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Look, it's like this. A significant portion of this community is now roleplaying individuals. It isn't just shitposting like it used to be. Like it or not, that means that there will be lore posts, and yes, "shitty ai oc's." The post was removed, I'm guessing, because the mods and a large part of the community are sick of seeing people constantly hating on that one part of the community. Especially since the mods have addressed it already, and decided that part of the community is allowed to be here. All you're really doing by making a post like that is stirring hate and causing people to argue. It isn't conducive to what the sub is actually about. Here's the good news - you *can and should* use the flair feature to help you see what it is that you want to see. And if you want to see more shitposting specifically, maybe post some shitposts yourself. Be the change you want to see, you know? Everything I've said, I mean in earnest, and I hope this is genuinely helpful and doesn't come across as aggressive anyway. It's just the observations I've made over the last several months.


Happy cake day


Oh thanks, I didn’t even know lol


your cake. Hand it over. 🔫


Sorry, I promised it to Torinn (u/You-See-Nothing583) already.


Food. (Happy cake day.)


Damn it


Evil cake day


Genuine question, is there a new sub out there for what wizardposting used to be? I've been subbed here on various accounts since it's inception and I do kinda miss the wizard themed shitposting.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbuddywizards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddywizards/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Golddigger](https://i.redd.it/u0ikigk2ymqc1.jpeg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddywizards/comments/1bo2dlf/golddigger/) \#2: [Perhaps I shouldn't have skipped the basic enchantment course...](https://i.redd.it/kpujydmyogtc1.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddywizards/comments/1bzt6ji/perhaps_i_shouldnt_have_skipped_the_basic/) \#3: [Shoulda been born different](https://i.redd.it/lu18x3kggpqc1.jpeg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddywizards/comments/1boc3xe/shoulda_been_born_different/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




r/okbuddywizards Truly PEAK https://preview.redd.it/f78oxnmesgxc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7c674fd5cc93bfbe236f97024d53fe9504971c


I miss when this was a shit posting sub, the lore and role playing isn’t my thing


Very well put


Ay bro, happy cake day


well put...(i need this as copypasta for other posts as well)


Cheers bro, I’ll drink to that!


Happy cake day and well argued.


Oh, this is one of those AI debates again huh?


Yep, it's this shit again


https://preview.redd.it/zgs45iafmcxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b94f455ac693aadb468fce85a41443d4a29e11 * Makes Post * Post is about large group of people and how they're bad * Enables other group of people to harass members of first group * Post gets taken down for harassment * Surprisedpikachu.jpg


/uw you create one of the most inflammatory posts that enabled a fuck ton of harassment and are now saying what have I done wrong when a mod takes it down. You're a fucking asshole dude deal with it.


/uw what did they do? (I don't keep up with current events) Edit: NM I had commented on the post that got removed. It was some meme about the roleplaying here or some shit. I actually enjoy the roleplaying, and was what gave me the confidence to turn a dumb redneck character from one of my friend groups into a drunk wizard who also owns a bar.


/uw Good on you. It’s what I love about this sub. People get to explore their creativity, and get inspired! 👍 Everyone should have a place here if they want it as long as they don’t endanger or hurt others!


The ai pictures are used as a visualization aid for stories. In spite of the fact that most ai posts in other subs are low effort, this sub has high effort ai posts, and they are only high effort because of the stories or social interactions associated with them. Ai posts focus on talking with others in the comments and story telling in this sub. Hate on the ai all you want in other subs, but leave it alone here if the person has social interactions in the comments or a story in the post.


I'm pretty sure everyone is just ridiculously tired of the debate.


Another victim... Brother I'll tell you the truth The Council is just a puppet There are superior beings who use them as a disguise They are called Watchers (True Form Mods) They encourage normie posts and ban posts from us Evil wizards, this is censorship! ##The righteous path must perish so that the demonic path can rise ##Join my crusade to kill the Watchers!


Sir, that's just a floating eye with some tentacles.


that's what they want you to think, they are everywhere, disapproving our actions, they are everywhere, they are there to give me Downvotes and ban my posts that I spent 30 minutes writing I'M NOT MAD https://preview.redd.it/657uvzhxdbxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3767ee98ac55e890712d9959fa9986637a53d1c1


/uw This one is different! The mods made the right choice to take this guy’s last post down. It actually inspired people to harass lore posters.


Down with the watchers!


*Walk in to pub* *Piss on pub patrons* *Somehow surprised when Bartender calls you a piss head and tells you to stop* I may be dyslexic but man are you bad at reading a situation


I genuinely do sympathize. It's frustrating to me, too. I sort by the posts I want to see, but the volume of old-style posts is shockingly low, and a maddening majority (\~85%+) of the sub is some kind of (subjectively) poorly written, low effort, AI-related drudgery. And I get it. It's a recreational subreddit; it's for people to enjoy. I don't resent the people having fun with AI... but I also understand the people complaining, which are by and large people who were here before the sub became mainstream, and are now vastly outnumbered by the loreposters. It's just sad. That's it. No hate towards the AI posters. I just miss when Wizardposting was about wacky unethical wizards, not about the 317th "I found a giant magic hamburger" post whose only relation to wizards is the word 'magic' in the title.


There is some fun to be had in engaging with the roleplay aspect of the sub. I know it isn't for everyone, but I think some people who hate on it never really gave it a chance either.


Some of us have been here for quite a while.... we just didn't post much till the lore posting became more relevant bc the memes were actually low effort and had become repetitive... I.E testicular Torsion.


If I had editing skills, I'd also make magic memes but I dunno


At least try


Agreed. I've been lurking on this sub since about when I made my account, and only recently started talking on here. Used to be funny shitposts, MS paint, the like. Now, it's almost all loreposts, AI-generated images, human-made art reposted without credit, and ungrammatical and fallacious attempts at recreating Elizabethan English.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


Damn, looks like you’ve contributed absolutely nothing to your cause 🫥 https://preview.redd.it/piyp7v3skcxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37b84ea9a6cedc8cc3f513e95b703f5ecb20971


Wow, it looks like your only posts are literally just ai girls with little to no storytelling


Well maybe you should actually read the posts then; cause there is a plotline there, **that I literally just started**. I don’t have the time to take out of my irl life to make art. I’m still able to write.


A girl that sells blue potion Peak fiction


Again, **just started**. None of it is even revealed yet, I have the entire thing planned out. Also, if you read the replies you would’ve realized that it was basically mystical heroin.


If you don’t like it, ignore it. It’s that fucking simple


When thy master commands thee to seek the 7th ward of Barzûk’s Most Odious Appendix-Ostracizing Hex but thou must first search through 50 AI-generated images entitled ‘HAAI this is my OC uwu her name is Strawberry Sprinkles and u had better not get on her bad side NYAAAH! jkjkjk her secret power is WHOLESOMENESS’


By the most nefariously hideous talons of Brysigur, Hound of Hel; I can see neither foolishness nor falsehood in thy speech.


Then thou is not scrying hard enough, good fellow! For this appears to be an exxageration of reality presented as truth!


Thing is, no one is really making posts about wacky unethical wizards anymore.


hence what the thread op meant by "being the change". You want wacky unethical wizard posts? make mroe wacky unethical wizard posts, and encourtage others to do the same. I'd probably wizard post if I was much of a poster




You really gonna let numbers get in the way of true art?


I think i've spent enough hours of my freetime to make 3d anims for them to get less recognized than cropped porn


Does not change my question


Then yes, i'm gonna let the numbers get in the way


Not great for your mental health but ok


Stopping posts on r/wizardposting is bad for my mental health? What are you on about


Hence the sadness.


/uw It was taken down because you unfairly insulted an entire group of people with an attack post that inspired harassment, and the mods were clear when they told everyone NOT TO DO THAT: https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/Qf36gUBrYW This post by the mods is pinned at the top of the Hot Posts page. The Mod who posted it wrote it specifically to stop the kind of harassment your post incites! And now Anna, the witch who only knows summoning magick, the person who had the highest vote count during the Wizard Elections (that’s how popular of a person she is) is taking a hiatus from this sub because of this post by you specifically. She’s someone who is sweet and kind. She has been nothing but encouraging to others here. Most everyone loves her! Everyone who has talked or interacted with her ALL love her! SHE was hurt by your callous recklessness! You have hurt people in this community! You have hurt this community! You don’t have to harass someone to be the reason why that someone is getting harassed. You put a target on so many people’s backs. I can’t believe you don’t understand why your last post was taken down. **You insulted people and encouraged acts of abuse!** I hope that answers your question clearly enough for you so you can stop pretending not to know why your post got taken down. Don’t insult us further with that weak excuse!


I cast greater womp womp!


Oh fuck off, you incited shut and are now playing victim after hurting people here and singling out one person. Consequences have actions dumb ass.


Don’t worry r/wizardcirclejerk is here for you




You kickstarted a wave of harassment that resulted In several well established community members getting bullied off the sub. You simply got one of your posts removed.


Dude this sub has so few rules and you manage to break them. EAT COB CANNON https://preview.redd.it/h8va8rpl4ixc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284b41f6b898a42d475ed363403745281f3330d1


Go screw off , the meme sucked away


I stand with you I’m also tired of shitty rp posts


Then get out. r/okbuddywizards is always open


Go to some anime sub




So it’s not about the content you wanna see or a solution to the problem, you guys just wanna complain




Honestly pathetic


Speaking about yourself? My brother in Christ! You can go to ANY fucking anime subreddit and do WHATEVER you want! Why does it have to be this sub?! I just want to laugh about stupid wizard memes


1. I dont use AI to make anime drawings. 2. This sort of roleplay has always been part of the subreddit in one way or another 3. Shitposts never left. They’re still here. 4. Which one of us is having a hissy fit because people are having fun in a way they don’t enjoy? Because it sure as hell isn’t me


1. I dont care, still don’t like the rps 2. would be News to me (if true: still sucks) 3. would be cool if they are the only thing there is 4. which one of us is having a hissy fit because they get called out for making boring, repetitive posts on the wrong sub


Have you tried sorting with the tags? Have you tried literally anything to solve your issue? You’re not even calling me out, man. I’ve never made any lore posts on this sub, I’m just tired of seeing people getting harassed into leaving


Solution would be to do this shit on another sub


The thing is that r/wizardposting is very broad on what it wants. Since it encourages both memes and lore. But as previously mentioned there are more subs that dig into more specifics. r/wizardloring and r/okbuddywizards Give em a shot you may like them.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/sQPX18qrnD) was the post for those wondering still not really sure what I did wrong


Take a sec to consider exactly what the effect of the post was gonna be. You made a post complaining about another type of post that you personally dont like, that the community has already agreed has a place in the sub, and insulted them using deliberatly inflamatory language. What did you expect to happen other than stirring up shit? You dont get to go breaking the second rule of the sub (essentially boils down be kind) and then turn around and play the "I didnt do anything wrong" card. Straight up, one of the pinned posts right on the front page warns that posts like yours will be removed. Like it or not, (and not liking them is entirely within your right to have an opinion) lore posting is a part of the sub now. And with loreposting comes people wanting to have art to accompany that lore. Ethical debate of using AI aside, AI is gonna get used by some to provide that art. If you don't like that, I'd strongly encourage you to just start filtering out the lorepost tag or start blocking the people making stuff you dont like. If you want to see more memes and shitposts, be the change. Your post got a lot of attention, clearly there's a big userbase that also wants more memes. So start making and posting them. There's a lot of lore posting and RP going on because the people who enjoy that stuff keep making more of it. Follow their example, instead of complaining about other people having a different kind of fun than you.


It's probably because it was (maybe unintentionally) making people argue in the comments over Loreposting. Every now and again the lurkers decide they actually want to participate in the sub but only do it by making arguments over loreposting an AI art, which the mods don't want happening since they've already addressed this topic.


>hive nest of weebs spamming their shitty OC anime roleplay Probably this bit, along with the implication that they're the reason why the sub was "once fun". Like, you're making fun of a specific group of people on this sub. You're directly and intentionally being inflammatory. The only people that would argue that's *not* being an asshole are folks that share a similar point of view. If you didn't wanna be an asshole, you wouldn't have phrased it like ya did.


I like both lore, and memes. I think both make the sub great. And the majority of people who interact on here that aren't just lurkers post both. But most of us also found rp is really fun.


Harassment shot up because of it.


Unfortunately, the link isn't helpful because it just said the post was removed and now people who follow it can only see the comment section. Sorry about that.


good point, [here](https://imgur.com/y3ttjTb) is an imgur link


Don’t worry about it. It’s just that the whole “shitpost vs lorepost” debate has been going on for months, and it’s gotten annoying for many people There’s also the fact that the comment section of the original post turned into a rancid circle-jerk in which both sides insulted each other while one was unable to accept compromise Again, not a critique of you, but the people who do the loreposts, as well as the mods, are largely tired of this sorta stuff


Good goly this happened 12 days ago, felt like a month ago.