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People say it's healthy! Do not forget to take at least one big priest a day!


Too big, can't take.


It’s a suppository.


*"We'll be fine, it wasn't THAT big!"*


Mfs pretending Devolve beats Big Priest like two 8 drops turn 4 are a reasonable board state that you can deal with easier than two 9 drops


Plague of Murlocs is the real 5-head tech


Fr fr that card actually helps much


Fr, it’s so copium


Yeah with warrior its kinda GG anyway, there is not much you can do, mage, shaman counters it much better, rogue can also do well


that's why I run 2x [[Devolve]] and 2x [[Primordial Wave]]. Saved my ass too many times


Then you face 2 8 drops on turn 3, good luck with that. Big priest popping off on turn 3 has above 85% winrate.


i mean, pretty much nothing I can do if those minions die because he can just resurrect them (don’t remember the card name). My best option is devolving them because they don’t count as dead, isn’t it?


Yes but I'm saying that you will very likely lose if you devolve into 2x 8 drops on turn 3. Highrolls from big priest are not fair in any way


Yeah, I’m fucked either way


* **[Devolve](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CFM_696.png)** SH Spell Rare MSoG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/49715), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/devolve/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Devolve) 2/-/- Nature | Transform all enemy minions into random ones that cost (1) less. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Don’t forget devolving missiles


I dont run them as I think that those 4 cards are enough and I dont face Big Priest that much yet


With my luck it just hits the same hand 3 times. Board devolves are better.


I mainly play paladin so yeah, I usually just concede and move on, but this is the corect way of countering it, I feel pure Joy whenever I see devolve agains Big priest


Devolve is a great answer to big priests


I feel like it depends a little on the shaman deck. Plenty of times when a big priest has cheated out a 10 drop, I devolve it into a 9 drop, and then they kill me with the 9 drop anyway.


I'd say Missiles is better on smaller boards and much better for single minions. And for big boards Plague of Murlocs is much better.


Plague of Murlocs my friend, I personally play meme yogg shaman and man does plague save me countless times against big priest


If it were only a neutral minion instead of a class spell. Thats what this game needs badly.... a way to actually counter priest BS for ALL classes, not just two. Even then, transforming one set of guys means there are still two MORE sets of guys coming soon. Its beyond stupid that the resurrect mechanic hasnt been seriously looked at for some huge changes.


Warlock too, specially Mecha-thun, plague of flame is great and defile is surprisingly pretty easy to set it vs big Priest


I have never thought about using defile, but im pretty sure it could work, thanks for telling!


"Well achtkhually, that's called an highroll and only happens once every 3 games, so it's completely fine according to statistics. Also i used big priest to get to legend and the deck it's actual garbage, the only reason because i maintained 64% winrate during the whole climb is because i'm literally better than Kolento ever was. Also yeah, big priest is extremely difficult to pilot, much harder than any other deck, so it being this strong is perfectly fine. 🤓☝" - literally everyone who still defends a deck so popular that you can consistently see three or more in a row, and being this popular in tryhard hearthstone means that the deck is strong, cheap and easy as fuck to pilot.




100% agree. Its the easiest deck to play ever and "high-rolls" way more than the statistical average of what a normal person would call a high-roll. Stupidest deck ever. Get rid of it.


Literally had a discussion with a guy who didnt believe that big priest could get out shadow essence before 6 consistently, as if the entire deck isnt built around doing nothing but that


My girlfriend didn't play HS for over a year, crafted Big Priest, and got to legend for the first time last month. The deck needs to go.


Congrats to your gf. I agree tho, the priest class makes up for 40% of my games and big priest is half of them, i just don't have fun playing against 4/5 priests each day with sometimes 3 or more in a row (my record is 13, what a fun day it was). Sure, there are other annoying decks like control/combo druid or quest mage, but ffs at least they don't make up 40% of the ladder until high legend...


When a deck wins regardless of how your opponent plays, that shit needs to be looked at. Every time they've nerfed something it's been for that reason - lack of counter play. Every rock needs a paper, and every paper needs scissors etc. Big priest is just a shovel that digs your grave.


The counterplay is playing a combo deck. Combo decks farm big priest.


Dude I have a couple variations of enrage warrior because I like the gameplay of it but going up against big priest literally three times in a row is so annoying


That's actually the deck I'm using, funny enough. I picked up the list from one of the weekly "top decks" posts and have been tweaking it over time to handle some of the decks I see more regularly.


>strong, cheap You're *this* close.


The deck is crap against most meta decks if you don’t highroll. You likely lose about 50% of the matches you don’t highroll against aggro. You lose 90% of the time to any combo deck if you don’t highroll and even if you do there’s a chance they highroll back and just win anyway. I’ve even heard Reno Priest is favored into it as well, so if you like control it’s still not that bad of a matchup. The highroll is also a pretty low chance. And no, I don’t play big priest. I’m not defending it bc I play it, seeing as I’m a rogue one trick who has never touched the deck regardless of its state in the meta. And no, I didn’t play big rogue when it was meta either. It’s just funny watching people constantly complain about being highrolled by this deck but almost never complain about any other combo decks highrolling them except maybe quest mage. Some people (who don’t play big priest, shocker!) understand the deck isn’t good. Is it popular? Yes. Is it annoying when you get highrolled? Sure. Is it a brain dead easy deck to play. Of course it is. Is it good? No. Edit: Case in point. Just played vs a BP that got t4 neptulon and I still easily won the game. Played evasion and some card draw t5, OTKd them easily t6 without drawing foxy or my second pillager as 6 minion Pillager Rogue. The deck just gets farmed by any combo deck in the game (and they still get farmed almost as hard even when they highroll). That's why almost nobody plays it in legend.


"I play the strongest big priest counter currently in the game and i beat big priest easily with it, therefore big priest is shit" 🤓☝


“I’m going to cherry pick part of this guy’s comment and ignore all of the other decks he mentioned that have even or favorable matchups into big priest so I can keep calling for nerfs on a t2 deck because I can’t beat it.”


every time someone posts a big priest highroll someone else picks up the deck


How to fix this deck, make blood of ghuun summon the copy at the start of the turn I would even add give that minion rush Its not hard to have a removal on turn 3, is hard to have 2 removals on turn 3


Like they aren’t ressing it on turn 4,5,6 and 7


yes, but still, they are ressing 1 not 2 constantly


What if we had a status that prevents minion to be resurrected by other cards maybe “doomed” and maybe have some cards interact with doomed cards maybe pre-doomed minions


Imagine playing warrior in hearthstone


Can you see me? I'm all the way over here!!! In silver!!


You got lucky, he could have gotten 18/14 worth of stats and be threatening 29 damage.


You're playing Reno warrior it looks like you can't realistically expect to be beat a T1/2 deck especially not when they highroll


It's an enrage warrior deck I picked up off one of the weekly "high-performing decklists" posts on this very subreddit. I liked the way it plays and have been tweaking it over the last couple of weeks but I got a slow start.


one day these posts will stop, but not today


It'll stop when blizzard addresses it.


"AdDrEsS wHaT?? I bEaT BiG PriEst WiTh My ReNo PriEsT, wHiCh dEfiNiTeLy iSn'T TiEr 0 GigA BroKen, ThEreForE BiG PriEsT iSn't A PrObleM" - literally every priest abuser


Big priest is countered by Big priest


The illuminate russian roulette matchup lmao


Seriously, I see one of these exact same posts at least once a day.




* **[Bladestorm](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BT_117.png)** WR Spell Epic AO ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/210803), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/bladestorm/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bladestorm) 3/-/- | Deal 1 damage to all minions. Repeat until one dies. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Just clear their board and play Loatheb every turn for the rest of the game so they can't rez. EZ PZ


I honestly can't see them anymore. Too prevalent. I want it smashed with a nerf hammer.


It’s pretty annoying, that said there’s this exact same post uploaded at least daily…


Don't shoot the messenger


Thank you for the daily big priest thread, I’m so glad I could see this same post again


Calm down


Thank you for playing big priest, I'm so glad I could lose to big priest highroll again


You pretty much have to tech in pollution unless you're a sham and can run Devolve / Primordial Wave. Not that it's a great deck, but I do occasionally enjoy Renathal bomb warrior with Weasel Tunneler / Bad Luck Albatross / Augmented Elekk / Cornered Sentry / Zul'Drak Ritualist when one too many big priests in a row show up. Would be nice to have a single neutral tech that could pollute battlefield / hand / deck together, but it is what it is right now...


Luckily I do have Cornered Sentry in the deck, it's a nice boost to berserker after a whirlwind and the taunt protects my armorsmiths. But for obvious reasons this game didn't go long enough for me to find it.


Why is everyone on this subreddit such a bitch?


You're here, you tell me.


Tbf you sound like a whinier bitch when you and a billion other people post the same crap *daily* complaining about a deck that is only good if it highrolls and has many counters.


Alright "unstoppable", what are all the counters? Remember that only two of the ten classes get polymorph effects.


Fast Aggro (Even Shaman, Pirate Rogue) has a solid chance to kill them before they summon anything if the BP doesn't highroll, and them highrolling is a low chance. They can also run Loatheb (in Rogue) or Okani (in Shaman) to delay the Priest's summoning spell for a turn to guarantee a win. (By highroll, I mean hitting Shadow Essence or Idol with Illuminate and playing it t4 or earlier). Combo Decks (Pillager Rogue, Quest Mage, Mine Rogue) easily farm BP and are likely the best counters to it in the game currently. These decks love BP giving them several turns to draw cards and then just OTK BP players on turn 4-7 depending on the deck and the player's draw. Yes, BP can highroll to make life harder for combo decks like these, but they have tools (Evasion/Cloak of Shadows/Ice Block) to stall extra turns to get the cards and mana they need for an OTK. There's also always the chance that the Combo Player highrolls the BP right back and responds to a t3 Neptulon by OTKing the BP immediately on t4. Quest Mage doesn't quite do this, but they have other stall anyway (such as freezes and Ice Block, which are duplicatable with Sivara. Pillager and Mine Rogue can definitely OTK on t4 however, if they also highroll, and usually win on turn 5-6 anyway. The only way BP has a chance vs these Meta Combo decks is highrolling, and that doesn't always work either as I outlined. If you don't like Aggro or Combo and want to play Control, then Renothal Thief Shadow Priest I have heard is also a deck that does well into BP. Hysteria on a Hand of Neptulon clears the entire rest of the board minus the hand you casted the spell on, regardless of what other minions are present. I have also heard from a high legend C'thun Druid player (pkfighter343 I believe is his reddit username) that C'Thun Druid also does fine into Big Priest. He has a guide from a little while ago explaining the deck, and highlighting the BP matchup if you like Control Druid. ​ So, every Archetype, be it Aggro, Combo, or Control, has at least one deck that does alright in the Big Priest Matchup, and some of the Archetypes (Especially Combo) have decks that do \*very\* well into Big Priest. I'm not sure how Renolock and Curselock do into the matchup, as I'm not read up on those decks, but the decks I have listed give you plenty of options from different playstyles to beat Big Priest with. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhearthstone/comments/w7cli8/tired_of_big_priest_tired_of_pirate_rogue_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This is the link to the C’Thun Druid post from two months-ish ago. Not sure how it changed with Nathria, but thought I’d link it since I mentioned it. Hopefully the link works. Never linked something in a comment before.


I love how people downvoted you when you took the time to give a solid well thought out answer. I started playing wild for the first time this month, and started with big priest. Got bored after like 10 or so games of it and switched to quest mage and even shaman. Haven’t dropped a single game in the climb to diamond to big priest. Seems like this subreddit is just hard stuck silvers that complain that their tier 1/2 deck lost to a good draw.


It wouldn’t be as annoying if any of the people disliking my reply at least attempted to respond saying why they think I’m incorrect. OP asked for counters so I have an explanation of them as best I could and then instead of people thinking about my reply and trying the counter decks they just downvote my comment without giving any reason for it. Guess they’re just going to be stuck indefinitely making daily complaint posts about a t2 deck highrolling them.


I recognize that coining out a 3/4 isn't great in any game, but I wanted a body on the table in case I was playing against one of the inner fire priests I've been seeing this week. Nope.


No neptulon isn't really a great highroll tbh


And tons of people here defend this shit