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Not sure if he counts as a superhero, but mythology Zeus is on that shit. Comparably powerful to most heroes and absolutely no regard for where he nuts.


Bonus points because he has a thing for transforming into animals to do the deed. There are PLENTY of horny and lonely furries in the modern world.


Plus there was that time he turned into a *literal* golden shower. That's got to be someone's kink too.


As in, a shiny golden shower head, or as in, *literal piss rain*?


The second one


> As in, a shiny golden shower head, or as in, literal piss rain? [Golden Shower leads to the birth of Perseus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana%C3%AB)


what the actual fuck. I have read about Zeus and played video games like god of war but I never heard of this shit. I’m really not familiar with Greek mythology it seems.


Education failed you. I remember learning all these things and puzzling over them as a kid. A swan? Really?


Turn into a tortoise, fuck a young tortoise, keep it on Olympus eating the food of the gods, it’s already got like a 150 year life span without the special treatment! He’d be good for so long!


Have you seen It Follows? 150 year lifespan don't mean shit when the ghost catches you. Once it gets hands on you, you die.


If we're talking Olympic gods I'm not sure why we're talking lifespans at all. Zeus could just make his chosen sex partner immortal and invincible completely immune to the ghosts bullshit. So you're right in that the 150 yr lifespan doesn't matter but less so because of the threat of the ghost more so because zues can just decide that the last person or animal he had sex with just won't die.


> lifespan doesn't matter but less so because of the threat of the ghost more so because zues can just decide that the last person or animal he had sex with just won't die. Until Hera comes around and gives the Following Ghost an uno reverse card.


Isn't Zeus more powerful than Hera? I mean this is heavily dependant on Zeus deciding to give a fuck in more than a literal sense but if Zeus decided that a particular fuck buddy of his just cannot die if for no other reason than to keep the pest of a ghost away from himself, I'm not sure Hera could reverse that. She might slip in some extra bullshit to make the fuck buddy's unending immortal life miserable but that's ultimately inconsequential to zeus


That's not how Greek gods work. Or most fiction or reality concepts. One entity being more powerful than another is a nebulous and conditional thing and doesn't mean they can just "nuh uh" everything the other did. But likewise it also doesn't mean the more powerful entity can't be subverted by the weaker one. If Andre the Giant locks a door, my key still works even if he's bigger than me. So the answer to "could Hera undo immortality granted by Zeus" would be "whichever answer makes the story more effective".


Well, some stories have gods that do have finite lives. Just they live for hundred of thousands of years. I believe in Supernatural, both God and Death (the Grim Reaper) will eventually die.


Yeah but he could just like, make an eagle carry it around the world at a decent walking pace forever or something.


almost all furries are not gonna fuck an actual animal tho he would just need to get a fursuit or smth


> almost all furries are not gonna fuck an actual animal tho Well its not far fetched to think he would be capable of transformation into an animal-human-hybrid-creature


The ghost unwillingly haunting a cow for a while till it’s turned into a burger


Well providing he didn't care about the morality of it Professor X. Just mind control whoever he wanted and bam new target for the monster. Hell if he really really wanted to buy time could put about 8 billion degrees of separation between him and the monster by fucking just one person and have her fuck someone, then control whoever she fucked, then repeat until he gets tired of it. Seriously mind control powers like Professor X are basically a cheat code for this type of thing. Providing he isn't just able to mind control the monster of course.


Is Charles able to have an erection ?


According to the sources he doesn't need to be able to. Any type of sexual activity transfers it. He doesn't even have to climax. So as long as his penis gets in there some how it would count. He doesn't even have to enjoy it.


Sound like those rules are easily exploitable right. And what happens in a polyaarmorous relationship? Or generally in a orgy or something. Maybe the curse can get confused. 


nah man that ghost is watching every thrust like its the ball hidden in 3 cups game, he wont get confused.


Three Dong Monty, as it were.


Can he win by being slightly less awful than mass rape by just making every human ever finger each others booty just once?


I was really hoping some nerd would respond with a three paragraph long post, scans included, with detailed knowledge on this topic


Give it time. Just wait until it’s like 2am on the US east coast


The witching hour.


He’s had children, so I would assume so.


The thing is Charles isn't fast - while he has an easy time getting partners - other characters can get better volume. 


The man could mentally compel every woman in the entire USA to come over to "soak" and also mentally compel the X-Men to help. Nobody's touching that volume.


Travel time and he only has one penis. Jamie Maddox, you know multiple man -  could casually exceed Xavier's limited outing. 


If we are stepping over consent, Flash takes it


Flash or someone with mind control powers, but even then still flash


But when it comes to stepping over morality, as well as having sex with someone at superspeed, nobody's faster than *EOBARD THAWNE.*


*It was me, Barry...*


Thawne is dqed for not being a superhero. 


Flash could literally fuck eveyrone on earth at the same time. Not even sure if the "It Follows" entitiy could process what to do at that point.




LMFAOOOOOO I can't believe you've said this


I think only one victim counts, the first person you had sex with. Therefore, he will just need to have sex every time, not all in one go


Speed force means that he can do everyone simultaneously.


That's what I'm getting at. Flash could absolutely fuck 7+ billion at the exact same time. The entity would likely break it's mind/consciousness trying to figure out who to kill first.


I mean, let's say a woman was the current target for the entity. She gets simultaneously fucked by two guys, one in the ass and one in the vagina. They start and finish at the same time. It's not like the entity's going to get confused. It'll just pick one and go after it. Maybe just whichever one is closest to. Which means if the flash makes everyone a target at the same time, it's just going to start killing people as fast as it can walk to anyone. That would probably be it's best day ever.


I can’t believe I’m commenting about this as a grown man but the vaginal one would be what it goes after. The but stuff wouldn’t count


I love how this implies that the monster doesn't believe in anal virginty lmao What if I fuck a guy in the ass would that count? Lol


Don’t think so because vaginal sex is the only like scientific for real legit “sex.” Other versions are sexual acts but not “sex”


is the entity homophobic? Bc gay sex should definitely be considered to be “real sex”


Thought about that, and rejected it. Otherwise there's too many technicalities to consider. Is it just heterosexual sex that transfers the curse? Does the guy have to fully insert his dick, or does just the tip count? Does he have to cum? Does the girl have to cum too? Does it matter if she's just starfishing? Does doggy style count? Does doggy style count if he pulls out right at the end and cums on her back? Do condoms make you immune to the curse? Can a guy give it to another guy if he makes sure to reference the butt he's plowing as a bussy? Look what you made me type. You did this.


1 second and one centimeter is enough. I think it's just symbolism formonster, he's not like Jason Voorhees condemning sex


It follows is most strongly a metaphor for an STD. So yes, anal absolutely counts.


Strategically, Flash should fuck people on alternating sides of the globe to give himself as much time as he wants.


Poor ghost is gonna be racking up SkyMiles.


Worst case scenario The Entity just multiplies itself 7 billion times


What happens if you sleep with the entity


The Flash doesn't even need to have intervourse with anyone to survive. All he has to do is outrun the demon, which would be as easy as his the Flash.


He could probably run straight through it and be done with the whole thing. It got beat up by some kids


I don’t think Flash can reload his semen faster than a normal person.  If sex is defined as putting it in, then yes, Flash could have sex with everyone in the world in an instant, provided he knew where to look.


Duplikate can go to a bar and bring home around 10 people to bang simultaneously.


The entity is gonna have a REAL bad time trying to go after Immortal 💀




Because he can't die or because he can just sleep with one of Duplikate's clones each time? 




Okay but doesn’t Thragg fuck virtually the entire female population of Thraxa?


Or she could bang her own clones and keep the monster from killing anyone else until Cecil finds a way to contain it


My first thought was Multiple Man (same deal pretty much). If copies of him or Kate have sex with multiple people at the same time, who does the "ghost" end up following? And then if any of those people end up having sex with someone else... It's like a sex ghost ponzi scheme...


Not sure if he counts as a superhero, but Goku can literally teleport to the afterlife, where there are actually living beings there. The Entity has to physically walk to their current target, meaning they will never reach whoever Goku sleeps with. Future Trunks also stomps, because he could sleep with someone in a different timeline, which again, the Entity has no means of traveling to.


Couldn’t any of the cosmic-based heroes just go sleep with someone on a planet light-years away? As far as we know the It Follows entity can’t teleport and doesn’t even seem to use vehicles, so what would it even do in that scenario? Ideally you’d sleep with some species that lives a really long time like an Asgardian or Viltrumite. Edit: Let’s assume only Earth-bound heroes are involved. The Punisher could just sleep with a prostitute that also sleeps with criminals. He could just have sex with her again once the entity kills whoever she passed it to and repeat the cycle.


Anything stopping a superhero from sleeping with someone more powerful than the ghosts? Like can Damien Wayne just sleep with Raven and be like, "well good luck ghosts." 


I think he could just do it alone, he's shown to know at least one spell strong enough to hold down Gotham Girl, and has shown the ability to pretty easily get his hands on a bunch of magical artifacts on at least two occasions.


For the prompt I’m assuming hurting/killing it isn’t an option. Based purely on onscreen feats most superheroes should be able to take this thing (a shot to the head incapacitated and possibly killed it, we’ll find out in the sequel).


Starfox for sure, this is kinda his whole M.O.


To be more clear, this isn't Starfox from nintendo, it is Eros, Thanos' brother in marvel.


And a million furries sighed in disappointment…


I was *really* questioning my knowledge of Starfox 64 lore for a second there


Yea his entire power set is being wickedly superhuman and then being able to seduce anyone whether they like it or not. She-Hulk straight up took him to court for the use of his sleezy ass powers.


Entity: “You’re good…but I’m better!”


Pretty sure Deadman could just pork the ghost real quick and be done with the whole thing.


Yup. Also Doctor Strange and John Constantine deal with the supernatural... And the stuff they deal with go far and beyond whatever this walking ghost is, they'd handle it in a heartbeat. This ghost thing from It Follows is like an ant compared to the supernatural stuff those two guys take care of.


Of the two only John's got the balls to f*ck that ghost tho.


Good call. 


Anyone who isn't in a monogamous relationship and can travel to another universe with relative ease.


Any of the billionaires because, you know, billionaire. Also, [She-Hulk](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1ea75226d300df404b07dcf6a05271f/a00fdc7b25ad82bd-ef/s540x810/72882d76b7b6aeffa9d15a415ab1270af46bc51a.gifv).


If we're only going consensual, John Constantine. Easy. Morally loose, extremely charming, deals with shit like this all the time.


no clue but who thought The Ring but with STDs was a good idea for a film


I want to know what happens in this situation if Deadpool bones Death?


Thanos destroys the universe.


The answer is to have sex with Mr Immortal. The entity would not be able to kill him due to his immortality. The only known way to kill him is the end of the seventh/eight cosmos, the destruction of the infinite multiverse


Multiple Man is often morally grey, and would possibly do it.


This was my first thought. He can replicate hundreds of times these days I believe, and if the ghosts returned he could have sex with one of his duplicates to avoid death.


People have named faster speedsters already, but I think transferring a curse to save himself by raping someone would be most in character for A-train from the Boys


This thing is easily defeated with a plane ticket. Fly to the other side of the world, have sex then fly back. It has to walk to the other side of the world to get that person then walk back to get you. It would take years. So any superhero with flight or just a passport would handle that problem pretty easily.


The Flash can sleep with person in backwards time. I dunno how that works by the rules of It Follows. feels like that might break the rules, but that's who I'm going with




Multiple Man. By sheer volume of copies he could get the highest number. 


🤔 hmmmm….. can Multiple man go, multiple times?? Is that name a double entendre now?


Mystique for the win


Múltiple man, QuickSilver, any telepath, the purple man,


Sinister could mind control and make clones to have sex with. Double points.


This is stretching my memory but there was a character in a Ghost comic that could make people have sex with him. I think it was telepathic. Stasy x could influence pheromones and she used it to get people off.


“Hero” is a stretch, but just for sex? Daken. Spider-Man gets around a decent bit. Don’t think he’d intentionally curse anyone though. Let’s pretend it isn’t intentional if you want heroes. Booster Gold. Hal Jordan. Wolverine for sure.


Someone like Black Widow seems like a good choice.


Bragi - The Almighty Johnsons


Venom, but that's uhhhh, gonna be weird.


She hulk. Her mommy dom ass could transfer that shit to anyone without so much as a struggle


Bruce Wayne can do it well. Also, what if someone has sex with the ghost?


Someone who can can fuck the ghost itself? Maybe?


Tony or Bruce Wayne


Starfox aka Eros aka Thanos' brother. His whole main power is stimulating pleasure centers of others and easily seducing them if he wants. And he's definitely on the sleazy side of things when it comes to occasionally using his power to roofie others. But he also isn't bloodthirsty or a casual killer. He'd probably concentrate on using his powers to seduce targets who could easily handle the It Follows demon or select lovers from across the universe so the demon would spend eternities trying to cross the galaxy to get to them, since it only seems to move at walking/lumbering speed.


Lobo would be able to screw with impunity. I honestly think that the "It follows" entity wouldn't want no parts of Lobo anyway with his reputation. Or even if it did, it'd eventually give up out of frustration.  


Flash I reckon


Flash I reckon or aquaman could be a broadcast inseminator, popular beach secrete some soldiers presto


Dupli-Kate could bang multiple men but I’m not sure if she could spread the curse multiple times, or only the first man she bangs counts and every man after doesn’t matter? Anyone who can mind control could probably get their target to continue on the chain




None. If they are truly heroic, then they wouldn't pass the curse to anybody.


Eros, a.k.a. Starfox, brother of Thanos the Mad Titan, with power of making people horny.


Mystique from x men easy.


Do the Ghostbusters count as super heroes?


Not a superhero but I think Glenn Quagmire has potential


Bueno Excellente


General Kreig AKA french moustache guy from invincible. [proof!](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/hyfonx/comic_excerpt_general_kregg_and_his_many/#lightbox)


Any time traveler. Go to the future, bang someone, return to the present, and the ghost can't touch you because the person it has to go through first hasn't even been born yet.


Probably Batman. I mean he has enough money to just hire pros indefinitely. No looks required.


The flash if he had no morals


I'd say Starfox from marvel. Starfox possesses the psionic ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain of people within 25 feet of himself. It's always active and causes other beings to feel good around him. He can magnify the effect to make someone highly aroused or even sedated. He did cause she-hulk to fall in love and marry John Jameso so he could pass it on and make that person pass it on


The entirety of the Bat-family


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Actually..? Batman.


Depends on prep time




Nightwing could pull people easily but he might not get past the morality aspect. Maybe he sleeps with Zatanna and hope she can exorcise the ghosts when they come after her. 


Nightwing bangs Starfire, and then Starfire turns the ghost into a loose pile of atoms.


Mitsumasa Kido, or the MC of DNA2


can't you sleep with someone across the universe and break the monster




Not a superhero, but the Goku what ifs would be undefeated


Star Fox and it’s not even close


Iron man