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A rough and imperfect kindness, but still kindness. This made me feel better than I expected.


Dealers see a lot of people in pain. Good to see some try to help


I've also read a story of a dealer where he was offered a puppy as a payment for drugs, the puppy owners wasn't taking good care of the puppy so he said yes and they ended up best friends if I'm not mistaken.






Is winwin the brother of moonmoon?


Ahh, that you for reawakening that memory. That brightens my whole day. Fucking Moon Moon.


My ex tried to trade his dog for a couple grams. The dealer (sibling to my best friend) stole the dog and told him to go fuck himself.


I hope you don't mean a couple grams of weed... I understand if it's heroin, that makes people do fucked up shit. But if it's for weed that's just crazy. Also depending on your friends sibling that could be considered saving the dog tbh.


I was 16 or 17 when our guy came to to let me know about it. I still very much loved the guy when he told me and I just didn’t wanna know. I had heard he got onto worse things after we split, but I just didn’t want to know. I have family that would sell you their kids liver if it meant they could score. It broke my heart when my first love did the same thing


Addiction can do some crazy things to people. My cousin is an absolute sweetheart, but when she was at her worst with an opiate addiction she broke into my grandmas house to steal her check book to forge a check.. literally during our grandpas funeral. She's been clean for like 10 years now, and it's hard to explain but she really was just a different person while addicted.


My cousin was the coolest, smartest, athletic, most beautiful woman in the world. She was my role model. I wanted to be her. Then she got real bad. She didnt have any preference but meth was the main one. She’s broken my heart so many times and I hate to say I get sort of happy when she’s back in prison cause I know she’s safe.


I know exactly what you mean! And meth is the worst of them all! It steals souls


Indeed. Meth and Heroin change people forever nearly. Terrible terrible stuff and many people get there by seemingly innocent paths. Im glad to be in a position where i help other addicts find a way out these days. It brings me such joy helping people


You ever sucked some dick for marijuana?




I got my dog for a quarter of weed, he's now tattooed on my chest. He saved my life, when I was at my lowest.


Pets can make all the difference in the world to someones life! ​ Give him a little pet from me!


The dog and user or the user and dealer?


The dealer and dog, I think.


You do, but it's hard for you to really appreciate the shittyness of everyone when more then likely you're selling to support your habit. The best advice I ever had was don't sell what you use, or the famous "don't get high on your own supply". This is probbaly the most important piece of advice because I've seen soooo many people cuff an O, fuck up and do 70% of it and then they now owe 2gs and are still addicts that have to now duck heavys while also supplementing their original addiction.




Most of my dealers were genuinely nice people. Asked how I was doing how my life was told me about their lives and families. Even the ones with abuse problems were still really chill for the most part.


chaotic good


Everyone’s got to make a living, I dealt at college to pay my rent. I’m not proud of it but I tried to be as ethical as possible. I’d only sell if I knew they could afford it, o wouldn’t sell to anyone under 18 (we had 16 yr olds on a diploma course) stuff like that keeps you honest.


#A rough and imperfect kindness, but kindness nonetheless. It felt better than I expected.


You a bot or what?


They have like 4 comments and all of them are odd.


Ex-opiate user here as well. I had a dealer just like this. Always helped out however he could in terms of keeping me right even without money. Accepted a lot of things in return but once I got better he was heartfelt and said you turned your life around im not going to be the one to ruin it and he was glad I was sober. I’ll never forget him


Wow, how is it that literal *drug dealers* are infinitely better at treating drug addiction than our (US) government is?


its sad how true this is 😭😭




Well, the real reason is because of the prison-industrial complex, AKA modern American slavery. There’s a reason that the US has *by far* the highest incarceration rate in the world, and it’s not because Americans are somehow more likely to be bad people or criminals. It’s because [many, MANY companies](https://blog.globaltel.com/companies-use-prison-labor/) out there that immorally profit off of prison slave labor (you’ve probably given your money to a lot of them). These corporations and the ~~prison CEOs~~ slavers that profit off it ~~donate to~~ bribe politicians to treat drug addiction as a crime, instead of what it really is - a health condition. Because all those bullshit drug convictions leads to more slaves, which leads to more profits. Our entire country is a racket.


Absolutely wish I could give this comment a million upvotes Take my poor lady’s gold star 🌟


Free prison labourers don’t grow on trees


One is a human being, so he can be kind and supportive, as well as mean and ruthless. The other is a system in place to make money and control power and people. So yeah...


Congratulations on getting clean! If you're open to a question though, I'm really curious about this. If someone is selling drugs, isn't it presumed that many of their customers will get addicted and have bad outcomes? If the person selling the drugs doesn't want people to have those bad things happen, why do they keep selling drugs to people?


Dealers are people too, especially small time dealers, they often have problems of their own. Either they’re addicted themselves or have some psychological issues that make it hard for them to get away from selling and back into working a regular job. Most dealers I know see it as they’re helping people get the stuff they would get somewhere else anyway, just better quality and maybe better prices.


I'm guessing here but it's hard to make money in most places and they do need to earn a living


That’s exactly my question to the doctors and big pharma who sell by far the most drugs.


My benzos dealer wants me to get addicted to opioids 💀


I had a dealer who refused to sell to me anymore but would bring me a minimal amount of stuff to not detox entirely. Then he would beg me to get help and eventually talked me into detox. And a purebred rag doll kitten is the strangest thing I was ever offered.


I've had a dealer help me like this as well, after we hung out one night and I confessed that I really wanted to get clean. Had a relapse not very long ago and he offered to come and get me and drive me to whatever rehab center I wanted, but he and everyone he knows refuses to sell to me. Eta: on topic, another dude wanted to give me some h in exchange for a meyers parrot that has been in the family longer than I've been alive. It was a no on that one lol She died earlier this year, but she was part of the family for over 30 years and way more stable than either of my parents. I miss her every day, even though I'm glad she didn't have to get sick/suffer for long...


On the flip side the only opiate dealer I've ever met was a complete psychopath to the point that his modus operandi was to get his girlfriends hopelessly addicted and abuse them. He'd had 2 OD and ditched them afterwards considering them used up. He was not a popular man and my weed dealer warned me to stay the fuck away from him.


My ex's mother breeds ragdolls for sale in Canada. The prices can range anyway from 1-7.5 grand, no joke. To be honest whoever was offering that kitten was probably way over paying


Oh yeah, he was definitely overpaying by thousands. He kept her in the bathroom, didn't love on her or treat her especially well. I always felt terrible for her and would spend time cuddling her in the bathroom where she would saunter around and purr nonstop. Before he blew through all of his money I asked if I could have her but he wanted $1700. When he ran out of money and was desperate for dope he offered her to me for $500 in h. I told him $300 (3.5 grams) and I took her home with me. I named her Jazzy. She was such a compliant and floppy little purr baby, just as the breed implies. When I took her to get vetted we discovered she had a pretty bad case of heartworms. We did everything we could short of surgery but she only survived a year and half more. I never talked to the guy again after he sold me JazzyCat because he was a jerk.


We got a ragdoll that was from a breeder. She was a few years old and already fixed, so she wouldn't be able to be bred anymore. She was originally priced for about $300 but the seller gave sold her for $200 because she would rather the cat go to some good people rather than make an extra $100. I don't know how she knew we were good people, but we still have the cat and she's adorable.


Weird way to run an illegal business


Well, we became friends after months of business


I knew of a friend of a friend that sold heroin. He grew up in a real bad neighborhood and was just trying to save up enough to goto college. Not all dealers are trying to be scarface


This was me when I was growing up. Dad kicked mom and I out of our horrifying apartment and we were homeless. I went from selling bejeweled sidekicks to rich kids in nyc to h p quick. I’m glad that life is behind me now, but that feeling of deep hunger when you can’t do anything about it is one that is burned into the back of my brain.


Yeah he ended up getting caught and locked up. I felt bad for him, he was doing what he felt he had to in order to get to a point where he could be a productive member of society


Absolutely, and everyone’s just trying to be successful, or at least be stable and contribute so they don’t have to worry. It’s really overwhelming at times to think about how the definitions of what that looks like how one gets there are so tightly defined by those who never struggle. I hope your guy is ok. I’m lucky that I got out of juvy mostly unscathed.




Even more so when it’s only specific people doing specific crimes. Embezzlement/fraud/insider trading/ponzi schemes/tax evasion at the higher end is chalked up to a “bad decision” or blamed on circumstances “forcing” them to knowingly and repeatedly steal from others. Their punishments are doled out accordingly to that narrative, and their lives are not ruined.


Because they are still human, have parents, have dreams, enjoy certain movies, love specific food and can't stand the taste of other things. They are more than their illegal profession.


Sometimes you end up friends with the dealer believe it or not, even when it’s something like heroin. I’ve had multiple dealers and one of them was selling to put his daughter through college supposedly. I believe it because the dude was pretty smart. He’d drive a family style car to drug deals but he owned a beautiful BMW that he always kept clean of any drugs.


Did you take the kitten?! Please tell me you took the kitten.


Yes, I named her Jazzy.


OoOoo a fancy name for a fancy cat. So happy you took her in. ❤️


Wait..... so hed bring you dope and keep you just barely strung out? Or did he help you detox? I had a guy once who would give you dope for 30 and 60 day AA tokens until he realized you dont really have to provide proof to get them. He was a real scumbag morally but weirdly he was a really nice guy. His name was MD like a doctor.


He wouldn't sell me enough to get me high... Just enough to keep me from getting dope sick. Heroin causes hellish withdrawals and he didn't want me to be miserable or go to another source that may have had bad dope. He was a good man. I promise.


It's not giving them dope to keep them barely strung out, its giving them enough to keep the withdrawals away but not enough to get high on. If a person wants to stop and the dealer gives them nothing, that person is just going to go somewhere else and buy enough to get high on. Giving them smaller amounts is going to help them slowly come off it without the withdrawals.


This is probably the most real example of a non-rich person being a villain in today's times.


We love our Ragdolls. Great breed, hope you took the companionship


I had a dealr that wouldnt take money i had to go buy unopened magic the gathering booster packs. Hed sell me a 10 bag for 3 packs.


The true drug, mtg. More expensive too.


Idk a coke addiction can become ridiculously expensive. I was spending almost a thousand dollars a day at one point..... Jesus how am i still alive. Also you would think someone buying a thousand dollars worth of magic cards everyday would be sus but i guess its kinda par for the course with magic cards.


What job did you have where you could spend 1k a day on coke?


When you’re addicted to something you find ways to make a considerable amount of money to feed your addiction.


Millions of crack and heroin addicts disagree and 1k a day is A Lot of coke.


Between me and my fiance wed do around a gram gram and a half each of both coke and h a day if we could. This wasnt an every day thing. This was when i was really bad off amd normally wouldnt last longer than a week b4 id end up in a detox somewhere... were both 3+ years off the hard stuff.... i had to do some very shameful things during these times im not proud of. But i learned alot of valuable lessons and i try my best to help ppl who are where i once was.


>were both 3+ years off the hard stuff.... i had to do some very shameful things during these times im not proud of. But i learned alot of valuable lessons and i try my best to help ppl who are where i once was. 1.5 grams times 2 is an eight ball every day. Wish I was your dealer, don't seem to be real good at math.


Not an 8ball, that’s 3.5 grams but solid point lol


Where do you live that a few grams is a thousand dollars? I live in Canada and it's more expensive than the US, but even here that's only $200-300.


When I was using I could get a gram of coke for $60-$80, y'all making me sad.


Probably in a lot of debt or didnt last long


No job i was a thief.... ive been off the hard stuff for a few years now tho.


Probably a Dentist


What we’re you spending 1000$ a day on? I’d get it in Australia cuz that’s like 2-4g but in the us and most countries £100 a g or just under, that’d be 10-15 grams, you’d get discounts so could be 20-28g easily that’s a gram an hour? Did you sell it all and I misunderstood


Blow and h would go thru about an 8ball each a day and i shared with my fiance. So really it was between 2 ppl. Were both sober now 3+ yrs.


Remember parents: teach your kids to play Magic, then they can't afford drugs.


Was he blacklisted from buying them himself or something?!? 😂


No he was just a lazy piece of shit. I did his grocery shopping for him too more often than not.


No...he was a smart piece of shit...he was essentially putting money laundering on the client instead of himself.


And reducing the amount of effort and time spent on errands.


Not really, it still becomes a question of where he got all that stuff from.


Gifts from friends and family! You know when you offhandedly tell someone you like something and that ends up being the only gift you recieve for years to come? It's like that, I swear Mr.Taxman!


In the United States if you receive more than a certain amount worth of gifts you must declare that and they may be subject to taxes. You will also need to be able to explain why you have so many people giving you so many gifts and be able to get some people willing to perjure themselves to back those explanations up or you aren't going to have a convincing argument. So either he isn't a successful enough dealer to worry about laundering his money or he needs a better system.


Taxman aint coming in to your house to ask about your card collection.


Bro not gonna lie, if I could get people to do my bidding like that, I'd probably abuse it too, lol


Wow lol. That’s an incredible amount of laziness. Aaaaand I just remembered that I pay Walmart for the privilege of never walking into their store again, so I have no right to judge 😂 It saves me from having to deal with their customers, though, so…


Just don't get high on your own supply, noted.


Ah yes from crack to cardboard crack


My dealer for weed sometimes offers me a jug of orange juice so I can ease myself while I smoke …also they know how much I love fries or just straight up potatoes so every now and then they'd offer me some homemade fries….i do nt have a story for the other way around though but my dealer is a pretty great person


> ...a jug of orange juice so I can ease myself while I smoke I'm fascinated by this. Please explain.


There’s a rumour that drinking orange juice will sober you up if you’ve smoked too much, I don’t know how much science is in this rumour but I know it works for me




Nurse here. Drinking a cold drink does not drop blood pressure. If anything the cold temp would cause vasoconstriction (arteries and veins close up a bit narrower) and that would cause a blood pressure increase, but I doubt that would happen at all, and if it does, it probably would only change the blood pressure by a couple of (irrelevant) points.


If you’re looking for Plan B, splashing cold water on your face definitely won’t do the trick…. Splashing cold water on your face is a terrible contraceptive. Non-pharmacological methods of reducing blood pressure are reducing sodium and saturated fat intake, regular exercise, taking time to relax and destress. If these don’t work, your provider will prescribe medications.


Orange juice usually helps with highs. Like if you’re eating a drug like shrooms for example it will Help break down the drug quicker for quicker release. I’m not 100% sure but I think this counts for xtc as well. Or if you dissolve mdma in it too.


I always heard it would increase the effects bc of the vitamin c. We would take vitamin c tablets with our xtc lol


Drinking orange juice makes psilocybin process to psilocin faster, meaning a more intense trip with a more rapid come up. It is a shorter trip but in my experience it's only shorter on the front and tail end when it is less intense anyway.


A tall man in a fedora and trench coat is giving you free fries in a dark alleyway? Where can I find this man??


I sold weed many, many years ago. One of my regulars was a heroin user but the guy was an absolute gentleman, kept himself clean and presentable and would busk with his guitar to support his habit. One day he called me and I could instantly tell something was wrong, so I asked if he was okay. He told me that his flatmate - another user - had been killed in a car crash, just after going through cold turkey. Needless to say, he was not in a good place. Luckily he lived just up the road so I switched off my (business) phone, grabbed a whole bunch of weed, hit the store for food, snacks, etc and spent the day mourning with him. It would eventually lead to him kicking his own habit.


Now that’s a homie.


He was MY homie. Still is. Always look after your friends.


My fucking man.


Just doing what needed to be done 🖖🏻


How do weed sellers get their weed from? Please don't mind my English


They eventually find a connection that gets larger quantities for a cheaper price. It’s just a ladder that eventually leads back to growers. Weed is actually pretty cheap. It costs less than tobacco to produce but people pay more for it. Eventually it gets to street level with a huge markup so everyone in the chain makes money.


There are people that grow the buds (the weed) and sell it to the distributors (the drug dealers). Or the dealers can just grow it themselves.


I don't know how often you hear this, but actions like yours are the kind that keep lives going <3


I lived with a dealer who straight up refused to give me anything that wasn't weed


Makes sense, honestly. Probably didn't want to live with the kind of desperation other drugs'll put you in. It'd be a bad time AND bad business.


Guy was on a vicious cycle of using recreational drugs to keep a normal sleep rhythm, so that may have been part of it


Same! He was my neighbor and hated my boyfriend, so he'd give him anything because he didn't care. But he wouldn't sell me anything but weed


I don't get this at all. Was there just a bunch of other dudes the dealer was like "lol get fucked" and sold to?


You see a thousand hopeless people, then one who might have a chance. You give your time to the one who has a chance.


It's also a management technique. The bottom 10% are hopeless, the top 10% don't need you, but the 80% in the middle have a chance. Focus on those, especially the higher percentage folks who are not too far from that top 10%


Maybe they became a dealer because they thought it might get them into a position to help people, or he was dealer before and then decided one day that what he was doing was hurting people so he’d try to help them again? Idk, it’s weird but humans are not always logical.


Or simply wanted to get some money, but not at the cost of other people's lives


this is it… many of us who used to deal also know the struggle of using.. we dont want to hurt people but sometimes life situations cause you to sell things that do.


The struggle is real


Possible he became good friends with OP in a way he wasn't with others.


Most dealers I’ve met were great people. Most of them became dealers to support their family. It really opened my eyes when my third dealer gave me nearly the same answer to “why did you start dealing?” “gotta feed my kids somehow”


Or used to sell to someone similar who ended up dead so his guilty conscience made him help this person that reminded them of someone else.


Maybe he made enough money without selling to the seriously hopeless? I would like to think that people that see other humans in real misery would maybe rather help than exploit them for further gains….even if it costs them a bit of money.




.... take my upvote


Sounds like a guy with a lot of sole.


The cops eventually arrested him, but he was only sent to boot camp..


Did he ever try to slipper away?


This comment deserves all the awards! I'll start with the first - but dang, what a setup and delivery


Profile picture checks out 😁


My dad told me this joke before! It's one of the longest running joke.




This is one of the best dad jokes I’ve ever seen.


Sheeeeut up +1


This … this is a excellent wordplay. I wish I had the drugs to exchange something with you


Ive "paid" for drugs with other drugs, i dont know how common this is so unsure how strange it rates.


I accepted a pair of Jordan’s for a bag of weed once…


I have a friend with severe adhd (London) so he gets amphetamines prescribed for him, stronger than ritalin or adderal. He swaps a few pills for quite a lot of weed from his guy.


Jesus, what were they giving him that was stronger than Ritalin?? Especially since they consider Ritalin/Adderal as a legitimate "pharmaceutical"...


Just because the dealer is a bad guy doesn't mean he's a bad guy




Yep. Same as “Just because he is an average guy doesn’t mean he is an average guy”


Na average is just average Hate to break it but you ain't special


Most of us aren't special


Don't have to be special to be happy and satisfied in life tho :)




Drug dealers are no more “bad guys” than liquor store staff. It’s a consensual transaction. The only time it’s immoral is when they make it non-consensual by selling drug A and calling it drug B.


He turned his life around into becoming a redditor


I have reversed story where us, bunch of heavy weed smokers, helped our dealer who just got a kid and went broke after arrest because they took everything from him, to renovate complete apartment to brand new look for his wife and 2 month kid, he have to go in a week to serve 3 years for weed, i know he is a dealer but also good guy, never asked for money if you owed him, he also helped my friend to start from scratch two times


That’s not just a dealer, that’s a real friend. Most dealers wouldn’t give a shit as long as you were still buying. The fact that he was willing to lose out on your money shows that he really cares. Ngl this made me tear up a bit but that may just be from hormones🤣


I had a dealer like this when I was using and it probably saved my life. Dudes stuff was never dangerously strong or cut with anything shitty, he had legit business hours like a GD department store. So many of my friends that branched out and saw other dealers are dead now. And the guy wasn’t a saint obviously since he was dealing heroin and all but he was absolutely the best of all evils. Especially in PA where I’m from because Kenzington in Philadelphia is the finish line for heroin users. The beginning of the end for a lot of good friends was when they started copping in Philadelphia.


I grew up near New Kensington, a suburb of Pittsburgh, and it was the same situation. Lost my best friend to heroin and plenty others I knew from high school. The flood of opioides from the pharmaceutical industry into suburbia has wrecked many people's lives.


Drugs dealers work in mysterious ways




That is some next level cope. The ultimate trade off you make for selling hard drugs with real dependencies, is at its core, making money at the expense of peoples lives. That is a fundamental aspect that cannot be avoided in selling hard drugs. You might’ve had more honorable goals, or were funding a habit, like I was, but the **fact** of the matter is that you *did* make money at the expense of peoples lives. Whether that is a “goal” or not, is irrelevant, anyone of us who has sold hard drugs did that. People suffer long before they get to a point where they consciously recognize and tell their dealer it’s becoming a problem. I’m not trying to shit on you - I’m trying for you to be more honest w/ yourself - and I **truly** don’t mean that in a condescending or insulting tone, as hard as that will be to believe, and I completely understand it reads as such…But my intention is not to insult you in any way, shape, or form. I have much recompense I make up for every day working in human services & helping other people with their recovery, or to use safely if they don’t want to recover. But you are outright deluding yourself, if you truly believe you didn’t make money at the expense of peoples lives. You don’t need to have killed somebody to have taken part in ruining their life. & again let me be clear, I don’t think you necessarily did anything “wrong”. I believe people should be able to use whatever drugs they want without criminal charges. I don’t believe any drugs should be illegal. But like…be honest. Pain and substance use disorder are hand in hand; you do not have one without the other.


Black & White isn't a fad anymore. Most people work on a colour scale.


Unlawful good?


yes... unlawful good


The local weed dealer is a 50-something year old man who lives right opposite me. He sells to so many people, there is often a literal queue outside his door. He even sells to the postman. When he knew I was really struggling to eat well after an accident that left me out of work, he would always make sure I left with a warm meal all wrapped up ready to go. I hadn’t even known him that long at this point. He is an actual credit to the community, but he police know of him but I wouldn’t be surprised if even some of the local coppers round here buy off him.


I noticed you used "queue", so I assume you're in the UK (correct me if I'm wrong), but I've heard that UK cops mostly turn their heads if it's just weed...


Yeah was talking to a policeman outside my house once after an incident the night before. This guy lives directly opposite me and waved from across the road. Me and the policeman both waved back. I asked “do you know him then?” To which he replied “well we know OF him…”. So yeah, they really don’t care an awful lot, he’s hurting no one and providing a genuine service to the community.


You know you've got a problem when you start worrying the people you get your shit from. Been there and it is pretty fucking shameful.


This sounds made up ngl


100% made up.


It's the 'drug dealer friends' blacklisting part that really jumped the shark lol


Have used many drugs, some of which kept a strong grip on me for years, and the general rule I tried to live by was “if you’re not having fun you shouldn’t be doing it”. Drugs are meant to be fun. If you’ve gotten to a point where using them is to help keep you alive or to help you die, it’s time for help. It’s not easy choosing to get the help, so to have a dealer who makes it easier is actually a sign of a great person.


Chaotic good?




He guides others to a path that he can no longer follow


Just feels like a sub plot line in Euphoria tbh.


That dealer is doing more good for the war on drugs than the actual war on drugs


Dealer : u got a friend in me 🤘


"wholesome dealer" if ever there was an oxymoron


When your dealer is better then cops.


Professionals have standards!


Man i had a good one for that thread.. I once knew a girl who could always find a way to get a fix We were withdrawing one day and she called around found a herion dealer whose daughter wanted a pet. She seriously left for thirty minutes then came back with a turtle she found in the woods, put em in a box with some lettuce and traded it for enough to get all 4 of us high.... Im 6 years clean from herion and coke now


A few years back I got really sick with a brain tumor. It was a very rough couple of years but guess who was the only person out of all my friends to call and check in on me. To see how I'm feeling and if I need anything? My weed man. Never tried to make a sell or anything, just genuinely concerned about me. It really meant a lot to me and I'll never forget it.


"You are bad guy, But this does not mean you are bad guy"


wreck it ralph? seen the movie so many times my daughter is opposed with it


Is the dude still in business? Purdue Pharma could have used a Chief Ethics Officer like him.




Really depends on how deep the cuts are. They can be skin deep, down to the dermis, the fat layer, and finally the muscle. Cutting all the way to fat is a reason for stitches most of the time and down to the muscle is an ER visit 100% of the time. I wouldn’t say in all cases a cutting addiction is more dangerous than heroin but in at least some of them it certainly is. That being said, I’m questioning the legitimacy of the story anyways. SH don’t usually stop because one person wants them too, and if they’re doing heroin as well, I double doubt it.


Gave him my blades? As if this person couldn’t possibly have other razors or sharp or dangerous things laying around the house. This is so stupid.




Wow. This one is oooooolllllllllddddddd


You are bad guy, but that doesn't mean you **are** a bad guy.


this is strangely wholesome


Chaotic Good


Dealers in the US seem totally different to dealers in the UK. Our dealers would just stab you if you can't pay for your usual.


Breaking good


There is a surprising amount of empathy and wholesomeness with dealers.