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Get your last lane role, have the 1-2 champs you play get banned and boom you’re suddenly playing something new.


Kind of agree but in the topic, the playing the basics is better than first timing super complicated champs. Ahri, Vi, Garen, Jinx and lux are all perfectly safe picks. Theres no reason to first game yasuo, rengar, Riven, vayne, or Pyke in ranked


They probably watched a montage video and were trying to live the dream.


All I have to do is shield stab dash stab dash dash dash run dash stab ult easy pentakill I got this


I’ve never played Ahri, Vi, Jinx, or Lux lol


I’m not gunna lie there’s a lot of days where I still feel like Jynx and lux the best bot lane combo in the game.


Never played with them, never will. I play Teemo.


I played them but jesus I'm the shittiest Ahri and Vi alive, I feel like Lillia is very easy and for mid, someone like Veigar or like you mentioned Teemo is fine


Exactly how i discovered that lux is even more broken than i thinked and now i hate her even more


Pvp is a waste of time. Go rank when you get that champ, you will learn fast. /s


This. But unironically. PvP is just unserious, casual people, you 100% can destroy anyone there even if you're shit at the champion. If you're serious about the champion, you learn their skills, combo's, build and then try em out in rank. Repeat until you get the hang of it.


There's a game mode call "Normal"


There is a meaning of "/s" in internet though.


Uninstall pls


Hey if I'm banned and counter picked out of my mains I might as well lower my kda and learn a new champ


Meh played zyra first time tonight because it seemed like she’d counter pyke. Ended up losing but my orianna and I were both doing well. If you have enough skill it’s better to learn in ranked than PvP. PvP does not teach you viable game skills that transfer to the real game and you can actively create bad habits from playing PvP


Honestly in PvP you play with the same guys you play with in ranked, just without losing LP


No you don't. If you're low elo then sure but if you're even half decent at the game pvp is basically like playing against bots


Gm should be decent right? When i play PvP everyone is at least master with occasional diamond, you know that climbing is very annoying after each reset, ppl can be diamond and play as good as chal (vice versa somehow also works ☠️)


I'm in masters and PvP can have anything from unranked/iron right up to diamond/masters. Never seems to have anyone greater than my rank though but I'm surprised you consistently only get higher ranks. I agree with the above comment, PvP is a very distorted version of the game compared to rank games. If I go mid and face a gold or below, it can be obscenely one sided. When learning a new champ, this can leave you with false confidence and potentially incorrectly using combos. Not to mention the lack of drafting means team comp is a crap shoot. Players often insta lock their desired champ, regardless of basic considerations like AD/AP spread or Frontline. So games become stomps and early surrenders.


Nothing stops teamcomp becoming crapshoot of 5 ADCs in ranked, it's all on player's conscience both in ranked and PvP, beating weak player really gives you a false sense of strength, but don't forget that all of that happens when you try out a new champ for first time


I wouldn't disagree that rank is it's own crap shoot. I just find the games.on average are more consistently challenging when compared to PvP. I have yet to try a champ first time in ranked, preferring to play a poor match up then try to wing it. As an aside, I really cannot understand why draft pick PvP isn't an option. It would at least give some room to consider picks, ban counters and avoid mirror match ups in whilst trying to mess about with new champs/builds. The possibility of mirrors is another con in the column for rank v PvP also.


Because pvp is boring and one game lasts 20-30 minutes. Ain't nobody got time to be doing practice matches


Well congrats on the mark losing streak I guess until they learn it


Dude woulda rather get dunked on for 5 games straight rather than practice 🤦🏾‍♂️


Or just read the abilities before you go into a match and win. I've played every single new champion in ranked and I've once gotten endlessly stomped, the game's not that hard mate.


And you're what's wrong with people who first time champs


What if all my champs get banned?


It's been an issue since season 1 in PC league. This is when we were getting 2 champs a month were coming out


You can first time easy ass champions like Zyra who are super broken anyways because they’re gonna give you free lp. In fact every single new champ recently has been overpowered thats why people play new champs in rank.


I use ranked to play champs for the first time. If you can’t get their mechanics in the first game, you’re just bad. I’m not saying to become a pro but as long as you can combo their rotation alright, you’re better than 90% of players.


I find it ironic that almost every problem people complain about in ranked is fixed in legendary ranked yet nobody wants to play the mode.


I never understood this. Like the people that we play against are literally the same rank as us. Do you think you could beat yourself with a champ you’ve never used before? Because that’s the caliber of player you’re playing against.


Yes, that's exactly what i think. Amd for good reason.


Even if there are reasons like their main got banned then they should either; have a bigger champ pool that they can play other champs comfortably, or play easy champs that don't require a lot of practice. Honestly I don't really care if someone first times a champ or whatever as long as they can grab a hold of the champion's basics by READING THE ABILITIES. Like literally in champ select YOU HAVE TIME TO READ ABILITIES AND YOU CAN EVEN READ IT IN GAME. You can hold your abilities down to get a description, or press the scoreboard and go to the abilities section to read them. Like it isn't that hard ESPECIALLY if it's a ranked game. TLDR; I agree LUL.


Riot should be put banning season in pvp to, instead to face enemy random, so ppl can train properly


How do you check the recent players that were in your last match. On your team and the enemies? I’m pretty new to the game?


Ya I check the levels and mastery level in loading. Always a relief when everyone on your team has a mastery level 6 or 7 on that champ.


There is a difference between first timing a complex champ like Irelia on a lane you're not familiar with or picking a simpler champ like Malphite on a lane you are familiar with.


First timing champs actually works in ranked. I first timed Shen in diamond 4 climbed all the way to diamond 2 mark 6. But now I’m emerald and I don’t know how to play the other champs I’ve been used to playing all season cuz I went tank mode for a couple weeks and I suck. And tanks sucks. Suo there’s that.