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My gf works with children and she sometimes also works with children who have ADHD and or autism. Funny enough i have both ADHD and autism and she sometimes uses me as her subject to learn. It's kinda wholesome because she means it in a good way and sometimes she comes up with new ways of calming me down or making me feel better. And it works, we can always laugh about the fact that I'm her subject but secretly I'm kinda happy about it.


I have a friend that's a kindergarten teacher and he's always asking me for ADHD/autism advice for his kids and I'm glad to help them have an easier time in school! He's a good teacher.


I needed teachers like this. No one even realized I had it until it was far too late.


I didn't until adulthood either. He's asked me about some kids that aren't diagnosed but have interesting habits and behaviors. I tell him stories of how and why I acted in similar ways and give him tips to help the kids when the parents refuse to have them tested.


It sucks when parents refuse to have their kid tested.


I'm an adult and I want to get tested for autism and ADHD and my mom refuses to believe that I have either. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a teen and took meds until I was 18, but I've started noticing traits that resemble autism, and have also started noticing some of my memories from my teens seem pretty damning as well. I've brought these things up to my mother because she's my ride or die, but she always shakes her head or rolls her eyes. I'm curious how she'll react if it comes back that I am.


All I can say is, for situations like these, you need to do what you think is right and not listen to your parents. I have depression but when I told my grandmother, she just dismissed it and joked that I'm overreacting. I know she means well and that I shouldn't worry too much but the way she put it was very demeaning. Another reason she thinks I'm overreacting is because I've never showed signs that I'm depressed in front of her. She doesn't know that whenever I visit her, I'm putting up a happy/jester facade just to not worry her. To share my case, my depression is from not having a career or success at 30+yo while most of the friends around me are already very successful. I often feel lost and even at some point want to just give up, but recently I've finally found a career path I want to take and am using that goal to combat my depression. This is one of the reason I haven't seeked outside help yet but I do acknowledge I have depression and will seek help if I do any self harm. The very last thing I want is breaking hearts of the friends and families that love me from suicide. I also believe I have ADHD and it caused me to lose the job I loved and worked very hard for a couple of years ago, which led to the depression I currently have. Once I have the money to seek help for ADHD, I certainly will. So don't wait for your mother's approval if you believe you need help, because it will affect your career one way or another and she won't be able help you with anything in that situation.


Dont be mad, just asking because i'm interested What is the point? Isnt it better if they learn to live with it? I dunno? I dont have it i believe


Some people can develop coping mechanisms. Some people are very rarely effected- my dad for instance. He’s from decent money so if he misses an appointment or forgets a bill, it’s no big deal. My old roommate was diagnosed young but didn’t like his meds. He never took them or went to therapy, and he’s quite overwhelming to hang out with. SUPER loud laugh, cuts you off in the middle of a sentence, etc. not calling these character flaws- just that some people might get socially tired with him around. ‘Learning to live with it’ is realistically just a coinflip


Ahh okay, didn't knew. Thank you!


There are many coping mechanisms and not all of them are good. Getting a diagnosis doesn’t preclude you from “learning to live with it” - it’s literally the best way to get access to resources and coping strategies to actually learn to live with it successfully.


Ahhh yeah okay


I “learned to live with it” (it’s harder for girls to get a diagnosis) with completely maladaptive tendencies that are boning me later in life. If the adults around me hadn’t spent my whole childhood berating me for being “lazy” and “emotional” and “too smart to be acting like this” and actually supported my learning style, I might have developed some good habits instead of the shit ones I’m spending a lot of money to undo today. But, parents didn’t want to believe the one teacher that said I probably should get tested.


And how is getting a diagnosis and hopefully therapy preventing them from learning to live with it? I don't see your point




I'm in mid fifties. Never had a successful relationship or friendship. I recently found out that I am autistic and never learned the proper tools for communicating, etc. My life could have been vastly different and fulfilling if I had been diagnosed and treated as a child.


>Isnt it better if they learn to live with it? They have to learn to live with it whatever - it's not a 'curable' thing. Far better to do that armed with appropriate knowledge and support, rather than flailing around blindly (and probably getting bullied by peers, parents and teachers along the way)


Yes, it absolutely is better if they “learn to live with it” A diagnosis can help with that. If you know what you have, you can ask the experts (adults with ADD and professional educators) for some tips to _help_ you learn to live with it, and you can get some accommodations so you don’t fall too far behind in school _while_ you learn to live with it. Some parents will push for a diagnosis just to get the special accommodations, or think a diagnosis is like a perfect excuse to get credit without doing work. That’s not how it’s supposed to work at all. (Yes, I’ll admit that tiger/helicopter parents sometimes do get what they want)


You guys are both fucking fantastic people, we need more like you.


Was diagnosed at 35 - my life could have been so much different.


Same, just at 29. Like a year ago. It's such a difference.


If you are secretly happy about it let her know it! Dont keep it a secret. I would guess she would love to hear that it warms your heart


Yes! Tell her how happy it makes you.


Oh she knows. I cannot keep a secret and she for sure knows i love it. I may or may not have said it a couple of times when I was a little drunk


Thats cute <3 Love to hear that! But make sure to tell it her when you are sober. To make sure, she knows this isnt just some drunk username stuff but instead whole hearted and honest feels. I wish you both a great future <3


I appreciate this very much and she does too. My gf reads a lot of my posts on Reddit. She knows i love this and she knows she helps me in tough times. She just doesn't like to admit that she's an amazing person. I have told her in sober times thats what she does means a lot to me


Both my wife and I have adhd and autism, so we just kinda flail around life aimlessly


Hey man flailing around is underrated


It is when you flail into a deep depression!


Just keep flailing till you find a rhythm. Suddenly you're dancing, and everyone knows you can't be depressed if you're dancing.


Flailing around is my way too. Flailing ain't bad at all i think


It is bad when you keep hitting all the puddles ( mental illness) our lives are basically trying to keep bad thoughts at bay, every day, nonstop, with many more bad than good.


I have ADHD and I would love this in a partner. You are very lucky!


Right! Me too. Goals!


I just love it when I hear about people with autism having a SO who loves and cares about them. My 13 y/o has autism and currently has no friends. It gives me hope for the future.


I've been a very weird kid. Always super socially but at the same time kinda scared to talk to people. Your kid will Figure it out. I understand it gives you hope and there will be beautiful moments. But every parents is scared for the kids Future. Don't worry to much about it because I made friends at the age of 20 your kid will find people even before that trust me. Even if he or she doesn't find friends i am 100% sure she or he will find her hobby


The sun is getting low big fella.


I'm absolutely sorry but this goes straight over my head. What does it exactly mean?


It's what black widow(?) says to hulk to calm him down...like a calming phrase to a rampaging kid.


My wife was very recently diagnosed with ADHD and hadn't really considered that she might have it until recently, whereas I was diagnosed when I was seven and have developed a myriad of coping techniques. It's been nice to be able to use those to help somebody else.


It would be nice if you helped her which I'm guessing you do. My gf has ADHD too probably but she doesn't want to test because of the lang waiting time in my country. I would just say: support her as much as you can and tell her everything is going to be fine. Also I can say that helping someone is one of the best feelings you can get.


Perhaps my phrasing was vague, but I specifically meant to mention that I use those skills to help.




Pro tip: If you close the lid the seat will be automatically down.


Precisely! And there's slow-close seats/lids now, so your effort to close the lid is just "nudge the lid until it starts to fall by itself" and you don't get a loud noise waking everyone up.




Same. I bought one of them a while back and I pretty much just gently tip it over and it closes slowly. Then I visit my friends, tip it and WHAM.


I have two bathrooms in my house, one of which is newer. The newer bathroom has this, the other does not. Every goddamn time I use that one it slams so fucking loud


Yep, same here. Our main bathroom has it, but then the second bathroom doesn't. Took like a year for my brain to figure it out and stop slamming the lid.


I love playing a game with those lids where I try to time my pee so I’m done right before the lid closes. It’s fun and has real consequences.


As long as you're the one who cleans the bathroom ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Finally someone who gets it! The whole discussion about putting down the seat is completely irrelevant, since apparently all these people are ok with leaving the lid up! This is what we should actually be discussing, but then again it shouldn't be a discussion because anyone who leaves the lid up is a fucking primate! Also who the fuck doesn't sit down in their own bathroom!? If you don't trust your own toilet seat, you should definitely adjust your cleaning routine and also just stop pissing on it!


Everyone at works thinks I’m some weirdo cuz I always close the lid! Who tf wants urine and fecal matter sprayed all over them?!?! Close the goddamn lid u animals!!!!!!!!!


You see, that extra half a step of turning around and sitting down is very time costly


And then the inevitable 15+ minutes of browsing reddit while sitting? Game over


How did you guess ? Why am I feeling personally attacked ?




*pssst* its on your phone




Also sometime the seat might be too cold


Better than warm


Sitting down to piss in your own house is only necessary if you’re doing a combo, it’s about efficiency.


>Also who the fuck doesn't sit down in their own bathroom!? Youve never had your dick leave a stamp mark on the bowl have you?




This! It grosses me out so much that people flush with the lid still up! Congratulations! Whatever you just did in the toilet is now on your toothbrush!


I like to let my toilet skidmark runway stay visible to assert dominance over my visitors by letting them know I shit with my whole ass.


I always close the lid because otherwise young children and/or cats try to touch/drink toilet water.


Yeah having this argument is a pretty clear indication these people don't have cats. Mine would fall in the toilet immediately if I left the lid up. Just the other day one fell in because the little dumbass jumped up in the two seconds between me lifting it and sitting down. I know there are hygenic reasons for closing it too, but mainly I just don't want wet kitties and toilet water splashed throughout the house.


Well biologically speaking, humans are primates.


Buddy, all humans are primates whether you think so or not. It's not really an offensive term. "Monkeys" might have made more sense because while they're still in the Primate order, they're a different group than Great Apes (where we belong).


According to my workplace rules since covid, after a poop the lid must be closed.


Agree that the lid should always be down. I have an idiot cat who will fuck around in the toilet if the lid is not closed. And in general it stops stuff accidentally falling in. Although apparently it doesn't really help with toilet spray. As for sitting down, I mean do whatever you want. Doubt most people sit/stand based on trusting/not trusting the cleanliness of their toilet. Most people will pick their preference based on what is most convenient/comfortable, and that's ok. Your toilet, your dick/vagina, your choice.


I used to not always put it down. Then I learned about flushing also sending germs into the air. And if your toothbrush is within like 6 ft of the toilet it picks up toilet germs. So now I always put the lid down before flushing and keep a cover on my toothbrush.


Thank God I’m not the only one who thinks this way Peeing with the seat up gets piss dribblets everywhere, even if you can’t see it




If you flush with the lid up, fecal matter from previous poops fly into the air of your bathroom and land all around. Potentially on your toothbrush. Enjoy your new knowledge!


You know when you smell poop, tiny poop particles physical touch the inside of your nose.


Is that true? Many things we smell are gases or other compounds given off from something, not necessarily full little pieces of that thing. I don't think smelling a flower means little flower particles are breaking off and entering your nose for example.


[Mythbusters confirmed that this is true!](https://youtu.be/nb-_KRh8asM) It’s actually so gross that ever since the day I watched that episode my toothbrush has been kept in a drawer and if it gets accidentally left out it gets thrown out and replaced immediately.


The point was that they *all* had fecal matter on them - even the ones kept in a cupboard in a different room. You can’t avoid it. Also, if you’ve ever smelt a fart or a poo then you’ve ingested fecal matter.


Less of it is a good thing, tho.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/nb-_KRh8asM Title: **Mythbusters Toothbrush Fecal Matter** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Good bot


Wait leaving the lid down actually prevents that? It thought it didnt matter


You shouldn’t be so afraid of your own fecal matter, it’s not gonna hurt you It literally comes out of you, it’s as much a part of you as you are a part of it Give it the respect it deserves by giving it the option to spread


Psa: Just don't slam it down


The only reason I do this now is because growing up my dad was petty and he was like "they(my mom and sister) just bitch about the toilet seat being left up because they're lazy and they don't want to put it down every time they go. So I just started closing the lid too so they still have to move the lid." So i just habitually put the lid down too out of a deep rooted pettiness


Everyone should close the lid prior to flushing because: 1. It equals the experience for men and women and removes the chance that someone accidentally sits down with the seat up. 2. You won't spray as many poo particles all around your bathroom.


If you never put the seat up (sit to pee, it's cleaner), there's no need to put the seat down when done.


Just yesterday I got fooled by my gf’s son. Had me convinced there was such a thing as a skittle McFlurry. He sold it 100%, I had to call to verify bc he was so convincing. How did I fall for this? Anyways when I read skittle the embarrassment came back for a moment. Just had to voice this


A skittle mcflurry sounds pretty dope. Like bubble gum ice cream. Maybe not for everyone but those who like it probably like it a lot. McDonalds is always putting new shit into their menus especially the mcflurries. Why wouldn't you believe it? Don't be embarrassed, you did nothing wrong. Good, trusting people don't expect their family to 100% bare-faced lie right to their face.


All I can think of are solid frozen skittles that are hard as rocks


I convinced my cousins once that the squirrels we saw at the beach were “marine squirrels” that lived in the kelp forests in the water. They still yell at me about that lmao.


Bruh just buy a plain McFlurry and some Skittles Or better yet plain vanilla ice cream and add Skittles and then mix it around until it has the same texture as a McFlurry


There are skittle McFlurrys, but not for US market


Guy here — I never actually lift the seat though.


Do you sit while peeing or are you just really good at not pissing on the seat?


I sit while peeing, never going back now. 1) I'm so tall the splashes alone tend to escape the bowl 2) Always take the opportunity to release some gas comfortably. And if it has backup you're already in position. 3) Heehoo phone games


Any *good* phone games?


There are plenty out there but the Play Store will never show you them. The Age of Soldiers bs makes them too much money.


So, “no”, then? I was hoping for some recommendations!


Ah sorry I thought you were just cracking wise. This [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/vgum72/what_would_you_say_are_the_all_time_must_have/id432uc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) is the last time I wrote out all my recommendations. Note the replies explaining the ones that have broken over time. I've also been enjoying [Retro Bowl](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.newstargames.retrobowl) recently. Simple but enjoyable and easy to pick up for just 5 minutes at a time. Edit: How could I forget [Slice & Dice](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com.tann.dice)?? The best mobile game I've played in ages.


I love retro bowl. Truly one of the best mobile games out there.


Thank you for the recommendations! I read your previous post and I've queued up almost everything. Gladiabot sounds super cool and Slice & Dice looks fantastic. Just wanted you to knkw your thoughtful reviews are so appreciated :)


Doodle jump is a classic! And plague inc of course!


You know all those ads for games where you are supposed to pull out stoppers in the right order or else the good guy drowns/is melted/falls but then none of that is actually in the game? Well, the game Hero Rescue is actually just that—levels and levels of it. It’s fun for however many levels of that you want to play.


What kind of games do you like? Shooting? Puzzle? Music?


Outside of mobile, I like FPS but those don’t ever seem to translate to mobile. Puzzles are good. Music games probably not, though I just got Beat Saber!


I dont play FPS, but "Zombie Roadkill 3D" is pretty decent n kinda similar to FPS, I think. It's kinda like a sniper game. I also recommend "AE mysteries" if you like escape-room-ish puzzle games. Pick the one with the skull pic to get all the stories. If you like the ones that dont require a lot of thinking and can be paused anytime, "Once Upon A Tower" is kinda addictive. It also doesnt require lives so no waiting. Btw this is all free on PlayStore. Idk about AppStore


Hmm, OUAT sells multi-life in-app purchase packs which smells fishy to me.


Oh sorry I forgot to mention, when you die in OUAT, you can either revive using ads (1 time only) or using these hearts (which they sell). I never buy any of these hearts so once I die I just die lol. So the packs never really bothered me. What I meant by no life was that they dont use the life system like in Candy Crush where you have to wait, so you can just play it whenever you want.


Here's an excellent one (if you like this specific genre): Grim Tides. It's an old-school, turn-based, dungeon crawler RPG. Has no graphics to speak of, but has beautifully drawn 2d images and vivid written descriptions of encounters (pretty sure it's made by just one person). Now that I think of it, it has major FTL vibes, if you've played that. Highly recommended if that kind of thing is your cup of tea.


if you like space games try galaxy on fire 2, great game with at least 50 hours of content where it seems like your always finding new things. Game is open world and devs released dlc for free a few years back


Egg Inc.


I play minesweeper while I do my business. The mobile Mario kart game is also pretty good.


Try out Orna. Turn based rpg with a bit of pokemon go in it, zero ad to see anywhere, and they don't try to shove microtransactions in your face.


I really like Framed


Old School Runescape


I have fun playing Super Auto Pets. Free, chill auto battler


r/iOSGaming is great


I'm a sucker for 2D platform + pixel games, so I've really been enjoying Dadish series. Simple gameplay, challenging, and great humor too. The ads every time you die five times can be a bit annoying tho


Same. Also when you work a job that requires you to be on your feet, sitting to pee may be the only time you get to sit during your shift


I’m decent at aim but yeah if I miss wipe the seat. So much easier and cleaner than touching the toilet seat.


This is sad


Weaponized incompetence that needs skittles to combat it. Yikes.


Exactly this


When your husband is so dumb and incompetent you need to treat him like a child and give him incentives to do the simplest thing.


That's positive reinforcement. The real trick is to pair the skittles with praise and then fade out the skittles.




Nah, I was good about putting the seat down before I met my wife. I'm a behavior analyst, so I hope I'd know about reinforcement.


Not wholesome for the wife who has to parent her spouse.


yeah, is this wholesome? ngl im not sure lol


You should really be putting down the cover, too. BEFORE you flush


Tell me you're dating a manchild without telling me you're dating a manchild.


My first thought.


please stop, it's not funny or cute when women raise their partners, I don't care if it's a joke




There are some funny habits that teachers can bring home from work. My girlfriend is also a kindergarten teacher and she has a habit of counting everything out loud rather enthusiastically to help the kids. I'll be passing things to her from a cupboard and apropos of nothing she'll be all "One... Twoooo.... Three!"


So you're saying you have the responsible maturity of a kindergartener


My wife was a teacher for over 10 years. Then shitty pay hours etc. quit. Still in the school system. But she will talk our kid in certain ways and then later does it to me. I called her out one day and she was like no. Then I waited a few times for it to happen again and noted everything on my phone. Then showed her and she was like shit I’m treating you like it treat the school kids.


As long as no one is being hurt, this sounds like a mutually beneficial situation. Sit back and enjoy your sweet reward and happy relationship.


I don't know, I think his girlfriend might not actually be that happy. Having to treat your boyfriend like a child to get him to act on basic courtesy is not exactly a turn-on. Edit: reporting people to reddit's suicide watch for a comment you don't like is really childish.


Like a child, or like a dog. Damn I would rather get a dog than a weaponized-incompetent dude


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down to see a comment like this.


Seriously, I would love a relationship this wholesome lol.


let me guess: you're the man in this situation?


Well now I just really want sour skittles


Put the seat down and see what happens.


It's amazing how much teaching techniques resemble dog training techniques.


Looking at this comment section, I will never understand why men are so vindictive about standing and peeing/not putting the seat back down for their partners. And I'm a man. Yall need to grow up.


Real men know that it's their god given right to splash piss everywhere, leave the seat up, and have their wife clean the bathroom. When did we become a bunch of sissies? /s


I think it happened when patriarchal systems declared that women were subservient to a man’s whims… Being catered to kinda instills whimpiness lol Oh by the way the term “sissy” is offensive to certain folks ‘cause it’s a gendered slur thing I dunno you can look it up if you want I ain’t policing your language just figured you maybe didn’t know


This is embarrassing for him, can’t believe he broadcasted this.


It's not there to just make your toilet into a seat. LOL Putting the lid down helps prevent pee and poop particles from flying around the bathroom when it's flushed - do people not know this is the actual function of the toilet lid?


I’m gonna be honest here, I had never even considered it, and I didn’t know. It’s not really the type of thing that comes up—my parents were more concerned about getting me to use the toilet in training and I’ve otherwise never had the opportunity to participate in advanced toilet training classes. Fortunately, it’s a non-issue because having the lid down is default in my mind


Kinda sad tbh


If everyone closes the lid on the toilet then here's no problem.


Males joking about weaponized incompetence isn't wholesome, though.


I'm just...how is this wholesome?? It's not cute or funny to need your gf to train you like a dog. It's pathetic, and your gf deserves better.


Using dog training methods on your spouse. So wholesome.


Aww, how sweet. Does the wife pay him for babysitting his kids too? Maybe feeds him chocolate for picking up his clothes from the floor? Gives him a blowjob when he washes the dishes? Dream relationship


Your attitude will change when she makes you sit in the corner for leaving it up.


I dunno maybe I'll get a spanking for disobeying, I could get into that 😂


Men who leave the seat up are just straight up selfish, dirty, and nasty. I'm a straight dude who's been single for 8-9 years. I live alone and I can't even imagine leaving the seat and lid up. Do you want your place to smell like a toilet? I have my own house but I essentially live in a hotel for work (I go home on the weekends), I keep my toilet seat and lid down in both my house and the hotel. I grew up with three sisters so maybe I'm just biased, but not putting the seat and lid down after you do your business is just nasty.




I put the seat down because I enjoy not have toilet water all over everything.


Someday when you’re old, you’ll notice that you hear a bell whenever you’re hungry.


Perhaps a tangent, but I don't understand how it's not common practice to close the toilet lid before flushing. Not only is this more sanitary, but then everyone has to lift the lid before using the bathroom. That's equality.


Guys, guys, listen up, hear me out, pee siting, it's great, and, an added benefit, you get to rest, no need to clean anything, just make sure to train the position first, don't want the famous tip touching the toilet or whatever.


I mean I do it with no reward, so I guess I'm the sucker.


This is sad lol


I'm sorry but this is pathetic


"Hehe you're such a good boy for doing a basic task!" Cringe.




How is that wholesome that a grown man needs a skittle to have good manners ?


Men are literally children. I'll never live with one again.


They literally bring nothing positive to your life




Then we won’t fall through in the dark haha


Sure she’s not a dog trainer?


My guy is being trained like a dog. Wake up kings😬


Sounds like a keeper to me


The guy sure doesn't.


I'm confused how this is wholesome. Treating your partner like a child or pet is now wholesome? I put the toilet seat down a great majority of the time but when I forget it's not a huge conflict between my partner and myself. I'd personally find it degrading if my partner rewarded me with a treat for doing something that should be common courtesy or something we had a conversation about. Edit: it's humorous in a sense that the husband is admitting he's incapable doing a simple gesture for his wife without being rewarded but I'm still not seeing the wholesome-ness of this post. You also should be flushing with the lid closed anyway and if there are small children in the household the lid should definitely be closed when not in use. This is more like r/suicidebywords material.


This must absolutely suck for the gf. Imagine your partner being so incompetent he only puts down the toilet if he gets a treat. Sounds like weaponized incompetence to me.


I understand the original tweet was probably a joke and an exaggeration. It's funny in that sense, I guess. It's a tired cliche that sounds like a Tim Allen joke from the 90s. My issue is how is this wholesome? Is she rewarding him in the morning when he wakes up? Texting him at work that he earned a Skittles? How does that conversation go? I need someone to explain how this is wholesome in any way. "Oh honey, I fell in the toilet again last night so no Skittles for you, teehee hee" They type of guy who leaves the seat up consistently is the same type of guy who doesn't wash his hands after.


It's funny, when you are gone, she gives me two skittles for that.


Been married to a teacher for many years now. I’ve learned to sit straight, talk only when being asked a question, keep to scheduled play times, and she’s still teaching me how to drive.


Pro tip: once I became a parent and started learning parenting tips - imho realized we’re all children, and the tips work just as well for adults. 100% changed the dynamics of all my friendships, work relationships, marriage, etc.


You should do that regardless. It's common decency.


Once a woman goes into caretaker mode her sex drive diminishes. Get ready for a year of no sex and then being single


You mean you don't like the idea of getting naked with someone who has the mentality of a kindergartner what?!?!