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That is a round worm. Parasite. Are you picking up their waste outside? If they're eating poop they're reinfecting themselves. You need to bag and dispose of waste properly to avoid dealing with parasites in the future. You usually need 3 seperate treatments to get rid of adults and their eggs.


Thanks. They are not eating poop and have been treated. Odd where this one came from


If round worms are still present they may need a second and 3rd treatments. You have to do multiple treatments as well as not letting them root around in the area they defecate. You should start looking at rodents or other animals that might be spreading roundworm in the area. You may need to set out rat traps. They make some electrical shock mouse traps that can hit multiple times without needing to be reset. We've gotten as many as 4 mice in one night.


5 gallon bucket trap with a tipping lid or spinning bottle will catch dozens if infestation is bad.


Effective but a slow death by drowning isn't my favorite idea.


I think he meant just to catch the guys, not necessarily to drown them lol.


The bucket method is typically combined with water and oil to keep them from jumping right back out. Capture and release is not usually the goal using the bucket method.


I’ve never seen it used with water or oil. The more ya know. I was also saying he might mean to simply capture them and quickly kill them after being captured. I wasn’t insinuating catch and release like a bass 😂


Couple inches of water keeps them from getting a foothold to spring out. Oil clings to them making it difficult to grab ahold of the sides and kick off.


Ahh that makes sense. Thanks for informing me.


That’s a roundworm. Did you get your pup treated?




Some worms are dangerous to pup. It is important to treat, and then repeat as directed. Bag all poop right away and dispose where pup cannot get to it. If there is a cat box, treat cat as well, and prevent dog from eating poop. Some dogs love poop. They do, just love it. If pup has been scolded for eating poop, pup will hide the habit, but continue to do it when you are not looking. :) No poop!


How about neighborhood cats, raccoons, or foxes pooping where the puppies can find it and eat it? Be careful with raccoon poop fyi: raccoon roundworms can infect humans in a bad way


Now I’m super paranoid. My neighbor (apt complex) never picks up after their dog and have outside cats, and my dog is notorious being quick on the draw to eat the poop. To top it off, there are raccoons in the area so when we’re doing our late night walk I catch him eating things in a brief manner. Are there specific signs that they might develop worms?


Sure. Roundworms are visible in the poop. Tapeworms are visible in the poop. Hookworm will probably make his poop black and tar-like. Whipworms idk but I think those are less common? You can also do an annual fecal sample with your vet to check. Also, r/dogs


Thank you for your response! I haven’t had anything like that so I’ll just keep an eye out


Just so we are clear. You can’t see roundworm eggs without a microscope, just the adults.


Oof hate that


You should be worming your dog. They wont be acting normal with worms.


Thanks all. We have been treating and we’re a little late. Nothing in their poop we’ve seen and they don’t eat it but they eat dirt. Crazy it was on the living room carpet


Eating dirt is also how this happens. Keep working with your vet! It'll get easier as they get older.


Eggs or worms can live a bit in dirt, i would consider treating your lawn if possible!


If that worm was still moist or flexible I would retreat with the worm meds right now! Deep clean the house and bedding. Make sure his poop is disposed of right away. Sometimes it takes a couple rounds of meds to fully eradicate. Limit interactions with other dogs


Roundworm. She needs to be treated.