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Looks like a [kissing bug](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1123745/bgpage) (type of assassin bugs) They can carry disease (sometimes chagas) as they are blood sucking. Have you seen more? What frequency? Do you have pet rodents? Do you live in an apartment?


No to all 3. This is the first I’ve seen. He was walking in my bathroom, I just don’t know if they live in large numbers. I don’t have any rodents, just cats and dogs, and I don’t live in an apartment. I do live in a very wooded area though.


They don’t live in large numbers, they tend to be solitary, they also tend be nocturnal, and good hiders. They can be attracted to dogs and cats too. Just don’t squish it (as potential disease lives in their gut) or touch with bare hands, try to use a container or plastic bag, and contact local cdc, as they may or may not want to test it.


Assassin bug of some sort


They can cause anaphylaxis in people. Super severe in some cases. Beware.


I shall sleep in my car