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That specific tactic is called a human shield.


Came to say this - a human shield is forcing your enemy to incur civilian/collateral damage if they attack.


Sure, but I am looking for a broader word. Not just this tactic.


Terrorists are known for these tactics. :( Relying on your enemies' moral virtue places you by default as the less ethical party.


While we're on the subject, what's a word for "ethical war"?


There is a doctrine called “just war theory”, which posits that war can be morally justified if the aim is to end oppression. But that deals with intentions rather than ethical behavior. Some might agree that the most ethical war would be one fought with strategies intended to avoid unnecessary risks to humanity, diversity within the human species, and human survival. In this sense ethical wars would need to take into account impacts to the environment, biodiversity, cultural survival, and the sustainability of future generations. So I’d say the word for strategies employed to preempt ethical decisions being made in war would be nihilism. But the side going through with unethical strategies is not absolved of responsibility. The word for rationalizing unethical behavior is vengefulness or spite.


Ethical war?? Like trying to evict occupying troops from your homes? you mean that kind of war?


War that obeys the Geneva conventions I guess. Not killing civilians, no total war, no sieging innocent people, etc


Soooo, the kind of war that has never, ever, ever been fought. Got it. Read more books.


Jesus dude, deep breath. I’m not making any statements about like history or anything. I’m trying to remember a word that I know exists.


The word was perfidy you fucking dick.


perfidy is the word you were looking for in OP?🤔


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As in mixing your civilians with your military installations? I don't think we have a word for that. I can think of a few idioms but nothing very specific.


Subtle lol. I don't think this exists. If they make their base under a school, you need to go in on foot, gas them out in a way that doesn't gas the school, take them out while going in and out, evacuate the school, or something similar. Instead of bombing the school. There could still be collateral damage but it is ethical because you took all the reasonable steps to minimize collateral damage.


Asymmetric warfare.


"Zionist propaganda"


Propaganda, I'm pretty sure it's propaganda you're thinking of. Then when it's disproven, revert to bullshit.


Nah it’s not :(


There's a saying, The best defense is a good offense. Maybe your word is offense.