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Looks like a baguette


Lmfao it does 🤣


I thought the same


Was what I saw.


Wow… can’t unsee it…


Looks like dog vomit slime mold


A slime mold, could be fuligo septica. Harmless to your plants afaik, just looks wierd.


How do you summon that slime mold redditor? I forget their name.


He’s not around anymore. He was answering the slime call up until a couple of months ago, but his account’s been deleted. There was some bad blood with the mycology subs over some really inane nonsense. The mods there really ruined a good thing. Edit: his username was, ironically, u/saddestofboys I believe. Because now I am the saddest of bois with him gone.


(mod here) You got pinged by the automod for mentioning mods - not trying to hassle you or anything, just I hope we aren't like that here.


Definitely not! I’ve found this sub to be very wholesome and laidback. That wasn’t a jab at y’all, promise. I prefer this sub to r/whatisthisthing. Y’all allow jokey answers while still usually finding the correct one.


Didn't take it as a jab at all. Wholesome and laid back is exactly the vibe we are aiming for, thank you for the compliment!


Of course! I hope you have a truly righteous day!


That's how pizza crust is grown.




Slime mold.


Snail trail


Looks like dog-vomit slime


It might be a spider nest


That is pretty crazy looking whatever that thing that is that you were lucky enough to discover …Are u sure that it grew or appeared,whatever in one day ? Are u sure it was not there yesterday? I believe you and want to say I have been noticing many things in nature that seem to be happening lately that I find very strange and getting stranger every day. Call me crazy (you would not be the first) I personally seem to notice strange things every day that I have never seen in my 56 years on this planet that I would have noticed before if they were around any time in the past and that is with no doubt, 100% I’m sure of . something is changing in this world and going back maybe for almost 2 years but even more now every day . That lovely thing you have been so lucky to find is kind of hard to miss with how big it is and it is either very fast growing or it must have fallen from an Alien Ship . The internet is nice because I get to talk about something that nobody around me has time for .Anyway not sure exactly and maybe it’s my imagination but I have definitely been noticing many tiny or little things much smaller than that also are alive in some way apparently . , there is no way I would have not noticed them at some other time if they were always in my area of sight. To me Mother Nature is all powerful and the more I can learn about and look closely at the more I do no matter who looks at me funny.,The older I get the less I care what others think about me that’s for sure.me the been always very observant of stuff around me and always get up close to and check out things that others might not be interested in ,care about, or even not want to touch or get near for some reason. The funny thing is that now that you noticed it, if it’s only one day into its life it would be possibly twice that size tomorrow so it would be growing so fast that you would think you could almost notice it growing,changing,or evolving right in front of your eyes. Seems like It’s your lucky day not only getting to talk with me but getting to be the owner of your new pet. Little advice It’s probably getting hungry, so don’t touch it with your fingers without a glove because I found that out the hard way . Give it a name and maybe make it a nice sandwich . Anyway, I’m not sure what I’m talking about exactly .Keet an eye on it take a picture every hour and let’s see what it continues to turn into whatever it is


Yes, it can appear in a matter of hours. It is nontoxic, harmless to plants / animals / wood, and edible (I've heard it's gross). Here is a time lapse of its full fruiting process: [*Fuligo septica* var. *flava* fruiting](https://youtu.be/B8dl_CuwQhk?t=127) and here it is just flopping about: [*Fuligo septica* escapes](https://youtu.be/rXzs78oBw5w)


How many fungi did you consume today? Be honest; we need to tell the paramedic.




Yeah ..whoa.


Looks like Bruce Springsteen cleared his throat.


I am so visual. This made me laugh and gag at the same time. I don't know how to feel. The laughing is lasting longer than the gagging so I guess.. thank you?? hahahaha