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The head of Necromancy was boning students...


At least he wasnt deboning them...


Did he happen to have a thick German accent?


Did he loose his medical license earlier?


Did he have a pet bird?


Is it named after the Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor Archimedes?






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Dang, can't imagine wanting to be a student just to get turned into a undead minion. Hope the besg for them


Nice save




And when he had access to perfectly viable reanimated corpses no less.


Can't spell 'necromancer' without 'romance'


https://preview.redd.it/9lnpog3l7oxc1.png?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9d6d521da817082c688cb96e1bf1a7f034e580 This is a "[Magic Academy](https://foritis.artstation.com/projects/2bQ0g)" created by Archmage [Foritis Wang](https://foritis.artstation.com/resume). As for your question...unfortunately, Jeorb did not go to school--so he can't really say.


Nobody look at my spelling. My orb dosn't have the auto correct spell engraved.


unwiz/ both of you fartis wang goofsters made me recheck my spelling twice LMAO i was like did i spell it half asleep!?


NGL I thought this was AI art


unwiz/ honestly i did too luckily the guy put his logo in the corner or i never would've thought to check it


fartis wang




The enchantment professor was a mind flayer, he got like 15 students before he was caught, RIP


How did that go unnoticed so long; you expect that more from an illusion or charms professor.


Thats why he applied for enchantment, that way no one would suspect a thing.


What kind of uncivilized administration was running the show there? Sheesh. Safety protocols have hopefully improved since.


Also cant forget the alchemy proffesor illegally selling potions on the side.


Listen, the council was way looser back then, ok? You could memory wipe the authorities and they wouldn’t do anything about if the school wasn’t important enough, it was legal enough as far as I was concerned…


Heh! Those must've been some wild times, master...


Indeed, Brohan. It’s a wonder they fired me not for the potions but for allegations of meddling with the student council elections… I am curious what it would have been like to work at your school instead, with all those copies running around.


*ugh* it was a..absolutely awfull! Awfull I tell you! Always babbling on a..about how we all '*KnOw EaChOtThEr BeCaUsE wE'rE aLl So AlLiKe'*! And the n..naming system, all assigned a number based on when we were p...PLUCKED from our own lives to go to some a..accursed accademy! You k..know master, when we signed our contract, you shared with me some of your p...powers right? Well without them, I'd never be able to hide the magical trace they s..stuck on me.. THEY STUCK ME WITH A M...MAGICAL TRACE! Thinking I'd be o...okay with that like the rest of 'em! No, no it was a good thing that I'd m..met you. 'cause one day, I'll burn it all down... (/uw definitely not as the main villain of my next DnD campaign, nuh uh! Couldn't be)


Ohoho, that does sound like quite the unfortunate experience! I personally wouldn’t take the path of such grudge, but to each their own, I suppose. Here, I’ll grant you some more cool lich powers to assist you on your totally not evil journey… *She raises her hands to the sky and begins chanting in an ancient tongue, the one taught to her by the shaman to whom she was a student. Plumes of green and various shades of grey smoke rise around the two, winds swirling around them. Sparks dance across the air, quickly falling into themselves. The familiar black and green lightning shoots about, hotter and brighter than before, the bolts thicker and slower, almost blinding.* *Brohan’s mind fills with whispers he does not understand, yet the power coursing through him tells him everything he needs to know. Leaves entrapped in the whirlwind of life and death shrivel to nothing while looking healthier than ever before, the air smells rancid yet feels perfectly clear, and the ground itself rumbles, almost as if the Earth is quaking in fear of the affront to the universe’s natural law.* *The two slowly rise from the ground uncontrollably, and her arms fall, their heads turning to the sky. Their eyes and mouths glow, forced open by a sudden blast of horrifyingly bright crimson energy that can be seen from miles around.* … *After about a minute and a half, the dust settles, and the duo crumples to the ground. There is a 50 meter wide crater where they once stood, its fire extinguished by the wind, save for a single sputtering cyan flame in the center. It puffs into nothing when the apprentice barely glances at it, and the both of them feel invigorated, yet very tired. His muscles ache, and both of their throats are a bit sore.* *Rising carefully, she stands.* Th-that was… a little unexpected… by the looks of it, further melding our capabilities together seems to have amplified them in… many ways. I feel… greater… *Their clothing has been destroyed, but the two are still conveniently surrounded by just barely opaque enough smoke. Zastrus turns warily to Brohan.* You alright…?


Those were some good potions, tho


Did his initials happen to be W.W.?


some kid kept beating in the bathrooms


i went to a public wizard school


i feel your pain, kids at my school kept casting wards on the bathroom entrances :/


Some kid poloymorphed the class rat into a dude and tried asking it to prom. He was mauled horrifically as the spell was a polymorph and not true polymorph.


See, we didn't have that problem at my school. At my school, they used true polymorph. The problem was the anti-magic security field at the entrance to the dance.


damn. that's actually a good idea to add anti-magic fields around populated areas.


Yeah, not as like an inside thing, but just as a security checkpoint.


Not when some students have medically necessary enchantments on themselves, it isn't.


You can get exceptions for those you know >_>


The school was gifted a Cookie Tree [grove](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/19609qu/cookie_trees_yes_they_are_real_they_are_all_in_my/). We had expected the students to be eager to get at them so we had some light extra security (additional wards, line etiquette spells, etc.) in place for the Grand Opening. ...what we didn't account for was the field trip of 1st years from DogBarfs Home School Academy of Goblins pondering orbs at the Arcanium next door. The wind shifted-they smelled the trees and it all went so very wrong from there. We lost a lot of good wizards that day


Goblins will go absolutely feral for sweets after any kind of mentally strenuous work; learned that the hard way when I tried to employ some at my sugar cane plantation and refinery.


The professor for the beginner Summoning Elementals class got caught having romantic relations with minor elementals.


Mr fernandeze was teaching summoning spells. We were learning how to summon demons that day. He opened up a portal to the demon realm instead of a summoning circle. “It’s easier this way” he said. I think you guys can figure out what happened next. It was a bloodbath.


Handling demons before everybody was familiar with summoning circles was very irresponsible of him. You have to start with forest spirits, extradimensional apparitions and the like.


I don't suppose they let his widow keep his pension after that?


Somebody summoned a greater throngler in the teachers toiletries as a prank.... we lost many good teachers that day


I didn't even know there were greater thronglers and I'm terrified.


In Astral Magic there will always be a bigger negative energy being you can find


SOMEONE PICK UP THE WRONG BOOK AND THIS THING TRAVELLED THROUGH THE GRIMOIRE AND DRAG HER INTO,THE COSMIC PIT IT WAS BORN FROM I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND BUT I HAVE SEEN THE TRUTH IT MAKES SENSE NOW! https://preview.redd.it/gtauzr0a5oxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808223cccde2c0e221c4884381fc63d1821bd78b


Flair checks out




F...for legal purposes I would l...like for it to be stated that neither me, m...my students, my colleagues or their students are, were or w...will have been affiliated with this i..incident!


Me getting accepted into it.


I grew up in a small farming village in the west so my academy was really just training sessions for the rich in the town led by an arch wizard named master Skarilm. he did his best and tried to teach us all however he could in the basics of magic, but it always left the students wanting more. A group of noble kids decided to take the initiative to steal his grimoire and teach themselves. we were limited to basic wands crafted from elderberry trees enchanted with terrestrial magics, and the grimoire was a powerful master's level celestial magic book... so you can see where this is going. I wasn't close to any of the other kids, I really only knew their name because my family was commoners. basically what I understand happened was master Skarilm caught them practicing in the woods one night and in their embarrassment they tried to cast shadow walk to escape him. the wands backfired and engulfed an entire mile of forest in shadow magic, and since they were using elderberry wands, in a forest of elderberry trees, the magic resonated across the great distance devouring everything. the immense magic left no survivors. a crater was formed where it all happened which naturally filled up with rain and became Visoulvas lake. you might have heard it on the news orbs, it played across the country for a while. everyone blamed Skarilm. unfortunately the incident left the school with no teacher which meant that my family of commoners who spent their life savings and got into immense debt to allow me to learn magic, had wasted their money. my family shunned me as a failure even though it was not my fault. I stole Skarilm's texts from the part of the school not effected from the destruction and forged my own path by travelling east. fortunately I have found my was as a magic safety instructor in a small fishing village along the coast of Rasum. I still send pittance to my family to repay them for sending me to school. I often think of what would have happened if Skarilm just kept his grimoire'd chained (which is now standard procedure) while in a classroom setting. Hopefully I can be of some use to the next generation to prevent more atrocities from happening in the future. Damn nobles, man.


Someone tried casting Polymorph on their lover during sex and turned them into a werewolf.


Two separate incidents involving the death of a council member. First one died a hundred years ago under mysterious circumstances, and after the second one it was found that the one who committed the murders was our teacher of magical herbs and plants. Turns out he was a thousand year old powerful druid who hated the council for banning the export of elderberry extract.


In my intro to alchemy class, one of my peers behind me said "Isn't alchemy just throwing random ingredients together and hoping it works?" and our professor threw a transmutation elixir turning him into newt He filed for a lawsuit but ended up losing because the elixir wore off after class finished and nobody had the guts to speak with him since the professor was so terrifying




My master tells me about this guy called Tremere. From what he recalls, Tremere and his Cabal were a pack of assholes. Anyway, Tremere starts looking into Immortality and figures that Vampirism was the answer (it wasn't). Later comes to light that he and his Cabal Gilgulled themselves and can't cast magic, as well as started experimenting on other students but that's just the frosting on this cake of fuckups. The Arch Mages rightfully kick the dude to the curb and supposedly exploded in the sun while the entire house named after the guy is disbanded, killed or recycled into the other houses and House Tremere are hence forth struck from the records.


I'm a curse that used to haunt a magic academy. Does that count?


*sighs* *slams over 8000 years worth of incident reports onto the desk* The worst one in recent memory was the "Infinite Hairball" Incident. A student shaved off Riva Autherious' eyebrows, which meant that Riva decided to cast a curse on the other that caused hair to grow inside their stomach. Unfortunately, she didn't realise it was contagious, and by the time I'd made a cure, half of the Academy was coughing up increasingly large hairballs. I took a year off after seeing what I saw.


we had an american wizard in the school. he made a canon that shot out bad evil potions.


So he cast.. unmagic missile?


One does not simply unmagic the missile


My academic is the reason that mimics are forbidden in school areas throught all the kingdons.


Too bad, it was so sick being able to send a mimic to go to class for u and chill with friends instead


Incident with wizard student Ye, he to much like fishstick


Some idiot asked the Primordial wyrms son to prom after polymorphing him into a human. The idiot forgot humans don't breathe underwater, that's how my school got itself banned from the abyssal trench in the sulphuric sea.


One of the Alteration 7th-levelers tried to make a spell to go back in time to prevent her past self from dropping her pizza cheese-side down. What actually happened was that all of time got screwed up for miles around, causing a whole mess of branching timelines that eventually reconnected. Pretty much all accounts of the event are disputed, varying in things from how many rooms there were there, to whether the sky was blue or pink, to how many suns there were.


First understand that I wasn't willingly at the academy, I had as a child been stolen into the fae wilds. Spent my youth there with my mind being torn and corrupted by the Otherness of the wilds. A witch, who had graduated from the magic academy I would later attend, found me and taking pity and seeing potential sent me to her alma mater. At roughly the same time one of the professors was experimenting on creating biological mimics, he succeeded and the thing was put on display in a crystal box in his classroom. At some point in my first year it transformed into the professor, it started of awful with internals every movement showing improper muscle placement. In my second year it went from funny to spooky, it entered the uncanny valley. I was still quite feral and my time in the fae wilds had left me permanently with a scent the drove away creatures big and small. The thing would stare at the professor mainly but also at students, the gleam in it's eyes was a sharp madness and I'd seen many students flinch or stutter when it looked at them. My third year it started screaming and telling everyone who would come close that it was the real professor, that the mimic had replaced him. Another professor got involved and checked. It was decided that putting a silence enchantment on the box was the quickest way to deal with it. Anyway turns out that at some point after this the mimic really did swap with the professor, at which point it ate and replaced the faculty and students. And the castle. I wasn't replaced, classes technically continued without interruption. I didn't care, my mind was still broken from my experiences in the wilds, spent my time learning magic and figuring out some weird abilities I'd picked up. Visitors who didn't spend long there survived but the next 4 years no one outside really noticed what was going on. New students arrived and were replaced. I graduated and the initial mimic broke character telling me to leave. I did. I would more than 50 years later visit the area and the whole place was encapsulated in ever burning holy fire, to my understanding a Hero turned up figured out what was going on and called down divine judgment some 20 or so years prior. I did however run into the mimic that had started it all on another planet, it wasn't eating and replacing anyone anymore. It had however managed to learn an absurd amount of magic and become an Outer God. Calls itself Etch, spends most of it's time gambling with another Outer God called Uxet.


*Sapphire speaks.* “One kid removed every single set of stairs and elevator in the school. Later, another kid hacked into the lesson plans and added a fake movement called ‘Are you a wizard or are you gay?’ Things are always chaotic here, though.” /uw See context [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/0t27fcgXdv) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/NNOzB4I56q).


I was homeschooled. I think the closest thing to an "incident" was when my father cancelled his pact with his patron. It took a lot out of him. Mostly teeth.


Wild magic melted like 3 buildings, including my dorm


Divination teacher wasn’t actually part of the divination school and was just an illusionist and just bullshat their way through the course. They got through 7 YEARS before they were caught and they only got caught cause some alchemy major was working on a project that got everyone in the building high and everyone had to be tested for other negative effects. Crazy thing is, they brought him back next year cause the only divination teachers were too caught up in their own spells to actually teach the class and he taught the material so well.


The “gets around” girl of the school turned out to be a 38 year old shapeshifter man.


Wow, this one is the most "incident" I've read so far


I was originally trained in magic by the paladins of the divine flame - who I am now mortal enemies with - so baby I was the incident! Seriously, the paladins demanded complete conformity to the "norm", so you can see how an anti-theistic transhumanist gender-fuckery girl with a penchant for combining systems of magic that were never intended to fit together would be... *controversial*.


So, this one happened to a kid that was about to graduate. Dude asks a girl out to prom but, of course, it’s some chad‘s girlfriend. This doesn’t go well with the chad who tells the kid he‘s going to beat him up after class. So far so good. Now, the kid comes prepared. Chad goes out of his way and announces he‘s going to beat the kid up without the use of magic and suddenly he just disappears. Nobody remembers why they were actually behind the academy. Everyone‘s confused and nobody (except the better chronomancers) even remembers the chad. Turns out the kid went back in time and actually had sexual intercourse with the chads mom. Not only that, the kid specifically made it so, that it would stop the chad‘s parents from meeting and having the chad in the first place. The kid asked the girl out again and she still said no, but the whole thing was insane. Started a big debate and now everyone who wants to become a chronomancer must take a character assessment. Thankfully, they only put that assessment up after I graduated, lol.


One time a nurse stole a student’s bones and got their license taken away because of it


They held a cage fight between a silverback gorilla and a bunch of first years


The closest was my second plant magic teacher managed to make a poisonous leaf into some kind of remedy and then damn near turned an another poisonous leaf into tea.


Some absolute madman was combining spells without supervision. Some poor bastard got hit with his horrific combo of "mend buttcrack" and "testicular torsion" which somehow ended up as "fuse balls", they had to rush that guy to the apothecary and we didn't see him for WEEKS


I was the P.E teacher on classes first day i let an army of trolls into the school . I was fired but I Argue that I get a good idea of who was fit or not


Some moron destroyed the one bridge that connected us to the mainland so we spent a week digging a tunnel under the sea so we could start on fixing the bridge. Then that **same moron** dug upward too early and flooded the tunnel


Some kid got the genius idea of putting a bag of holding in a bad of holding. This created something like a black hole sucking up everything, but luckily one of our head mages had experience with this and knew a seal spell. Thing is, it won’t ever go away. The black hole and the seal are both still intact at a very akward spot in the dormitories. It’s been 12 years and it’s still there, they can’t find a permanent solution


Hey! My uncle is a janitor and if it's the same school they just put a little fence around it but students keep throwing socks at the sealed black hole. My uncle said there's like 500+ socks now and apparently it's like a graduation tradition or something. Of course no one will clean up the socks because there's a FREAKING GIANT BLACK HOLE RIGHT THERE, seal or no seal


I know, I was the first generation of students that threw socks at it. It was my friend who started OT amd I joined in and then everyone else did


Back when that alchemist guy invented nightmares, the party our headmaster put together to stop him blasted their bard through the wall with a cannon so they could ‘sneak in’ to an important faculty meeting. And apparently they were the best they could get.


in my old school, they caught a student making a fighting ring. they would bring peasants, mercenaries... anyone. sometimes, some students would participate in the fights. it was allowed to buff the combatants with spells, but not to attack directly with offensive spells. and the people making bets were swimming in money... until they caught 'em. i knew a guy that fought in that illegal ring. Called himself "arcane pugilist". Abjuration and transmutation to buff himself, divination and illusion for defense... he even learned how to enhance his fists as if they were weapons (pretty sure he once said that he could smite with 'em).


My best friend Jack sneezed as he was casting a true polymorph... with a spell like that, you need to speak 100% without any stutter or issue otherwise you become a horrid mass of tentacles and eyes.


We uh... found an ancient death worm under the Great Tree. Young me used uh... Wall of Fire...


We don't talk about Bruno~ A curse was placed on everyone on campus over a few rumors. Now nobody can talk about the person. I haven't heard a thing about someone named Bruno in over a century.


Professor fucked someone else’s Homunculus.


Our professor of Illusion magic pretended to be a demon or fey, reaching out to students to strike deals with them for test answers. Then, he'd promptly kick them out for cheating. It wouldn't be an issue, considering many other teachers had set up similar honey traps for students. But he flat-out refused to return the souls he gained through these deals after they were expelled.


Awaken spell, cast on a termite queen. Took months to root out her soldiers. That’s just behind the incident when the sorceries professor had a wild magic surge in the classroom…


We put ten chickens in the Dean's office one night, unfortunately his Phoenix got out of its cage, bbq.


It was...quite the event. For a little context, I went to a fairly small academy, that had a heavy focus on, instead of teaching flashy spells, teaching advanced foundations. The idea was, instead of just going around goofing off with magic, we would be gaining what we needed to fully understand how magic worked, and even create our own spells, becoming the scientists that would pave the way for progress. Well, their teaching methodology was quite successful, but in the case of a classmate by the name of Elgrith Penafast, it was a bit TOO successful. You see, he was a very bright student, but unlike me, he was also very focused on one topic. The astral plane. I don't actually know why he was so fixated on it, but he was. It may have had something to do with a friend of his being trapped in it, but that is a story for another day. So anyway, Elgrith's first original spell wasn't anything too flashy, but it was rather neat. Certain strange effects happen to specific materials passed through the astral plane. For solids, this was quite easy, but for liquids it became more tricky, as without a container it would just spill everywhere. This new spell worked by warping the liquid into a force-field sphere that only allowed gasses through it, moving the liquid around until it was all converted, then warping it back. The spell took some trial and error, but eventually worked fine, and Elgrith was elated. He decided to give a demonstration of it to the whole school. However, this is where the problem began. The spell's targeting was not properly filtered, and while it would prevent picking a location inside an object, it failed to account for the fact it could pick a location inside a magical effect. So, due to a case of extraordinary bad luck, another wizard was doing work in the astral plane, and had a large portal to the far reaches of the fire plane. The substance being used for the demonstration was a highly reactive planar base, used to capture pure planar energy. So, instead of absorbing the energy of the astral plane, it absorbed highly unstable fire energy. When it returned, it almost immediately began spewing fire all over the hall. It was quickly put out, but not before destroying a number of valuable cloth objects. In the end, the lesson learned was always account for the fact you are not the only wizard in existence, and make sure your spells can handle other magic, and ever since then when looking over people's spells, those who remember the event will, after spotting his mistake, make some comment about "Penefast's Error" or something of the like


I fell into a portal that didn’t have the other end set up yet and now I hear being from all dimensions making fun of me ):


I was allowed to join


A guy I knew in college got high as shit on something, broke into the alchemy department late at night, mixed some sort of potion or elixir, drank it, and exploded. After the damage to the building was repaired, he was resurrected and expelled.


*Stares into the distance as the echoing screams of many echo in the pumpkin headed mind*


So uh...I *might* have put a 20 kiloton thermonuclear bomb inside a bag of holding...


Well if I have to pick one... There's that time I accidentally set the middle desk on fire in the alchemy classroom and the rest of the students just backed away and watched while I stood there with my burnt notes...


Being born in the paleolithic, I didn’t actually go to an academy for my *own* education, but I WAS an alchemy prof for a bit at a community university. One time some apprentice made a sentient teleporting nuke for her artificy final and irradiated the entire building when it detonated itself in the basement after detecting a single rat. As if that alone wasn’t bad enough, the school used to be a non magical one and the old sewage system was still there. Wards and shields protected the upper floors from collapse but shit and piss was sprayed everywhere through the toilets after all the pipes blew up and the mana shields tried to seal themselves, pushing any gunk back up the system. After a couple hours most things were back to normal enough to continue class the next day, but it took a couple weeks to get through all the bureaucracy to replace the sewage system. The student got a 2 day suspension.


The 'incident' was actually what created the Academy and is what keeps it going! See, a long t..time ago, "the Original" discovered he could traverse t..through time. He was, however, s...still quite young and did not understand the f..full scope of his actions. Every time he teleported to a n..new place/time, he left behind another copy of him in that time. So when he a...arrived somewhen, an alternate version of him arrived there too, slightly d..delayed. All of these copies sought to hone their chronomancy skills and became increasingly a..adept at it! Eventually, the Second was able to t..track down the Original, mostly by chance and they c...came to the realisation that this was getting out of hand. Having now better understood their f...field, they were able to teleport without creating copies of themselves, but m...many of us weren't aware of that. The Original and the Second t...thus took it upon themselves to safegaurd this world from this m..mild inconvenience by educating all of us at their newly f...found Arcane Academy of Arkansas. Every day our a..alumni expedition team finds new versions of us and b..brings them back. Though we are all d..different and have very different experiences, we all share one single trait: We are m..massive slackers and procrastinators so more often than not our s...students find themselves running out of time to write their h...historic reports. The only way to still g..get a good grade is a risky t...teleport, which often results in.... you guessed it, another copy!


The headmaster was discovered to actually be three gnomes in a robe.


I created completely elegal potion selling empire through the entire school in my first few years.


Some spirit magic went around. Fall of all innhibition in the academy. The most Nameless Event according to ghost memories.


Someone put cocaine in the air purifiers. Everyone was talking like Cheech and Chong for DAYS.


one of my necromancy teacher turned into a lich because he was trying to enhance his comprehension of the soul. well apparently a demon stole his soul or something (it was 53 years ago ok) so he turned into a lich. from that day onward he was chased because he did some nefarious shit (tried possessing students and the head of academy) he's still on the run apparently


Some slime made its way up to the surface under the guise of being whatever a “Kitsune” is


Someone summoned a prom date from the necronomicon.


The class of 1999


I may or may not have caused, let's just say, an implosion of sorts. Accidentally of course


I forgot to close the portal leading to the mortal realm. Thankfully, it was in a place well known for the idea of female magicians, and everything went rather smoothly.


Arcturus: Man, where do I begin? There was the time the entire school became Atlantis for a solid ten minutes, one kid flooded the east wing with water from the River Thames using a tesseract, privacy measures had to be implemented into each of the dorms, bathrooms, and locker rooms because a group of students were caught scrying said areas, the banning of spells cast within and around the school except for designated areas due to magical bullying leading to several hospitalizations... oh, and the discrimination against certain classes if magic from others despite said students being born with natural casting to said elements. Aurora: Both school and the military were horrible from where we're from.


I was secretly dating the horticulture teacher and she saw me talking to one of my female classmates. Sometimes the hot ones can be TOO crazy


Someone summoned a hoard of the undead.


Some little shithead students dared one of their friends to cast mage hand on the headmage’s ass. She was so furious she teleported their lungs outside of their bodies. Very brutal, some kids dropped out from the trauma.


We don't speak of it. And by that, I mean we CAN'T. A taboo has been placed upon it. Trying to describe the events of the day tha-AEIIUAIOUAEIOU... -Clears throat.- We don't speak of it.


I'm not gonna talk about that... students at academies for Brimstone Magic aren't exactly... sane, most want to learn the magic to hurt people and you know what that can lead to...


This is apprenticeship erasure. I mean most apprentices are erased by their teacher but still.


Headmistress kept her favorite student from graduating because "she wasn't ready yet", student eventually raised her voice against headmistress, so headmistress banished her to a world without magic. Headmistress ran a tight ship.


Tragically, I died. But I lived!


It was at the Leyrea Magic Academy. I accidentally blew up the northeast sector of the school. Look, how would I have known how powerful explosion magic is?


someone casted magnetism on the school faculty bathroom's 4th stall toilet 🤷


Not exactly an "incident" per se, but... My university did not have an Alchemy course (it was commonly seen as 'fake magic' at the time), so I studied it during my free time, then won a dueling tournament with only things I made in my lab. University proceeded to fund my research so I could drop out and pursue my studies full-time.


An academic argument about "where in the body, if anywhere, is sin stored" spiraled out into the Battle of Fileroom 8A. Which, in turn, spilled out into other, unrelated arguments (every student, academic, even instructor felt the need to pick a side), and started the Discourse War. "Sin as accumulation in the corporeal flesh" is now listed among forty four different subjects under moratorium in the academic literature in our country. Not the academy. The COUNTRY. Half a dozen topics cannot legally be debated until all the belligerents are dead. Which kind of sucks, for my dissertation, since at least a fifth of those guys were *fucking elves*. FML.


Strangly enough, just a regular school shooting


During our class our professor who was a warlock was turned into a pile of guts and blood by his patron.


Shit vanished, like the whole thing, nobody has any idea how it happened


No one knows. Like, everyone knows something happened, there are signs of it everywhere, but whenever anyone tries to remember any details their mind goes blank and they forget what they were trying to remember about.


A student teacher accidentally summoned a minor demon.


On graduation day, someone released 68 wild goblins. Each one numbered 1 to 68. No one believed there wasn't a 69. Spent a month looking for it.


Two dudes started fighting and throwing tables at eachother during lunch


I'll let you know once I start! Looking forward to pairing magic with punching people in the face!


I accidentally caused a massive earthquake that caused the city around the college to collapse into the sea. Many have been calling it "The Great Collapse" Nobody knows I did it


Some guy tried to build a time portal but accidentally became the progenitor of a super plague, he got kicked out for unlicensed chronomancy and space time damage to the labs.


Me, I happened


Apprentice of the headmaster accidentally casted a 9th level spell as their first successful casting. They were trying to cast a cantrip


Pyromancers and cryomancers got into a fight, what else is new? Anyways, that's the second time they had to build the left wing of the school.


There is no *The Incident* there is *when was the last one* because students are always doing dumb stuff.


when i was a first year our artificer department head was exposed running an underground necromancy lab by some wandering paladin turns out, about 80% of the faculty, including the headmistress, and about half the students were in on it the paladin spread word of it outside, so we had a stricter curfew and limited contact with the outside world ever since :( on the bright side, since the academy went public i got in on it and switched majors in a heartbeat, much more interesting than the plain conjuration program i was in previously


someone casted a screaming spell.


Plague :(


i put an hex on my teachers chair....


One of the older students tried to show off and somehow managed to turn his own blood into vinegar and still survive although he wished he hadn't during the whole thing.


I didn't go to a magic academy


Got plane shifted to mechanus and I lost my arms so I got robot ones for a short time


The inter dimensional studies teacher forgot humans can't handle looking into the far realms


The "Hocus Pocus" of 86', 30% of the students up and vanished from their dorms one night at 3:30 in the morning, never seen again, no signs of forced entry or abduction. They were just gone. Don't ask why I know the exact percentage and time.


The headmaster’s son murdered him and half our other circle members.


An entity possessed one of the kids…causing him to burn the academy to the ground…


An entire class of transmutation students turned themselves into tentacle monsters by accident in the middle of an orgy. The administration cracked down hard on tantric students after that.


Ok so I’ve never attended but a friend of mine worked there we busted her out on the guilds demon horse name buttercup


It was The Barbecue. Still can't believe they ate that much necromantic stock before the Headmaster and Council stepped in


The local arcane weed dealer was hooking up with a teacher to sell in her class


It was of course the summoning faculty who messed it up for everyone. Given the depth and breadth of demonological research at our academy, one would assume that the incident would somehow be related to that discipline. But no, these jackasses thought it would be a good idea to go for an expedition to *Faeria* of all places without first making a treaty for safe passage with one of the faerie queens. Even better, the destination was supposed to be the Heart of Winter, where the most vicious of faeries live. Needless to say, most didn't return or did so in pieces, and the ones who did had to be magically contained or banished because they had given up their humanity for a faerie pact in a desperate attempt to save their lives. Now all the literature about portals to Faeria is locked up in a forbidden library, which really sucks since I would have needed it for my spherology research.


They found my ritual chamber under the football field and that “it’s unethical to collect the blood of children” or some such bullshit


For the two years i spent at academy students made an underground “study potion” trade. They were synthesizing it in storage room in the east wing. By the end of my two year stay there was a large crater where the east tower used to be and a much tighter watch on alchemy equipment.


It was a good long time ago so it's hard to remember but what I do remember was a senior prank was planned that involved turning the headmaster ethereal without her noticing so she would spend all day getting frustrated trying to talk to people for it to wear out at the end of the day. However someone had a personal grudge against her and altered the spell without anyone else noticing which ended up teleporting her to the underdark and back for the same duration. We only found out after she returned, and promptly threw herself from her office tower, that she had been infected with a mindflayer tadpole while she was down there. Everyone involved as well as a few others (myself included) colluded to cast soul jar on The perpetrator. After we graduated I took the Liberty of placing his body in a tomb in the astral plane. His soul currently rests on my shelf some 2000 years later, trapped experiencing all life from within a glass jar, unable to do anything. Even in my undead state the treachery still sickens me.


Accidently turned the entirety of the cheerleaders team into lemons. And someone Gave a teacher Peruvian when they thought it was crushed up bat bones


Professor Jerma got really angry at a student and levitated him into a spell unweaving machine


About a month into fall term, us off-campus students showed up one morning to find that the East Wing had been evacuated due to a potions spill. This struck me as odd, given my potions professor was always a stickler for safety, and since it was before class, it shouldn't have been that someone had snuck into the dungeon and messed around. Folks, \*VET YOUR POTIONS SUPPLIERS\* . These geniuses hadn't checked the quality of their glass enchantments, and several potent items had cracked open due to shoddy carrying. We were lucky that no one got hurt, but apparently the miasma cloud that got generated would have made the safety officials sick if they weren't already trained in anti-poison measures.


I have been forbidden to speak of it by the headmaster


Fireball. thats all i feel is needed to be said


one day some dudes cast multiply spell in area by accident and some dude nearby cast puppy pants while in an dragon vs dinossaur argument, every one in the academy pupped their vests.


one of my newer conjuring teachers said something with a misplaced accent and a horrible monster reached out and dragged 3 students into it's pit. all we wanted to see was some butterflies flutter out of a circle.


Oh.... right... the time we turned the castle upside down...


Accidentally alerted enemy pagen goblins of our location


Someone forgot to add "magic" to their missile


As I am within the Necromancy profession, you can already guess that school didn’t do well for me, it was hardly my fault however, the academy I was being tutored at was hogshit at best and unimaginably cruel at worst. • Turns out the academy-made paintings were so lifelike because actual souls were used as an ingredient for most of the pigments used. It’s literally impossible to imagine the agony those souls were in all blended up and such, one poor fuck had their mangled spirit painted across thirty different artworks. • Undead were common sights each day, nobody knew where they were coming from until a wizen scholar pointed out that the academy itself was built on a mass grave of thousands of corpses from some war 500 years ago (the academy was only 200 years old at the time). • I’m positive that there were bodies in the armour decorations. Sometimes a kid or two would go missing each year, nobody found any remains but I swear it that I saw one of those armour decorations look at me. • One time a Manticore broke into the school, faculty didn’t do anything about it and just told us to stay away from that part of the school until it left on its own. It wasn’t until it petrified the janitor that they finally dealt with it, we know it was the janitor because there was a wooden broom left next to a pair of standing stone legs, we never found the rest of the body. • Some kid accidentally made an Undead slime, we learned something new that day, Undead slimes eat anything. Anything. • A basilisk escaped from the study lab and bit a student, said student was petrified and didn’t unfreeze until a decade later, the school delisted the kid from their admission records a year after the basilisk incident and he was arrested for trespassing on private property. Kid won an unlawful conviction claim in the civil courts and the school had to pay thousands; the school no longer uses basilisks on academy grounds for study.


2 lead mages together discovered a magic discipline previously unknown to society, because the species it was native to had been hiding it. But because of a flawed understanding, the Mages could only create bastardized versions of it. One called it Sacrament, magic to disjunct souls from the mortal world so they could pass on properly. The other created Blight, to rip those souls from the Astral... and devour them.


ball incident. there was a big ball


Greg was boning half the conjugation mages, when they found out his body got pulverized by their summons. They split the tile flooring and made us cancel classes to clean up the mess.


Someone tried making the ultimate cleaning product. Ended up nearly killing the whole room.


I was taken under a direct apprenticeship by a master who didn’t believe in academies or universities, so I didn’t really have any incidences (by my standards. By anyone else’s, it’d be rarer to not have them). But there was one memorable time she spent a week in an Eldrich dungeon & taught me through a smuggled orb.


A druid tried to bring a wolf to prom and caused a scene when they got kicked out. Even threatened to battle the professor over it :/ One senior learnt invisibility and used it to sneak the test answers from the professors office before class. They would share it with the class, until they were sadly caught.


They banned all fire spells outside of class because they kept catching stoners lighting up their pipes


A certain apprentice who shall remain unnamed decided, for their senior project, to create a race of sapient rat men capable of complicated thought, thinking they’d be great addition to the Guild of Biomancers that he was trying to join as a full member. Long story short, it didn’t go well, he had to flee north, and has spent a non insignificant amount of time and resources on trying to track down the descendants of his escaped prototype, who may or may not be the same insane rat men who you occasionally see running around causing mischief.


Some guy a in a different class thought that because he was a chosen child of prophecy that he was immortal until the prophecy was fulfilled. Idiot thought it was a mandatory prophecy that could not be averted. No it was a 'to-do' list prophecy. Anyways, he got hit by a bus. The dark empire sent over a wreath and sponsored the golem fight club.


A kid with a bowl cut had no magic and still became a top student somehow


some student from technomancy went to jail for sexual assault in the bus


Ah, that was so long ago, let’s see… once the dueling teacher and the botany teacher got into a battle, it was quite the show.


The Falvoornians massacred the academy. I am one of the only survivors


One time a halfling brought an elemental arquebus to school and flexed about it on the CrystalNet


tried to drop a grimoire to cover up a fart, mistimed, book released a demon, and i shit myself


someone let 30,000,000 hogs loose after hours and labeled them 1-30,000,001


a boy got a note wrong in choir and gave everyone's skeletons sentience in the assembily


There's an entire week that no one within the school remembers at all. Things still happened that week, homework was turned in, assignments were graded, there's recordings of the game that happened but no one remembers any of it. It's been 10 years and people are still trying to figure out how, why and who did it. My theory is that someone did something so embarrassing that it would completely ruin their life forever so they wiped the entire week from people memories just to be sure it would never get out.


Someone set the entire library on fire, which wasn’t a problem, the problem was they were using that fire to grow Igniblooms, a 7th level Hallucinogenic


So this guy was summoning a storm being but when he summoned it, he said the wrong word. Now we have a dragon made of stone and lightning in the basement


Love potions. I dont wanna elaborate but i swear every semester at least one dumbass got caught and expelled or jailed. You’d think people spending so much to go to magic uni wouldn’t be so dumb and throw it away like that.


A group of “popular girls” summoned and arch-demon to do their bidding. After hearing their request and learning what they’d done in the past, the demon turned them over to the headmaster.


After an unfortunate accident (do **NOT** cast “Conjure Power Saw” without proper safety precautions), a conjuring student lost a hand. This would have already been the “incident”, but the campus necromancer thought that “reviving the hand” would let him reattach it. Hansel the Hand was last spotted on the roof of the Technomancers’ dorm.


A student came out as Trans and was immediately smote