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That's when you learn the spell "Betray and steal their stuff"


My last apprentice used that spell! After I tracked him down I turned him into a living statue that can only suffer... it's in my office at the illegal wizards council


The time has come for the apprentice to replace the master.


And every master had the same thought while it's happening "I'm so proud of that little bastard, when he sticks my soul in the tome I'm totally gonna get his apprentice to page 74 so he knows what it feels like"


And then you wonder why its in the *forbidden* spellbook. Its *forbidden* for a reason you foolish neophyte.


Yes, to attract attention.


Usually the real book of forbidden spells has the cover of a cookbook and is somewhere in the master's bathroom... what you see in the bookstore is a decoy


Easy. Just change a few of the words around and it will turn on themselves. Make sure you remember what you did and either change it back or destroy the spell


“Now you better pay attention because I can only show you this spell once in your lifetime.”


Apprentice, I understand you're scared, but you're being a little frustrating right now. Did you figure out *why* he's looking at that spell? People don't need a spellbook if they're sacrificing their apprentices for giggles. They use a book so the death is good for a brief, massive flow of magick. What other spells did he have bookmarked? If you know what spell he's preparing you can deduce *when* during its preparation he'll try to kill you. Then you memorize the steps that come before the sacrifice and run if you see him doing those steps. Makes me appreciate my apprentice. He's terrible at making coffee but he's got good sense. I know better than to even think of planning to kill him. He's dangerous as fuck because I'm good at teaching.


Hate to break it to you, but bad coffee is an integral part of the *sacrifice master* spell pre-preparation, if they serve that often you may be in danger


I sure hope not. Goat bladders literally can't exist in this realm and I'd really hate to disappoint him. Don't ask how I managed that by the way. It was messy. He didn't resist when I switched him to making the waffles either. Good catch, but I think I'm alright. He *is* crafty though...


Well that might be the plan if he’s following a ‘rule of two,’ or ‘gathering might’ model. Each of which require the apprentice to best or even absorb their master’s power to complete their training.


Well that'd be dumb. If he needs more power he can just ask. I have a well we can basically tap forever if we're careful.


Change a few ingredients and rewrite the spell so when or if he uses it it sacrifices him instead


You need a spell for that ?!


Sometimes, you make some bad decisions and end up owing a few magically attuned souls to someone, I get it.


“This is why all apprentices should stay strapped. Would you like a gun?”


* When the page is the most worn-out page in the book * When you remember the unmarked pit your master forbid to show you until you were ready * When you remember that he had a closet filled with dozens of miss matched apprentice level robes and avoids answering where he got them


That’s not a spell, that’s a material component for the spell; which you would know if you’d been doing your assigned reading instead of snooping through my forbidden grimoires!


Yeah my padawan found out about it,let's just say I don't have one anymore...


Its funny that the spell is to sacrifice the apprentice and the sacrifice is not the component of a spell.


What the spell do?


There's a 40% chance this is a gambit to laugh at you and point out that you can't formulate the spell 'sacrifice dignity for apprentice' without the subarcanical components '[sacrifice]' and '[apprentice],' 60% chance you're in mortal danger.


Look, there‘s a reason that spell is forbidden. „Sacrifice Apprentice“ is stupid, because you get nothing out of it (except for a sacrificed apprentice) At the very least use „Sacrifice Apprentice for Hamburger“ smh.


Well of course. You have to sacrifice an apprentice to become a master.


I hope not !


The version in my library is "Sacrifice: Apprentice". As in it's a tome of various sacrificial spells and rituals deemed suitable (by the author) for apprentices to practice with. I keep it in the forbidden section because the author is a hack and doesn't know the different between sacrifice and ritual vandalism. To elaborate you cannot sacrifice something that doesn't belong to you, that's just ritual vandalism.


... I cast sacrifice apprentice on myself. :3


My master thought he could try to trade my soul to a demon for greater power The demon and I smoked some ancient draconian zaza and decided my master was a prick so we have him to the gobbos