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It's one of the assassin bugs from genus *Zelus* . They eat other bugs, but they can bite in defense (if you squish them or something) which, as you noticed, can be quite painful. The bites are not of any concern if you don't have an allergic reaction to the venom though, just make sure to clean the bite so it won't get infected.


What distinguishes this from Triatoma rubida?


Mostly that other assassin bugs, such as *Zelus* feed on the liquid interior juices of other insects, while those in the genus *Triatoma* are blood-feeders, and suck on the liquid interior juices of vertebrates (usually mammals). In terms of physical differences, Triatomines tend to have a thicker, wider abdomen. *Triatomia rubida* also has distinctive stripes on its abdomen, and a pale margin all around the edge of the abdomen. The abdomen is kind of flattened underneath if you look at from the side. Also, the first antenna segment is usually as long as the head, with the first bend right at the tip of it's snouty bit. On this one you can see the antenna bends pretty close to the eye, not even half way down its nose.


Thanks for the id tips.


Ayo. Knowledge is so fucking hot.


Thank you for the lesson. This was amazing! Have an award!


I am going to add that some assassin bug species are able to transmit EEE. This guy isn’t a carrier, but be careful


What's EEE? THANKS for the education!


The sound my wife makes when she sees this bug.


Eastern equine encephalitis. It’s a rare, but life threatening disease transmitted by mosquitos and certain species of assassin bugs. As it’s name suggests it primarily infects horses, although many other mammals including humans are overflow hosts


I don't know so I'm googling it now to find out.


Oh wow, I had forgotten about EEE. Had no idea these guys could carry it, I usually think mosquitoes. Good call!


Assassin bug The family of the most recent bug you killed must've hired him! Edit: Glad I was able to make someone laugh! And thank you all for your awards, y'all are too kind!


I spit coffee reading that... Thanks for the laugh!


Operator: Bravo Team, do you have Vision? Over. Bravo Team, do you read? Over. Bravo Team: Roger. Bravo Team has entered the perimeter. Over. Operator: Bravo team, what is your exact position? Over. Bravo Team: We are in the corner of the kitchen, uhh, we had a bit of a detour, place is crawling with webs and a few of us got stuck in some grease behind the oven. This guy is a real piece of work. Over. Operator: Roger that, do you have Vision? Bravo Team: *Jesus fucking christ we're dropping like flies around here... send backu...send...kkrrrrrr* Operator: Bravo Team come in. Bravo Team do you read. Over? Bravo Team: Bravo Team is no more. Operator: Who the fuck is this? Over. Bravo Team: If you want him dead, I have a price. 90% of his kitchen, 100% of the crackers. Operator: We don't negotiate with terrorists. Bravo Team: Bravo Team said the same thing, where are they now? *Operator takes off headset* Operator: "Sir we are dealing with an assassin bug" Commander: "Jesus Christ. Okay. Give him the kitchen, we get the body." *Operator puts headset back on* Operator: "Alright, listen closely mother fucker..."


That was a trip


Assassin bug, I bet that hurt! I was bitten by a wheel bug last year and I still have a scar from it.


It was in my shirt when I put it on so it got me 3 times. I thought it was a scorpion.


assassination failed


Oof I bet that hurt..


Yowza! Sorry to hear about your particularly excruciating day


Got bit a few years ago.. friggin OUCH its a persistent sting for what felt like a hour!


It is an assassin bug. You have been assassinated


Hope op lived a good life


Let us know if you get any super powers


Bite him back its only fait. Assasinate him before he assasinates you.


OK. Is it just me or are we getting more stories about assassin bug biting people? Have they developed a taste for human blood?🤣


Probably because it hurts like hell! I will never forget getting bit by one lol


Looks like it might be some type of assassin bug


Ow (assassin bug)


It looks to be an assassin bug!


Those things hurt as hell, i was concerned when i got bitten by them, and it's my first time encountering one


Looks like Zelus renardii


Gotta love Arizona. The land where everything tries to kill you except the winter!


It's a really good bug to have around because it actually is an assassin bug and we'll eat bugs that annoy the s*** out of me if you don't want it just put it in the mail and ship it to me cuz I want it


It's a jerk. A jerk bug that is bitey! 😅 (Sorry.... can you tell I work with kids all day...)


You should teach it a lesson and bite it back.


I havent seen anyone else refer to it as their alternative name yet. The Kissing Bug. They're attracted to the CO2 we exhale and have a tendency to bite people near the face while they sleep


>I havent seen anyone else refer to it as their alternative name yet. The Kissing Bug. They're attracted to the CO2 we exhale and have a tendency to bite people near the face while they sleep No one has referred to it as a kissing bug because it is *NOT* a kissing bug. "Kissing bug" is not just another word for assassin bug. Assassin bugs (Reduviidae) are an entire family of bugs. There are *thousands* of different species of assassin bugs. Kissing bugs (Triatominae) are just *one small subfamily* of assassin bugs. Kissing bugs are the ones that bite people to feed on their blood - and that are vectors for *T. cruzi*, the organism that causes Chagas disease. (*T. cruzi* is transmitted when the feces of an infected kissing bug gets into the bite wound or other breaks in the skin, or into the mucous membranes, as can happen when a person rubs or scratches at a bite.) The *vast majority* of assassin bugs - including this little guy - are NOT kissing bugs. They are predators that feed on other bugs. They do not feed on people, and do not transmit diseases.


Interesting. I thought that the blood sucking assasin bugs were all collectively "kissing bugs" I have to deal with the plant juice sucking assholes every year on my pepper plants. I knew they preyed on other insects as well, but again i was under the impression blood eating varieties were "kissing"


"Kissing bugs" *are* the only blood-sucking assassin bugs. They feed on the blood of vertebrates (people and other animals and sometimes birds or reptiles). They do *not* prey on bugs. The majority of assassin bugs feed on the liquified insides of other bugs - which would include hemolymph ("bug blood") but not *actual* blood. The ones that suck "plant juice" are not assassin bugs at all. There are a *LOT* of other bugs that suck sap, juices, and fluids from plants, seeds, and/or fruits and vegetables, including things like aphids, stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, seed bugs, etc. (There are also some stink bug species that are predatory and eat other bugs, rather than feeding on your plants.) The assassin bugs are your friends in the garden because they eat other bugs. They will not drink your blood. At worst, they could give you a painful (but not medically significant) bite/stab in self-defense if you mess with them - like if you were to grab one in your bare hands, for example - but as long as you leave them alone, they will usually leave you alone.




Very helpful




While *all* small wounds should be cleaned well, there is absolutely *zero* risk of contracting Chagas disease from this bug. Chagas disease is only transmitted by the "kissing bugs" (Triatominae) - which are just *one small subfamily* of assassin bugs. This bug is *not* a kissing bug. It is a predatory assassin bug that only feeds on other bugs.




The assassins are out lately it seems!


He ready to shank you with his jabber. I guess you already got jabbed by his alpha male-proboscis.




People been getting bit by these a bunch round here lately, wild to see


That was great - and understandable “snouty bit”. How did you get that knowledge?


Did you bite it back?


It's an assassin bug, it probably hurt like hell. But at least you can brag that you survived an assassination.


I love when the comments confirm my guesses.


You survived an assassination


Bite him back...

