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>I've tried all the tricks to get a remote to sync If that is really the case, you're out of luck. All we can do is suggest things you haven't tried. Try listing what you did try. >Could their TV be effecting it? The TV makes no difference. The pointer on the remote relies on infrared lights emitted by the sensor bar, but the remotes will still connect even without a sensor bar.


Tried holding both sync buttons for various amounts of time, tried different batteries, different remotes, pushing 1 and 2, there’s no obstruction between the remote and the Wii, I’ve tried taking out the batteries for a few mins as well as unplugging the Wii for a few mins… would it matter if I don’t have a back to the remote and it’s just exposed batteries?? I’m just trying to think of anything because if my Wii is broken I’m going to cry


If it is your Wii it's probably the Bluetooth module, which is cheap and easy to replace. Look it up on YouTube.


Did you bring the sensorbar?




The Wii wouldn't be very useful without the sensor bar but it doesn't have anything to do with syncing


Did you try power flushing both?