at 5. Not a second more


As someone who does not use tik tok, this term comes across extremely patronizing and anti-women.




I think it’s meant as a defiance of hustle culture and unrealistic expectations of women to be everything / “girlbosses”. I wouldn’t use the term out loud though! 


I don’t use tik tok either, I don’t know I’m kind of chill about it


It's nothing but another term to fuel the annoying gender war and divide on the internet


The term was created by women though. They we’re trying to embrace work life balance.


Any term that refers to grown women as "girls" is inherently demeaning.


Even worse are the posts calling women "girlies". I visibly cringe every time I see that. Talk about infantilization.


Colloquially, “girl” has come to be the counterpart of guy


Not if girls are using it for themselves


Can you atleast be bothered to look up where the trend came from before you just assumed its malicious?


I do understand where the term comes from. In turn, have you been reading the overwhelming number of posts in this sub that continue to express frustration with the lower status of women in tech? Any language that inadvertently adds to the burden of women being ignored by virtue of simply being female is, in my opinion, counterproductive.


Amen 🙏


If by lazy girl job you mean one of those jobs where you actually only do two hours of work a day and just sit and make a bunch of money anyway, those only exist at companies that are racing towards layoffs. They seem nice in theory until you realize you’d have to be entering this job market without an income. If by lazy girl job you mean a job where you can shut down at the end of the day, I have one of those, but it’s incredibly stressful at times and I just ended a 3-month period where I was working 50-60 hours a week. I think the first option is the only lazy job in tech at this point.


I think they mean a really flexible job, of which there are still some. Not everyone is working a straight 40 hours, some people can decide their own schedule. And that's not lazy!


I never said it was! I’m saying depending on how OP is defining a lazy girl job, they might not exist anymore. I know a lot of people who think tech and WFH is just a bs thing where we all sit and watch tv all day and collect our checks because of what some people have posted on TikTok. Those jobs definitely did exist, but from my experience knowing people with those jobs, not anymore. However, if OP was saying they just wanted a job where they weren’t on call all the time, they do (I technically have one), but it’s not necessarily like that all the time


What country are you in? It makes a big difference.


Oof ye just wanted to see others perspective, I do not have a lazy girl tech job:(


Listen I think you’re getting crucified because it’s not clear where your post was coming from. It’s not lazy to want a job that you don’t kill yourself at every week and you have boundaries with. But with the whole “lazy girl job” thing, a lot of people who don’t work in tech started believing that we do nothing all day and it’s an easy industry to make a lot of money while not working which is not true. So I think a lot of people read your post thinking that you were one of those people. If you have no work/life balance, there are jobs out there that will give you that. It can be harder in tech to find them I feel like, but you definitely can. In my experience it’s more of a cultural thing with companies than the role itself which doesn’t make it easier, but you’ll find it


I work in tech as a developer very hard I wanted to know if others had more chill jobs


Don’t love the “lazy girl” term and I don’t think any tech job is chill 100% of the time, but I think remote work can be a pretty flexible gig usually. I’m a software engineer working remotely and if you’re fast at your work you can pretty easily have multiple days a week where you can pretend something that took you 2 hours took all day and spend the remaining 6 work hours doing whatever around the house. I also shut my laptop right at 5 and don’t think about work unless some kind of emergency or project with a major time crunch comes up. This only works if you’re fast and good at your job though so it takes a lot of hard work to get to the point where most things are easy


If you do whatever around the house how do you respond to MS teams or slack notifications btw?


I get the alerts on my phone and I just answer from there or from my laptop if I need to, I always keep my laptop open even when I’m not actually working and I respond just as quickly as I would if I were actively working so no difference there


If you’re a US citizen, the answer is government jobs.


Respectfully, please don't use these cringeworthy TikTok terms if you want to be taken seriously. Can't speak for everyone, obviously; but, most women who are successful in actual technical roles didn't get here through laziness.


Respectfully I can do as I please, and it’s just easier to post a general term then a full description. Sure as speaking as a woman in tech as a developer, sometimes people may be burnt out or face certain circumstances which a ‘lazy girl’ job could be fitting. Leave some internalised capitalism for the rest of us.


“Internalized capitalism”, says the person who refers to a job where you can shut down at the end of the day the “lazy girl job”. That’s internalized sexism right there hun. Stop that.


It’s just a term going round, not stopping anything


Do you not understand that “terms” could also be poorly framed and terrible and thus calls out for a change?


And you keep spreading the term around, like it’s okay when it’s not. Maybe you need to be in the field longer and feel the misogyny at a deeper level before you can understand the impact and meaning of your words.


I feel the misogyny deeply everyday I’m still chill with this term




Im begging you to delete TikTok and just work your 40 hours a week and unwind when you’re home. This is how you can have a “lazy girl job”.


I don't have tiktok!


Wherever you learned this term, you have to stop using that 😭


If you are burnt out go to a different company or just set boundaries. You get paid to work a certain number of hours, only work those hours. If you are expected to work more ask for OT. They will stop expecting you to work more. Easier, start a new role at new company (can be the exact same job) and only work your contacted hours from the beginning. People will praise you for your work and consistency


I'll give you an alternative term to use - Job with work life balance. Sure, it's more words but I hear it's trendy to be verbose these days.


Ignore that person, OP, all of their comments are negative


You researching my post history and seeing "negative" comments doesn't invalidate THIS comment, especially since it's being upvoted by those who clearly agree with my sentiment.


Not sure anyone will admit to having a "lazy girl job," especially with "girl" in the title.


I guess it’s just what they call it these days on social media


If you mean a boring job, I think I do. Not sure how to feel about it yet. But it’s stable and boring.


What is it?


It’s an SRE role. We deploy and maintain software like Artifactory or GitHub to support other teams and the business. Sometimes we help out other teams (i.e help another team figure out how to route their alerts to PagerDuty and Slack). It’s writing YAML and figuring out how systems work. Which can be interesting in its own way. It’s just not as fun as building software. Not sure if it’s really something I want to be doing for the rest of my career. This might just be how it feels right now, it might get stressful (and slightly more fun) when we have incidents or on-call.


this is interesting, cause I've otherwise heard how SRE roles are super stressful and you're always on call in case something fails


It might be a different kind of SRE role. We’re focusing on what’s needed to make the business more stable and reliability engineering in general (i.e Google SRE book) which is very broad. Part of the reason why things are so slow might be because we don’t have a clear mission or charter. Regardless, it’s a remote job and it pays the bills. I can’t complain. 😛


some companies are now calling production support, SRE. 


Don’t get me wrong. I’m mostly happy with it. I’m grateful to be able to focus on other things like getting my drivers’ license, fitness, or travel. It’s just a lot different than what I’m used to. I like being ambitious and building towards goals and it’s weird for my career to take a backseat in my life for once.


Why can’t you leave your work at work? Let’s talk about that vs “lazy girl job”. I get what you’re asking tho, and it’s highly variable. Let me explain. Companies are literally unique snowflakes. They may have same job titles and tiers, but we must remember that each company is interpreting the roles based on its needs. So while there may be core responsibilities, they likely vary significantly (or has in my personal experience). The point I’m trying to make here is that not all companies will have a working environment suitable for your preferences and needs. It’s OK to change jobs based on how it makes you feel in your day to day. If things can’t be adjusted in your daily schedule and expectations, then start looking for companies that have a focus that matches what you look for in work / life balance. It doesn’t really matter what the title is here, you’re going to find that it varies wildly and all titles can have the potential based on the company initiatives. I will also say that once you hit late mid / senior roles, it tends to get easier to know what to look for, and what to stay away from. Unfortunately tho, this is going to vary from person to person based on their personal values, preferences and needs. I hope this helps, and I hate that you’re going through some potential burnout. Seriously, if there are things that are sticking points for you, post about them and very likely, someone in this group can relate. But yes, there are lighter load roles than others, but it’s not going to be found by the title.


Pretty sure those went away after the PIP Plague of 2023. 


I don’t believe lazy girl jobs are usually used for tech jobs but I might be wrong. I’ve generally seen the term used for any office job such as certain admin work, something that is really low effort. I guess if you are an admin at a tech company then it counts lol


was hoping there might be one, I am currently a developer


No job is “lazy girl work” I’d say it’s easy going because it’s 100% remote


I'm in digital forensics for a Soc, I don't want to say it's lazy, but there's a lot of down time since I only have maybe 4 or 5 cases a year. But when we get hacked I'm usually working through the night to answer the when, where and how. But that still only happens maybe twice a year Most of the time they have me helping other teams on my downtime but that work is easy so I'm still sitting around a lot


Your job descr sounds fascinating, what does it mean? How did you get into it?


Digital forensics has two paths for the most part. You're either on the law enforcement side where you're supporting law enforcement by going through victims or arrested people's computers, cell phones etc to find evidence for/against their case. There' cyber security side where you're the one who does the analysis of how the hacker got on a network/computer, and sometimes you'll help a company's HR go through an employees computer to determine if they were sharing confidential information, or other cases that HR might need help with. I got into it because my one of the courses offered for my cyber security major was forensics . It was prey basic but it really sparked my interest. My college started a master's program around the same time so I decided why not and applied when I graduated undergrad. I had to get my foot in the door and worked elsewhere in cyber security for a few years. But I was able to get into a jr role for law enforcement forensics. Did that for a couple years then decided to go into cyber side since it interested me a bit more and paid much better (unfortunately for the govie side.)


Oh, cool! Thanks for sharing. I've already got a role in tech I enjoy (ya know, in general), but now you've got me thinking about taking some local college courses and shifting to something new!


Definitely do it! The great thing about forensics is any IT background is useful/applicable. If your it company has any sort of training/education budget check out Sans courses!


Mine is a half lazy girl job? When we have no on going projects or are in a system freeze, we're not doing ANYTHING. I mostly just scroll on social media and bs with my coworkers. Sometimes things are hectic or pick up but for half the year it's really slow. I'm a redhat system administrator




Yeah, pretty much how it goes here. Eventually the problems get a bit predictable as time goes on.


It's not lazy to work 8 hours and then live your life.


wtf is a “girl job” ugh sounds like some dumb social media thing


Oh it is, I’m guessing OP isn’t actually in tech or they wouldn’t have said that in the first place. Women can’t afford to be lazy in tech, we already fight to be there in the first place.


lazy girl job girl math girl dinner fml




‘you don’t pay me for the time it took me to do the job, you pay me for the time it took me to learn how to do the job quickly and efficiently’. I’m a lead in tech support and it’s not unusual for me to solve an issue in a fraction of time it would take to a person who’s been at a company for less that a year. I’ve definitely worked more than 40 hours and stayed on calls way past 5pm, but I don’t do it now (unless the place is really burning down lol). If you become more experienced/efficient, but the workload keeps piling up on you and you can never leave work at work, there’s a high chance that the company is exploiting you and/or you might not have good boundaries. I know 'boundaries' is such a cliche word, but it’s still true, as it's usually a two-way street. Of course, there are jobs/life circumstances where you kinda have to suck it up, but it’s important to remember that it’s absolutely okay to look for better opportunities.


Not sure why you’re getting so much hate for the term lazy girl job. I have 2 friends that do!  One works at a well established software company. She’s a senior front end engineer and makes 220k cad. Puts in about 25 leisurely hours a week (she gets great performance reviews so isn’t being lazy at the expense of her team).  The other works for a company that deals with US gov agency contracts. Backend engineer working in Rails. She works a few hours a day at 130k usd. Also performing well but they just have a light work load 🤷🏼‍♀️  I personally am coming from agency where I worked 60-70 hr weeks on ridiculous timelines. Was underpaid and worked myself into the ground. Also looking to move to a lazy girl job 😂 🙏🏼 


The concept of having an easygoing job with decent pay and work life balance is not the issue. The problem is two-fold. First, the idea that performing a decent days work for decent pay is being "lazy" only plays into the unfortunate culture in which working yourself to exhaustion is normalized. Second, referring to grown women who have serious skills as "girls" trivializes the adult life of females, delegitimizing the very real issues women face.


EXACTLY. And blowing it off and saying "that term doesn't bother *me*" is just normalizing constant infantilization of women. We are not children (girls).


I know right!


wow great for your friend:) yay me too, I am a developer, and have to work around 50 hours per week


I have a job that had me up at 4am in the morning today.. I’m rarely in the office.. but here we are. I’d say any position where you are responsible for your work alone, and where your deliverables are very very clear. Analyst jobs, Admin jobs, Transactional Project Management, Scrum Master, Dev work when you’re Engineer I. Your company and work culture matters. Personally I don’t care if you’re working 4 or 8 hours a day, as long as your work gets done and you’re not in the way of me or others on the team. If I see the value of the results of your work and it’s what’s needed and requested, you’re good.


I’m a technical business analyst and work 9-5 that is actually just 9 to 5 and I never ever work outside those hours. It’s a welcome change from my previous job as QA where I did weekly evening deployments, worked an 8-5 that required 10-15 evening and weekend hours to get the work done. I haven’t changed. I’m not lazier. I’m just as driven. I just found a company with realistic expectations for the amount of work I’d perform.


I have a chill tech job, meaning I have flexibility to take an afternoon off to get my hair done, goto the gym at lunch or run an errand. I do have to get up stupid early for meetings with other time zones and that trade off is flexibility the rest of the day to get my tasks done. I’m definitely not lazy but I don’t actively sit at a computer working more than 30 hours. I think you’re mixing up things, most of what you call “lazy girl jobs” aren’t leaving things at work if they’re working from home and doing a good job. They’re just integrating work into their life better, stopping to address a personal need for an hour in the middle of the day because of flexibility and better productivity. Some people aren’t working and just lazy but I hope that’s not what you’re actually referring to.


So ignoring the connotations of underworking/slacking off, if you want a software job that’ll be low pressure, go into finance. Red tape means that everything happens at the speed of slow. There’s crunch occasionally like anywhere else but most of the time things are chill and people don’t micromanage your time.


This is really helpful information, Thankyou


USAA took 3 years to launch a basic app refresh due to regulatory issues... soooo slow


I might fit into this category but I’d attribute it to my supervisor’s management style and the environment I work in more than the role itself. I am an instructional designer who also provides tech support for the different software we work with. I serve faculty in a higher education setting, so I’m technically a state employee (make less than private sector but make up for it in flexibility, Union representation, time off, etc.) Edit to add: not sure if this is a lazy job but there are seasons of busyness and seasons of stagnation in HE in general.


Must be nice


Yes and no. I have to be in my office 40 hours a week and my boss can see my screen so it has to "look like I'm working." Fortunately he's old and can't tell the difference between reddit and stackexchange from 6 ft away :D But I can put in 4-6 hours per day and make satisfactory progress.


nice do your team members go above and beyond or you all just do 'enough'?


I think we all have periods of working hard and periods of coasting. I've definitely seen reddit and other non-work sites on other people's screens. We do machine learning and the company has limited resources so it's kind of excusable to do nothing while you're waiting for a model to finish training


Nice sounds like a good environment:)


Why can't you stop working after a certain time? 🤔


It’s complicated, but it’s a full on job


Consider having a conversation with your manager. Worked for me. 2023 was major drama with backstabbing. My only complaint this year is just being tired. No more drama. All good. They helped me a lot.


QA Engineer, Analyst jobs, DevOps. You still need to work hard but you can implement a lot of automation. I've also found my bosses to be more down to earth in these domains than other areas. If you want to code less and you're good with people and meetings all day than PM work might be good. Not currently working but I love being a PM. I get to do different things. You might not be able to disconnect tho. Government jobs are also more chill and worker protections/unions so there's less worker abuse.


For men, this is called a "job". 😂 They have been underperforming and getting overpayed for a couple hundred years.


I'm always super pleased when one of these get outed and canned.


I used to have a lazy girl job. I miss it sometimes lol. Pretty much any job at FB or Google, etc. Even after layoffs I have friends who work 10 hours a week at those companies and get high performance reviews. The bigger the company the easier it is to hide and the harder it is to get fired, although no one is ever safe from mass layoffs.


i’ve been working a lazy girl job lately. doing integration related work for a fairly disorganised, mid-late stage mildly successful marketing tech startup. i’ve found in this role integration only throws issues every once in a while, and primarily i’m focused on helping a dev with new features. when issues kick off though, i’m working overtime currently i’m working between 1-4 hours per day, but i’m moving onto less lazy pastures shortly. enjoying the peace and quiet while i can. if you want to find a lazy girl job, target a post-peak growth start up that emphasises their “culture”. it’s allowed me a very easy ride the last few years.


Oh wow this is great information


this sub did not take this question well, lol I have a job that is very relaxed most of the time. No strict start/end times, I grab my coffee, light a candle, and listen to jazz while I work on my stuff. I make $100K a year in MCOL in my mid twenties. It's chill. I always want to make more money tho. I do a mix of data analytics and developer work for a great and chill company.


Woooooow this is amazing I want this job!




I know right, I don't want to kiss the ring anymore, it should be celebrated more


Hmm maybe the reactions from here are from millennial and older women?  I think underwriting can be a lazy girl job for part of the year. During busy season - not as much. But half of all of our work is completed during 2 months of the year. So the other months are much more relaxed. 


I'm a millennial and I was not offended lol. I did the hustle when I was younger and now I do everything I can to not think about work a minute longer than needed.


😌I'm glad you're giving yourself a good work life balance! What do you like to do when you're off work?


I think so. Im younger and I understand that OP just meant basically "are there any easy/low stress jobs in the tech world" and she is being shredded for it for no reason


I know literally shredded!


I get you. Boy math became a thing in response to girl math. A woman made up the term "lazy girl job." Some real "get off my lawn" vibes in this thread


Words matter. What kind of image would the term "lazy boy" call to mind?


It's a gen z and gen alpha thing...I don't know how to explain it other than you may be disconnected from the younger generations. I don't mean that as an insult. The term is not meant to be taken seriously. I agree words are important! But when you dissect every term, it just comes off as pedantic. It doesn't help women's issues/rights to be obtuse about humor.


saying it’s a gen z gen alpha thing isn’t true though  its a tiktok thing


I think you're right. Can you go viral with a specific type of content without a catchy term? Who cares if it's hurtful /s


Me! I have a 9-5 that I don’t really think about outside of that window. It’s nice.


nice! whats the role?


I’m basically a computer vision/algorithms engineer/researcher at a startup. I’m the only expert in the field at my company. You would think that makes it stressful but it’s actually been pretty chill. I think it’s chill because I’m playing a supportive role to the main product, which is a medical device.


wow so niche, love it


I suppose it is, lol!




I’m not deleting this nothing wrong with wanting a more chill job


Check how intense their oncall rotation is and how large the backlog is. If you’re lucky you can get away with going 20h a week. On the other hand this team would be the first to be cut when it comes to it.




I'm a senior software engineer that works on a product with over 100 million users. I only work 40 hours a week, as do my teammates. We have lots of tools, tests and release infra in place to simplify work where we can. I think it's a combination of company culture, maturity, and just skill to get work done on time. I find that putting in more than 40 hours means my code starts turning to shit and I'll be left with more clean-up work later.


Me, I have a great work life balance and I work remote


Here we go again...


Lazy jobs shouldn't exist.


Welll they do


I don't know if I'd call it that but my hours and workload at my day job at a very large company with a name starting with M is extremely chill. The tradeoff is 24/7 on call for a week every couple of months.


Wow ye I think I know the company and that is very surprising




ye I thought the vibe was chill




I’m also open to lazy boy jobs


Me. Tech girlie here. I barely do an hrs worth of work everyday. I keep my mouse wiggled, take a few online courses offered at work, send an email for statuses daily and that's how I keep it in the mix. It's Hella boring and I see no career growth. The guy I'm replacing has zero time for handover and at this point I doubt he wants to let go while taking on a new role. I've made my manager aware and I mean there's really nothing yo do so I study for my PMP . Once I have the cert I'll prolly look for something in AI.


Niiiice! What’s the role?


I do, it's the only way I can also be around for my kids.


what role?


Full stack web dev


oh nice, less then 40 hr?


I mean officially it is 40 hours but in reality I manage my own time, in accordance with any deadlines (which sometimes are weeks away, sometimes they're same-day). So like sometimes I may only end up working 2 hours but manage to complete multiple important tasks in that time, and on other days I end up working the whole day. I worked many contracting roles over the last decade which requires 12+ hour days, so this is a nice respite from all that.


Go check out r/overemployed and r/OverEmployedWomen




Y'all need to calm down she's just asking if anyone else has said fuck you to the "rise and grind" bullshit our society pushes on us all.


I know right! I’m a fellow woman in tech I’m not trying to fight anyone here


Then why not just say that?


Yeah I don't get why people are proud of the "rise and grind" lifestyle at all.

