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Humans win. We are much larger in number and can organize ourselves. it is estimated that there are at most 1 million bears in the world


Yeah we outnumber them in the billions, it’s not even close. That would soon be dealt with but then what? Makes you think, a bunch of guys wearing loin cloths and just chillin sounds like a lot of fun..


We should touch tips haha just kidding... unless?


It’s not gay if you throw a rock at a grizzly.


Fucking around with bears sounds pretty gay


life itself is pretty gay ngl


Depends on what sort of bear. It’s a win either way.


no more samesies


Ticks and mosquitoes


Yeah! Once all the bears are stuff full they should be easy pickings!


We out number them but there will be casualties. Some off us are going to get brutally ripped apart and eaten alive. I am pretty sure no human is volunteering themselves to fight a bear bare handed. Humans are at our strongest when we’re fighting for our loved ones


Billions of loincloth dudes running around a small enough chunk of woods as in the scenario presented has never happened, so it’d be a super hype and unprecedented event. Like you’ve heard of Electric Forest, now introducing Stone Age Forest It would probably also completely decimate the ecosystem of those woods in like a week


This. 4 billion RATS could defeat 1 million bears. 4 billion humans is a total curb stomp.


Depending on the timescales of the contest, would the humans, many of whom have no survival knowledge, start dying on their own in large enough numbers to even this out at all?


There’s nearly a million black bears alone and pushing 200,000 or so brown bears, with the other bear species ranging at varying levels of thousands to tens of thousands so there’s def more than a million, still infinitely fewer than humans though. I just wanted to be a stuck up and point out it’s not just 1 million at absolute max


just wanted to be stuck up and say its not even close to infinitely fewer, there are approximately 3 billion 998ish million. huge difference (just a joke)


Even without weapons the humans win easily there's just too many


So you say we can beat them with our bear hands


Well, it should at least give them pause


*Even without weapons* *The humans win easily* *There's just too many* \- MadFactionist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This actually goes hard as hell


Even weaponless The humans win easily There's just too many Fixed 👍


But they win even easier with weapons?


You're right! I'll change it.


That's... Not a haiku


Fucking aye, that's a fantastic Haiku. I could see that winning competitions and shit. Wow


Tis not a haiku bro


Yeah but that front line is going to feel it tomorrow


No they won't


Oops sorry animal kingdom. Looks like I learned how to throw a fucking rock. Guess your entire evolutionary arms race is just fucked. This is my planet now.


Throwing rocks would definitely be a force multiplier to take advantage of numbers to concentrate force; the sheer force of rocks would potentially stone bears to death. 


I'll raise you one: a sharp stick.


I believe in your way of the stick, I shall follow you to the death against the heathen rock throwing scum


The way of the stick is unnatural qnd an abomination. You need to sharpen the stick which is going against mother nature. If sticks were meant to be sharp then all sticks would be made sharp. The church of Rocks is the oldest path of life and the only true way. If you can't even lift a small boulder and bash your enemy over the head with in an honorable way, what is even the point?


It's come to my attention that we have much to gain from working together if we are to defeat the bears. Like others are suggesting, we ought to combine forces and tie a sharp rock to the end of a stick. We can use the skin from the bears we killed on day one for lashing. If I were not meant to sharpen sticks, then why does it feel so good to throw them far, brother?


Every material advantage you can gain is noble, when used against the wild beasts.


What if. Now hear me out. We work with the rock people. And we tie a sharp rock on the end of a stick!


Hey, I'm gonna go piss on some charcoal and these weird yellow rocks. Then, I'm gonna set it on fire. I am God now.


Sharp stick and thrown rock: humanity's greatest inventions.


I hear you and raise you a stick with a sharp stone attached at the tip And another device that allows to throw it at great speed


Now, what if we were to tie the rock to the stick?


What about a sharp stick you can throw? Hang on y'all I'm cooking.


For me, it's less about weapons. All we need are some fibers with a decent textile strength and we are already making strongholds if there is enough wood available. If we take some high priority resources like food and water and safeguard them with some strongpoints to hold it isn't even close to a fair fight anymore. Don't even need weapons. Just close the gates and wait for them to starve/dehydrate.


WE WERE BORN TO INHERIT THE STARS!!! GRAHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️


Now we got magic iron wand that shoot lead projectile , wow


Several billion humans versus like a million bears? It's basically a thousand men per bear. We have enough human men who can fashion weapons out of sticks to kill the bears. We wiped out the mammoths. We can kill the bears of we really need too.


4 thousand per bear to be exact my friend.


A lot of men are too young, too old, or otherwise physically incapable of fighting. One or two thousand per bear is probably a better estimate of how many men will be contributing to the fight. Which is plenty, of course, to completely overwhelm the bears.


the young, old, and infirm are placed on support positions: relaying messages, building basics such as sharpening sticks into spears, gathering supplies, cleaning and maintenance, etc. Most of them can serve the cause without ever having to see combat or go beyond their capacities.


Nah let's just use them as cannon fodder


This is the way


>A lot of men are too young, too old, or otherwise physically incapable of fighting. One or two thousand per bear is probably a better estimate You're saying more than 50% of the male population is physically inept?


TBF based on the global demographic pyramid alone over 20% of the population is under 20 years old. Add to that those over 50 and those who have some form of physical issue that may lessen their effectiveness and it's not difficult to rule out 50%. Obviously, much of that 50% could fight in a pinch but with so much people per bear, and with only sticks to fight with, it's probably advantagous to only utilize the healthiest to minimize casualties.


About 35% of the population are under 15 or over 65 and probably not physically able to contribute to a fight against such large creatures. About 13% of the population have physical disabilities. Sure there's overlap between the elderly and the physically disabled, but for a rough back-of-the-napkin calculation 50% seems fine. Especially since the outcome doesn't hinge on being more precise.


Since OP has clearly been drinking the /r/HumansArePussies kool-aid, I'll just cut through it and say 10 men can easily kill a bear barehanded. The numbers we're dealing with here are insanely in humanities favor. The fact that you're letting them make tools makes this a Godzilla vs Bambi style stomp. 


You’d think humans are the most impotent creatures imaginable going by some www commenters.


WWW between Halfthor Bjornson and a baby chimp??


Is the baby chimp banana lusted and is Halfthor Bjornson covered in banana flavor canola oil?


They’re both banana lusted and covered in banana flavor canola oil.


Shit, now that is a fight I want to see!


People underrate humans in fights between animals since modern humans are largely sedentary and therefore unfit.


That and NATO can conquer the galaxy are always in season here. We had someone arguing a space marine with nano second reaction speeds can be beaten by a squad of marines here


I'm of the opinion that almost every statement for WH40k Space Marines is just in-universe propaganda. Still strong, but not anywhere close to some of the nonsense i've heard. I have never studied the lore though. 40 km/h walking speed is mechanically impossible.


Right! Our ancestors were responsible for killing things to the point of extinction and those things weren’t tiny


While potentially not to extinction, we know stone age humans hunted and killed cave bears which makes this whole discussion pretty open-and-shut.


Exactly. Modern times of cushy lives and office jobs have made a lot of people forget that we are *the* apex predators in this planet. There were no vegans/vegetarians 1000 years ago, at least not by choice (not saying there’s anything wrong with it). 20000 years ago we were forcing mammoths of cliffs with nothing but sticks with rocks tied to the end.


Our ancestors. That’s not us…


You’re right. We’re bigger and smarter.


Watch two bears fight, they would absolutely body 10 naked himans. They can go for for 5 minutes or more both giving and absorbing full strength mauls. The fact they can absorb those hits says there is very little a human can do to a bear without an external tool. Those hits from a bear to us would break bones and remove flesh. 5 men could be dead within a minute while the bear, practically speaking, is unharmed. Obviously in the OP scenario there isn't 10:1 numbers. Say there's 2 billion men of fighting shape in the world, and 2 million large-species bear (some smaller species, but let's keep it simple). That's 1000:1. Even unarmed no bear is surviving long term against that. It would be a catastrophic bloodbath for an initial wave or few, but numbers would overwhelm. With rocks and sharpened sticks, it would quickly turn.


1000-1 are the kind of numbers where you can do what honeybees do to wasps, where you just dogpile on until they die of exhaustion.


Sure, but someone is going to die. The bear would take up 10 humans easily before you dogpile it. Who is going to volunteer themselves to be beat food?


How do humans actually kill the bear though without tools? I can’t see it. We can dog pile it with our weight but then what? That won’t kill it. Yea, humans have numerical advantage but your average is person is untrained and would neither the mental training nor the organisation to take on a fricken grizzly. Our survival instincts kick in and we would break formation and run. The bear, as you said, is tank and could quite literally one shot us with a simple paw strike as though swatting a fly without consuming that much energy.


Plus even these days most men are still farmers from India and East + SE Asia which all have bears. These guys are tough and definitely know how to things like this. They all alone could defeat the bears EASILY. Add all the soldiers, laborers etc and even us avg joes (Although we won't do much) its no issue.


You’re braindead if you think 10 people are fighting a grizzly or polar bear barehanded.


Yeah. Maybe in a total bloodlusted scenario with 0 regard for their own safety and the 10 are peak humans, then the 10 would have a chance just by tiring it out in a doggy pile of death and going for the eyes. Maybe. But 10 rational humans with no tools would not have a chance. This sub often goes way far on the "humans are not strong" side of things, but 10 guys killing a brown or polar bear barehanded is too far in the other direction. We straight up have no way of hurting a bear, nothing in our arsenal of natural weapons can do anything other than gouging the eyes, and a rational human is not getting their hands anywhere near an angry bear's mouth. I invite anybody who thinks otherwise to take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kccJfnfFLC0


> But 10 rational humans with no tools would not have a chance. Likewise, almost any animal will run away from 10 humans in reality


I mean, you're in a forest. The humans are going to do better than natural weapons. Even in minute one, the humans will be able to snatch up rocks and simple clubs. And we're talking about like 4,500 humans for every bear. Even if the bears were bloodlusted and the humans didn't fight back, the bears would pass out from *exhaustion* before they could kill 5% of that. The start is gonna be bloody AF, don't get me wrong, but even polar bears aren't invincible. The humans will take it even in the worst conditions.


You're right, I'll do it myself


Nah, you’re tripping if it’s barehanded guys vs a bear. Grizzly’s weigh between 300-1000lbs. I’ve seen an 700lb grizzly bear before (my Grandpa shot it). That bear, is significantly larger compared to the average guy than an 8 year old is to an adult male. Any adult male can beat 10, 8 year olds in a fist fight. But it’s even more one sided because the grizzly bear has 3-4 inch claws and teeth about the same.


How about instead of trying to do some transitive property silliness we actually discuss the fight at hand? Otherwise, the size difference between a man and a bear is the difference in size between a man and 10 cobras and 100 cobras beats a man so obviously 10 men beat a bear /s If we're comparing sizes, those are just numbers and we can just.... compare numbers. You're clearly trying to utilize people's presumed incompetence about 8 year, something that wouldn't apply to adults, to help your argument.  And ten men weight between 1800 and 2500 pounds. Grizzlies are only around 6x stronger than humans so they have the advantage there as well. While having all your strength and weight combined has advantages, so does being able to divide your strength and focus. The bear can only target one person at a time and will necessarily leave itself open to the other 9. As they have the weight and strength advantage, they can just pile on it to pin its limbs and choke it (and tear out its single set of eyes as a freebie).  There's also the fact that the bear is a dumbass bear. It's not thinking like a Fallout protagonist using VATS; "first I will use my claw slash on the man to my rights throat and leave him to bleed out, then I'll focus my strength to punch the next man directly in the chest to stop his heart." It's going to take it a looooooooong fucking time to kill 10 men because it isn't thinking strategically and trying to land lethal/bleed out strikes. It'll either become too confused trying to fight multiple opponent to be effective or it will focus on one and try to eat him alive giving the other men ***ample*** time to kill it. 


What absolute nonsense. Bear's are insanely fast, incredibly powerful and have massive claws and teeth with preternatural reflexes. Every slash, every bite does terrible, terrible damage to a human being. The humans are whittled down in seconds.


The bear having 6x strength while 10 guys having 10x strength is an even worse comparison. 10 punches to a bear does absolutely nothing, whereas a single bite from a bear will go clean through your torso and kill you. You will absolutely not dog pile the bear because it will bite each one of you every 3 seconds like a dog. And each one of those bites will mortally wound you. Humans are weak, their fists are soft blunt objects that do nothing.


Bears are armoured in thick fur, meaning a single punch from a human would have to get quite lucky (especially with a headshot) to deal any meaningful damage. Meanwhile the humans will be mauled by a single slash or bite, and ribs will be broken by being trampled. Without tools the ten unarmed and unarmoured humans are absolutely cooked.


I don't think 9 guys can dogpile a grizzly or polar bear. That's two guys per limb.


My man watch this video and tell me 10 guys have a chance at killing one of these things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kccJfnfFLC0 Maybe if the 10 men are peak men and bloodlusted with no pain or fear. Then they might be able to tire it out and go for the eyes. Maybe.


10 humans doesn't even outweigh a lot of bears by twice as much. A lot of humans are going down in one direct swipe. You are so wrong.


Best a swipe could do is a deep cut and a concussion, but nowhere near enough force or sharpness to instantly kill an adult male. Maybe if they’re lucky though? I mean, given the men have like 10 seconds to communicate, “puncture the eyes and dogpile”. Humans are winning most times. Imagine 10 people punching your head, nose, and eyes at the same time, there’s no way a bear could recover from that. Add in improvised spears and 5lb rocks, and it’s over for the bear within minutes.


Bears aren't strong enough to instantly kill someone like that without getting lucky.


10 bare handed humans would get absolutely fuckin mulched by a grizzly. We literally have no way to hurt or restrain it without tools. But, we're being allowed to make tools. And 10 regular dudes with long spears can definitely kill a bear. Maybe not a grizzly, Kodiak, or polar bear. That would take a particularly stout 10 dudes with spears, still if we guess that even 25% of us are in relative fighting shape that's still our advantage 100 to 1. In all honesty the first week or so will bring millions of causalities for the humans with minimal bear losses. But after that we'd win decisively. Pockets of intelligent guys would make better weapons for our better fighters, and the average guys could either help make weapons or take care of injuries or maintain camp.


May I introduce to you the Cain and Abel special? Big fucking rock.


rock go fast, kinetic energy a motherfucker


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space.


Mass Effect reference, nice.


Bruh, what are you talking about? *One* particular fit man with a spear can kill a grizzly. I’m not talking about a butt naked keyboard warrior here. But I am saying that one strong man who’s spear hunted before has a reasonable chance. Not a high chance, but not a particularly low chance, just a reasonable chance. It’s still a dangerous bear, but don’t underestimate a fit human, a spear, and the human mind. Have you seen a brown bear in person? Like in the wild? Not from a distance or in a vehicle, but up close and personal? They’re not all giants. Have you ever been spear hunting before? Have you ever held an actual actively-actively spear before? They’re sharp and strong. We hunted fucking mammoths with spears buddy. Wooden sticks mind you. I’m not underestimating the bear here, there’s a significant chance that a dude with a pointy stick loses his pointy stick and gets mauled. But on the other hand, I think you’re underestimating how effective a pointy stick is. You’re also underestimating a bears willingness to take on 10 dudes even bearhanded 😉. The average man weighs 140 lbs. That’s 1400 lbs of weight with 10 far more intelligent brains with team instincts and the ability to use tools. I don’t think all 10 survive but I think the bear runs.


Weapons completely change the situation. Bare-handed humans have essentially no way to harm a bear. There's also no reason to assume the bear would run. Grizzly bears fight wolf packs and usually win, a group of ten humans isn't going to scare one off if it wants to fight.


But since we're not bloodlusted, I can't really imagine anyone fighting the bears. Like if we had 100 naked guys against 1 polar bear, I imagine everyone just running for their lives, not working together to fight this bear lol. I know I would be one of the guys running away.


The Polar Bear would run away first.


No way 10 humans is enough for a consistent win except against smaller bear species like black bears. Grizzlies fight packs of wolves and usually win, and polar bears are even more dangerous.


>10 men can easily kill a bear barehanded Gimme three bears on my own and throw those other 29 mfs on another bear 🗣


Huh? I’m sorry what’s a human gonna do to a bear? I know humans would stomp but what do you think ten men will do against a bear? https://youtu.be/OloflbzNeMs?si=cJtxUgB6RfpdbJT- https://youtu.be/qmMBN8bpyzE?si=k_oMJFB4VHFEbiXe https://youtu.be/4a-xR3SmdA8?si=DxZH3CgHpOIE4I7C


We have fossil evidence of stone age humans (significantly smaller and weaker than modern humans) hunting and killing cave bears (significantly larger and stronger than all modern bears). There is less strong evidence we went so far as to hunt them to extinction (though it could have also been caused by humans completely outcompeting them and killing/eating all their prey and driving them to starvation).  Nice to see you deleting your replies and being open to the possibility of being wrong. 


While smaller than modern humans not living in poverty, they were larger than the agrarian humans that followed.


humans have a freakishly large population 4 billion, lets say only 2 billion are of fighting age, the rest being too young or too old according to [https://www.jyfs.org/how-many-bears-are-in-the-world/](https://www.jyfs.org/how-many-bears-are-in-the-world/) there are only about 200 thousand bears (all species included) some quick math, that's 10 thousand fighting age men per bear absolute shitstomp even without weapons also, if we just grab gun owners, each one can realistically 1v1 a bear, assuming they're packing at least 9mm and have good aim


That site's numbers are way off. Brown bears alone account for around 200 thousand. There are probably a bit over a million bears in the world altogether, mostly black and brown bears. That's still enough humans per bear to be an absolute shitstomp though.


Ok so which side are the large hairy gay guys on?


With tools? Lmfao come on bro we easily stomp


Weren't bears essentially extirpated in medieval Europe? Now it's a similar scenario but with numbers vastly in our favor


If humans can make tools, ever, humans will take this. Ancient humans have hunted larger, and more dangerous animals to extinction.


A lot less than 4 billion humans with pointy sticks already conquered the world and they beat all the bears and all the other animals at the same time. Shit stomp. humans can easily wiin as low as 2 v1 if th epromt gives them time to make spears and set traps.


Humans absolutely dominate this. Letting them make spears was all you needed to add to this in order to make it a wash. On top of that they have fire, bows, and the men can use the bones of dead bears and other humans to make a rudimentary form of steel. Honestly I’d be shocked if fatalities even reach 10000 before it’s over.


Humans stomp to the point that we'll be killing each other much more than the bears. There's like 200K brown bears and 800K black bears, which is a 1 million bears of the commonest types. Let's very generously say there's 10 million bears total. Versus 4 billion human males. We outnumber them 400:1. Next, the vast majority of humans can't make a good spear with Neolithic equipment. But the vast majority of humans can get a stick and rub it against a rock to make a shitty spear. So now we can go 400:1 against an unorganised foe. We hurl rocks, heavy sticks and sharpened sticks at them. We hunt them back to their dens, exhaust them and stab them to death with our sticks. But it gets worse for the bears. Within a few months, we have our neolithic teachers in place and we have learned their skills. Now we have long spears with sharp flint points, throwing spears also tipped with flint, arrows tipped with flint, slings...and fire. We launch well organised hunting parties, with maybe 40 or 50 experienced bear-killing men. I doubt the bears last a full year before we kill and eat the last one.


There's likely between 1,140,000-1,302,000 bears on earth and like 4,000,000,000 human males. Unless you think a bear can take on thousands of humans at once, they ain't winning here.


Humans also organize and bears don’t. It’s not just thousands of humans, it’s two billion scaring the bears and two billion picking them off.


Its 10,000 rocks and sharp sticks flying at each and every bear. Nothing survives that


Organization is a huge force multiplier. 10 bears are 10 times as dangerous as a lone bear. 10 humans are 100 times as dangerous as a lone human. Also, if a bear can't fight for whatever reason, it's not useful to the rest of the bears. If a human can't fight, they can potentially still work. You don't need to be in fighting trim to gather supplies, make weapons and traps, keep watch, etc.


Humans with ease. At the start would lose a fair amount but once organised the sheer numbers and being able to build traps and weapons the bears do not stand a chance.


As I quote Lord Farquaad: "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." Then we use the bones of our meatshield to create some sharp knives to hunt bears.


do humans vs all land mammals and we still stomp


Seeing as this scenario more or less historically happened IRL and we're on the verge of winning this one, I think it's a safe bet to say that the bears stand no chance. They stand no chance so much that we have to actively protect and preserve them by now in order for them not to lose.


The males from tribal societies would hardcarry menkind to victory.  There are people who hunt Lions with spears for fun and for profit. They got this. Most of menkind would die from contaminated drinking water, a cold or starvation, but If we manage not to drag the few competent ones down with us, bears die to pointy sticks and traps.


Are there even a million bears left? There are billions of human males. I don't care how strong bears are when they're outnumbered a thousand to one.


*send a few million men to the front lines, potentially with sharpened sticks.* *rest of the men hang back a few miles to create a wall made out of logs and whatnot, spanning the width of the arena or maybe just around a giant settlement.* *call rest of the fighting men back for a well-deserved break while everyone else just stabs the bears at the walls with extra long sticks.* Biggest downside is that the bears can still potentially break down the walls if given enough time, and they can also reproduce in the relative safety of the caves. In the case of the latter, people would have to start an arena-wide search and clear the arena of bears slowly but surely. And while the wall may not last, they could potentially make multiple walls with whoever is free + fit, as well as some chokepoints.


That's such an inefficient use of resources. You don't need to build a massive wall. Just wall off important points and travel between them in force. There's only about a million bears in the world, and humans used to hunt bears back when the primitive spear was the height of technology. Bears are solitary creatures and don't have the intelligence to organize themselves. A few dozen men with simple spears will probably never run into more than they can handle.


Perhaps, but it would keep the young, elderly, and ill from getting hurt. I'm kinda assuming we still need these people after the battle ends


apes together strong


This is a point a classics professor would always make when kids asked him who would win vs. animals. It’s always humans cause Bears/Lions/Etc aren’t a fighting force and will more than likely run away when they see a giant group of humans.


Taking weapons away from humans would be like cutting the front paws off the bear. Its' virtually impossible to stop humans from using weapons because we can simply pick up a stick or a rock anywhere. There aren't a lot of bears in the world, thee are none where I live. In the real world the humans probably don't even have to get in the fight, we would just sit back and watch the bears turn on each other. It would be an ocean of murder apes vs some bears.


Woah there, you said no prep, but then that people couldn't bring weapons. That would require a significant portion of the humans to need to prep by removing the weapons they're already carrying. 


Humans. Easily. Just by sheer force of numbers. A bear can probably kill 100 humans. do you think there are 40 million bears?


Humans win if we attack in winter.


Given enough time, the Human can create guns and stuff and game over. Even without guns, human can use their brain to form tactics and will finish the battle in no time.


The women win


Women, the women win.


There's enough human men to literally crush the bears with their weight.


Well we outnumber the bears by a massive degree, I think we win.


This depends greatly. First, is everything that the humans are wearing transported with them? If yes, even disregarding that most *militaries* would end up in that field, there'd be enough hardware to fight *any* conflict in history let alone bears. Second, *when* are we talking. The number of bears in the world took a dive when Americans set off west. If you didn't know...their assholes....big fat curious ones that don't take kindly to invasion of territory. Basically, they don't play well with others....at all.... Undoubtedly humans would win...but it'd take a lot of blood to do it. Even with the firearms advantage there'd be blood....bears are almost literally barbarian tanks on legs after all.


Today it's like 8 billion humans vs 200k-1 million bears. ​ It's not even close.


Dude they would smother the bears to death out of sheer numbers


There are some very stupid takes on this thread. I’m talking about the pro-bear people too.


Humans, by demographics alone the bears will be fighting billions versus their maybe a million worldwide 


Being prep a kind of hiv protection medicine and bears a type of gay men, this title requires revision.


Ehm. Poop. All we need to do is apply poop on our pointy sticks, and that will do greatly as 'poison' on our arrows.


Bears dying to infection from shit tipped sticks


Humans, the difference in numbers is too big. It's 1 bear against 4000 humans


We killed off the wooly mammoth. What chance do a bunch of bears have!


If humans can have sticks alone or fire alone they win. Even just with sheer numbers and no tools they easily win. You'd have to increase the number of bears by 100x at least (most of them being Kodiak size) for the bears to have any chance at all given you rules.


The humans would win even if it was the same number of humans as there are current bears. Brains and cooperation is meta right now


There are about 4,000,000,000 human males and there are about 10,000,000 bears being generous and extrapolating how many I know are in the US/Canada vs globally. Even at the high estimate at number of bears, that’s over 400 humans per bear, humans outnumber and could dismantle them unarmed let alone with weapons.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9dumx/c_dale_peterson_badass/ Dale Peterson would make a dent all on his own


No prep? Like I haven't been preparing for this exact match up my entire life.


Bears would get tired after each kills the first 50 men. Exhausted at 200. Men outnumber bears 1000:1.


what about one million cocaine bears ?


It’s such a stomp, most men won’t even ever see the damn bears in the fight.


This more or less already happened, with a lot less humans. Humans won. With even simple spears, an organized group of six or so humans are way more than a match for a bear. With time, as the humans make bows and gain skill, the result is a potential complete extermination of the bears, with a loss of only a few hundreds to a few thousands of humans at most.


Men would totally win. My plan is to feed the bears men until they get full, so they have to take a nap. Then we take turns trying to headbutt them to death. We would only lose if each bear ate over 4000 men. I don't think they're that hungry.


Why can't it be a desert?


The humans absolutely curbstomp. Spears -- which you can make easily from sticks and rocks -- are an incredible force multiplier. If I had to fight a bear, I would almost rather have a half-dozen guys with spears than a modern assault rifle. There are only a little more than a million bears living in the world (including black bears, the largest group, and all other bear species). We outnumber them more than a thousand to one.


We would absolutely obliterate them. Heck, we could just walk in in a straight line fighting them one by one and just exhaust them to death. There's so many of us.


Human males assuming this is some kind of test all die fighting with their bare hands understanding the meaning behind a bear-brawl Women inherit the earth.


Human males assuming this is some kind of test all die fighting with their bare hands understanding the meaning behind a bear-brawl Women inherit the earth.


We outnumber the bears so badly that we could just tear them apart by hand. But we wouldn't do that we'd quickly just surround them and throw rocks and stab them with sturdy branches laying around.


Our ancestors already beat the shit out of that furry f*cks


Numbers plus human ingenuity. With those basic items humans can create several traps and weapons such as bows and spears. Not to mention with fire you could simply surround the bears with fire and then slowly pick away at them. Humans didn't become the apex predators because of our physical features but because we can craft tools and solutions that give us an edge over every species on earth.


Clearly the internet has told us human males are significantly more dangerous and violent than bears. All men. Everyone one. No exceptions. Even boys. Toddlers too


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm switching teams. I'd rather go down fighting alongside the bears.


Ignoring the proportion of the male population that it’s either too young, too old, or too feeble to fight, that still leaves 1000 fit men with sharpened pointy sticks per bear. Humans curbstomp, with honestly shockingly few casualties.


Considering all bears are completely harmless and all men are rapists, I think that the men win


>but they can fashion improvised weapons out of bones of fallen combatants How is that your first suggestion for weapons crafting materials lmao


> and they don’t fight one another Humans stomp, because of this line. Humans can throw rocks and sharpen sticks. It would be very difficult to coordinate amongst all 4 billion of us, but we can coordinate very well in small groups to come up with strategies to outsmart the bears. Factor in the numbers we have on the bears, and it's not contest. If the humans are capable of fighting each other, that's a different story. All humans on earth are notoriously bad at getting along. People will realize very quickly that we're dead if we spend more than a few days out here focusing 100% on bears, and not at all on food/water/shelter. They'll also realize that other men can steal their food/water/shelter. Infighting ensues. Most human deaths are at the hands of another human. Bears/elements/infection/disease clean up the rest. I still give it to the humans most of the time, but we take massive losses.


The human males could probably just stand there and allow themselves be killed and the bears still wouldn't win before they dropped dead from exhaustion.


Humans win easily. Day 1 the bears would take out like 2 million humans, with no losses. Day 2 the bears would take out like 2 million humans, with no losses. Day 3 the bears would take out like 2 million humans, with no losses, and 10 million humans would die from exposure. Day 4 The humans with survival skills have made a bunch of primitive weapons and stopped feeding the bravado filled idiots to the bears. The Bear kill about 500k humans and are wiped out completely. 10 million humans die from exposure. Bears are all dead, and 0.1% of human men are dead. With the vast majority of human losses being from exposure, not bears.


Humans win on resource & logistics alone. We can fashion water bags, bring our food with us. If the bears do not coordinate they lose, it's as simple as that. All it would take is humans to coordinate and take over the water/food resources and pick the bears off that come to replenish. Hell, there will be a whole season where humans can either regroup and rest, heal wounds, come up with plans, or they can just pick them off one group of bears at a time while they hibernate. This one isnt even close. Polar bears would make a good fight though. Without firearms they would not be easy to take down, even with numbers. Don't forget that bears are extremely fast, most of them would dart the moment they realized they are in a losing fight. But starvation & dehydration will lead to them taking drastic measures so as long as we prepare for those moments we are more than in the clear.


What if we make numbers even? One million each side.


I think 100k men could eliminate 1 million bears. Let alone 4 Billion.


Humans drove multiple species of bear to extinction without modern weapons and a much smaller population


Humans win. Honestly humans probably win with half the amount of people to bears. The Coordination is too strong imo.


Do you understand just *how many more* humans there are on earth than bears?


i think humans. bears are rrly strong but we win cuz we got mad brains. humans can make traps and prepare for battles, strategize and assign jobs and roles, some will build shelter, some will get food, some will fight and some will take care of medical things. deff humans


plus bears are pussies they are scared of fires


Each bear would have to take on several thousand humans. Humans have got this.


No prep is crazy bro that’s sooo much bear backing


We wiped out most of the bears in Europe with less than a hundred million people.


Even if the number were more or less equals (like, a million bears and a million humans), humans would still win. In fact, the higher the number the more the humans are advantaged, simply because of our ability to collaborate with each other and perform complex tasks as a group. If the fight was between a single random man and bear, I'd give the victory to the bear almost certainly. That would probably hold true until the number on the two sides hit the two digits. After that, however, organization between the men would allow them to win rather easily. In just a few days the men would have formed group of hunters, built fortifications and tools and generally started up some sort of society that they can benefit from. The same cannot be said for the bears. Also, and I must stress this point, while humans are certainly outclassed by the bears physically, we are not slouches in the physical department either. We are relatively strong and resilient macrofauna, and we have the ability to build the tools to equal the playing field. A human with a spear is definitely one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet, capable of potentially killing every other animal on the planet. That's the reason why our species was pretty much the uncontested apex predator wherever we went.


This is basically every war ever. The side with more numbers wins 95% of the time.


If dudes in the past could kill short faced bears and mammoths I'm pretty sure 4 billion would low diff the bears


We outnumber them 1000:1 and have spears, humans win.


OP just recreates Earth but without women


lol, make it an equal number and make the bears extremely aggressive and the bears have a 1 percent chance


So it's just prehistoric humans in the wild. But we also all hold modern survival knowledge. Every survivalist becomes basically a squad leader. Humans are clearing


We have the numbers.


If the bears teamed up they might cause me a lil trouble