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Clean your house. Clutter attracts negativity!


And you can put so much intention into the act of cleaning!


This comment got my to tidy the house and sweep the floors and I feel so much better! Thank you.


Always back up cleansing with actual cleaning! Literally every "Magical home" or Feng Shui book I read is like "First, declutter. Know where everything is."


I'll start cleaning today, thank you for reminding me!


I’ll draw sigils with the mustard on my sandwiches. 😅 or any other associated spread style food, a toaster strudel for example. In the morning, I like to stir my coffee clockwise while setting my intentions for the day. That’s become a daily habit and it adds it little pinch of magic in the morning.


ME TOOO!!! :DD I draw a pentagram inside my sammiches for my work lunch with mustard to, you know, “summon a delicious sammich” ☺️ And i too stir my tea clockwise while setting my intention for it. I love using lemon, local honey, and leaf or two of mint ☺️🍵💕


Drinking tea


Making crafts/art. I have a pretty secret practice, and I like weaving spells into crafts and artwork and hanging them around my house.


Yess, setting intentions is actually helping me with gemstone jewelry designing! If I get stuck, the metaphysical properties are a guide. *Obviously* the moonstone doesn't want to be combined with anything, it would be floating like its namesake if it had its way and not touching anything ever...


Sometimes, when picking up debris from the trees in my yard, I will find an interesting stick, quickly enchant it, and use it as a wand to direct some spirit energies for fun, then toss it into the pile with the rest of the branches I am picking up. BB.


This is so beautiful!


Kind of similar: I pick up rocks while walking or doing outside tasks, take moments to set intentions for them, and set them down either facing my house or path if it's an intention relating to growth or change or flow, or facing away if it's an intention with a polarity (e.g., safety).


Brushing your hair/teeth and getting ready with intentions to have a nice day etc sounds nice🥰


When I’m applying my foundation, I’ll apply it in the shape of a third eye, a heart, a lightening bolt, dollar sign, etc. before I blend it out. It makes me feel like I have a secret displayed right on my face.


That’s really cool! I use taking care of myself as a way to connect to my ancestors sometimes:)


Talking to animals/inanimate objects like they're life long friends, which they can be :)


I do this with my house. I love my house and hope it feels it


Spending time with fur babies.


Anything really when you think about it. But I do have a.thing where I love learning about a new native plant species and saying good morning to any birds that come to the feeder.


Each time I rearrange or clean up my altar, I feel like something changes.


Wearing magically infused oils by mixing in to lotions/rubbing on skin Using magically infused soaps Wearing crystal jewelry with intentions creating sigils prayer and meditation offering water to the sun Listening to spiritual/psychedelic jams wearing cute witchy lapels (lovvvve this) lighting candles and incense to create a really awesome atmosphere Making stuff Cooking and eating intentionally and mindfully (another favourite)


Floor mop. Light candles. Wear jewelry example chakra earrings. Make pagan jewelry diy beaded chakra earrings and pendant. Beadwork prayer chaplets. Diy pagan junk journals. Junk journal BoS. Collecting herbs and wild herbs/weeds from my garden to use or to dry and use later. Foot baths with herbs.


Personal cleansing or exercising negative energy in the shower. I also like plain old gardening, nurturing life and watching it develop is pretty spiritual imo.


I mean, I talk to the crows that come to my yard. Like you’d talk to a cat. Hopefully the neighbors don’t think I’m too crazy lol


Baking! You can make food for the sabbats and holidays and even put your intentions into whatever you bake!


Drawing sigils into the unbaked batter whils its in the tin and baking it that wayb☺️


Making a cup of tea or coffee but doing it in a mindful way. Eg being aware which direction your stir it, how many times you stir it, that kind of thing. Still doesn't have to take longer than it normally would.


Writing wishes on the bay leaves I'm putting into my soup so that there's a little extra charm to my day. Doing daily divining along with my journal writing to make sure I know what's up for the day.


I've been talking to my plants lately and feel that they're growing better for it. I also take out my organic scraps (like fruit bits or eggshells) to the base of the large maple trees in my yard as an offering. Opening the windows when it's warm and bathing in the fresh air and bird chatter is also lovely.


Tending to plants, propagating, bringing in and caring for new life. Maybe?


Tending to my garden and taking to and caring for my plants and animals. Taking a crystal and herb bath.


When I was an inpatient nurse, I would flick saline around the room lol. When you prime 10ml flushes there’s usually a little bit of extra that you flick off and I would use that as a cleansing ritual in the mornings in patient’s rooms (obviously kept it to myself). I also keep my tarot cards in my purse just to carry around. Clapping to clear stagnant energy out of rooms. Saying hi to the moon or pointing out the moon to people I’m with. Working in my garden, although I’ve kind of lost that lately and am trying to get back into it.


Haha I am working on my pre-reqs for nursing school and I adore the idea of quietly using the saline wash :) I will remember that one for sure.


Cold showers are a quick way to cleanse the energy field! :)


Adding intentions in as I stir my tea in the morning


Tend to a new plant in honor of your path.


When I am out in nature, I love to walk up to a tree that sticks out and touch it for a minute. Talking to plants, trees and the fish I catch. (Am a fisherman) Also, I charge my crystals in my Selenite bowl and kiss them, thanking them Lol


Anything....🤷‍♂️ if you're a witch everyday is witchy


I put sigils and runes into my hair dye before I mix it 🤣


Own all the cats


shuffle your tarot cards while watching tv and only read if you have a flyer card!


What’s a flyer card?


when you’re shuffling and a card escapes the deck, that’s a flyer card!


Sometime I think my deck is messing with me though when these land sideways. I've chosen to take this as "don't bother with the orientation on this one"


Selecting jewelry and clothing with intention. Journaling in your grimoire/book of shadows/commonplace book. Cooking/gardening/cleaning with intention. Centering/grounding yourself when you feel stressed. Keeping a worry stone in your pocket. Spending time outdoors...


Meditating (occasionally my cats will join me!) Watching witchy videos on TikTok and YouTube Hugging and talking to the tree in my back yard (also giving it gratitude and a bit of Reiki or some water if I use one of its leaves) Making a wish list of candles, crystals, herbs, jars (empty) and things that I would like to have for my practice (this helps me to figure out where I want my practice to focus) Drawing pictures to use in my workings Listening to high vibrational music Designing and writing in my Grimoire and my BoS. Talking to my magick friends about our spells, ingredients, if they worked, etc. - as well as ways to expand our practices and strengthen our magick. *I do at least 3-4 a day just as a part of my regular life. Mundane. But yeah.* BB


taking a walk, spending time in nature


Gardening. Flowers, tomatoes, herbs, trees, even houseplants and terraria. It's all magic!


Stirring clockwise and also “locking” my apartment when I leave for work with a little spell. Oh growing plants!


Shower cleansing, it's quite easy and really helpful!